/*jshint multistr:true, curly: false */ /*global jQuery:false, define: false */ /** * jRange - Awesome range control * * Written by * ---------- * Nitin Hayaran (nitinhayaran@gmail.com) * * Licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt). * * @author Nitin Hayaran * @version 0.1-RELEASE * * Dependencies * ------------ * jQuery (http://jquery.com) * **/ ; (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var jRange = function(){ return this.init.apply(this, arguments); }; jRange.prototype = { defaults : { onstatechange : function(){}, isRange : false, showLabels : true, showScale : true, step : 1, format: '%s', theme : 'theme-green', width : 300 }, template : '
', init : function(node, options){ this.options = $.extend({}, this.defaults, options); this.inputNode = $(node); this.options.value = this.inputNode.val() || (this.options.isRange ? this.options.from+','+this.options.from : this.options.from); this.domNode = $(this.template); this.domNode.addClass(this.options.theme); this.inputNode.after(this.domNode); this.domNode.on('change', this.onChange); this.pointers = $('.pointer', this.domNode); this.lowPointer = this.pointers.first(); this.highPointer = this.pointers.last(); this.labels = $('.pointer-label', this.domNode); this.lowLabel = this.labels.first(); this.highLabel = this.labels.last(); this.scale = $('.scale', this.domNode); this.bar = $('.selected-bar', this.domNode); this.clickableBar = this.domNode.find('.clickable-dummy'); this.interval = this.options.to - this.options.from; this.render(); }, render: function(){ // Check if inputNode is visible, and have some width, so that we can set slider width accordingly. if( this.inputNode.width() === 0 && !this.options.width ){ console.log('jRange : no width found, returning'); return; }else{ this.domNode.width( this.options.width || this.inputNode.width() ); this.inputNode.hide(); } if(this.isSingle()){ this.lowPointer.hide(); this.lowLabel.hide(); } if(!this.options.showLabels){ this.labels.hide(); } this.attachEvents(); if(this.options.showScale){ this.renderScale(); } this.setValue(this.options.value); }, isSingle: function(){ if(typeof(this.options.value) === 'number'){ return true; } return (this.options.value.indexOf(',') !== -1 || this.options.isRange) ? false : true; }, attachEvents: function(){ this.clickableBar.click($.proxy(this.barClicked, this)); this.pointers.mousedown($.proxy(this.onDragStart, this)); this.pointers.bind('dragstart', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); }); }, onDragStart: function(e){ if(e.which !== 1){return;} e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var pointer = $(e.target); pointer.addClass('focused'); this[(pointer.hasClass('low')?'low':'high') + 'Label'].addClass('focused'); $(document).on('mousemove.slider', $.proxy(this.onDrag, this, pointer)); $(document).on('mouseup.slider', $.proxy(this.onDragEnd, this)); }, onDrag: function(pointer, e){ e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var position = e.clientX - this.domNode.offset().left; this.domNode.trigger('change', [this, pointer, position]); }, onDragEnd: function(){ this.pointers.removeClass('focused'); this.labels.removeClass('focused'); $(document).off('.slider'); $(document).off('.slider'); }, barClicked: function(e){ var x = e.pageX - this.clickableBar.offset().left; if(this.isSingle()) this.setPosition(this.pointers.last(), x, true, true); else{ var pointer = Math.abs(parseInt(this.pointers.first().css('left'), 10) - x + this.pointers.first().width() / 2) < Math.abs(parseInt(this.pointers.last().css('left'), 10) - x + this.pointers.first().width() / 2) ? this.pointers.first() : this.pointers.last(); this.setPosition(pointer, x, true, true); } }, onChange: function(e, self, pointer, position){ var min, max; if(self.isSingle()){ min = 0; max = self.domNode.width(); }else{ min = pointer.hasClass('high')? self.lowPointer.position().left + self.lowPointer.width() / 2 : 0; max = pointer.hasClass('low') ? self.highPointer.position().left + self.highPointer.width() / 2 : self.domNode.width(); } var value = Math.min(Math.max(position, min), max); self.setPosition(pointer, value, true); }, setPosition: function(pointer, position, isPx, animate){ var leftPos, lowPos = this.lowPointer.position().left, highPos = this.highPointer.position().left, circleWidth = this.highPointer.width() / 2; if(!isPx){ position = this.prcToPx(position); } if(pointer[0] === this.highPointer[0]){ highPos = Math.round(position - circleWidth); }else{ lowPos = Math.round(position - circleWidth); } pointer[animate?'animate':'css']({'left': Math.round(position - circleWidth)}); if(this.isSingle()){ leftPos = 0; }else{ leftPos = lowPos + circleWidth; } this.bar[animate?'animate':'css']({ 'width' : Math.round(highPos + circleWidth - leftPos), 'left' : leftPos }); this.showPointerValue(pointer, position, animate); }, // will be called from outside setValue: function(value){ var values = value.toString().split(','); this.options.value = value; var prc = this.valuesToPrc( values.length === 2 ? values : [0, values[0]] ); if(this.isSingle()){ this.setPosition(this.highPointer, prc[1]); }else{ this.setPosition(this.lowPointer, prc[0]); this.setPosition(this.highPointer, prc[1]); } }, renderScale: function(){ var s = this.options.scale || [this.options.from, this.options.to]; var prc = Math.round((100 / (s.length - 1)) * 10) / 10; var str = ''; for(var i = 0; i < s.length ; i++ ){ str += '' + (s[i] != '|' ? '' + s[i] + '' : '') + ''; } this.scale.html(str); $('ins', this.scale).each(function () { $(this).css({ marginLeft: -$(this).outerWidth() / 2 }); }); }, getBarWidth: function(){ var values = this.options.value.split(','); if(values.length > 1){ return parseInt(values[1], 10) - parseInt(values[0], 10); }else{ return parseInt(values[0], 10); } }, showPointerValue: function(pointer, position, animate){ var label = $('.pointer-label', this.domNode)[pointer.hasClass('low')?'first':'last'](); var text; var value = this.positionToValue(position); if($.isFunction(this.options.format)){ var type = this.isSingle() ? undefined : (pointer.hasClass('low') ? 'low':'high'); text = this.options.format(value, type); }else{ text = this.options.format.replace('%s', value); } var width = label.html(text).width(), left = position - width / 2; left = Math.min(Math.max(left, 0), this.options.width - width); label[animate?'animate':'css']({left: left}); this.setInputValue(pointer, value); }, valuesToPrc: function(values){ var lowPrc = ( ( values[0] - this.options.from ) * 100 / this.interval ), highPrc = ( ( values[1] - this.options.from ) * 100 / this.interval ); return [lowPrc, highPrc]; }, prcToPx: function(prc){ return (this.domNode.width() * prc) / 100; }, positionToValue: function(pos){ var value = (pos / this.domNode.width()) * this.interval; value = value + this.options.from; return Math.round(value / this.options.step) * this.options.step; }, setInputValue: function(pointer, v){ // if(!isChanged) return; if(this.isSingle()){ this.options.value = v.toString(); }else{ var values = this.options.value.split(','); if(pointer.hasClass('low')){ this.options.value = v + ',' + values[1]; }else{ this.options.value = values[0] + ',' + v; } } if( this.inputNode.val() !== this.options.value ){ this.inputNode.val(this.options.value); this.options.onstatechange.call(this, this.options.value); } }, getValue: function(){ return this.options.value; } }; /*$.jRange = function (node, options) { var jNode = $(node); if(!jNode.data('jrange')){ jNode.data('jrange', new jRange(node, options)); } return jNode.data('jrange'); }; $.fn.jRange = function (options) { return this.each(function(){ $.jRange(this, options); }); };*/ var pluginName = 'jRange'; // A really lightweight plugin wrapper around the constructor, // preventing against multiple instantiations $.fn[pluginName] = function(option) { var args = arguments, result; this.each(function() { var $this = $(this), data = $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName), options = typeof option === 'object' && option; if (!data) { $this.data('plugin_' + pluginName, (data = new jRange(this, options))); } // if first argument is a string, call silimarly named function // this gives flexibility to call functions of the plugin e.g. // - $('.dial').plugin('destroy'); // - $('.dial').plugin('render', $('.new-child')); if (typeof option === 'string') { result = data[option].apply(data, Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1)); } }); // To enable plugin returns values return result || this; }; })(jQuery, window, document);