$type, 'sender' => array( 'guid' => $channel['channel_guid'], 'guid_sig' => base64url_encode(rsa_sign($channel['channel_guid'],$channel['channel_prvkey'])), 'url' => z_root(), 'url_sig' => base64url_encode(rsa_sign(z_root(),$channel['channel_prvkey'])) ), 'callback' => '/post', 'version' => ZOT_REVISION ); if($recipients) $data['recipients'] = $recipients; if($secret) { $data['secret'] = $secret; $data['secret_sig'] = base64url_encode(rsa_sign($secret,$channel['channel_prvkey'])); } logger('zot_build_packet: ' . print_r($data,true), LOGGER_DATA); // Hush-hush ultra top-secret mode if($remote_key) { $data = aes_encapsulate(json_encode($data),$remote_key); } return json_encode($data); } /** * @function: zot_zot * @param: string $url * @param: array $data * * @returns: array => see z_post_url for returned data format */ function zot_zot($url,$data) { return z_post_url($url,array('data' => $data)); } /** * @function: zot_finger * * Look up information about channel * @param: string $webbie * does not have to be host qualified e.g. 'foo' is treated as 'foo@thishub' * @param: array $channel * (optional), if supplied permissions will be enumerated specifically for $channel * @param: boolean $autofallback * fallback/failover to http if https connection cannot be established. Default is true. * * @returns: array => see z_post_url and mod/zfinger.php */ function zot_finger($webbie,$channel,$autofallback = true) { if(strpos($webbie,'@') === false) { $address = $webbie; $host = get_app()->get_hostname(); } else { $address = substr($webbie,0,strpos($webbie,'@')); $host = substr($webbie,strpos($webbie,'@')+1); } $xchan_addr = $address . '@' . $host; if((! $address) || (! $xchan_addr)) { logger('zot_finger: no address :' . $webbie); return array('success' => false); } $r = q("select xchan.*, hubloc.* from xchan left join hubloc on xchan_hash = hubloc_hash where xchan_addr = '%s' and (hubloc_flags & %d) limit 1", dbesc($xchan_addr), intval(HUBLOC_FLAGS_PRIMARY) ); if($r) { $url = $r[0]['hubloc_url']; } else { $url = 'https://' . $host; } $rhs = '/.well-known/zot-info'; $https = ((strpos($url,'https://') === 0) ? true : false); logger('zot_finger: ' . $address . ' at ' . $url, LOGGER_DEBUG); if($channel) { $postvars = array( 'address' => $address, 'target' => $channel['channel_guid'], 'target_sig' => $channel['channel_guid_sig'], 'key' => $channel['channel_pubkey'] ); $result = z_post_url($url . $rhs,$postvars); if((! $result['success']) && ($autofallback)) { if($https) { logger('zot_finger: https failed. falling back to http'); $result = z_post_url('http://' . $host . $rhs,$postvars); } } } else { $rhs .= '?f=&address=' . urlencode($address); $result = z_fetch_url($url . $rhs); if((! $result['success']) && ($autofallback)) { if($https) { logger('zot_finger: https failed. falling back to http'); $result = z_fetch_url('http://' . $host . $rhs); } } } if(! $result['success']) logger('zot_finger: no results'); return $result; } /** * @function: zot_refresh * * zot_refresh is typically invoked when somebody has changed permissions of a channel and they are notified * to fetch new permissions via a finger operation. This may result in a new connection (abook entry) being added to a local channel * and it may result in auto-permissions being granted. * */ function zot_refresh($them,$channel = null) { logger('zot_refresh: them: ' . print_r($them,true), LOGGER_DATA); if($channel) logger('zot_refresh: channel: ' . print_r($channel,true), LOGGER_DATA); if($them['hubloc_url']) $url = $them['hubloc_url']; else { $r = q("select hubloc_url from hubloc where hubloc_hash = '%s' and ( hubloc_flags & %d ) limit 1", dbesc($them['xchan_hash']), intval(HUBLOC_FLAGS_PRIMARY) ); if($r) $url = $r[0]['hubloc_url']; } if(! $url) { logger('zot_refresh: no url'); return false; } $postvars = array(); if($channel) { $postvars['target'] = $channel['channel_guid']; $postvars['target_sig'] = $channel['channel_guid_sig']; $postvars['key'] = $channel['channel_pubkey']; } if(array_key_exists('xchan_addr',$them) && $them['xchan_addr']) $postvars['address'] = $them['xchan_addr']; if(array_key_exists('xchan_hash',$them) && $them['xchan_hash']) $postvars['guid_hash'] = $them['xchan_hash']; if(array_key_exists('xchan_guid',$them) && $them['xchan_guid'] && array_key_exists('xchan_guid_sig',$them) && $them['xchan_guid_sig']) { $postvars['guid'] = $them['xchan_guid']; $postvars['guid_sig'] = $them['xchan_guid_sig']; } $rhs = '/.well-known/zot-info'; $result = z_post_url($url . $rhs,$postvars); logger('zot_refresh: zot-info: ' . print_r($result,true), LOGGER_DATA); if($result['success']) { $j = json_decode($result['body'],true); if(! (($j) && ($j['success']))) { logger('zot_refresh: result not decodable'); return false; } $x = import_xchan($j); if(! $x['success']) return false; $xchan_hash = $x['hash']; $their_perms = 0; if($channel) { $global_perms = get_perms(); if($j['permissions']['data']) { $permissions = aes_unencapsulate(array( 'data' => $j['permissions']['data'], 'key' => $j['permissions']['key'], 'iv' => $j['permissions']['iv']), $channel['channel_prvkey']); if($permissions) $permissions = json_decode($permissions,true); logger('decrypted permissions: ' . print_r($permissions,true), LOGGER_DATA); } else $permissions = $j['permissions']; if($permissions && is_array($permissions)) { foreach($permissions as $k => $v) { if($v) { $their_perms = $their_perms | intval($global_perms[$k][1]); } } } $r = q("select * from abook where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d and not (abook_flags & %d) limit 1", dbesc($x['hash']), intval($channel['channel_id']), intval(ABOOK_FLAG_SELF) ); if($r) { $y = q("update abook set abook_their_perms = %d where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d and not (abook_flags & %d) limit 1", intval($their_perms), dbesc($x['hash']), intval($channel['channel_id']), intval(ABOOK_FLAG_SELF) ); if(! $y) logger('abook update failed'); else { // if we were just granted read stream permission and didn't have it before, try to pull in some posts if((! ($r[0]['abook_their_perms'] & PERMS_R_STREAM)) && ($their_perms & PERMS_R_STREAM)) proc_run('php','include/onepoll.php',$r[0]['abook_id']); } } else { $default_perms = 0; // look for default permissions to apply in return - e.g. auto-friend $z = q("select * from abook where abook_channel = %d and (abook_flags & %d) limit 1", intval($channel['channel_id']), intval(ABOOK_FLAG_SELF) ); if($z) $default_perms = intval($z[0]['abook_my_perms']); $y = q("insert into abook ( abook_account, abook_channel, abook_xchan, abook_their_perms, abook_my_perms, abook_created, abook_updated, abook_flags ) values ( %d, %d, '%s', %d, %d, '%s', '%s', %d )", intval($channel['channel_account_id']), intval($channel['channel_id']), dbesc($x['hash']), intval($their_perms), intval($default_perms), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval(($default_perms) ? 0 : ABOOK_FLAG_PENDING) ); if($y) { logger("New introduction received for {$channel['channel_name']}"); if($default_perms) { // send back a permissions update for auto-friend/auto-permissions $z = q("select * from abook where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d and not (abook_flags & %d) limit 1", dbesc($x['hash']), intval($channel['channel_id']), intval(ABOOK_FLAG_SELF) ); if($z) proc_run('php','include/notifier.php','permission_update',$z[0]['abook_id']); } $new_connection = q("select abook_id, abook_flags from abook where abook_channel = %d and abook_xchan = '%s' order by abook_created desc limit 1", intval($channel['channel_id']), dbesc($x['hash']) ); if($new_connection && (! ($new_connection[0]['abook_flags'] & ABOOK_FLAG_PENDING)) && ($their_perms & PERMS_R_STREAM)) proc_run('php','include/onepoll.php',$new_connection[0]['abook_id']); } } } return true; } return false; } /** * @function: zot_gethub * * A guid and a url, both signed by the sender, distinguish a known sender at a known location * This function looks these up to see if the channel is known. If not, we will need to verify it. * @returns: array => hubloc record */ function zot_gethub($arr) { if($arr['guid'] && $arr['guid_sig'] && $arr['url'] && $arr['url_sig']) { $r = q("select * from hubloc where hubloc_guid = '%s' and hubloc_guid_sig = '%s' and hubloc_url = '%s' and hubloc_url_sig = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($arr['guid']), dbesc($arr['guid_sig']), dbesc($arr['url']), dbesc($arr['url_sig']) ); if($r && count($r)) { logger('zot_gethub: found', LOGGER_DEBUG); return $r[0]; } } logger('zot_gethub: not found: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DEBUG); return null; } function zot_register_hub($arr) { $result = array('success' => false); if($arr['url'] && $arr['url_sig'] && $arr['guid'] && $arr['guid_sig']) { $guid_hash = base64url_encode(hash('whirlpool',$arr['guid'] . $arr['guid_sig'], true)); $url = $arr['url'] . '/.well-known/zot-info/?f=&guid_hash=' . $guid_hash; logger('zot_register_hub: ' . $url, LOGGER_DEBUG); $x = z_fetch_url($url); logger('zot_register_hub: ' . print_r($x,true), LOGGER_DATA); if($x['success']) { $record = json_decode($x['body'],true); $c = import_xchan($record); if($c['success']) $result['success'] = true; } } return $result; } // Takes a json associative array from zot_finger and imports the xchan and hublocs // If the xchan already exists, update the name and photo if these have changed. // function import_xchan($arr,$ud_flags = 1) { $ret = array('success' => false); $dirmode = intval(get_config('system','directory_mode')); $changed = false; $what = ''; if(! (is_array($arr) && array_key_exists('success',$arr) && $arr['success'])) { logger('import_xchan: invalid data packet: ' . print_r($arr,true)); $ret['message'] = t('Invalid data packet'); return $ret; } $xchan_hash = base64url_encode(hash('whirlpool',$arr['guid'] . $arr['guid_sig'], true)); $import_photos = false; if(! rsa_verify($arr['guid'],base64url_decode($arr['guid_sig']),$arr['key'])) { logger('import_xchan: Unable to verify channel signature for ' . $arr['address']); $ret['message'] = t('Unable to verify channel signature'); return $ret; } logger('import_xchan: ' . $xchan_hash, LOGGER_DEBUG); $r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($xchan_hash) ); if(! array_key_exists('connect_url', $arr)) $arr['connect_url'] = ''; if(strpos($arr['address'],'/') !== false) $arr['address'] = substr($arr['address'],0,strpos($arr['address'],'/')); if($r) { if($r[0]['xchan_photo_date'] != $arr['photo_updated']) $import_photos = true; // if we import an entry from a site that's not ours and either or both of us is off the grid - hide the entry. // TODO: check if we're the same directory realm, which would mean we are allowed to see it $dirmode = get_config('system','directory_mode'); if((($arr['site']['directory_mode'] === 'standalone') || ($dirmode & DIRECTORY_MODE_STANDALONE)) && ($arr['site']['url'] != z_root())) $arr['searchable'] = false; $hidden = (1 - intval($arr['searchable'])); // Be careful - XCHAN_FLAGS_HIDDEN should evaluate to 1 if(($r[0]['xchan_flags'] & XCHAN_FLAGS_HIDDEN) != $hidden) $new_flags = $r[0]['xchan_flags'] ^ XCHAN_FLAGS_HIDDEN; else $new_flags = $r[0]['xchan_flags']; $adult = (($r[0]['xchan_flags'] & XCHAN_FLAGS_SELFCENSORED) ? true : false); $adult_changed = ((intval($adult) != intval($arr['adult_content'])) ? true : false); if($adult_changed) $new_flags = $new_flags ^ XCHAN_FLAGS_SELFCENSORED; if(($r[0]['xchan_name_date'] != $arr['name_updated']) || ($r[0]['xchan_connurl'] != $arr['connections_url']) || ($r[0]['xchan_flags'] != $new_flags) || ($r[0]['xchan_addr'] != $arr['address']) || ($r[0]['xchan_follow'] != $arr['follow_url']) || ($r[0]['xchan_connpage'] != $arr['connect_url']) || ($r[0]['xchan_url'] != $arr['url'])) { $r = q("update xchan set xchan_name = '%s', xchan_name_date = '%s', xchan_connurl = '%s', xchan_follow = '%s', xchan_connpage = '%s', xchan_flags = %d, xchan_addr = '%s', xchan_url = '%s' where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($arr['name']), dbesc($arr['name_updated']), dbesc($arr['connections_url']), dbesc($arr['follow_url']), dbesc($arr['connect_url']), intval($new_flags), dbesc($arr['address']), dbesc($arr['url']), dbesc($xchan_hash) ); logger('import_xchan: existing: ' . print_r($r[0],true), LOGGER_DATA); logger('import_xchan: new: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA); $what .= 'xchan '; $changed = true; } } else { $import_photos = true; if((($arr['site']['directory_mode'] === 'standalone') || ($dirmode & DIRECTORY_MODE_STANDALONE)) && ($arr['site']['url'] != z_root())) $arr['searchable'] = false; $hidden = (1 - intval($arr['searchable'])); if($hidden) $new_flags = XCHAN_FLAGS_HIDDEN; else $new_flags = 0; if($arr['adult_content']) $new_flags |= XCHAN_FLAGS_SELFCENSORED; $x = q("insert into xchan ( xchan_hash, xchan_guid, xchan_guid_sig, xchan_pubkey, xchan_photo_mimetype, xchan_photo_l, xchan_addr, xchan_url, xchan_connurl, xchan_follow, xchan_connpage, xchan_name, xchan_network, xchan_photo_date, xchan_name_date, xchan_flags) values ( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' , '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d) ", dbesc($xchan_hash), dbesc($arr['guid']), dbesc($arr['guid_sig']), dbesc($arr['key']), dbesc($arr['photo_mimetype']), dbesc($arr['photo']), dbesc($arr['address']), dbesc($arr['url']), dbesc($arr['connections_url']), dbesc($arr['follow_url']), dbesc($arr['connect_url']), dbesc($arr['name']), dbesc('zot'), dbesc($arr['photo_updated']), dbesc($arr['name_updated']), intval($new_flags) ); $what .= 'new_xchan'; $changed = true; } if($import_photos) { require_once('include/photo/photo_driver.php'); $photos = import_profile_photo($arr['photo'],$xchan_hash); $r = q("update xchan set xchan_photo_date = '%s', xchan_photo_l = '%s', xchan_photo_m = '%s', xchan_photo_s = '%s', xchan_photo_mimetype = '%s' where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($arr['photo_updated']), dbesc($photos[0]), dbesc($photos[1]), dbesc($photos[2]), dbesc($photos[3]), dbesc($xchan_hash) ); $what .= 'photo '; $changed = true; } // what we are missing for true hub independence is for any changes in the primary hub to // get reflected not only in the hublocs, but also to update the URLs and addr in the appropriate xchan if($arr['locations']) { $xisting = q("select hubloc_id, hubloc_url from hubloc where hubloc_hash = '%s'", dbesc($xchan_hash) ); foreach($arr['locations'] as $location) { if(! rsa_verify($location['url'],base64url_decode($location['url_sig']),$arr['key'])) { logger('import_xchan: Unable to verify site signature for ' . $location['url']); $ret['message'] .= sprintf( t('Unable to verify site signature for %s'), $location['url']) . EOL; continue; } for($x = 0; $x < count($xisting); $x ++) { if($xisting[$x]['hubloc_url'] == $location['url']) { $xisting[$x]['updated'] = true; } } // match as many fields as possible in case anything at all changed. $r = q("select * from hubloc where hubloc_hash = '%s' and hubloc_guid = '%s' and hubloc_guid_sig = '%s' and hubloc_url = '%s' and hubloc_url_sig = '%s' and hubloc_host = '%s' and hubloc_addr = '%s' and hubloc_callback = '%s' and hubloc_sitekey = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($xchan_hash), dbesc($arr['guid']), dbesc($arr['guid_sig']), dbesc($location['url']), dbesc($location['url_sig']), dbesc($location['host']), dbesc($location['address']), dbesc($location['callback']), dbesc($location['sitekey']) ); if($r) { logger('import_xchan: hub exists: ' . $location['url']); // update connection timestamp if this is the site we're talking to if($location['url'] == $arr['site']['url']) { q("update hubloc set hubloc_connected = '%s', hubloc_updated = '%s' where hubloc_id = %d limit 1", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($r[0]['hubloc_id']) ); } if((($r[0]['hubloc_flags'] & HUBLOC_FLAGS_PRIMARY) && (! $location['primary'])) || ((! ($r[0]['hubloc_flags'] & HUBLOC_FLAGS_PRIMARY)) && ($location['primary']))) { $r = q("update hubloc set hubloc_flags = (hubloc_flags ^ %d), hubloc_updated = '%s' where hubloc_id = %d limit 1", intval(HUBLOC_FLAGS_PRIMARY), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($r[0]['hubloc_id']) ); $what = 'primary_hub '; $changed = true; } if((($r[0]['hubloc_flags'] & HUBLOC_FLAGS_DELETED) && (! $location['deleted'])) || ((! ($r[0]['hubloc_flags'] & HUBLOC_FLAGS_DELETED)) && ($location['deleted']))) { $r = q("update hubloc set hubloc_flags = (hubloc_flags ^ %d), hubloc_updated = '%s' where hubloc_id = %d limit 1", intval(HUBLOC_FLAGS_DELETED), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($r[0]['hubloc_id']) ); $what = 'delete_hub '; $changed = true; } continue; } if(! $location['sitekey']) { logger('import_xchan: empty hubloc sitekey. ' . print_r($location,true)); continue; } if(strpos($location['address'],'/') !== false) $location['address'] = substr($location['address'],0,strpos($location['address'],'/')); // new hub claiming to be primary. Make it so. if(intval($location['primary'])) { $r = q("update hubloc set hubloc_flags = (hubloc_flags ^ %d), hubloc_updated = '%s' where hubloc_hash = '%s' and (hubloc_flags & %d )", intval(HUBLOC_FLAGS_PRIMARY), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($xchan_hash), intval(HUBLOC_FLAGS_PRIMARY) ); } logger('import_xchan: new hub: ' . $location['url']); $r = q("insert into hubloc ( hubloc_guid, hubloc_guid_sig, hubloc_hash, hubloc_addr, hubloc_flags, hubloc_url, hubloc_url_sig, hubloc_host, hubloc_callback, hubloc_sitekey, hubloc_updated, hubloc_connected) values ( '%s','%s','%s','%s', %d ,'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')", dbesc($arr['guid']), dbesc($arr['guid_sig']), dbesc($xchan_hash), dbesc($location['address']), intval((intval($location['primary'])) ? HUBLOC_FLAGS_PRIMARY : 0), dbesc($location['url']), dbesc($location['url_sig']), dbesc($location['host']), dbesc($location['callback']), dbesc($location['sitekey']), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()) ); $what .= 'newhub '; $changed = true; } // get rid of any hubs we have for this channel which weren't reported. if($xisting) { foreach($xisting as $x) { if(! array_key_exists('updated',$x)) { logger('import_xchan: removing unreferenced hub location ' . $x['hubloc_url']); $r = q("delete from hubloc where hubloc_id = %d limit 1", intval($x['hubloc_id']) ); $what .= 'removed_hub'; $changed = true; } } } } // Are we a directory server of some kind? if($dirmode != DIRECTORY_MODE_NORMAL) { if(array_key_exists('profile',$arr) && is_array($arr['profile'])) { $profile_changed = import_directory_profile($xchan_hash,$arr['profile'],$arr['address'],$ud_flags, 1); if($profile_changed) { $what .= 'profile '; $changed = true; } } else { logger('import_xchan: profile not available - hiding'); // they may have made it private $r = q("delete from xprof where xprof_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($xchan_hash) ); $r = q("delete from xtag where xtag_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($xchan_hash) ); } } if(array_key_exists('site',$arr) && is_array($arr['site'])) { $profile_changed = import_site($arr['site'],$arr['key']); if($profile_changed) { $what .= 'site '; $changed = true; } } if($changed) { $guid = random_string() . '@' . get_app()->get_hostname(); update_modtime($xchan_hash,$guid,$arr['address'],$ud_flags); logger('import_xchan: changed: ' . $what,LOGGER_DEBUG); } elseif(! $ud_flags) { // nothing changed but we still need to update the updates record q("update updates set ud_flags = ( ud_flags | %d ) where ud_addr = '%s' and not (ud_flags & %d) ", intval(UPDATE_FLAGS_UPDATED), dbesc($arr['address']), intval(UPDATE_FLAGS_UPDATED) ); } if(! x($ret,'message')) { $ret['success'] = true; $ret['hash'] = $xchan_hash; } logger('import_xchan: result: ' . print_r($ret,true), LOGGER_DATA); return $ret; } function zot_process_response($hub,$arr,$outq) { if(! $arr['success']) { logger('zot_process_response: failed: ' . $hub); return; } $x = json_decode($arr['body'],true); if(! $x) { logger('zot_process_response: No json from ' . $hub); logger('zot_process_response: headers: ' . print_r($arr['header'],true), LOGGER_DATA); } // synchronous message types are handled immediately // async messages remain in the queue until processed. if(intval($outq['outq_async'])) { $r = q("update outq set outq_delivered = 1, outq_updated = '%s' where outq_hash = '%s' and outq_channel = %d limit 1", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($outq['outq_hash']), intval($outq['outq_channel']) ); } else { $r = q("delete from outq where outq_hash = '%s' and outq_channel = %d limit 1", dbesc($outq['outq_hash']), intval($outq['outq_channel']) ); } logger('zot_process_response: ' . print_r($x,true), LOGGER_DATA); } /** * @function: zot_fetch * * We received a notification packet (in mod/post.php) that a message is waiting for us, and we've verified the sender. * Now send back a pickup message, using our message tracking ID ($arr['secret']), which we will sign. * The entire pickup message is encrypted with the remote site's public key. * If everything checks out on the remote end, we will receive back a packet containing one or more messages, * which will be processed before returning. * */ function zot_fetch($arr) { logger('zot_fetch: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA); $url = $arr['sender']['url'] . $arr['callback']; $ret_hub = zot_gethub($arr['sender']); if(! $ret_hub) { logger('zot_fetch: no hub: ' . print_r($arr['sender'],true)); return; } $data = array( 'type' => 'pickup', 'url' => z_root(), 'callback_sig' => base64url_encode(rsa_sign(z_root() . '/post',get_config('system','prvkey'))), 'callback' => z_root() . '/post', 'secret' => $arr['secret'], 'secret_sig' => base64url_encode(rsa_sign($arr['secret'],get_config('system','prvkey'))) ); $datatosend = json_encode(aes_encapsulate(json_encode($data),$ret_hub['hubloc_sitekey'])); $fetch = zot_zot($url,$datatosend); $result = zot_import($fetch, $arr['sender']['url']); return $result; } /** * @function zot_import * * Process an incoming array of messages which were obtained via pickup, and * import, update, delete as directed. * * The message types handled here are 'activity' (e.g. posts), 'mail' and 'profile' */ function zot_import($arr, $sender_url) { $data = json_decode($arr['body'],true); if(! $data) { logger('zot_import: empty body'); return array(); } if(array_key_exists('iv',$data)) { $data = json_decode(aes_unencapsulate($data,get_config('system','prvkey')),true); } $incoming = $data['pickup']; $return = array(); if(is_array($incoming)) { foreach($incoming as $i) { $result = null; if(array_key_exists('iv',$i['notify'])) { $i['notify'] = json_decode(aes_unencapsulate($i['notify'],get_config('system','prvkey')),true); } logger('zot_import: notify: ' . print_r($i['notify'],true), LOGGER_DATA); $hub = zot_gethub($i['notify']['sender']); if((! $hub) || ($hub['hubloc_url'] != $sender_url)) { logger('zot_import: potential forgery: wrong site for sender: ' . $sender_url . ' != ' . print_r($i['notify'],true)); continue; } $i['notify']['sender']['hash'] = base64url_encode(hash('whirlpool',$i['notify']['sender']['guid'] . $i['notify']['sender']['guid_sig'], true)); $deliveries = null; if(array_key_exists('recipients',$i['notify']) && count($i['notify']['recipients'])) { logger('specific recipients'); $recip_arr = array(); foreach($i['notify']['recipients'] as $recip) { $recip_arr[] = base64url_encode(hash('whirlpool',$recip['guid'] . $recip['guid_sig'], true)); } stringify_array_elms($recip_arr); $recips = implode(',',$recip_arr); $r = q("select channel_hash as hash from channel where channel_hash in ( " . $recips . " ) "); if(! $r) { logger('recips: no recipients on this site'); continue; } $deliveries = $r; // We found somebody on this site that's in the recipient list. } else { if(($i['message']) && (array_key_exists('flags',$i['message'])) && (in_array('private',$i['message']['flags']))) { // This should not happen but until we can stop it... logger('private message was delivered with no recipients.'); continue; } logger('public post'); // Public post. look for any site members who are or may be accepting posts from this sender // and who are allowed to see them based on the sender's permissions $deliveries = allowed_public_recips($i); } if(! $deliveries) { logger('zot_import: no deliveries on this site'); continue; } if($i['message']) { if($i['message']['type'] === 'activity') { $arr = get_item_elements($i['message']); if(! array_key_exists('created',$arr)) { logger('Activity rejected: probable failure to lookup author/owner. ' . print_r($i['message'],true)); continue; } logger('Activity received: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA); logger('Activity recipients: ' . print_r($deliveries,true), LOGGER_DATA); $relay = ((array_key_exists('flags',$i['message']) && in_array('relay',$i['message']['flags'])) ? true : false); $result = process_delivery($i['notify']['sender'],$arr,$deliveries,$relay); } elseif($i['message']['type'] === 'mail') { $arr = get_mail_elements($i['message']); logger('Mail received: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA); logger('Mail recipients: ' . print_r($deliveries,true), LOGGER_DATA); $result = process_mail_delivery($i['notify']['sender'],$arr,$deliveries); } elseif($i['message']['type'] === 'profile') { $arr = get_profile_elements($i['message']); logger('Profile received: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA); logger('Profile recipients: ' . print_r($deliveries,true), LOGGER_DATA); $result = process_profile_delivery($i['notify']['sender'],$arr,$deliveries); } elseif($i['message']['type'] === 'channel_sync') { // $arr = get_channelsync_elements($i['message']); $arr = $i['message']; logger('Channel sync received: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA); logger('Channel sync recipients: ' . print_r($deliveries,true), LOGGER_DATA); $result = process_channel_sync_delivery($i['notify']['sender'],$arr,$deliveries); } } if($result){ $return = array_merge($return,$result); } } } return $return; } // A public message with no listed recipients can be delivered to anybody who // has PERMS_NETWORK for that type of post, or PERMS_SITE and is one the same // site, or PERMS_SPECIFIC and the sender is a contact who is granted // permissions via their connection permissions in the address book. // Here we take a given message and construct a list of hashes of everybody // on the site that we should deliver to. function public_recips($msg) { $check_mentions = false; if($msg['message']['type'] === 'activity') { $col = 'channel_w_stream'; $field = PERMS_W_STREAM; if(array_key_exists('flags',$msg['message']) && in_array('thread_parent', $msg['message']['flags'])) { // check mention recipient permissions on top level posts only $check_mentions = true; } else { // if this is a comment and it wasn't sent by the post owner, check to see who is allowing them to comment. // We should have one specific recipient and this step shouldn't be needed unless somebody stuffed up their software. // We may need this step to protect us from bad guys intentionally stuffing up their software. // If it is sent by the post owner, we don't need to do this. We only need to see who is receiving the // owner's stream (which was already set above) - as they control the comment permissions if($msg['notify']['sender']['guid_sig'] != $msg['message']['owner']['guid_sig']) { $col = 'channel_w_comment'; $field = PERMS_W_COMMENT; } } } elseif($msg['message']['type'] === 'mail') { $col = 'channel_w_mail'; $field = PERMS_W_MAIL; } if(! $col) return NULL; if($msg['notify']['sender']['url'] === z_root()) $sql = " where (( " . $col . " & " . PERMS_NETWORK . " ) or ( " . $col . " & " . PERMS_SITE . " ) or ( " . $col . " & " . PERMS_PUBLIC . ")) "; else $sql = " where (( " . $col . " & " . PERMS_NETWORK . " ) or ( " . $col . " & " . PERMS_PUBLIC . ")) "; $r = q("select channel_hash as hash from channel $sql or channel_hash = '%s' ", dbesc($msg['notify']['sender']['hash']) ); if(! $r) $r = array(); $x = q("select channel_hash as hash from channel left join abook on abook_channel = channel_id where abook_xchan = '%s' and (( " . $col . " & " . PERMS_SPECIFIC . " ) and ( abook_my_perms & " . $field . " )) OR ( " . $col . " & " . PERMS_CONTACTS . " ) ", dbesc($msg['notify']['sender']['hash']) ); if(! $x) $x = array(); $r = array_merge($r,$x); // look for any public mentions on this site // They will get filtered by tgroup_check() so we don't need to check permissions now if($check_mentions && $msg['message']['tags']) { if(is_array($msg['message']['tags']) && $msg['message']['tags']) { foreach($msg['message']['tags'] as $tag) { if(($tag['type'] === 'mention') && (strpos($tag['url'],z_root()) !== false)) { $address = basename($tag['url']); if($address) { $z = q("select channel_hash as hash from channel where channel_address = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($address) ); if($z) $r = array_merge($r,$z); } } } } } logger('public_recips: ' . print_r($r,true), LOGGER_DATA); return $r; } // This is the second part of the above function. We'll find all the channels willing to accept public posts from us, // then match them against the sender privacy scope and see who in that list that the sender is allowing. function allowed_public_recips($msg) { logger('allowed_public_recips: ' . print_r($msg,true)); $recips = public_recips($msg); if(! $recips) return $recips; if($msg['message']['type'] === 'mail') return $recips; if(array_key_exists('public_scope',$msg['message'])) $scope = $msg['message']['public_scope']; // we can pull out these two lines once everybody has upgraded to >= 2013-02-15.225 else $scope = 'public'; $hash = base64url_encode(hash('whirlpool',$msg['notify']['sender']['guid'] . $msg['notify']['sender']['guid_sig'], true)); if($scope === 'public' || $scope === 'network: red') return $recips; if(strpos($scope,'site:') === 0) { if(($scope === 'site: ' . get_app()->get_hostname()) && ($msg['notify']['sender']['url'] === z_root())) return $recips; else return array(); } if($scope === 'self') { foreach($recips as $r) if($r['hash'] === $hash) return array('hash' => $hash); } if($scope === 'contacts') { $condensed_recips = array(); foreach($recips as $rr) $condensed_recips[] = $rr['hash']; $results = array(); $r = q("select channel_hash as hash from channel left join abook on abook_channel = channel_id where abook_xchan = '%s' ", dbesc($hash) ); if($r) { foreach($r as $rr) if(in_array($rr['hash'],$condensed_recips)) $results[] = array('hash' => $rr['hash']); } return $results; } return array(); } function process_delivery($sender,$arr,$deliveries,$relay) { $result = array(); // We've validated the sender. Now make sure that the sender is the owner or author if($sender['hash'] != $arr['owner_xchan'] && $sender['hash'] != $arr['author_xchan']) { logger('process_delivery: sender is not owner or author'); return; } foreach($deliveries as $d) { $r = q("select * from channel where channel_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($d['hash']) ); if(! $r) { $result[] = array($d['hash'],'recipients not found'); continue; } $channel = $r[0]; $tag_delivery = tgroup_check($channel['channel_id'],$arr); $perm = (($arr['mid'] == $arr['parent_mid']) ? 'send_stream' : 'post_comments'); // This is our own post, possibly coming from a channel clone if($arr['owner_xchan'] == $d['hash']) { $arr['item_flags'] = $arr['item_flags'] | ITEM_WALL; } else { // clear the wall flag if it is set if($arr['item_flags'] & ITEM_WALL) { $arr['item_flags'] = ($arr['item_flags'] ^ ITEM_WALL); } } if((! perm_is_allowed($channel['channel_id'],$sender['hash'],$perm)) && (! $tag_delivery)) { logger("permission denied for delivery {$channel['channel_id']}"); $result[] = array($d['hash'],'permission denied',$channel['channel_name'] . ' <' . $channel['channel_address'] . '@' . get_app()->get_hostname() . '>'); continue; } if($arr['item_restrict'] & ITEM_DELETED) { // remove_community_tag is a no-op if this isn't a community tag activity remove_community_tag($sender,$arr,$channel['channel_id']); $item_id = delete_imported_item($sender,$arr,$channel['channel_id']); $result[] = array($d['hash'],'deleted',$channel['channel_name'] . ' <' . $channel['channel_address'] . '@' . get_app()->get_hostname() . '>'); if($relay && $item_id) { logger('process_delivery: invoking relay'); proc_run('php','include/notifier.php','relay',intval($item_id)); $result[] = array($d['hash'],'relayed',$channel['channel_name'] . ' <' . $channel['channel_address'] . '@' . get_app()->get_hostname() . '>'); } continue; } // for events, extract the event info and create an event linked to an item if((x($arr,'obj_type')) && (activity_match($arr['obj_type'],ACTIVITY_OBJ_EVENT))) { require_once('include/event.php'); $ev = bbtoevent($arr['body']); if(x($ev,'desc') && x($ev,'start')) { $ev['event_xchan'] = $arr['author_xchan']; $ev['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; $ev['account'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; $ev['edited'] = $arr['edited']; $ev['mid'] = $arr['mid']; $ev['private'] = $arr['item_private']; // is this an edit? $r = q("SELECT resource_id FROM item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d and resource_type = 'event' limit 1", dbesc($arr['mid']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if($r) { $ev['event_hash'] = $r[0]['resource_id']; } $xyz = event_store($ev); $result = array($d['hash'],'event processed',$channel['channel_name'] . ' <' . $channel['channel_address'] . '@' . get_app()->get_hostname() . '>'); continue; } } $r = q("select id, edited from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($arr['mid']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if($r) { if($arr['edited'] > $r[0]['edited']) { $arr['id'] = $r[0]['id']; $arr['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; update_imported_item($sender,$arr,$channel['channel_id']); } $result[] = array($d['hash'],'updated',$channel['channel_name'] . ' <' . $channel['channel_address'] . '@' . get_app()->get_hostname() . '>'); $item_id = $r[0]['id']; } else { $arr['aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; $arr['uid'] = $channel['channel_id']; $item_result = item_store($arr); $item_id = $item_result['item_id']; $result[] = array($d['hash'],(($item_id) ? 'posted' : 'storage failed:' . $item_result['message']),$channel['channel_name'] . ' <' . $channel['channel_address'] . '@' . get_app()->get_hostname() . '>'); } if($relay && $item_id) { logger('process_delivery: invoking relay'); proc_run('php','include/notifier.php','relay',intval($item_id)); $result[] = array($d['hash'],'relayed',$channel['channel_name'] . ' <' . $channel['channel_address'] . '@' . get_app()->get_hostname() . '>'); } } if(! $deliveries) $result[] = array('','no recipients'); logger('process_delivery: local results: ' . print_r($result,true), LOGGER_DEBUG); return $result; } function remove_community_tag($sender,$arr,$uid) { if(! (activity_match($arr['verb'],ACTIVITY_TAG) && ($arr['obj_type'] == ACTIVITY_OBJ_TAGTERM))) return; logger('remove_community_tag: invoked'); if(! get_pconfig($uid,'system','blocktags')) { logger('remove_community tag: permission denied.'); return; } $r = q("select * from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($arr['mid']), intval($uid) ); if(! $r) { logger('remove_community_tag: no item'); return; } if(($sender['hash'] != $r[0]['owner_xchan']) && ($sender['hash'] != $r[0]['author_xchan'])) { logger('remove_community_tag: sender not authorised.'); return; } $i = $r[0]; if($i['target']) $i['target'] = json_decode_plus($i['target']); if($i['object']) $i['object'] = json_decode_plus($i['object']); if(! ($i['target'] && $i['object'])) { logger('remove_community_tag: no target/object'); return; } $message_id = $i['target']['id']; $r = q("select id from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($message_id), intval($uid) ); if(! $r) { logger('remove_community_tag: no parent message'); return; } $x = q("delete from term where uid = %d and oid = %d and otype = %d and type = %d and term = '%s' and url = '%s' limit 1", intval($uid), intval($r[0]['id']), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), intval(TERM_HASHTAG), dbesc($i['object']['title']), dbesc(get_rel_link($i['object']['link'],'alternate')) ); return; } function update_imported_item($sender,$item,$uid) { $x = item_store_update($item); if(! $x['item_id']) logger('update_imported_item: failed: ' . $x['message']); else logger('update_imported_item'); } function delete_imported_item($sender,$item,$uid) { logger('delete_imported_item invoked',LOGGER_DEBUG); $r = q("select id from item where ( author_xchan = '%s' or owner_xchan = '%s' ) and mid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($sender['hash']), dbesc($sender['hash']), dbesc($item['mid']), intval($uid) ); if(! $r) { logger('delete_imported_item: failed: ownership issue'); return false; } require_once('include/items.php'); drop_item($r[0]['id'],false); return $r[0]['id']; } function process_mail_delivery($sender,$arr,$deliveries) { $result = array(); if($sender['hash'] != $arr['from_xchan']) { logger('process_mail_delivery: sender is not mail author'); return; } foreach($deliveries as $d) { $r = q("select * from channel where channel_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($d['hash']) ); if(! $r) { $result[] = array($d['hash'],'not found'); continue; } $channel = $r[0]; if(! perm_is_allowed($channel['channel_id'],$sender['hash'],'post_mail')) { logger("permission denied for mail delivery {$channel['channel_id']}"); $result[] = array($d['hash'],'permission denied',$channel['channel_name']); continue; } $r = q("select id from mail where mid = '%s' and channel_id = %d limit 1", dbesc($arr['mid']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); if($r) { if($arr['mail_flags'] & MAIL_RECALLED) { $x = q("delete from mail where id = %d and channel_id = %d limit 1", intval($r[0]['id']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); $result[] = array($d['hash'],'mail recalled',$channel['channel_name']); logger('mail_recalled'); } else { $result[] = array($d['hash'],'duplicate mail received',$channel['channel_name']); logger('duplicate mail received'); } continue; } else { $arr['account_id'] = $channel['channel_account_id']; $arr['channel_id'] = $channel['channel_id']; $item_id = mail_store($arr); $result[] = array($d['hash'],'mail delivered',$channel['channel_name']); } } return $result; } function process_profile_delivery($sender,$arr,$deliveries) { // deliveries is irrelevant, what to do about birthday notification....? logger('process_profile_delivery', LOGGER_DEBUG); $r = q("select xchan_addr from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($sender['hash']) ); if($r) import_directory_profile($sender['hash'],$arr,$r[0]['xchan_addr'], 1, 0); } /* * @function import_directory_profile * * @returns boolean $updated if something changed * */ function import_directory_profile($hash,$profile,$addr,$ud_flags = 1, $suppress_update = 0) { logger('import_directory_profile', LOGGER_DEBUG); if(! $hash) return false; $arr = array(); $arr['xprof_hash'] = $hash; $arr['xprof_desc'] = (($profile['description']) ? htmlentities($profile['description'], ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false) : ''); $arr['xprof_dob'] = datetime_convert('','',$profile['birthday'],'Y-m-d'); // !!!! check this for 0000 year $arr['xprof_age'] = (($profile['age']) ? intval($profile['age']) : 0); $arr['xprof_gender'] = (($profile['gender']) ? htmlentities($profile['gender'], ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false) : ''); $arr['xprof_marital'] = (($profile['marital']) ? htmlentities($profile['marital'], ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false) : ''); $arr['xprof_sexual'] = (($profile['sexual']) ? htmlentities($profile['sexual'], ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false) : ''); $arr['xprof_locale'] = (($profile['locale']) ? htmlentities($profile['locale'], ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false) : ''); $arr['xprof_region'] = (($profile['region']) ? htmlentities($profile['region'], ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false) : ''); $arr['xprof_postcode'] = (($profile['postcode']) ? htmlentities($profile['postcode'], ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false) : ''); $arr['xprof_country'] = (($profile['country']) ? htmlentities($profile['country'], ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false) : ''); $clean = array(); if(array_key_exists('keywords',$profile) and is_array($profile['keywords'])) { import_directory_keywords($hash,$profile['keywords']); foreach($profile['keywords'] as $kw) { $kw = trim(htmlentities($kw,ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false)); $kw = trim($kw,','); $clean[] = $kw; } } $arr['xprof_keywords'] = implode(' ',$clean); // Self censored, make it so // These are not translated, so the German "erwachsenen" keyword will not censor the directory profile. Only the English form - "adult". if(in_arrayi('nsfw',$clean) || in_arrayi('adult',$clean)) { q("update xchan set xchan_flags = (xchan_flags | %d) where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", intval(XCHAN_FLAGS_SELFCENSORED), dbesc($hash) ); } $r = q("select * from xprof where xprof_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($hash) ); if($r) { $update = false; foreach($r[0] as $k => $v) { if((array_key_exists($k,$arr)) && ($arr[$k] != $v)) { logger('import_directory_profile: update' . $k . ' => ' . $arr[$k]); $update = true; break; } } if($update) { $x = q("update xprof set xprof_desc = '%s', xprof_dob = '%s', xprof_age = %d, xprof_gender = '%s', xprof_marital = '%s', xprof_sexual = '%s', xprof_locale = '%s', xprof_region = '%s', xprof_postcode = '%s', xprof_country = '%s', xprof_keywords = '%s' where xprof_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($arr['xprof_desc']), dbesc($arr['xprof_dob']), intval($arr['xprof_age']), dbesc($arr['xprof_gender']), dbesc($arr['xprof_marital']), dbesc($arr['xprof_sexual']), dbesc($arr['xprof_locale']), dbesc($arr['xprof_region']), dbesc($arr['xprof_postcode']), dbesc($arr['xprof_country']), dbesc($arr['xprof_keywords']), dbesc($arr['xprof_hash']) ); } } else { $update = true; logger('import_directory_profile: new profile'); $x = q("insert into xprof (xprof_hash, xprof_desc, xprof_dob, xprof_age, xprof_gender, xprof_marital, xprof_sexual, xprof_locale, xprof_region, xprof_postcode, xprof_country, xprof_keywords) values ('%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s') ", dbesc($arr['xprof_hash']), dbesc($arr['xprof_desc']), dbesc($arr['xprof_dob']), intval($arr['xprof_age']), dbesc($arr['xprof_gender']), dbesc($arr['xprof_marital']), dbesc($arr['xprof_sexual']), dbesc($arr['xprof_locale']), dbesc($arr['xprof_region']), dbesc($arr['xprof_postcode']), dbesc($arr['xprof_country']), dbesc($arr['xprof_keywords']) ); } $d = array('xprof' => $arr, 'profile' => $profile, 'update' => $update); call_hooks('import_directory_profile', $d); if(($d['update']) && (! $suppress_update)) update_modtime($arr['xprof_hash'],random_string() . '@' . get_app()->get_hostname(), $addr, $ud_flags); return $d['update']; } function import_directory_keywords($hash,$keywords) { $existing = array(); $r = q("select * from xtag where xtag_hash = '%s'", dbesc($hash) ); if($r) { foreach($r as $rr) $existing[] = $rr['xtag_term']; } $clean = array(); foreach($keywords as $kw) { $kw = trim(htmlentities($kw,ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false)); $kw = trim($kw,','); $clean[] = $kw; } foreach($existing as $x) { if(! in_array($x,$clean)) $r = q("delete from xtag where xtag_hash = '%s' and xtag_term = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($hash), dbesc($x) ); } foreach($clean as $x) { if(! in_array($x,$existing)) $r = q("insert into xtag ( xtag_hash, xtag_term) values ( '%s' ,'%s' )", dbesc($hash), dbesc($x) ); } } function update_modtime($hash,$guid,$addr,$flags = 0) { $dirmode = intval(get_config('system','directory_mode')); if($dirmode == DIRECTORY_MODE_NORMAL) return; if($flags) { q("insert into updates (ud_hash, ud_guid, ud_date, ud_flags, ud_addr ) values ( '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s' )", dbesc($hash), dbesc($guid), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($flags), dbesc($addr) ); } else { q("update updates set ud_flags = ( ud_flags | %d ) where ud_addr = '%s' and not (ud_flags & %d) ", intval(UPDATE_FLAGS_UPDATED), dbesc($addr), intval(UPDATE_FLAGS_UPDATED) ); } } function import_site($arr,$pubkey) { if( (! is_array($arr)) || (! $arr['url']) || (! $arr['url_sig'])) return false; if(! rsa_verify($arr['url'],base64url_decode($arr['url_sig']),$pubkey)) { logger('import_site: bad url_sig'); return false; } $update = false; $exists = false; $r = q("select * from site where site_url = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($arr['url']) ); if($r) { $exists = true; $siterecord = $r[0]; } $site_directory = 0; if($arr['directory_mode'] == 'normal') $site_directory = DIRECTORY_MODE_NORMAL; if($arr['directory_mode'] == 'primary') $site_directory = DIRECTORY_MODE_PRIMARY; if($arr['directory_mode'] == 'secondary') $site_directory = DIRECTORY_MODE_SECONDARY; if($arr['directory_mode'] == 'standalone') $site_directory = DIRECTORY_MODE_STANDALONE; $register_policy = 0; if($arr['register_policy'] == 'closed') $register_policy = REGISTER_CLOSED; if($arr['register_policy'] == 'open') $register_policy = REGISTER_OPEN; if($arr['register_policy'] == 'approve') $register_policy = REGISTER_APPROVE; $access_policy = 0; if(array_key_exists('access_policy',$arr)) { if($arr['access_policy'] === 'private') $access_policy = ACCESS_PRIVATE; if($arr['access_policy'] === 'paid') $access_policy = ACCESS_PAID; if($arr['access_policy'] === 'free') $access_policy = ACCESS_FREE; if($arr['access_policy'] === 'tiered') $access_policy = ACCESS_TIERED; } $directory_url = htmlentities($arr['directory_url'],ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false); $url = htmlentities($arr['url'],ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false); $sellpage = htmlentities($arr['sellpage'],ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false); $site_location = htmlentities($arr['location'],ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false); if($exists) { if(($siterecord['site_flags'] != $site_directory) || ($siterecord['site_access'] != $access_policy) || ($siterecord['site_directory'] != $directory_url) || ($siterecord['site_sellpage'] != $sellpage) || ($siterecord['site_location'] != $site_location) || ($siterecord['site_register'] != $register_policy)) { $update = true; // logger('import_site: input: ' . print_r($arr,true)); // logger('import_site: stored: ' . print_r($siterecord,true)); $r = q("update site set site_location = '%s', site_flags = %d, site_access = %d, site_directory = '%s', site_register = %d, site_update = '%s', site_sellpage = '%s' where site_url = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($site_location), intval($site_directory), intval($access_policy), dbesc($directory_url), intval($register_policy), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($sellpage), dbesc($url) ); if(! $r) { logger('import_site: update failed. ' . print_r($arr,true)); } } } else { $update = true; $r = q("insert into site ( site_location, site_url, site_access, site_flags, site_update, site_directory, site_register, site_sellpage ) values ( '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s' )", dbesc($site_location), dbesc($url), intval($access_policy), intval($site_directory), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($directory_url), intval($register_policy), dbesc($sellpage) ); if(! $r) { logger('import_site: record create failed. ' . print_r($arr,true)); } } return $update; } /** * Send a zot packet to all hubs where this channel is duplicated, refreshing * such things as personal settings, channel permissions, address book updates, etc. */ function build_sync_packet($uid = 0, $packet = null) { $a = get_app(); logger('build_sync_packet'); if(! $uid) $uid = local_user(); if(! $uid) return; $r = q("select * from channel where channel_id = %d limit 1", intval($uid) ); if(! $r) return; $channel = $r[0]; $h = q("select * from hubloc where hubloc_hash = '%s'", dbesc($channel['channel_hash']) ); if(! $h) return; $synchubs = array(); foreach($h as $x) { if($x['hubloc_host'] == $a->get_hostname()) continue; $synchubs[] = $x; } if(! $synchubs) return; $r = q("select xchan_guid, xchan_guid_sig from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($channel['channel_hash']) ); if(! $r) return; $env_recips = array(); $env_recips[] = array('guid' => $r[0]['xchan_guid'],'guid_sig' => $r[0]['xchan_guid_sig']); $info = (($packet) ? $packet : array()); $info['type'] = 'channel_sync'; if(array_key_exists($uid,$a->config) && array_key_exists('transient',$a->config[$uid])) { $settings = $a->config[$uid]['transient']; if($settings) { $info['config'] = $settings; } } if($channel) { $info['channel'] = array(); foreach($channel as $k => $v) { // filter out any joined tables like xchan if(strpos($k,'channel_') !== 0) continue; // don't pass these elements, they should not be synchronised $disallowed = array('channel_id','channel_account_id','channel_primary','channel_prvkey','channel_address'); if(in_array($k,$disallowed)) continue; $info['channel'][$k] = $v; } } $interval = ((get_config('system','delivery_interval') !== false) ? intval(get_config('system','delivery_interval')) : 2 ); logger('build_sync_packet: packet: ' . print_r($info,true), LOGGER_DATA); foreach($synchubs as $hub) { $hash = random_string(); $n = zot_build_packet($channel,'notify',$env_recips,$hub['hubloc_sitekey'],$hash); q("insert into outq ( outq_hash, outq_account, outq_channel, outq_posturl, outq_async, outq_created, outq_updated, outq_notify, outq_msg ) values ( '%s', %d, %d, '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", dbesc($hash), intval($channel['channel_account']), intval($channel['channel_id']), dbesc($hub['hubloc_callback']), intval(1), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($n), dbesc(json_encode($info)) ); proc_run('php','include/deliver.php',$hash); if($interval) @time_sleep_until(microtime(true) + (float) $interval); } } function process_channel_sync_delivery($sender,$arr,$deliveries) { // FIXME - this will sync red structures (channel, pconfig and abook). Eventually we need to make this application agnostic. // TODO: missing group membership changes $result = array(); foreach($deliveries as $d) { $r = q("select * from channel where channel_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($d['hash']) ); if(! $r) { $result[] = array($d['hash'],'not found'); continue; } $channel = $r[0]; if($channel['channel_hash'] != $sender['hash']) { logger('process_channel_sync_delivery: possible forgery. Sender ' . $sender['hash'] . ' is not ' . $channel['channel_hash']); $result[] = array($d['hash'],'channel mismatch',$channel['channel_name']); continue; } if(array_key_exists('config',$arr) && is_array($arr['config']) && count($arr['config'])) { foreach($arr['config'] as $cat => $k) { foreach($arr['config'][$cat] as $k => $v) set_pconfig($channel['channel_id'],$cat,$k,$v); } } if(array_key_exists('channel',$arr) && is_array($arr['channel']) && count($arr['channel'])) { $disallowed = array('channel_id','channel_account_id','channel_primary','channel_prvkey', 'channel_address'); $clean = array(); foreach($arr['channel'] as $k => $v) { if(in_array($k,$disallowed)) continue; $clean[$k] = $v; } if(count($clean)) { foreach($clean as $k => $v) { $r = dbq("UPDATE channel set " . dbesc($k) . " = '" . dbesc($v) . "' where channel_id = " . intval($channel['channel_id']) . " limit 1"); } } } if(array_key_exists('abook',$arr) && is_array($arr['abook']) && count($arr['abook'])) { $disallowed = array('abook_id','abook_account','abook_channel'); $clean = array(); foreach($arr['abook'] as $abook) { foreach($abook as $k => $v) { if(in_array($k,$disallowed) || (strpos($k,'abook') !== 0)) continue; $clean[$k] = $v; } if(! array_key_exists('abook_xchan',$clean)) continue; $r = q("select * from abook where abook_xchan = '%s' and abook_channel = %d limit 1", dbesc($clean['abook_xchan']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); // make sure we have an abook entry for this xchan on this system if(! $r) { q("insert into abook ( abook_xchan, abook_channel ) values ('%s', %d ) ", dbesc($clean['abook_xchan']), intval($channel['channel_id']) ); } if(count($clean)) { foreach($clean as $k => $v) { $r = dbq("UPDATE abook set " . dbesc($k) . " = '" . dbesc($v) . "' where abook_xchan = '" . dbesc($clean['abook_xchan']) . "' and abook_channel = " . intval($channel['channel_id']) . " limit 1"); } } } } $result[] = array($d['hash'],'channel sync updated',$channel['channel_name']); } return $result; } // We probably should make rpost discoverable. function get_rpost_path($observer) { if(! $observer) return ''; $parsed = parse_url($observer['xchan_url']); return $parsed['scheme'] . '://' . $parsed['host'] . (($parsed['port']) ? ':' . $parsed['port'] : '') . '/rpost?f='; }