describe('wheelZoomRatio (option)', () => { it('should be `0.1` by default', (done) => { const image = window.createImage(); const cropper = new Cropper(image, { ready() { const canvasData = cropper.getCanvasData(); const wheelEvent = window.createEvent('wheel'); wheelEvent.deltaY = -1; cropper.cropper.dispatchEvent(wheelEvent); expect(canvasData.width * 1.1).to.equal(cropper.getCanvasData().width); done(); }, }); expect(cropper.options.wheelZoomRatio).to.equal(0.1); }); it('should match the given zoom ratio', (done) => { const image = window.createImage(); const wheelZoomRatio = 0.2; const cropper = new Cropper(image, { wheelZoomRatio, ready() { const canvasData = cropper.getCanvasData(); const wheelEvent = window.createEvent('wheel'); wheelEvent.deltaY = -1; cropper.cropper.dispatchEvent(wheelEvent); expect(canvasData.width * (1 + wheelZoomRatio)).to.equal(cropper.getCanvasData().width); done(); }, }); expect(cropper.options.wheelZoomRatio).to.equal(wheelZoomRatio); }); });