setRepository('/path/to/repo'); * $git->remote->add('origin', ''); * $git->remote->url('origin', ''); * ``` * * ##### Options * * - **push** (_boolean_) Push URLs are manipulated instead of fetch URLs * * @param string $name The name of remote * @param string $newUrl The new URL * @param string $oldUrl [optional] The old URL * @param array $options [optional] An array of options {@see SetUrlCommand::setDefaultOptions} * * @return bool */ public function __invoke($name, $newUrl, $oldUrl = null, array $options = array()) { return $this->set($name, $newUrl, $oldUrl, $options); } /** * Sets the URL remote to $newUrl * * ``` php * $git = new PHPGit\Git(); * $git->setRepository('/path/to/repo'); * $git->remote->add('origin', ''); * $git->remote->url->set('origin', ''); * ``` * * ##### Options * * - **push** (_boolean_) Push URLs are manipulated instead of fetch URLs * * @param string $name The name of remote * @param string $newUrl The new URL * @param string $oldUrl [optional] The old URL * @param array $options [optional] An array of options {@see SetUrlCommand::setDefaultOptions} * * @return bool */ public function set($name, $newUrl, $oldUrl = null, array $options = array()) { $options = $this->resolve($options); $builder = $this->git->getProcessBuilder() ->add('remote') ->add('set-url'); $this->addFlags($builder, $options); $builder ->add($name) ->add($newUrl); if ($oldUrl) { $builder->add($oldUrl); } $this->git->run($builder->getProcess()); return true; } /** * Adds new URL to remote * * ``` php * $git = new PHPGit\Git(); * $git->setRepository('/path/to/repo'); * $git->remote->add('origin', ''); * $git->remote->url->add('origin', ''); * ``` * * ##### Options * * - **push** (_boolean_) Push URLs are manipulated instead of fetch URLs * * @param string $name The name of remote * @param string $newUrl The new URL * @param array $options [optional] An array of options {@see SetUrlCommand::setDefaultOptions} * * @return bool */ public function add($name, $newUrl, array $options = array()) { $options = $this->resolve($options); $builder = $this->git->getProcessBuilder() ->add('remote') ->add('set-url') ->add('--add'); $this->addFlags($builder, $options); $builder ->add($name) ->add($newUrl); $this->git->run($builder->getProcess()); return true; } /** * Deletes all URLs matching regex $url * * ``` php * $git = new PHPGit\Git(); * $git->setRepository('/path/to/repo'); * $git->remote->add('origin', ''); * $git->remote->url->delete('origin', ''); * ``` * * ##### Options * * - **push** (_boolean_) Push URLs are manipulated instead of fetch URLs * * @param string $name The remote name * @param string $url The URL to delete * @param array $options [optional] An array of options {@see SetUrlCommand::setDefaultOptions} * * @return bool */ public function delete($name, $url, array $options = array()) { $options = $this->resolve($options); $builder = $this->git->getProcessBuilder() ->add('remote') ->add('set-url') ->add('--delete'); $this->addFlags($builder, $options); $builder ->add($name) ->add($url); $this->git->run($builder->getProcess()); return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * - **push** (_boolean_) Push URLs are manipulated instead of fetch URLs */ public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver) { $resolver->setDefaults(array( 'push' => false )); } }