<?php define( 'UPDATE_VERSION' , 1063 ); /** * * update.php - automatic system update * * Automatically update database schemas and any other development changes such that * copying the latest files from the source code repository will always perform a clean * and painless upgrade. * * Each function in this file is named update_rnnnn() where nnnn is an increasing number * which began counting at 1000. * * At the top of the file "boot.php" is a define for DB_UPDATE_VERSION. Any time there is a change * to the database schema or one which requires an upgrade path from the existing application, * the DB_UPDATE_VERSION and the UPDATE_VERSION at the top of this file are incremented. * * The current DB_UPDATE_VERSION is stored in the config area of the database. If the application starts up * and DB_UPDATE_VERSION is greater than the last stored build number, we will process every update function * in order from the currently stored value to the new DB_UPDATE_VERSION. This is expected to bring the system * up to current without requiring re-installation or manual intervention. * * Once the upgrade functions have completed, the current DB_UPDATE_VERSION is stored as the current value. * The DB_UPDATE_VERSION will always be one greater than the last numbered script in this file. * * If you change the database schema, the following are required: * 1. Update the file database.sql to match the new schema. * 2. Update this file by adding a new function at the end with the number of the current DB_UPDATE_VERSION. * This function should modify the current database schema and perform any other steps necessary * to ensure that upgrade is silent and free from requiring interaction. * 3. Increment the DB_UPDATE_VERSION in boot.php *AND* the UPDATE_VERSION in this file to match it * 4. TEST the upgrade prior to checkin and filing a pull request. * */ function update_r1000() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `channel` ADD `channel_a_delegate` TINYINT( 3 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD INDEX ( `channel_a_delegate` )"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1001() { $r = q("CREATE TABLE if not exists `verify` ( `id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `channel` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `type` CHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `token` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `meta` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `created` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); $r2 = q("alter table `verify` add index (`channel`), add index (`type`), add index (`token`), add index (`meta`), add index (`created`)"); if($r && $r2) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1002() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `event` CHANGE `account` `aid` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"); $r2 = q("alter table `event` drop index `account`, add index (`aid`)"); q("drop table contact"); q("drop table deliverq"); if($r && $r2) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1003() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `xchan` ADD `xchan_flags` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `xchan_network` , ADD INDEX ( `xchan_flags` ) "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1004() { $r = q("CREATE TABLE if not exists `site` ( `site_url` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `site_flags` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `site_update` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `site_directory` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY ( `site_url` ) ) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); $r2 = q("alter table site add index (site_flags), add index (site_update), add index (site_directory) "); if($r && $r2) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1005() { q("drop table guid"); q("drop table `notify-threads`"); return UPDATE_SUCCESS; } function update_r1006() { $r = q("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `xprof` ( `xprof_hash` char(255) NOT NULL, `xprof_desc` char(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `xprof_dob` char(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `xprof_gender` char(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `xprof_marital` char(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `xprof_sexual` char(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `xprof_locale` char(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `xprof_region` char(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `xprof_postcode` char(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `xprof_country` char(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`xprof_hash`), KEY `xprof_desc` (`xprof_desc`), KEY `xprof_dob` (`xprof_dob`), KEY `xprof_gender` (`xprof_gender`), KEY `xprof_marital` (`xprof_marital`), KEY `xprof_sexual` (`xprof_sexual`), KEY `xprof_locale` (`xprof_locale`), KEY `xprof_region` (`xprof_region`), KEY `xprof_postcode` (`xprof_postcode`), KEY `xprof_country` (`xprof_country`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); $r2 = q("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `xtag` ( `xtag_hash` char(255) NOT NULL, `xtag_term` char(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`xtag_hash`), KEY `xtag_term` (`xtag_term`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); if($r && $r2) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1007() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `channel` ADD `channel_r_storage` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '128', ADD `channel_w_storage` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '128', add index ( channel_r_storage ), add index ( channel_w_storage )"); if($r && $r2) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1008() { $r = q("alter table profile drop prv_keywords, CHANGE `pub_keywords` `keywords` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL, drop index pub_keywords"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1009() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `xprof` ADD `xprof_keywords` TEXT NOT NULL"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1010() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `abook` ADD `abook_dob` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AFTER `abook_connnected` , ADD INDEX ( `abook_dob` )"); $r2 = q("ALTER TABLE `profile` ADD `dob_tz` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'UTC' AFTER `dob`"); if($r && $r2) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1011() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `item` ADD `expires` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AFTER `edited` , ADD INDEX ( `expires` )"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1012() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `xchan` ADD `xchan_connurl` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `xchan_url` , ADD INDEX ( `xchan_connurl` )"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1013() { $r = q("CREATE TABLE if not exists `xlink` ( `xlink_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `xlink_xchan` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `xlink_link` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `xlink_updated` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); $r2 = q("alter table xlink add index ( xlink_xchan ), add index ( xlink_link ), add index ( xlink_updated ) "); if($r && $r2) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1014() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `verify` CHANGE `id` `id` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1015() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `channel` ADD `channel_r_pages` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '128', ADD `channel_w_pages` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '128'"); $r2 = q("ALTER TABLE `channel` ADD INDEX ( `channel_r_pages` ) , ADD INDEX ( `channel_w_pages` ) "); if($r && $r2) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1016() { $r = q("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `menu` ( `menu_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `menu_channel_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `menu_desc` char(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`menu_id`), KEY `menu_channel_id` (`menu_channel_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 "); $r2 = q("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `menu_item` ( `mitem_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `mitem_link` char(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `mitem_desc` char(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `allow_cid` mediumtext NOT NULL, `allow_gid` mediumtext NOT NULL, `deny_cid` mediumtext NOT NULL, `deny_gid` mediumtext NOT NULL, `mitem_channel_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `mitem_menu_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `mitem_order` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`mitem_id`), KEY `mitem_channel_id` (`mitem_channel_id`), KEY `mitem_menu_id` (`mitem_menu_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 "); if($r && $r2) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1017() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `event` CHANGE `cid` `event_xchan` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD INDEX ( `event_xchan` ), drop index cid "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1018() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `event` ADD `event_hash` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `event_xchan` , ADD INDEX ( `event_hash` )"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1019() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `event` DROP `message_id` "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1020() { $r = q("alter table photo drop `contact-id`, drop guid, drop index `resource-id`, add index ( `resource_id` )"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1021() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `abook` CHANGE `abook_connnected` `abook_connected` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', drop index `abook_connnected`, add index ( `abook_connected` ) "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1022() { $r = q("alter table attach add index ( filename ), add index ( filetype ), add index ( filesize ), add index ( created ), add index ( edited ) "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1023() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `item` ADD `revision` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `lang` , add index ( revision ) "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1024() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `attach` ADD `revision` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `filesize` , ADD INDEX ( `revision` ) "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1025() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `attach` ADD `folder` CHAR( 64 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `revision` , ADD `flags` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `folder` , add index ( folder ), add index ( flags )"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1026() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `item` ADD `mimetype` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `author_xchan` , ADD INDEX ( `mimetype` )"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1027() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `abook` ADD `abook_rating` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `abook_closeness` , ADD INDEX ( `abook_rating` )"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1028() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `xlink` ADD `xlink_rating` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `xlink_link` , ADD INDEX ( `xlink_rating` ) "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1029() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `channel` ADD `channel_deleted` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AFTER `channel_pageflags` , ADD INDEX ( `channel_deleted` ) "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1030() { $r = q("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `issue` ( `issue_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `issue_created` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `issue_updated` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `issue_assigned` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `issue_priority` INT NOT NULL , `issue_status` INT NOT NULL , `issue_component` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL, KEY `issue_created` (`issue_created`), KEY `issue_updated` (`issue_updated`), KEY `issue_assigned` (`issue_assigned`), KEY `issue_priority` (`issue_priority`), KEY `issue_status` (`issue_status`), KEY `issue_component` (`issue_component`) ) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1031() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `account` ADD `account_external` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `account_email` , ADD INDEX ( `account_external` )"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1032() { $r = q("CREATE TABLE if not exists `xign` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `uid` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `xchan` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', KEY `uid` (`uid`), KEY `xchan` (`xchan`) ) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1033() { $r = q("CREATE TABLE if not exists `shares` ( `share_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `share_type` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `share_target` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `share_xchan` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', KEY `share_type` (`share_type`), KEY `share_target` (`share_target`), KEY `share_xchan` (`share_xchan`) ) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8"); // if these fail don't bother reporting it q("drop table gcign"); q("drop table gcontact"); q("drop table glink"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1034() { $r = q("CREATE TABLE if not exists `updates` ( `ud_hash` CHAR( 128 ) NOT NULL , `ud_date` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY ( `ud_hash` ), KEY `ud_date` ( `ud_date` ) ) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1035() { $r = q("CREATE TABLE if not exists `xconfig` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `xchan` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `cat` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `k` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `v` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, KEY `xchan` ( `xchan` ), KEY `cat` ( `cat` ), KEY `k` ( `k` ) ) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1036() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `profile` ADD `channels` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `contact` "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1037() { $r1 = q("ALTER TABLE `item` CHANGE `uri` `mid` CHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', CHANGE `parent_uri` `parent_mid` CHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', DROP INDEX `uri` , ADD INDEX `mid` ( `mid` ), DROP INDEX `parent_uri` , ADD INDEX `parent_mid` ( `parent_mid` ), DROP INDEX `uid_uri` , ADD INDEX `uid_mid` ( `mid` , `uid` ) "); $r2 = q("ALTER TABLE `mail` CHANGE `uri` `mid` CHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL , CHANGE `parent_uri` `parent_mid` CHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL , DROP INDEX `uri` , ADD INDEX `mid` ( `mid` ), DROP INDEX `parent_uri` , ADD INDEX `parent_mid` ( `parent_mid` ) "); if($r1 && $r2) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1038() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `manage` CHANGE `mid` `xchan` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', drop index `mid`, ADD INDEX ( `xchan` )"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1039() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `channel` CHANGE `channel_default_gid` `channel_default_group` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1040() { $r1 = q("ALTER TABLE `session` CHANGE `expire` `expire` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL "); $r2 = q("ALTER TABLE `tokens` CHANGE `expires` `expires` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL "); if($r1 && $r2) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1041() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `outq` ADD `outq_driver` CHAR( 32 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `outq_channel` "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1042() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `hubloc` ADD `hubloc_updated` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', ADD `hubloc_connected` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', ADD INDEX ( `hubloc_updated` ), ADD INDEX ( `hubloc_connected` )"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1043() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `item` ADD `comment_policy` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `coord` , ADD INDEX ( `comment_policy` ) "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1044() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `term` ADD `imgurl` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , ADD INDEX ( `imgurl` ) "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1045() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `site` ADD `site_register` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD INDEX ( `site_register` ) "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1046() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `term` ADD `term_hash` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ADD INDEX ( `term_hash` ) "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1047() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `xprof` ADD `xprof_age` TINYINT( 3 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `xprof_hash` , ADD INDEX ( `xprof_age` ) "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1048() { $r = q("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `obj` ( `obj_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `obj_page` char(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `obj_verb` char(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `obj_type` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `obj_obj` char(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `obj_channel` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`obj_id`), KEY `obj_verb` (`obj_verb`), KEY `obj_page` (`obj_page`), KEY `obj_type` (`obj_type`), KEY `obj_channel` (`obj_channel`), KEY `obj_obj` (`obj_obj`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1049() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `term` ADD `parent_hash` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `term_hash` , ADD INDEX ( `parent_hash` ) "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1050() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `xtag` DROP PRIMARY KEY , ADD `xtag_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST , ADD INDEX ( `xtag_hash` ) "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1051() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `photo` ADD `photo_flags` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `profile` , ADD INDEX ( `photo_flags` ) "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1052() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `channel` ADD UNIQUE (`channel_address`) "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1053() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `profile` ADD `chandesc` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `pdesc` "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1054() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `item` CHANGE `title` `title` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1055() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `mail` CHANGE `title` `title` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1056() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `xchan` ADD `xchan_instance_url` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `xchan_network` , ADD INDEX ( `xchan_instance_url` ) "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1057() { $r = q("drop table intro"); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1058() { $r1 = q("ALTER TABLE `menu` ADD `menu_name` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `menu_channel_id` , ADD INDEX ( `menu_name` ) "); $r2 = q("ALTER TABLE `menu_item` ADD `mitem_flags` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `mitem_desc` , ADD INDEX ( `mitem_flags` ) "); if($r1 && $r2) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1059() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `mail` ADD `attach` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `body` "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1060() { $r = q("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vote` ( `vote_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `vote_poll` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `vote_element` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `vote_result` text NOT NULL, `vote_xchan` char(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`vote_id`), UNIQUE KEY `vote_vote` (`vote_poll`,`vote_element`,`vote_xchan`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1061() { $r = q("ALTER TABLE `vote` ADD INDEX ( `vote_poll` ), ADD INDEX ( `vote_element` ) "); if($r) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; } function update_r1062() { $r1 = q("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `poll` ( `poll_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `poll_channel` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `poll_desc` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `poll_flags` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `poll_votes` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', KEY `poll_channel` (`poll_channel`), KEY `poll_flags` (`poll_flags`), KEY `poll_votes` (`poll_votes`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 "); $r2 = q("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `poll_elm` ( `pelm_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `pelm_poll` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `pelm_desc` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `pelm_flags` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `pelm_result` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', KEY `pelm_poll` (`pelm_poll`), KEY `pelm_result` (`pelm_result`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 "); if($r1 && $r2) return UPDATE_SUCCESS; return UPDATE_FAILED; }