describe('cropstart (option)', () => { const POINTER_DOWN = window.PointerEvent ? 'pointerdown' : 'mousedown'; const POINTER_MOVE = window.PointerEvent ? 'pointermove' : 'mousemove'; const POINTER_UP = window.PointerEvent ? 'pointerup' : 'mouseup'; it('should be `null` be default', () => { const image = window.createImage(); const cropper = new Cropper(image); expect(cropper.options.cropstart); }); it('should execute the `cropstart` hook function', (done) => { const image = window.createImage(); const cropper = new Cropper(image, { ready() { const { dragBox } = cropper; dragBox.dispatchEvent(window.createEvent(POINTER_DOWN)); dragBox.dispatchEvent(window.createEvent(POINTER_MOVE)); dragBox.dispatchEvent(window.createEvent(POINTER_UP)); }, cropstart(event) { expect(event.type).to.equal('cropstart'); expect(event.detail)'object').that.has.all.keys(['action', 'originalEvent']); expect(event.detail.action).to.equal('crop'); expect(event.detail.originalEvent.type).to.equal(POINTER_DOWN); done(); }, }); expect(cropper.options.cropstart)'function'); }); it('should not execute the `cropmove` and `cropend` callback function when default prevented', (done) => { const image = window.createImage(); const cropper = new Cropper(image, { ready() { const { dragBox } = cropper; dragBox.dispatchEvent(window.createEvent(POINTER_DOWN)); dragBox.dispatchEvent(window.createEvent(POINTER_MOVE)); dragBox.dispatchEvent(window.createEvent(POINTER_UP)); }, cropstart(event) { event.preventDefault(); done(); }, cropmove() {, 0); }, cropend() {, 0); }, }); }); });