<?php require_once("include/datetime.php"); function ping_init(&$a) { if(! local_user()) xml_status(0); $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `item` WHERE `unseen` = 1 AND `visible` = 1 AND `deleted` = 0 AND `uid` = %d AND `wall` = 0 ", intval(local_user()) ); $network = $r[0]['total']; $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `item` WHERE `unseen` = 1 AND `visible` = 1 AND `deleted` = 0 AND `uid` = %d AND `wall` = 1 ", intval(local_user()) ); $home = $r[0]['total']; $intros = q("SELECT COUNT(`intro`.`id`) AS `total`, `intro`.`id`, `intro`.`datetime`, `fcontact`.`name`, `fcontact`.`url`, `fcontact`.`photo` FROM `intro` LEFT JOIN `fcontact` ON `intro`.`fid` = `fcontact`.`id` WHERE `intro`.`uid` = %d AND `intro`.`blocked` = 0 AND `intro`.`ignore` = 0 ", intval(local_user()) ); $intro = $intros[0]['total']; $myurl = $a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $a->user['nickname'] ; $mails = q("SELECT *, COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `mail` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `seen` = 0 AND `from-url` != '%s' ", intval(local_user()), dbesc($myurl) ); $mail = $mails[0]['total']; if ($a->config['register_policy'] == REGISTER_APPROVE && is_site_admin()){ $regs = q("SELECT `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`micro`, `register`.`created`, COUNT(*) as `total` FROM `contact` RIGHT JOIN `register` ON `register`.`uid`=`contact`.`uid` WHERE `contact`.`self`=1"); $register = $regs[0]['total']; } else { $register = "0"; } $notsxml = '<note href="%s" name="%s" url="%s" photo="%s" date="%s">%s</note>'; header("Content-type: text/xml"); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?> <result> <intro>$intro</intro> <mail>$mail</mail> <net>$network</net> <home>$home</home>"; if ($register!=0) echo "<register>$register</register>"; echo ' <notif count="'.($mail+$intro+$register).'">'; if ($intro>0){ foreach ($intros as $i) { echo sprintf ( $notsxml, $a->get_baseurl().'/notification/'.$i['id'], $i['name'], $i['url'], $i['photo'], relative_date($i['datetime']), t("{0} wants to be your friend") ); }; } if ($mail>0){ foreach ($mails as $i) { echo sprintf ( $notsxml, $a->get_baseurl().'/message/'.$i['id'], $i['from-name'], $i['from-url'], $i['from-photo'], relative_date($i['created']), t("{0} sent you a message") ); }; } if ($register>0){ foreach ($regs as $i) { echo sprintf ( $notsxml, $a->get_baseurl().'/admin/users/', $i['name'], $i['url'], $i['micro'], relative_date($i['created']), t("{0} requested registration") ); }; } echo " </notif> </result> "; killme(); }