/** * Stylish Select 0.4.9 - jQuery plugin to replace a select drop down box with a stylable unordered list * http://github.com/scottdarby/Stylish-Select * * Requires: jQuery 1.3 or newer * * Contributions from Justin Beasley: http://www.harvest.org/ * Anatoly Ressin: http://www.artazor.lv/ Wilfred Hughes: https://github.com/Wilfred * Grigory Zarubin: https://github.com/Craigy- * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. */ (function($){ //add class to html tag $('html').addClass('stylish-select'); //Cross-browser implementation of indexOf from MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/indexOf if (!Array.prototype.indexOf){ Array.prototype.indexOf = function(searchElement /*, fromIndex */){ if (this === void 0 || this === null) throw new TypeError(); var t = Object(this); var len = t.length >>> 0; if (len === 0) return -1; var n = 0; if (arguments.length > 0){ n = Number(arguments[1]); if (n !== n) // shortcut for verifying if it's NaN n = 0; else if (n !== 0 && n !== (1 / 0) && n !== -(1 / 0)) n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n)); } if (n >= len) return -1; var k = n >= 0 ? n : Math.max(len - Math.abs(n), 0); for (; k < len; k++){ if (k in t && t[k] === searchElement) return k; } return -1; }; } //utility methods $.fn.extend({ getSetSSValue: function(value){ if (value){ //set value and trigger change event $(this).val(value).change(); return this; } else { return $(this).find(':selected').val(); } }, //added by Justin Beasley resetSS: function(){ var oldOpts = $(this).data('ssOpts'); $this = $(this); $this.next().remove(); //unbind all events and redraw $this.unbind('.sSelect').sSelect(oldOpts); } }); $.fn.sSelect = function(options){ return this.each(function(){ var defaults = { defaultText: 'Please select', animationSpeed: 0, //set speed of dropdown ddMaxHeight: '', //set css max-height value of dropdown containerClass: '' //additional classes for container div }; //initial variables var opts = $.extend(defaults, options), $input = $(this), $containerDivText = $('<div class="selectedTxt"></div>'), $containerDiv = $('<div class="newListSelected ' + opts.containerClass + ($input.is(':disabled') ? ' newListDisabled' : '') + '"></div>'), $containerDivWrapper = $('<div class="SSContainerDivWrapper" style="visibility:hidden;"></div>'), $newUl = $('<ul class="newList"></ul>'), currentIndex = -1, prevIndex = -1, keys = [], prevKey = false, prevented = false, $newLi; //added by Justin Beasley $(this).data('ssOpts',options); if( $(this).next('.newListSelected').length ) { return; } //build new list $containerDiv.insertAfter($input); $containerDiv.attr("tabindex", $input.attr("tabindex") || "0"); $containerDivText.prependTo($containerDiv); $newUl.appendTo($containerDiv); $newUl.wrap($containerDivWrapper); $containerDivWrapper = $newUl.parent(); $input.hide(); if($input.is(':disabled')){ return; } //added by Justin Beasley (used for lists initialized while hidden) $containerDivText.data('ssReRender',!$containerDivText.is(':visible')); //add one item to list function addItem(item, container) { var option = $(item).text(), key = $(item).val(), isDisabled = $(item).is(':disabled'); if (!isDisabled && !$(item).parents().is(':disabled')) { //add first letter of each word to array keys.push(option.charAt(0).toLowerCase()); } container.append($('<li><a'+(isDisabled ? ' class="newListItemDisabled"' : '')+' href="JavaScript:void(0);">'+option+'</a></li>').data({ 'key' : key, 'selected' : $(item).is(':selected') })); } $input.children().each(function(){ if ($(this).is('option')){ addItem(this, $newUl); } else { var optionTitle = $(this).attr('label'), $optGroup = $('<li class="newListOptionTitle ' + ($(this).is(':disabled') ? 'newListOptionDisabled' : '') + '">'+optionTitle+'</li>'), $optGroupList = $('<ul></ul>'); $optGroup.appendTo($newUl); $optGroupList.appendTo($optGroup); $(this).children().each(function(){ addItem(this, $optGroupList); }); } }); //cache list items object $newLi = $newUl.find('li a:not(.newListItemDisabled)').not(function(){ return $(this).parents().hasClass('newListOptionDisabled'); }); //get selected item from new list (because it doesn't contain disabled options) $newLi.each(function(i){ if ($(this).parent().data('selected')){ opts.defaultText = $(this).html(); currentIndex = prevIndex = i; } }); //get heights of new elements for use later var newUlHeight = $newUl.height(), containerHeight = $containerDiv.height(), newLiLength = $newLi.length; //check if a value is selected if (currentIndex != -1){ navigateList(currentIndex); } else { //set placeholder text $containerDivText.text(opts.defaultText); } //decide if to place the new list above or below the drop-down function newUlPos(){ var containerPosY = $containerDiv.offset().top, docHeight = $(window).height(), scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); //if height of list is greater then max height, set list height to max height value if (newUlHeight > parseInt(opts.ddMaxHeight)){ newUlHeight = parseInt(opts.ddMaxHeight); } containerPosY = containerPosY-scrollTop; if (containerPosY+newUlHeight >= docHeight){ $newUl.css({ height: newUlHeight }); $containerDivWrapper.css({ top: '-'+newUlHeight+'px', height: newUlHeight }); $input.onTop = true; } else { $newUl.css({ height: newUlHeight }); $containerDivWrapper.css({ top: containerHeight+'px', height: newUlHeight }); $input.onTop = false; } } //run function on page load newUlPos(); //run function on browser window resize $(window).bind('resize.sSelect scroll.sSelect', newUlPos); //positioning function positionFix(){ $containerDiv.css('position','relative'); } function positionHideFix(){ $containerDiv.css( { position: 'static' }); } $containerDivText.bind('click.sSelect',function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); //added by Justin Beasley if($(this).data('ssReRender')){ newUlHeight = $newUl.height('').height(); $containerDivWrapper.height(''); containerHeight = $containerDiv.height(); $(this).data('ssReRender',false); newUlPos(); } //hide all menus apart from this one $('.SSContainerDivWrapper') .not($(this).next()) .hide() .parent() .css('position', 'static') .removeClass('newListSelFocus'); //show/hide this menu $containerDivWrapper.toggle(); positionFix(); //scroll list to selected item if(currentIndex == -1) currentIndex = 0; try { $newLi.eq(currentIndex).focus(); } catch(ex) {} }); function closeDropDown(fireChange, resetText){ if(fireChange == true){ prevIndex = currentIndex; $input.change(); } if(resetText == true){ currentIndex = prevIndex; navigateList(currentIndex); } $containerDivWrapper.hide(); positionHideFix(); } $newLi.bind('click.sSelect',function(e){ var $clickedLi = $(e.target); //update counter currentIndex = $newLi.index($clickedLi); //remove all hilites, then add hilite to selected item prevented = true; navigateList(currentIndex, true); closeDropDown(); }); $newLi.bind('mouseenter.sSelect', function(e){ var $hoveredLi = $(e.target); $hoveredLi.addClass('newListHover'); }).bind('mouseleave.sSelect', function(e){ var $hoveredLi = $(e.target); $hoveredLi.removeClass('newListHover'); }); function navigateList(currentIndex, fireChange){ if(currentIndex == -1){ $containerDivText.text(opts.defaultText); $newLi.removeClass('hiLite'); } else { $newLi.removeClass('hiLite') .eq(currentIndex) .addClass('hiLite'); var text = $newLi.eq(currentIndex).text(), val = $newLi.eq(currentIndex).parent().data('key'); try { $input.val(val); } catch(ex) { // handle ie6 exception $input[0].selectedIndex = currentIndex; } $containerDivText.text(text); //only fire change event if specified if(fireChange == true){ prevIndex = currentIndex; $input.change(); } if ($containerDivWrapper.is(':visible')){ try { $newLi.eq(currentIndex).focus(); } catch(ex) {} } } } $input.bind('change.sSelect',function(event){ var $targetInput = $(event.target); //stop change function from firing if (prevented == true){ prevented = false; return false; } var $currentOpt = $targetInput.find(':selected'); currentIndex = $targetInput.find('option').index($currentOpt); navigateList(currentIndex); }); //handle up and down keys function keyPress(element){ //when keys are pressed $(element).unbind('keydown.sSelect').bind('keydown.sSelect',function(e){ var keycode = e.which; //prevent change function from firing prevented = true; switch(keycode){ case 40: //down case 39: //right incrementList(); return false; break; case 38: //up case 37: //left decrementList(); return false; break; case 33: //page up case 36: //home gotoFirst(); return false; break; case 34: //page down case 35: //end gotoLast(); return false; break; case 13: //enter case 27: //esc closeDropDown(true); return false; break; case 9: //tab closeDropDown(true); nextFormElement(); return false; break; } //check for keyboard shortcuts keyPressed = String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase(); var currentKeyIndex = keys.indexOf(keyPressed); if (typeof currentKeyIndex != 'undefined'){ //if key code found in array ++currentIndex; currentIndex = keys.indexOf(keyPressed, currentIndex); //search array from current index if (currentIndex == -1 || currentIndex == null || prevKey != keyPressed){ // if no entry was found or new key pressed search from start of array currentIndex = keys.indexOf(keyPressed); } navigateList(currentIndex); //store last key pressed prevKey = keyPressed; return false; } }); } function incrementList(){ if (currentIndex < (newLiLength-1)){ ++currentIndex; navigateList(currentIndex); } } function decrementList(){ if (currentIndex > 0){ --currentIndex; navigateList(currentIndex); } } function gotoFirst(){ currentIndex = 0; navigateList(currentIndex); } function gotoLast(){ currentIndex = newLiLength-1; navigateList(currentIndex); } $containerDiv.bind('click.sSelect',function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); keyPress(this); }); $containerDiv.bind('focus.sSelect',function(){ $(this).addClass('newListSelFocus'); keyPress(this); }); $containerDiv.bind('blur.sSelect',function(){ $(this).removeClass('newListSelFocus'); }); //hide list on blur $(document).bind('click.sSelect',function(){ $containerDiv.removeClass('newListSelFocus'); if ($containerDivWrapper.is(':visible')){ closeDropDown(false, true); } else { closeDropDown(false); } }); //select next form element in document function nextFormElement() { var fields = $('body').find('button,input,textarea,select'), index = fields.index($input); if (index > -1 && (index + 1) < fields.length) { fields.eq(index + 1).focus(); } return false; } // handle focus on original select element $input.focus(function(){ $input.next().focus(); }); //add classes on hover $containerDivText.bind('mouseenter.sSelect', function(e){ var $hoveredTxt = $(e.target); $hoveredTxt.parent().addClass('newListSelHover'); }).bind('mouseleave.sSelect', function(e){ var $hoveredTxt = $(e.target); $hoveredTxt.parent().removeClass('newListSelHover'); }); //reset left property and hide $containerDivWrapper.css({ left: '0', display: 'none', visibility: 'visible' }); }); }; })(jQuery);