
 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\Process\Tests;

use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;

class SimpleProcessTest extends AbstractProcessTest
    private $enabledSigchild = false;

    protected function setUp()

        $this->enabledSigchild = false !== strpos(ob_get_clean(), '--enable-sigchild');

    public function testGetExitCode()
        $this->skipIfPHPSigchild(); // This test use exitcode that is not available in this case

    public function testExitCodeCommandFailed()
        $this->skipIfPHPSigchild(); // This test use exitcode that is not available in this case

    public function testProcessIsSignaledIfStopped()
        $this->expectExceptionIfPHPSigchild('Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException', 'This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. Term signal can not be retrieved');

    public function testProcessWithTermSignal()
        $this->expectExceptionIfPHPSigchild('Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException', 'This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. Term signal can not be retrieved');

    public function testProcessIsNotSignaled()
        $this->expectExceptionIfPHPSigchild('Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException', 'This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. Term signal can not be retrieved');

    public function testProcessWithoutTermSignal()
        $this->expectExceptionIfPHPSigchild('Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException', 'This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. Term signal can not be retrieved');

    public function testExitCodeText()
        $this->skipIfPHPSigchild(); // This test use exitcode that is not available in this case

    public function testIsSuccessful()
        $this->skipIfPHPSigchild(); // This test use PID that is not available in this case

    public function testIsNotSuccessful()
        $this->skipIfPHPSigchild(); // This test use PID that is not available in this case

    public function testGetPid()
        $this->skipIfPHPSigchild(); // This test use PID that is not available in this case

    public function testGetPidIsNullBeforeStart()
        $this->skipIfPHPSigchild(); // This test use PID that is not available in this case

    public function testGetPidIsNullAfterRun()
        $this->skipIfPHPSigchild(); // This test use PID that is not available in this case

    public function testSignal()
        $this->expectExceptionIfPHPSigchild('Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException', 'This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. The process can not be signaled.');

    public function testProcessWithoutTermSignalIsNotSignaled()
        $this->expectExceptionIfPHPSigchild('Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException', 'This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. Term signal can not be retrieved');

    public function testProcessThrowsExceptionWhenExternallySignaled()
        $this->skipIfPHPSigchild(); // This test use PID that is not available in this case

    public function testExitCodeIsAvailableAfterSignal()
        $this->expectExceptionIfPHPSigchild('Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException', 'This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. The process can not be signaled.');

     * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\LogicException
     * @expectedExceptionMessage Can not send signal on a non running process.
    public function testSignalProcessNotRunning()

    public function testSignalWithWrongIntSignal()
        if ($this->enabledSigchild) {
            $this->expectExceptionIfPHPSigchild('Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException', 'This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. The process can not be signaled.');
        } else {
            $this->setExpectedException('Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException', 'Error while sending signal `-4`.');

    public function testSignalWithWrongNonIntSignal()
        if ($this->enabledSigchild) {
            $this->expectExceptionIfPHPSigchild('Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException', 'This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. The process can not be signaled.');
        } else {
            $this->setExpectedException('Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException', 'Error while sending signal `Céphalopodes`.');

    public function testStopTerminatesProcessCleanly()
        $process = $this->getProcess(self::$phpBin.' -r "echo \'foo\'; sleep(1); echo \'bar\';"');
        $process->run(function () use ($process) {
        $this->assertTrue(true, 'A call to stop() is not expected to cause wait() to throw a RuntimeException');

    public function testKillSignalTerminatesProcessCleanly()
        $this->expectExceptionIfPHPSigchild('Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException', 'This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. The process can not be signaled.');

        $process = $this->getProcess(self::$phpBin.' -r "echo \'foo\'; sleep(1); echo \'bar\';"');
        $process->run(function () use ($process) {
            if ($process->isRunning()) {
                $process->signal(defined('SIGKILL') ? SIGKILL : 9);
        $this->assertTrue(true, 'A call to signal() is not expected to cause wait() to throw a RuntimeException');

    public function testTermSignalTerminatesProcessCleanly()
        $this->expectExceptionIfPHPSigchild('Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException', 'This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. The process can not be signaled.');

        $process = $this->getProcess(self::$phpBin.' -r "echo \'foo\'; sleep(1); echo \'bar\';"');
        $process->run(function () use ($process) {
            if ($process->isRunning()) {
                $process->signal(defined('SIGTERM') ? SIGTERM : 15);
        $this->assertTrue(true, 'A call to signal() is not expected to cause wait() to throw a RuntimeException');

    public function testStopWithTimeoutIsActuallyWorking()


     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function getProcess($commandline, $cwd = null, array $env = null, $input = null, $timeout = 60, array $options = array())
        return new Process($commandline, $cwd, $env, $input, $timeout, $options);

    private function skipIfPHPSigchild()
        if ($this->enabledSigchild) {
            $this->markTestSkipped('Your PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild, this test can not be executed');

    private function expectExceptionIfPHPSigchild($classname, $message)
        if ($this->enabledSigchild) {
            $this->setExpectedException($classname, $message);