1){ switch (argv(1)){ case 'site': admin_page_site_post($a); break; case 'users': admin_page_users_post($a); break; case 'plugins': if (argc() > 2 && is_file("addon/" . argv(2) . "/" . argv(2) . ".php")){ @include_once("addon/" . argv(2) . "/" . argv(2) . ".php"); if(function_exists(argv(2).'_plugin_admin_post')) { $func = argv(2) . '_plugin_admin_post'; $func($a); } } goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/admin/plugins/' . argv(2) ); return; // NOTREACHED break; case 'themes': $theme = argv(2); if (is_file("view/theme/$theme/php/config.php")){ require_once("view/theme/$theme/php/config.php"); // fixme add parent theme if derived if (function_exists("theme_admin_post")){ theme_admin_post($a); } } info(t('Theme settings updated.')); if(is_ajax()) return; goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/admin/themes/' . $theme ); return; break; case 'logs': admin_page_logs_post($a); break; case 'hubloc': admin_page_hubloc_post($a); break; case 'dbsync': admin_page_dbsync_post($a); break; } } goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/admin' ); return; // NOTREACHED } /** * @param App $a * @return string */ function admin_content(&$a) { logger('admin_content', LOGGER_DEBUG); if(!is_site_admin()) { return login(false); } /** * Side bar links */ // array( url, name, extra css classes ) $aside = Array( 'site' => Array($a->get_baseurl(true)."/admin/site/", t("Site") , "site"), 'users' => Array($a->get_baseurl(true)."/admin/users/", t("Users") , "users"), 'plugins'=> Array($a->get_baseurl(true)."/admin/plugins/", t("Plugins") , "plugins"), 'themes' => Array($a->get_baseurl(true)."/admin/themes/", t("Themes") , "themes"), 'hubloc' => Array($a->get_baseurl(true)."/admin/hubloc/", t("Server") , "server"), 'dbsync' => Array($a->get_baseurl(true)."/admin/dbsync/", t('DB updates'), "dbsync") ); /* get plugins admin page */ $r = q("SELECT * FROM `addon` WHERE `plugin_admin`=1"); $aside['plugins_admin']=Array(); foreach ($r as $h){ $plugin =$h['name']; $aside['plugins_admin'][] = Array($a->get_baseurl(true)."/admin/plugins/".$plugin, $plugin, "plugin"); // temp plugins with admin $a->plugins_admin[] = $plugin; } $aside['logs'] = Array($a->get_baseurl(true)."/admin/logs/", t("Logs"), "logs"); $t = get_markup_template("admin_aside.tpl"); $a->page['aside'] .= replace_macros( $t, array( '$admin' => $aside, '$admtxt' => t('Admin'), '$plugadmtxt' => t('Plugin Features'), '$logtxt' => t('Logs'), '$h_pending' => t('User registrations waiting for confirmation'), '$admurl'=> $a->get_baseurl(true)."/admin/" )); /** * Page content */ $o = ''; // urls if (argc() > 1){ switch (argv(1)) { case 'site': $o = admin_page_site($a); break; case 'users': $o = admin_page_users($a); break; case 'plugins': $o = admin_page_plugins($a); break; case 'themes': $o = admin_page_themes($a); break; case 'hubloc': $o = admin_page_hubloc($a); break; case 'logs': $o = admin_page_logs($a); break; case 'dbsync': $o = admin_page_dbsync($a); break; default: notice( t("Item not found.") ); } } else { $o = admin_page_summary($a); } if(is_ajax()) { echo $o; killme(); return ''; } else { return $o; } } /** * Admin Summary Page * @param App $a * @return string */ function admin_page_summary(&$a) { // list total user accounts, expirations etc. $r = q("SELECT COUNT(account_id) as total FROM `account`"); $users = $r[0]['total']; $r = q("SELECT COUNT(id) as `count` FROM `register`"); $pending = $r[0]['count']; $r = q("select count(*) as total from outq"); $queue = (($r) ? $r[0]['total'] : 0); // We can do better, but this is a quick queue status $queues = array( 'label' => t('Message queues'), 'queue' => $queue ); $t = get_markup_template("admin_summary.tpl"); return replace_macros($t, array( '$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Summary'), '$queues' => $queues, '$users' => Array( t('Registered users'), $users), '$accounts' => $accounts, '$pending' => Array( t('Pending registrations'), $pending), '$version' => Array( t('Version'), RED_VERSION), '$build' => get_config('system','db_version'), '$plugins' => Array( t('Active plugins'), $a->plugins ) )); } /** * Admin Site Page * @param App $a */ function admin_page_site_post(&$a){ if (!x($_POST,"page_site")){ return; } check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/admin/site', 'admin_site'); $sitename = ((x($_POST,'sitename')) ? notags(trim($_POST['sitename'])) : ''); $banner = ((x($_POST,'banner')) ? trim($_POST['banner']) : false); $admininfo = ((x($_POST,'admininfo')) ? trim($_POST['admininfo']) : false); $language = ((x($_POST,'language')) ? notags(trim($_POST['language'])) : ''); $theme = ((x($_POST,'theme')) ? notags(trim($_POST['theme'])) : ''); $theme_mobile = ((x($_POST,'theme_mobile')) ? notags(trim($_POST['theme_mobile'])) : ''); $theme_accessibility = ((x($_POST,'theme_accessibility')) ? notags(trim($_POST['theme_accessibility'])) : ''); $site_channel = ((x($_POST,'site_channel')) ? notags(trim($_POST['site_channel'])) : ''); $maximagesize = ((x($_POST,'maximagesize')) ? intval(trim($_POST['maximagesize'])) : 0); $register_policy = ((x($_POST,'register_policy')) ? intval(trim($_POST['register_policy'])) : 0); $access_policy = ((x($_POST,'access_policy')) ? intval(trim($_POST['access_policy'])) : 0); $abandon_days = ((x($_POST,'abandon_days')) ? intval(trim($_POST['abandon_days'])) : 0); $register_text = ((x($_POST,'register_text')) ? notags(trim($_POST['register_text'])) : ''); $allowed_sites = ((x($_POST,'allowed_sites')) ? notags(trim($_POST['allowed_sites'])) : ''); $allowed_email = ((x($_POST,'allowed_email')) ? notags(trim($_POST['allowed_email'])) : ''); $block_public = ((x($_POST,'block_public')) ? True : False); $force_publish = ((x($_POST,'publish_all')) ? True : False); $no_login_on_homepage = ((x($_POST,'no_login_on_homepage')) ? True : False); $global_directory = ((x($_POST,'directory_submit_url')) ? notags(trim($_POST['directory_submit_url'])) : ''); $no_community_page = !((x($_POST,'no_community_page')) ? True : False); $verifyssl = ((x($_POST,'verifyssl')) ? True : False); $proxyuser = ((x($_POST,'proxyuser')) ? notags(trim($_POST['proxyuser'])) : ''); $proxy = ((x($_POST,'proxy')) ? notags(trim($_POST['proxy'])) : ''); $timeout = ((x($_POST,'timeout')) ? intval(trim($_POST['timeout'])) : 60); $delivery_interval = ((x($_POST,'delivery_interval'))? intval(trim($_POST['delivery_interval'])) : 0); $poll_interval = ((x($_POST,'poll_interval'))? intval(trim($_POST['poll_interval'])) : 0); // $ssl_policy = ((x($_POST,'ssl_policy')) ? intval($_POST['ssl_policy']) : 0); /* if($ssl_policy != intval(get_config('system','ssl_policy'))) { if($ssl_policy == SSL_POLICY_FULL) { q("update `contact` set `url` = replace(`url` , 'http:' , 'https:'), `photo` = replace(`photo` , 'http:' , 'https:'), `thumb` = replace(`thumb` , 'http:' , 'https:'), `micro` = replace(`micro` , 'http:' , 'https:'), `request` = replace(`request`, 'http:' , 'https:'), `notify` = replace(`notify` , 'http:' , 'https:'), `poll` = replace(`poll` , 'http:' , 'https:'), `confirm` = replace(`confirm`, 'http:' , 'https:'), `poco` = replace(`poco` , 'http:' , 'https:') where `self` = 1" ); q("update `profile` set `photo` = replace(`photo` , 'http:' , 'https:'), `thumb` = replace(`thumb` , 'http:' , 'https:') where 1 " ); } elseif($ssl_policy == SSL_POLICY_SELFSIGN) { q("update `contact` set `url` = replace(`url` , 'https:' , 'http:'), `photo` = replace(`photo` , 'https:' , 'http:'), `thumb` = replace(`thumb` , 'https:' , 'http:'), `micro` = replace(`micro` , 'https:' , 'http:'), `request` = replace(`request`, 'https:' , 'http:'), `notify` = replace(`notify` , 'https:' , 'http:'), `poll` = replace(`poll` , 'https:' , 'http:'), `confirm` = replace(`confirm`, 'https:' , 'http:'), `poco` = replace(`poco` , 'https:' , 'http:') where `self` = 1" ); q("update `profile` set `photo` = replace(`photo` , 'https:' , 'http:'), `thumb` = replace(`thumb` , 'https:' , 'http:') where 1 " ); } } */ // set_config('system','ssl_policy',$ssl_policy); set_config('system','delivery_interval',$delivery_interval); set_config('system','poll_interval',$poll_interval); set_config('system','maxloadavg',$maxloadavg); set_config('system','sitename',$sitename); set_config('system','no_login_on_homepage',$no_login_on_homepage); if ($banner=="") { del_config('system','banner'); } else { set_config('system','banner', $banner); } if ($admininfo==''){ del_config('system','admininfo'); } else { set_config('system','admininfo', $admininfo); } set_config('system','language', $language); set_config('system','theme', $theme); if ( $theme_mobile === '---' ) { del_config('system','mobile_theme'); } else { set_config('system','mobile_theme', $theme_mobile); } if ( $theme_accessibility === '---' ) { del_config('system','accessibility_theme'); } else { set_config('system','accessibility_theme', $theme_accessibility); } set_config('system','site_channel', $site_channel); set_config('system','maximagesize', $maximagesize); set_config('system','register_policy', $register_policy); set_config('system','access_policy', $access_policy); set_config('system','account_abandon_days', $abandon_days); set_config('system','register_text', $register_text); set_config('system','allowed_sites', $allowed_sites); set_config('system','allowed_email', $allowed_email); set_config('system','block_public', $block_public); set_config('system','publish_all', $force_publish); if($global_directory=="") { del_config('system','directory_submit_url'); } else { set_config('system','directory_submit_url', $global_directory); } set_config('system','no_community_page', $no_community_page); set_config('system','no_utf', $no_utf); set_config('system','verifyssl', $verifyssl); set_config('system','proxyuser', $proxyuser); set_config('system','proxy', $proxy); set_config('system','curl_timeout', $timeout); info( t('Site settings updated.') . EOL); goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/admin/site' ); return; // NOTREACHED } /** * @param App $a * @return string */ function admin_page_site(&$a) { /* Installed langs */ $lang_choices = array(); $langs = glob('view/*/strings.php'); if(is_array($langs) && count($langs)) { if(! in_array('view/en/strings.php',$langs)) $langs[] = 'view/en/'; asort($langs); foreach($langs as $l) { $t = explode("/",$l); $lang_choices[$t[1]] = $t[1]; } } /* Installed themes */ $theme_choices = array(); $theme_choices_mobile = array(); $theme_choices_mobile["---"] = t("No special theme for mobile devices"); $theme_choices_accessibility = array(); $theme_choices_accessibility["---"] =t("No special theme for accessibility"); $files = glob('view/theme/*'); if($files) { foreach($files as $file) { $f = basename($file); $theme_name = ((file_exists($file . '/experimental')) ? sprintf("%s - Experimental", $f) : $f); if (file_exists($file . '/mobile')) { $theme_choices_mobile[$f] = $theme_name; } if (file_exists($file . '/accessibility')) { $theme_choices_accessibility[$f] = $theme_name; } $theme_choices[$f] = $theme_name; } } /* Banner */ $banner = get_config('system','banner'); if($banner == false) $banner = 'red'; $banner = htmlspecialchars($banner); /* Admin Info */ $admininfo = get_config('system','admininfo'); /* Register policy */ $register_choices = Array( REGISTER_CLOSED => t("Closed"), REGISTER_APPROVE => t("Requires approval"), REGISTER_OPEN => t("Open") ); /* Acess policy */ $access_choices = Array( ACCESS_PRIVATE => t("Private"), ACCESS_PAID => t("Paid Access"), ACCESS_FREE => t("Free Access"), ACCESS_TIERED => t("Tiered Access") ); // $ssl_choices = array( // SSL_POLICY_NONE => t("No SSL policy, links will track page SSL state"), // SSL_POLICY_FULL => t("Force all links to use SSL") // ); $t = get_markup_template("admin_site.tpl"); return replace_macros($t, array( '$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Site'), '$submit' => t('Submit'), '$registration' => t('Registration'), '$upload' => t('File upload'), '$corporate' => t('Policies'), '$advanced' => t('Advanced'), '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(true), // name, label, value, help string, extra data... '$sitename' => array('sitename', t("Site name"), htmlspecialchars(get_config('system','sitename'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'),''), '$banner' => array('banner', t("Banner/Logo"), $banner, ""), '$admininfo' => array('admininfo', t("Administrator Information"), $admininfo, t("Contact information for site administrators. Displayed on siteinfo page. BBCode can be used here")), '$language' => array('language', t("System language"), get_config('system','language'), "", $lang_choices), '$theme' => array('theme', t("System theme"), get_config('system','theme'), t("Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - change theme settings"), $theme_choices), '$theme_mobile' => array('theme_mobile', t("Mobile system theme"), get_config('system','mobile_theme'), t("Theme for mobile devices"), $theme_choices_mobile), '$theme_accessibility' => array('theme_accessibility', t("Accessibility system theme"), get_config('system','accessibility_theme'), t("Accessibility theme"), $theme_choices_accessibility), '$site_channel' => array('site_channel', t("Channel to use for this website's static pages"), get_config('system','site_channel'), t("Site Channel")), // '$ssl_policy' => array('ssl_policy', t("SSL link policy"), (string) intval(get_config('system','ssl_policy')), t("Determines whether generated links should be forced to use SSL"), $ssl_choices), '$maximagesize' => array('maximagesize', t("Maximum image size"), get_config('system','maximagesize'), t("Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no limits.")), '$register_policy' => array('register_policy', t("Register policy"), get_config('system','register_policy'), "", $register_choices), '$access_policy' => array('access_policy', t("Access policy"), get_config('system','access_policy'), "", $access_choices), '$register_text' => array('register_text', t("Register text"), htmlspecialchars(get_config('system','register_text'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), t("Will be displayed prominently on the registration page.")), '$abandon_days' => array('abandon_days', t('Accounts abandoned after x days'), get_config('system','account_abandon_days'), t('Will not waste system resources polling external sites for abandonded accounts. Enter 0 for no time limit.')), '$allowed_sites' => array('allowed_sites', t("Allowed friend domains"), get_config('system','allowed_sites'), t("Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains")), '$allowed_email' => array('allowed_email', t("Allowed email domains"), get_config('system','allowed_email'), t("Comma separated list of domains which are allowed in email addresses for registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains")), '$block_public' => array('block_public', t("Block public"), get_config('system','block_public'), t("Check to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this site unless you are currently logged in.")), '$force_publish' => array('publish_all', t("Force publish"), get_config('system','publish_all'), t("Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory.")), '$no_login_on_homepage' => array('no_login_on_homepage', t("No login on Homepage"), get_config('system','no_login_on_homepage'), t("Check to hide the login form from your sites homepage when visitors arrive who are not logged in (e.g. when you put the content of the homepage in via the site channel).")), '$proxyuser' => array('proxyuser', t("Proxy user"), get_config('system','proxyuser'), ""), '$proxy' => array('proxy', t("Proxy URL"), get_config('system','proxy'), ""), '$timeout' => array('timeout', t("Network timeout"), (x(get_config('system','curl_timeout'))?get_config('system','curl_timeout'):60), t("Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended).")), '$delivery_interval' => array('delivery_interval', t("Delivery interval"), (x(get_config('system','delivery_interval'))?get_config('system','delivery_interval'):2), t("Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 for large dedicated servers.")), '$poll_interval' => array('poll_interval', t("Poll interval"), (x(get_config('system','poll_interval'))?get_config('system','poll_interval'):2), t("Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system load. If 0, use delivery interval.")), '$maxloadavg' => array('maxloadavg', t("Maximum Load Average"), ((intval(get_config('system','maxloadavg')) > 0)?get_config('system','maxloadavg'):50), t("Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - default 50.")), '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("admin_site"), )); } function admin_page_hubloc_post(&$a){ check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/admin/hubloc', 'admin_hubloc'); require_once('include/zot.php'); //prepare for ping if ( $_POST['hublocid']) { $hublocid = $_POST['hublocid']; $arrhublocurl = q("SELECT hubloc_url FROM hubloc WHERE hubloc_id = %d ", intval($hublocid) ); $hublocurl = $arrhublocurl[0]['hubloc_url'] . '/post'; //perform ping $m = zot_build_packet($a->get_channel(),'ping'); $r = zot_zot($hublocurl,$m); logger('ping answer: ' . print_r($r,true), LOGGER_DEBUG); //unfotunatly zping wont work, I guess return format is not correct //require_once('mod/zping.php'); //$r = zping_content($hublocurl); //logger('zping answer: ' . $r, LOGGER_DEBUG); //handle results and set the hubloc flags in db to make results visible //in case of repair store new pub key for tested hubloc (all channel with this hubloc) in db //after repair set hubloc flags to 0 } goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/admin/hubloc' ); return; } function admin_page_hubloc(&$a) { $o = ''; $hubloc = q("SELECT hubloc_id, hubloc_addr, hubloc_host, hubloc_status FROM hubloc"); if(! $hubloc){ notice( t('No server found') . EOL); goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/admin/hubloc'); } $t = get_markup_template("admin_hubloc.tpl"); return replace_macros($t, array( '$hubloc' => $hubloc, '$th_hubloc' => array(t('ID'), t('for channel'), t('on server'), t('Status')), '$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Server'), '$queues' => $queues, //'$accounts' => $accounts, /*$accounts is empty here*/ '$pending' => Array( t('Pending registrations'), $pending), '$plugins' => Array( t('Active plugins'), $a->plugins ), '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("admin_hubloc") )); return $o; } function admin_page_dbsync(&$a) { $o = ''; if(argc() > 3 && intval(argv(3)) && argv(2) === 'mark') { set_config('database', 'update_r' . intval(argv(3)), 'success'); if(intval(get_config('system','db_version')) <= intval(argv(3))) set_config('system','db_version',intval(argv(3)) + 1); info( t('Update has been marked successful') . EOL); goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/admin/dbsync'); } if(argc() > 2 && intval(argv(2))) { require_once('install/update.php'); $func = 'update_r' . intval(argv(2)); if(function_exists($func)) { $retval = $func(); if($retval === UPDATE_FAILED) { $o .= sprintf( t('Executing %s failed. Check system logs.'), $func); } elseif($retval === UPDATE_SUCCESS) { $o .= sprintf( t('Update %s was successfully applied.', $func)); set_config('database',$func, 'success'); } else $o .= sprintf( t('Update %s did not return a status. Unknown if it succeeded.'), $func); } else $o .= sprintf( t('Update function %s could not be found.'), $func); return $o; } $failed = array(); $r = q("select * from config where `cat` = 'database' "); if(count($r)) { foreach($r as $rr) { $upd = intval(substr($rr['k'],8)); if($upd < 1139 || $rr['v'] === 'success') continue; $failed[] = $upd; } } if(! count($failed)) return '
". file_get_contents("addon/$plugin/README") .""; } $admin_form=""; if (is_array($a->plugins_admin) && in_array($plugin, $a->plugins_admin)){ @require_once("addon/$plugin/$plugin.php"); if(function_exists($plugin.'_plugin_admin')) { $func = $plugin.'_plugin_admin'; $func($a, $admin_form); } } $t = get_markup_template("admin_plugins_details.tpl"); return replace_macros($t, array( '$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Plugins'), '$toggle' => t('Toggle'), '$settings' => t('Settings'), '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(true), '$plugin' => $plugin, '$status' => $status, '$action' => $action, '$info' => get_plugin_info($plugin), '$str_author' => t('Author: '), '$str_maintainer' => t('Maintainer: '), '$admin_form' => $admin_form, '$function' => 'plugins', '$screenshot' => '', '$readme' => $readme, '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("admin_themes"), )); } /** * List plugins */ $plugins = array(); $files = glob("addon/*/"); if($files) { foreach($files as $file) { if (is_dir($file)){ list($tmp, $id)=array_map("trim", explode("/",$file)); $info = get_plugin_info($id); $plugins[] = array( $id, (in_array($id, $a->plugins)?"on":"off") , $info); } } } $t = get_markup_template("admin_plugins.tpl"); return replace_macros($t, array( '$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Plugins'), '$submit' => t('Submit'), '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(true), '$function' => 'plugins', '$plugins' => $plugins, '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("admin_themes"), )); } /** * @param array $themes * @param string $th * @param int $result */ function toggle_theme(&$themes,$th,&$result) { for($x = 0; $x < count($themes); $x ++) { if($themes[$x]['name'] === $th) { if($themes[$x]['allowed']) { $themes[$x]['allowed'] = 0; $result = 0; } else { $themes[$x]['allowed'] = 1; $result = 1; } } } } /** * @param array $themes * @param string $th * @return int */ function theme_status($themes,$th) { for($x = 0; $x < count($themes); $x ++) { if($themes[$x]['name'] === $th) { if($themes[$x]['allowed']) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } return 0; } /** * @param array $themes * @return string */ function rebuild_theme_table($themes) { $o = ''; if(count($themes)) { foreach($themes as $th) { if($th['allowed']) { if(strlen($o)) $o .= ','; $o .= $th['name']; } } } return $o; } /** * Themes admin page * * @param App $a * @return string */ function admin_page_themes(&$a){ $allowed_themes_str = get_config('system','allowed_themes'); $allowed_themes_raw = explode(',',$allowed_themes_str); $allowed_themes = array(); if(count($allowed_themes_raw)) foreach($allowed_themes_raw as $x) if(strlen(trim($x))) $allowed_themes[] = trim($x); $themes = array(); $files = glob('view/theme/*'); if($files) { foreach($files as $file) { $f = basename($file); $is_experimental = intval(file_exists($file . '/.experimental')); $is_supported = 1-(intval(file_exists($file . '/.unsupported'))); // Is not used yet $is_allowed = intval(in_array($f,$allowed_themes)); $themes[] = array('name' => $f, 'experimental' => $is_experimental, 'supported' => $is_supported, 'allowed' => $is_allowed); } } if(! count($themes)) { notice( t('No themes found.')); return ''; } /** * Single theme */ if ($a->argc == 3){ $theme = $a->argv[2]; if(! is_dir("view/theme/$theme")){ notice( t("Item not found.") ); return ''; } if (x($_GET,"a") && $_GET['a']=="t"){ check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/admin/themes', 'admin_themes', 't'); // Toggle theme status toggle_theme($themes,$theme,$result); $s = rebuild_theme_table($themes); if($result) info( sprintf('Theme %s enabled.',$theme)); else info( sprintf('Theme %s disabled.',$theme)); set_config('system','allowed_themes',$s); goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/admin/themes' ); return ''; // NOTREACHED } // display theme details require_once('library/markdown.php'); if (theme_status($themes,$theme)) { $status="on"; $action= t("Disable"); } else { $status="off"; $action= t("Enable"); } $readme=Null; if (is_file("view/theme/$theme/README.md")){ $readme = file_get_contents("view/theme/$theme/README.md"); $readme = Markdown($readme); } else if (is_file("view/theme/$theme/README")){ $readme = "
". file_get_contents("view/theme/$theme/README") .""; } $admin_form=""; if (is_file("view/theme/$theme/php/config.php")){ require_once("view/theme/$theme/php/config.php"); if(function_exists("theme_admin")){ $admin_form = theme_admin($a); } } $screenshot = array( get_theme_screenshot($theme), t('Screenshot')); if(! stristr($screenshot[0],$theme)) $screenshot = null; $t = get_markup_template("admin_plugins_details.tpl"); return replace_macros($t, array( '$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Themes'), '$toggle' => t('Toggle'), '$settings' => t('Settings'), '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(true), '$plugin' => $theme, '$status' => $status, '$action' => $action, '$info' => get_theme_info($theme), '$function' => 'themes', '$admin_form' => $admin_form, '$str_author' => t('Author: '), '$str_maintainer' => t('Maintainer: '), '$screenshot' => $screenshot, '$readme' => $readme, '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("admin_themes"), )); } /** * List themes */ $xthemes = array(); if($themes) { foreach($themes as $th) { $xthemes[] = array($th['name'],(($th['allowed']) ? "on" : "off"), get_theme_info($th['name'])); } } $t = get_markup_template("admin_plugins.tpl"); return replace_macros($t, array( '$title' => t('Administration'), '$page' => t('Themes'), '$submit' => t('Submit'), '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(true), '$function' => 'themes', '$plugins' => $xthemes, '$experimental' => t('[Experimental]'), '$unsupported' => t('[Unsupported]'), '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("admin_themes"), )); } /** * Logs admin page * * @param App $a */ function admin_page_logs_post(&$a) { if (x($_POST,"page_logs")) { check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/admin/logs', 'admin_logs'); $logfile = ((x($_POST,'logfile')) ? notags(trim($_POST['logfile'])) : ''); $debugging = ((x($_POST,'debugging')) ? true : false); $loglevel = ((x($_POST,'loglevel')) ? intval(trim($_POST['loglevel'])) : 0); set_config('system','logfile', $logfile); set_config('system','debugging', $debugging); set_config('system','loglevel', $loglevel); } info( t("Log settings updated.") ); goaway($a->get_baseurl(true) . '/admin/logs' ); return; // NOTREACHED } /** * @param App $a * @return string */ function admin_page_logs(&$a){ $log_choices = Array( LOGGER_NORMAL => 'Normal', LOGGER_TRACE => 'Trace', LOGGER_DEBUG => 'Debug', LOGGER_DATA => 'Data', LOGGER_ALL => 'All' ); $t = get_markup_template("admin_logs.tpl"); $f = get_config('system','logfile'); $data = ''; if(!file_exists($f)) { $data = t("Error trying to open $f log file.\r\n