function initThemeChooser(settings) { var isInitialized = false; var currentThemeSystem; // don't set this directly. use setThemeSystem var currentStylesheetEl; var loadingEl = document.getElementById('loading'); var systemSelectEl = document.querySelector('#theme-system-selector select'); var themeSelectWrapEls = // convert to real array document.querySelectorAll('.selector[data-theme-system]') ); systemSelectEl.addEventListener('change', function() { setThemeSystem(this.value); }); setThemeSystem(systemSelectEl.value); themeSelectWrapEls.forEach(function(themeSelectWrapEl) { var themeSelectEl = themeSelectWrapEl.querySelector('select'); themeSelectWrapEl.addEventListener('change', function() { setTheme( currentThemeSystem, themeSelectEl.options[themeSelectEl.selectedIndex].value ); }); }); function setThemeSystem(themeSystem) { var selectedTheme; currentThemeSystem = themeSystem; themeSelectWrapEls.forEach(function(themeSelectWrapEl) { var themeSelectEl = themeSelectWrapEl.querySelector('select'); if (themeSelectWrapEl.getAttribute('data-theme-system') === themeSystem) { selectedTheme = themeSelectEl.options[themeSelectEl.selectedIndex].value; = 'inline-block'; } else { = 'none'; } }); setTheme(themeSystem, selectedTheme); } function setTheme(themeSystem, themeName) { var stylesheetUrl = generateStylesheetUrl(themeSystem, themeName); var stylesheetEl; function done() { if (!isInitialized) { isInitialized = true; settings.init(themeSystem); } else { settings.change(themeSystem); } showCredits(themeSystem, themeName); } if (stylesheetUrl) { stylesheetEl = document.createElement('link'); stylesheetEl.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); stylesheetEl.setAttribute('href', stylesheetUrl); document.querySelector('head').appendChild(stylesheetEl); = 'inline'; whenStylesheetLoaded(stylesheetEl, function() { if (currentStylesheetEl) { currentStylesheetEl.parentNode.removeChild(currentStylesheetEl); } currentStylesheetEl = stylesheetEl; = 'none'; done(); }); } else { if (currentStylesheetEl) { currentStylesheetEl.parentNode.removeChild(currentStylesheetEl); currentStylesheetEl = null } done(); } } function generateStylesheetUrl(themeSystem, themeName) { if (themeSystem === 'bootstrap') { if (themeName) { return '' + themeName + '/bootstrap.min.css'; } else { // the default bootstrap theme return ''; } } } function showCredits(themeSystem, themeName) { var creditId; if (themeSystem.match('bootstrap')) { if (themeName) { creditId = 'bootstrap-custom'; } else { creditId = 'bootstrap-standard'; } } // convert to real array document.querySelectorAll('.credits') ).forEach(function(creditEl) { if (creditEl.getAttribute('data-credit-id') === creditId) { = 'block'; } else { = 'none'; } }) } function whenStylesheetLoaded(linkNode, callback) { var isReady = false; function ready() { if (!isReady) { // avoid double-call isReady = true; callback(); } } linkNode.onload = ready; // does not work cross-browser setTimeout(ready, 2000); // max wait. also handles browsers that don't support onload } }