import { ACTION_CROP, ACTION_ZOOM, CLASS_CROP, CLASS_MODAL, DATA_ACTION, DRAG_MODE_CROP, DRAG_MODE_MOVE, DRAG_MODE_NONE, EVENT_CROP_END, EVENT_CROP_MOVE, EVENT_CROP_START, REGEXP_ACTIONS, } from './constants'; import { addClass, dispatchEvent, each, extend, getData, getPointer, hasClass, toggleClass, } from './utilities'; export default { resize() { const { options, container, containerData } = this; const minContainerWidth = Number(options.minContainerWidth) || 200; const minContainerHeight = Number(options.minContainerHeight) || 100; if (this.disabled || containerData.width <= minContainerWidth || containerData.height <= minContainerHeight) { return; } const ratio = container.offsetWidth / containerData.width; // Resize when width changed or height changed if (ratio !== 1 || container.offsetHeight !== containerData.height) { let canvasData; let cropBoxData; if (options.restore) { canvasData = this.getCanvasData(); cropBoxData = this.getCropBoxData(); } this.render(); if (options.restore) { this.setCanvasData(each(canvasData, (n, i) => { canvasData[i] = n * ratio; })); this.setCropBoxData(each(cropBoxData, (n, i) => { cropBoxData[i] = n * ratio; })); } } }, dblclick() { if (this.disabled || this.options.dragMode === DRAG_MODE_NONE) { return; } this.setDragMode(hasClass(this.dragBox, CLASS_CROP) ? DRAG_MODE_MOVE : DRAG_MODE_CROP); }, wheel(e) { const ratio = Number(this.options.wheelZoomRatio) || 0.1; let delta = 1; if (this.disabled) { return; } e.preventDefault(); // Limit wheel speed to prevent zoom too fast (#21) if (this.wheeling) { return; } this.wheeling = true; setTimeout(() => { this.wheeling = false; }, 50); if (e.deltaY) { delta = e.deltaY > 0 ? 1 : -1; } else if (e.wheelDelta) { delta = -e.wheelDelta / 120; } else if (e.detail) { delta = e.detail > 0 ? 1 : -1; } this.zoom(-delta * ratio, e); }, cropStart(e) { if (this.disabled) { return; } const { options, pointers } = this; let action; if (e.changedTouches) { // Handle touch event each(e.changedTouches, (touch) => { pointers[touch.identifier] = getPointer(touch); }); } else { // Handle mouse event and pointer event pointers[e.pointerId || 0] = getPointer(e); } if (Object.keys(pointers).length > 1 && options.zoomable && options.zoomOnTouch) { action = ACTION_ZOOM; } else { action = getData(, DATA_ACTION); } if (!REGEXP_ACTIONS.test(action)) { return; } if (dispatchEvent(this.element, EVENT_CROP_START, { originalEvent: e, action, }) === false) { return; } e.preventDefault(); this.action = action; this.cropping = false; if (action === ACTION_CROP) { this.cropping = true; addClass(this.dragBox, CLASS_MODAL); } }, cropMove(e) { const { action } = this; if (this.disabled || !action) { return; } const { pointers } = this; e.preventDefault(); if (dispatchEvent(this.element, EVENT_CROP_MOVE, { originalEvent: e, action, }) === false) { return; } if (e.changedTouches) { each(e.changedTouches, (touch) => { extend(pointers[touch.identifier], getPointer(touch, true)); }); } else { extend(pointers[e.pointerId || 0], getPointer(e, true)); } this.change(e); }, cropEnd(e) { if (this.disabled) { return; } const { action, pointers } = this; if (e.changedTouches) { each(e.changedTouches, (touch) => { delete pointers[touch.identifier]; }); } else { delete pointers[e.pointerId || 0]; } if (!action) { return; } e.preventDefault(); if (!Object.keys(pointers).length) { this.action = ''; } if (this.cropping) { this.cropping = false; toggleClass(this.dragBox, CLASS_MODAL, this.cropped && this.options.modal); } dispatchEvent(this.element, EVENT_CROP_END, { originalEvent: e, action, }); }, };