## MultiDrag Plugin This plugin allows users to select multiple items within a sortable at once, and drag them as one item. Once placed, the items will unfold into their original order, but all beside each other at the new position. [Read More](https://github.com/SortableJS/Sortable/wiki/Dragging-Multiple-Items-in-Sortable) Demo: https://jsbin.com/wopavom/edit?js,output --- ### Mounting ```js import { Sortable, MultiDrag } from 'sortablejs'; Sortable.mount(new MultiDrag()); ``` --- ### Options ```js new Sortable(el, { multiDrag: true, // Enable the plugin selectedClass: "sortable-selected", // Class name for selected item multiDragKey: null, // Key that must be down for items to be selected // Called when an item is selected onSelect: function(/**Event*/evt) { evt.item // The selected item }, // Called when an item is deselected onDeselect: function(/**Event*/evt) { evt.item // The deselected item } }); ``` --- #### `multiDragKey` option The key that must be down for multiple items to be selected. The default is `null`, meaning no key must be down. For special keys, such as the CTRL key, simply specify the option as `'CTRL'` (casing does not matter). --- #### `selectedClass` option Class name for the selected item(s) if multiDrag is enabled. Defaults to `sortable-selected`. ```css .selected { background-color: #f9c7c8; border: solid red 1px; } ``` ```js Sortable.create(list, { multiDrag: true, selectedClass: "selected" }); ``` --- ### Event Properties - items:`HTMLElement[]` — Array of selected items, or empty - clones:`HTMLElement[]` — Array of clones, or empty - oldIndicies:`Index[]` — Array containing information on the old indicies of the selected elements. - newIndicies:`Index[]` — Array containing information on the new indicies of the selected elements. #### Index Object - element:`HTMLElement` — The element whose index is being given - index:`Number` — The index of the element #### Note on `newIndicies` For any event that is fired during sorting, the index of any selected element that is not the main dragged element is given as `-1`. This is because it has either been removed from the DOM, or because it is in a folding animation (folding to the dragged element) and will be removed after this animation is complete. --- ### Sortable.utils * select(el:`HTMLElement`) — select the given multi-drag item * deselect(el:`HTMLElement`) — deselect the given multi-drag item