<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Process\Tests; class SigchildDisabledProcessTest extends AbstractProcessTest { /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. You must use setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility() to use this method. */ public function testGetExitCode() { parent::testGetExitCode(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. You must use setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility() to use this method. */ public function testGetExitCodeIsNullOnStart() { parent::testGetExitCodeIsNullOnStart(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. You must use setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility() to use this method. */ public function testGetExitCodeIsNullOnWhenStartingAgain() { parent::testGetExitCodeIsNullOnWhenStartingAgain(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. You must use setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility() to use this method. */ public function testExitCodeCommandFailed() { parent::testExitCodeCommandFailed(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. You must use setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility() to use this method. */ public function testMustRun() { parent::testMustRun(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. You must use setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility() to use this method. */ public function testSuccessfulMustRunHasCorrectExitCode() { parent::testSuccessfulMustRunHasCorrectExitCode(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException */ public function testMustRunThrowsException() { parent::testMustRunThrowsException(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException */ public function testProcessIsSignaledIfStopped() { parent::testProcessIsSignaledIfStopped(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. Term signal can not be retrieved. */ public function testProcessWithTermSignal() { parent::testProcessWithTermSignal(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. Term signal can not be retrieved. */ public function testProcessIsNotSignaled() { parent::testProcessIsNotSignaled(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. Term signal can not be retrieved. */ public function testProcessWithoutTermSignal() { parent::testProcessWithoutTermSignal(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. You must use setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility() to use this method. */ public function testCheckTimeoutOnStartedProcess() { parent::testCheckTimeoutOnStartedProcess(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. The process identifier can not be retrieved. */ public function testGetPid() { parent::testGetPid(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. The process identifier can not be retrieved. */ public function testGetPidIsNullBeforeStart() { parent::testGetPidIsNullBeforeStart(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. The process identifier can not be retrieved. */ public function testGetPidIsNullAfterRun() { parent::testGetPidIsNullAfterRun(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. You must use setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility() to use this method. */ public function testExitCodeText() { $process = $this->getProcess('qdfsmfkqsdfmqmsd'); $process->run(); $process->getExitCodeText(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. You must use setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility() to use this method. */ public function testExitCodeTextIsNullWhenExitCodeIsNull() { parent::testExitCodeTextIsNullWhenExitCodeIsNull(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. You must use setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility() to use this method. */ public function testIsSuccessful() { parent::testIsSuccessful(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. You must use setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility() to use this method. */ public function testIsSuccessfulOnlyAfterTerminated() { parent::testIsSuccessfulOnlyAfterTerminated(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. You must use setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility() to use this method. */ public function testIsNotSuccessful() { parent::testIsNotSuccessful(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. You must use setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility() to use this method. */ public function testTTYCommandExitCode() { parent::testTTYCommandExitCode(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. The process can not be signaled. */ public function testSignal() { parent::testSignal(); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException * @expectedExceptionMessage This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. Term signal can not be retrieved. */ public function testProcessWithoutTermSignalIsNotSignaled() { parent::testProcessWithoutTermSignalIsNotSignaled(); } public function testStopWithTimeoutIsActuallyWorking() { $this->markTestSkipped('Stopping with signal is not supported in sigchild environment'); } public function testProcessThrowsExceptionWhenExternallySignaled() { $this->markTestSkipped('Retrieving Pid is not supported in sigchild environment'); } public function testExitCodeIsAvailableAfterSignal() { $this->markTestSkipped('Signal is not supported in sigchild environment'); } public function testRunProcessWithTimeout() { $this->markTestSkipped('Signal (required for timeout) is not supported in sigchild environment'); } public function provideStartMethods() { return array( array('start', 'Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\LogicException', 'Output has been disabled, enable it to allow the use of a callback.'), array('run', 'Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\LogicException', 'Output has been disabled, enable it to allow the use of a callback.'), array('mustRun', 'Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException', 'This PHP has been compiled with --enable-sigchild. You must use setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility() to use this method.'), ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getProcess($commandline, $cwd = null, array $env = null, $input = null, $timeout = 60, array $options = array()) { $process = new ProcessInSigchildEnvironment($commandline, $cwd, $env, $input, $timeout, $options); $process->setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility(false); return $process; } }