argc > 1) { $nick = $a->argv[1]; $r = q("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `nickname` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($nick) ); if(! count($r)) return; $a->data['user'] = $r[0]; $albums = q("SELECT distinct(`album`) AS `album` FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d", intval($a->data['user']['uid']) ); if(count($albums)) { $a->data['albums'] = $albums; $o .= '

' . $a->data['user']['username'] . '

'; $o .= '

' . '' . t('Photo Albums') . '

'; $o .= ''; } $a->page['aside'] .= $o; } return; } function photos_post(&$a) { if(! local_user()) { notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL ); killme(); } $r = q("SELECT `contact`.*, `user`.`nickname` FROM `contact` LEFT JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `contact`.`uid` WHERE `user`.`uid` = %d AND `self` = 1 LIMIT 1", intval(local_user()) ); if(! count($r)) { notice( t('Contact information unavailable') . EOL); logger('photos_post: unable to locate contact record for logged in user. uid=' . local_user()); killme(); } $contact_record = $r[0]; if(($a->argc > 2) && ($a->argv[1] === 'album')) { $album = hex2bin($a->argv[2]); if($album == t('Profile Photos') || $album == t('Contact Photos')) { goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/' . $_SESSION['photo_return']); return; // NOTREACHED } $r = q("SELECT count(*) FROM `photo` WHERE `album` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d", dbesc($album), intval(local_user()) ); if(! count($r)) { notice( t('Album not found.') . EOL); goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/' . $_SESSION['photo_return']); return; // NOTREACHED } $newalbum = notags(trim($_POST['albumname'])); if($newalbum != $album) { q("UPDATE `photo` SET `album` = '%s' WHERE `album` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d", dbesc($newalbum), dbesc($album), intval(local_user()) ); $newurl = str_replace(bin2hex($album),bin2hex($newalbum),$_SESSION['photo_return']); goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/' . $newurl); return; // NOTREACHED } if($_POST['dropalbum'] == t('Delete Album')) { $res = array(); $r = q("SELECT distinct(`resource-id`) as `rid` FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `album` = '%s'", intval(local_user()), dbesc($album) ); if(count($r)) { foreach($r as $rr) { $res[] = "'" . dbesc($rr['rid']) . "'" ; } } else { goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/' . $_SESSION['photo_return']); return; // NOTREACHED } $str_res = implode(',', $res); q("DELETE FROM `photo` WHERE `resource-id` IN ( $str_res ) AND `uid` = %d", intval(local_user()) ); $r = q("SELECT `parent-uri` FROM `item` WHERE `resource-id` IN ( $str_res ) AND `uid` = %d", intval(local_user()) ); if(count($r)) { foreach($r as $rr) { q("UPDATE `item` SET `deleted` = 1, `changed` = '%s' WHERE `parent-uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($rr['parent-uri']), intval(local_user()) ); $drop_id = intval($rr['id']); $php_path = ((strlen($a->config['php_path'])) ? $a->config['php_path'] : 'php'); $proc_debug = get_config('system','proc_debug'); // send the notification upstream/downstream as the case may be if($rr['visible']) proc_close(proc_open("\"$php_path\" \"include/notifier.php\" \"drop\" \"$drop_id\" $proc_debug & ", array(),$foo)); } } } goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/photos/' . $a->data['user']['nickname']); return; // NOTREACHED } if(($a->argc > 1) && (x($_POST,'delete')) && ($_POST['delete'] == t('Delete Photo'))) { $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `resource-id` = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval(local_user()), dbesc($a->argv[1]) ); if(count($r)) { q("DELETE FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `resource-id` = '%s'", intval(local_user()), dbesc($r[0]['resource-id']) ); $i = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `resource-id` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($r[0]['resource-id']), intval(local_user()) ); if(count($i)) { q("UPDATE `item` SET `deleted` = 1, `edited` = '%s', `changed` = '%s' WHERE `parent-uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($i[0]['uri']), intval(local_user()) ); $url = $a->get_baseurl(); $drop_id = intval($i[0]['id']); $php_path = ((strlen($a->config['php_path'])) ? $a->config['php_path'] : 'php'); $proc_debug = get_config('system','proc_debug'); // send the notification upstream/downstream as the case may be if($i[0]['visible']) proc_close(proc_open("\"$php_path\" \"include/notifier.php\" \"drop\" \"$drop_id\" $proc_debug & ", array(),$foo)); } } goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/' . $_SESSION['photo_return']); return; // NOTREACHED } if(($a->argc > 1) && ((x($_POST,'desc') !== false) || (x($_POST,'newtag') !== false))) { $desc = ((x($_POST,'desc')) ? notags(trim($_POST['desc'])) : ''); $rawtags = ((x($_POST,'newtag')) ? notags(trim($_POST['newtag'])) : ''); $item_id = ((x($_POST,'item_id')) ? intval($_POST['item_id']) : 0); $resource_id = $a->argv[1]; $p = q("SELECT * FROM `photo` WHERE `resource-id` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d ORDER BY `scale` DESC", dbesc($resource_id), intval(local_user()) ); if((count($p)) && ($p[0]['desc'] !== $desc)) { $r = q("UPDATE `photo` SET `desc` = '%s' WHERE `resource-id` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d", dbesc($desc), dbesc($resource_id), intval(local_user()) ); } if(! $item_id) { // Create item container $title = ''; $basename = basename($filename); $uri = item_new_uri($a->get_hostname(),local_user()); $arr = array(); $arr['uid'] = local_user(); $arr['uri'] = $uri; $arr['parent-uri'] = $uri; $arr['type'] = 'photo'; $arr['wall'] = 1; $arr['resource-id'] = $p[0]['resource-id']; $arr['contact-id'] = $contact_record['id']; $arr['owner-name'] = $contact_record['name']; $arr['owner-link'] = $contact_record['url']; $arr['owner-avatar'] = $contact_record['thumb']; $arr['title'] = $title; $arr['allow_cid'] = $p[0]['allow_cid']; $arr['allow_gid'] = $p[0]['allow_gid']; $arr['deny_cid'] = $p[0]['deny_cid']; $arr['deny_gid'] = $p[0]['deny_gid']; $arr['last-child'] = 1; $arr['body'] = '[url=' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/photos/' . $a->data['user']['nickname'] . '/image/' . $p[0]['resource-id'] . ']' . '[img]' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/photo/' . $p[0]['resource-id'] . '-' . $p[0]['scale'] . '.jpg' . '[/img]' . '[/url]'; $item_id = item_store($arr); } if($item_id) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($item_id), intval(local_user()) ); } if(count($r)) { $old_tag = $r[0]['tag']; $old_inform = $r[0]['inform']; } if(strlen($rawtags)) { $str_tags = ''; $inform = ''; // if the new tag doesn't have a namespace specifier (@foo or #foo) give it a hashtag $x = substr($rawtags,0,1); if($x !== '@' && $x !== '#') $rawtags = '#' . $rawtags; $tags = get_tags($rawtags); if(count($tags)) { foreach($tags as $tag) { if(strpos($tag,'@') === 0) { $name = substr($tag,1); if((strpos($name,'@')) || (strpos($name,'http://'))) { $newname = $name; $links = @lrdd($name); if(count($links)) { foreach($links as $link) { if($link['@attributes']['rel'] === '') $profile = $link['@attributes']['href']; if($link['@attributes']['rel'] === 'salmon') { if(strlen($inform)) $inform .= ','; $inform .= 'url:' . str_replace(',','%2c',$link['@attributes']['href']); } } } } else { $newname = $name; if(strstr($name,'_')) { $newname = str_replace('_',' ',$name); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `name` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($newname), intval(local_user()) ); } else { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `nick` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($name), intval(local_user()) ); } if(count($r)) { $profile = $r[0]['url']; if(strlen($inform)) $inform .= ','; $inform .= 'cid:' . $r[0]['id']; } } if($profile) { if(strlen($str_tags)) $str_tags .= ','; $profile = str_replace(',','%2c',$profile); $str_tags .= '@[url=' . $profile . ']' . $newname . '[/url]'; } } } } $newtag = $old_tag; if(strlen($newtag) && strlen($str_tags)) $newtag .= ','; $newtag .= $str_tags; $newinform = $old_inform; if(strlen($newinform) && strlen($inform)) $newinform .= ','; $newinform .= $inform; $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `tag` = '%s', `inform` = '%s', `edited` = '%s', `changed` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($newtag), dbesc($newinform), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($item_id), intval(local_user()) ); } goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/' . $_SESSION['photo_return']); return; // NOTREACHED } if(! x($_FILES,'userfile')) killme(); if($_POST['partitionCount']) $java_upload = true; else $java_upload = false; $album = notags(trim($_POST['album'])); $newalbum = notags(trim($_POST['newalbum'])); if(! strlen($album)) { if(strlen($newalbum)) $album = $newalbum; else $album = datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),'now', 'Y'); } $r = q("SELECT * FROM `photo` WHERE `album` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d", dbesc($album), intval(local_user()) ); if((! count($r)) || ($album == t('Profile Photos'))) $visible = 1; else $visibile = 0; $str_group_allow = perms2str($_POST['group_allow']); $str_contact_allow = perms2str($_POST['contact_allow']); $str_group_deny = perms2str($_POST['group_deny']); $str_contact_deny = perms2str($_POST['contact_deny']); $src = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']; $filename = basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']); $filesize = intval($_FILES['userfile']['size']); $imagedata = @file_get_contents($src); $ph = new Photo($imagedata); if(! $ph->is_valid()) { notice( t('Unable to process image.') . EOL ); @unlink($src); killme(); } @unlink($src); $width = $ph->getWidth(); $height = $ph->getHeight(); $smallest = 0; $photo_hash = photo_new_resource(); $r = $ph->store(local_user(), 0, $photo_hash, $filename, $album, 0 , 0, $str_contact_allow, $str_group_allow, $str_contact_deny, $str_group_deny); if(! $r) { notice( t('Image upload failed.') . EOL ); killme(); } if($width > 640 || $height > 640) { $ph->scaleImage(640); $ph->store(local_user(), 0, $photo_hash, $filename, $album, 1, 0, $str_contact_allow, $str_group_allow, $str_contact_deny, $str_group_deny); $smallest = 1; } if($width > 320 || $height > 320) { $ph->scaleImage(320); $ph->store(local_user(), 0, $photo_hash, $filename, $album, 2, 0, $str_contact_allow, $str_group_allow, $str_contact_deny, $str_group_deny); $smallest = 2; } $basename = basename($filename); $uri = item_new_uri($a->get_hostname(), local_user()); // Create item container $arr = array(); $arr['uid'] = local_user(); $arr['uri'] = $uri; $arr['parent-uri'] = $uri; $arr['type'] = 'photo'; $arr['wall'] = 1; $arr['resource-id'] = $photo_hash; $arr['contact-id'] = $contact_record['id']; $arr['owner-name'] = $contact_record['name']; $arr['owner-link'] = $contact_record['url']; $arr['owner-avatar'] = $contact_record['thumb']; $arr['title'] = $title; $arr['allow_cid'] = $str_contact_allow; $arr['allow_gid'] = $str_group_allow; $arr['deny_cid'] = $str_contact_deny; $arr['deny_gid'] = $str_group_deny; $arr['last-child'] = 1; $arr['visible'] = $visible; $arr['body'] = '[url=' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/photos/' . $contact_record['nickname'] . '/image/' . $photo_hash . ']' . '[img]' . $a->get_baseurl() . "/photo/{$photo_hash}-{$smallest}.jpg" . '[/img]' . '[/url]'; $item_id = item_store($arr); if(! $java_upload) { goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/' . $_SESSION['photo_return']); return; // NOTREACHED } killme(); return; // NOTREACHED } function photos_content(&$a) { // URLs: // photos/name // photos/name/upload // photos/name/album/xxxxx // photos/name/album/xxxxx/edit // photos/name/image/xxxxx // photos/name/image/xxxxx/edit if(! x($a->data,'user')) { notice( t('No photos selected') . EOL ); return; } $_SESSION['photo_return'] = $a->cmd; // // Parse arguments // if($a->argc > 3) { $datatype = $a->argv[2]; $datum = $a->argv[3]; } elseif(($a->argc > 2) && ($a->argv[2] === 'upload')) $datatype = 'upload'; else $datatype = 'summary'; if($a->argc > 4) $cmd = $a->argv[4]; else $cmd = 'view'; // // Setup permissions structures // $owner_uid = $a->data['user']['uid']; $contact = null; $remote_contact = false; if(remote_user()) { $contact_id = $_SESSION['visitor_id']; $groups = init_groups_visitor($contact_id); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($contact_id), intval($owner_uid) ); if(count($r)) { $contact = $r[0]; $remote_contact = true; } } if(! $remote_contact) { if(local_user()) { $contact_id = $_SESSION['cid']; $contact = $a->contact; } } // default permissions - anonymous user $sql_extra = " AND `allow_cid` = '' AND `allow_gid` = '' AND `deny_cid` = '' AND `deny_gid` = '' "; // Profile owner - everything is visible if(local_user() && (local_user() == $owner_uid)) { $sql_extra = ''; } elseif(remote_user()) { // authenticated visitor - here lie dragons $gs = '<<>>'; // should be impossible to match if(count($groups)) { foreach($groups as $g) $gs .= '|<' . intval($g) . '>'; } $sql_extra = sprintf( " AND ( `allow_cid` = '' OR `allow_cid` REGEXP '<%d>' ) AND ( `deny_cid` = '' OR NOT `deny_cid` REGEXP '<%d>' ) AND ( `allow_gid` = '' OR `allow_gid` REGEXP '%s' ) AND ( `deny_gid` = '' OR NOT `deny_gid` REGEXP '%s') ", intval($_SESSION['visitor_id']), intval($_SESSION['visitor_id']), dbesc($gs), dbesc($gs) ); } // // dispatch request // if($datatype === 'upload') { if( ! (local_user() && (local_user() == $a->data['user']['uid']))) { notice( t('Permission denied.')); return; } $albumselect = ''; $tpl = load_view_file('view/photos_upload.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl,array( '$pagename' => t('Upload Photos'), '$sessid' => session_id(), '$newalbum' => t('New album name: '), '$existalbumtext' => t('or existing album name: '), '$filestext' => t('Select files to upload: '), '$albumselect' => $albumselect, '$permissions' => t('Permissions'), '$aclselect' => populate_acl($a->user, $celeb), '$archive' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/jumploader_z.jar', '$nojava' => t('Use the following controls only if the Java uploader [above] fails to launch.'), '$uploadurl' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/photos', '$submit' => t('Submit') )); return $o; } if($datatype === 'album') { $album = hex2bin($datum); $r = q("SELECT `resource-id`, max(`scale`) AS `scale` FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `album` = '%s' $sql_extra GROUP BY `resource-id`", intval($a->data['user']['uid']), dbesc($album) ); if(count($r)) $a->set_pager_total(count($r)); $r = q("SELECT `resource-id`, max(`scale`) AS `scale` FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `album` = '%s' $sql_extra GROUP BY `resource-id` ORDER BY `created` DESC LIMIT %d , %d", intval($a->data['user']['uid']), dbesc($album), intval($a->pager['start']), intval($a->pager['itemspage']) ); $o .= '

' . $album . '

'; if($cmd === 'edit') { if(($album != t('Profile Photos')) && ($album != t('Contact Photos'))) { if(local_user() && (local_user() == $a->data['user']['uid'])) { $edit_tpl = load_view_file('view/album_edit.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($edit_tpl,array( '$nametext' => t('New album name: '), '$album' => $album, '$hexalbum' => bin2hex($album), '$submit' => t('Submit'), '$dropsubmit' => t('Delete Album') )); } } } else { if(($album != t('Profile Photos')) && ($album != t('Contact Photos'))) { if(local_user() && (local_user() == $a->data['user']['uid'])) { $o .= ''; } } } $tpl = load_view_file('view/photo_album.tpl'); if(count($r)) foreach($r as $rr) { $o .= replace_macros($tpl,array( '$id' => $rr['id'], '$photolink' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/photos/' . $a->data['user']['nickname'] . '/image/' . $rr['resource-id'], '$phototitle' => t('View Photo'), '$imgsrc' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/photo/' . $rr['resource-id'] . '-' . $rr['scale'] . '.jpg', '$imgalt' => $rr['filename'] )); } $o .= '
'; return $o; } if($datatype === 'image') { require_once('security.php'); require_once('bbcode.php'); $o = '
' . "\r\n"; // fetch image, item containing image, then comments $ph = q("SELECT * FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `resource-id` = '%s' $sql_extra ORDER BY `scale` ASC ", intval($a->data['user']['uid']), dbesc($datum) ); if(! count($ph)) { notice( t('Photo not available') . EOL ); return; } if(count($ph) == 1) $hires = $lores = $ph[0]; if(count($ph) > 1) { if($ph[1]['scale'] == 2) { // original is 640 or less, we can display it directly $hires = $lores = $ph[0]; } else { $hires = $ph[0]; $lores = $ph[1]; } } $o .= '

' . '' . $ph[0]['album'] . '

'; if(local_user() && ($ph[0]['uid'] == local_user())) { $o .= ''; } $o .= ''; // Do we have an item for this photo? $i1 = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `resource-id` = '%s' $sql_extra LIMIT 1", dbesc($datum) ); if(count($i1)) { $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `item` LEFT JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `item`.`contact-id` WHERE `parent-uri` = '%s' AND `uri` != '%s' AND `item`.`deleted` = 0 AND `contact`.`blocked` = 0 AND `contact`.`pending` = 0 AND `item`.`uid` = %d $sql_extra ", dbesc($i1[0]['uri']), dbesc($i1[0]['uri']), intval($i1[0]['uid']) ); if(count($r)) $a->set_pager_total($r[0]['total']); $r = q("SELECT `item`.*, `item`.`id` AS `item_id`, `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`photo`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`network`, `contact`.`rel`, `contact`.`thumb`, `contact`.`self`, `contact`.`id` AS `cid`, `contact`.`uid` AS `contact-uid` FROM `item` LEFT JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `item`.`contact-id` WHERE `parent-uri` = '%s' AND `uri` != '%s' AND `item`.`deleted` = 0 AND `contact`.`blocked` = 0 AND `contact`.`pending` = 0 AND `item`.`uid` = %d $sql_extra ORDER BY `parent` DESC, `id` ASC LIMIT %d ,%d ", dbesc($i1[0]['uri']), dbesc($i1[0]['uri']), intval($i1[0]['uid']), intval($a->pager['start']), intval($a->pager['itemspage']) ); } $o .= '
' . $ph[0]['desc'] . '
'; if(count($i1) && strlen($i1[0]['tag'])) { $arr = explode(',',$i1[0]['tag']); // parse tags and add links $o .= '
' . t('Tags: ') . '
'; $o .= '
'; $tag_str = ''; foreach($arr as $t) { if(strlen($tag_str)) $tag_str .= ', '; $tag_str .= bbcode($t); } $o .= $tag_str . '
'; } if($cmd === 'edit') { $edit_tpl = load_view_file('view/photo_edit.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($edit_tpl, array( '$id' => $ph[0]['id'], '$resource_id' => $ph[0]['resource-id'], '$capt_label' => t('Caption'), '$caption' => $ph[0]['desc'], '$tag_label' => t('Add a Tag'), '$tags' => $i1[0]['tag'], '$help_tags' => t('Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen,, #California, #camping'), '$item_id' => ((count($i1)) ? $i1[0]['id'] : 0), '$submit' => t('Submit'), '$delete' => t('Delete Photo') )); } if(count($i1)) { $cmnt_tpl = load_view_file('view/comment_item.tpl'); $tpl = load_view_file('view/photo_item.tpl'); $return_url = $a->cmd; $like_tpl = load_view_file('view/like.tpl'); if(can_write_wall($a,$a->data['user']['uid'])) { if($i1[0]['last-child']) { $o .= replace_macros($cmnt_tpl,array( '$return_path' => $return_url, '$type' => 'wall-comment', '$id' => $i1[0]['id'], '$parent' => $i1[0]['id'], '$profile_uid' => $a->data['user']['uid'], '$mylink' => $contact['url'], '$mytitle' => t('This is you'), '$myphoto' => $contact['thumb'], '$ww' => '' )); } } $alike = array(); $dlike = array(); // display comments if(count($r)) { foreach($r as $item) { like_puller($a,$item,$alike,'like'); like_puller($a,$item,$dlike,'dislike'); } $likebuttons = ''; if(can_write_wall($a,$a->data['user']['uid'])) $likebuttons = replace_macros($like_tpl,array('$id' => $i1[0]['id'])); $like = ((isset($alike[$i1[0]['id']])) ? format_like($alike[$i1[0]['id']],$alike[$i1[0]['id'] . '-l'],'like',$i1[0]['id']) : ''); $dislike = ((isset($dlike[$i1[0]['id']])) ? format_like($dlike[$i1[0]['id']],$dlike[$i1[0]['id'] . '-l'],'dislike',$i1[0]['id']) : ''); $o .= $likebuttons; $o .= $like; $o .= $dislike; foreach($r as $item) { $comment = ''; $template = $tpl; $sparkle = ''; if(((activity_match($item['verb'],ACTIVITY_LIKE)) || (activity_match($item['verb'],ACTIVITY_DISLIKE))) && ($item['id'] != $item['parent'])) continue; $redirect_url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/redir/' . $item['cid'] ; if(can_write_wall($a,$a->data['user']['uid'])) { if($item['last-child']) { $comment = replace_macros($cmnt_tpl,array( '$return_path' => $return_url, '$type' => 'wall-comment', '$id' => $item['item_id'], '$parent' => $item['parent'], '$profile_uid' => $a->data['user']['uid'], '$mylink' => $contact['url'], '$mytitle' => t('This is you'), '$myphoto' => $contact['thumb'], '$ww' => '' )); } } if(local_user() && ($item['contact-uid'] == local_user()) && ($item['network'] == 'dfrn') && (! $item['self'] )) { $profile_url = $redirect_url; $sparkle = ' sparkle'; } else { $profile_url = $item['url']; $sparkle = ''; } $profile_name = ((strlen($item['author-name'])) ? $item['author-name'] : $item['name']); $profile_avatar = ((strlen($item['author-avatar'])) ? $item['author-avatar'] : $item['thumb']); $profile_link = $profile_url; $drop = ''; if(($item['contact-id'] == $_SESSION['visitor_id']) || ($item['uid'] == local_user())) $drop = replace_macros(load_view_file('view/wall_item_drop.tpl'), array('$id' => $item['id'])); $o .= replace_macros($template,array( '$id' => $item['item_id'], '$profile_url' => $profile_link, '$name' => $profile_name, '$thumb' => $profile_avatar, '$sparkle' => $sparkle, '$title' => $item['title'], '$body' => bbcode($item['body']), '$ago' => relative_date($item['created']), '$indent' => (($item['parent'] != $item['item_id']) ? ' comment' : ''), '$drop' => $drop, '$comment' => $comment )); } } $o .= paginate($a); } return $o; } // Default - show recent photos with upload link (if applicable) $r = q("SELECT `resource-id`, max(`scale`) AS `scale` FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `album` != '%s' $sql_extra GROUP BY `resource-id`", intval($a->data['user']['uid']), dbesc( t('Contact Photos')) ); if(count($r)) $a->set_pager_total(count($r)); $r = q("SELECT `resource-id`, `album`, max(`scale`) AS `scale` FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `album` != '%s' $sql_extra GROUP BY `resource-id` ORDER BY `created` DESC LIMIT %d , %d", intval($a->data['user']['uid']), dbesc( t('Contact Photos')), intval($a->pager['start']), intval($a->pager['itemspage']) ); $o .= '

' . t('Recent Photos') . '

'; if( local_user() && (local_user() == $a->data['user']['uid'])) { $o .= ''; } $tpl = load_view_file('view/photo_top.tpl'); if(count($r)) { foreach($r as $rr) { $o .= replace_macros($tpl,array( '$id' => $rr['id'], '$photolink' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/photos/' . $a->data['user']['nickname'] . '/image/' . $rr['resource-id'], '$phototitle' => t('View Photo'), '$imgsrc' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/photo/' . $rr['resource-id'] . '-' . $rr['scale'] . '.jpg', '$albumlink' => $a->get_baseurl . '/photos/' . $a->data['user']['nickname'] . '/album/' . bin2hex($rr['album']), '$albumname' => $rr['album'], '$albumalt' => t('View Album'), '$imgalt' => $rr['filename'] )); } $o .= '
'; } return $o; }