875)); } // FIXME The problem with the next widget is that we don't have a search function for webpages that we can send the links to. // Then we should also provide an option to search webpages and conversations. function widget_tagcloud($args) { $o = ''; //$tab = 0; $uid = App::$profile_uid; $count = ((x($args,'count')) ? intval($args['count']) : 24); $flags = 0; $type = TERM_CATEGORY; // FIXME there exists no $authors variable $r = tagadelic($uid, $count, $authors, $owner, $flags, ITEM_TYPE_WEBPAGE, $type); if($r) { $o = '

' . t('Categories') . '

'; foreach($r as $rr) { $o .= ''.$rr[0].' ' . "\r\n"; } $o .= '
'; } return $o; } function widget_collections($args) { require_once('include/group.php'); $mode = ((array_key_exists('mode',$args)) ? $args['mode'] : 'conversation'); switch($mode) { case 'conversation': $every = argv(0); $each = argv(0); $edit = true; $current = $_REQUEST['gid']; $abook_id = 0; $wmode = 0; break; case 'connections': $every = 'connections'; $each = 'group'; $edit = true; $current = $_REQUEST['gid']; $abook_id = 0; $wmode = 0; case 'groups': $every = 'connections'; $each = argv(0); $edit = false; $current = intval(argv(1)); $abook_id = 0; $wmode = 1; break; case 'abook': $every = 'connections'; $each = 'group'; $edit = false; $current = 0; $abook_id = App::$poi['abook_xchan']; $wmode = 1; break; default: return ''; break; } return group_side($every, $each, $edit, $current, $abook_id, $wmode); } function widget_appselect($arr) { return replace_macros(get_markup_template('app_select.tpl'),array( '$title' => t('Apps'), '$system' => t('System'), '$authed' => ((local_channel()) ? true : false), '$personal' => t('Personal'), '$new' => t('New App'), '$edit' => t('Edit Apps'), '$cat' => ((array_key_exists('cat',$_REQUEST)) ? $_REQUEST['cat'] : '') )); } function widget_suggestions($arr) { if((! local_channel()) || (! feature_enabled(local_channel(),'suggest'))) return ''; require_once('include/socgraph.php'); $r = suggestion_query(local_channel(),get_observer_hash(),0,20); if(! $r) { return; } $arr = array(); // Get two random entries from the top 20 returned. // We'll grab the first one and the one immediately following. // This will throw some entropy intot he situation so you won't // be looking at the same two mug shots every time the widget runs $index = ((count($r) > 2) ? mt_rand(0,count($r) - 2) : 0); for($x = $index; $x <= ($index+1); $x ++) { $rr = $r[$x]; if(! $rr['xchan_url']) break; $connlnk = z_root() . '/follow/?url=' . $rr['xchan_addr']; $arr[] = array( 'url' => chanlink_url($rr['xchan_url']), 'profile' => $rr['xchan_url'], 'name' => $rr['xchan_name'], 'photo' => $rr['xchan_photo_m'], 'ignlnk' => z_root() . '/directory?ignore=' . $rr['xchan_hash'], 'conntxt' => t('Connect'), 'connlnk' => $connlnk, 'ignore' => t('Ignore/Hide') ); } $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('suggest_widget.tpl'),array( '$title' => t('Suggestions'), '$more' => t('See more...'), '$entries' => $arr )); return $o; } function widget_follow($args) { if(! local_channel()) return ''; $uid = App::$channel['channel_id']; $r = q("select count(*) as total from abook where abook_channel = %d and abook_self = 0 ", intval($uid) ); if($r) $total_channels = $r[0]['total']; $limit = service_class_fetch($uid,'total_channels'); if($limit !== false) { $abook_usage_message = sprintf( t("You have %1$.0f of %2$.0f allowed connections."), $total_channels, $limit); } else { $abook_usage_message = ''; } return replace_macros(get_markup_template('follow.tpl'),array( '$connect' => t('Add New Connection'), '$desc' => t('Enter channel address'), '$hint' => t('Examples: bob@example.com, https://example.com/barbara'), '$follow' => t('Connect'), '$abook_usage_message' => $abook_usage_message )); } function widget_notes($arr) { if(! local_channel()) return ''; if(! feature_enabled(local_channel(),'private_notes')) return ''; $text = get_pconfig(local_channel(),'notes','text'); $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('notes.tpl'), array( '$banner' => t('Notes'), '$text' => $text, '$save' => t('Save'), )); return $o; } function widget_savedsearch($arr) { if((! local_channel()) || (! feature_enabled(local_channel(),'savedsearch'))) return ''; $search = ((x($_GET,'netsearch')) ? $_GET['netsearch'] : ''); if(! $search) $search = ((x($_GET,'search')) ? $_GET['search'] : ''); if(x($_GET,'searchsave') && $search) { $r = q("select * from term where uid = %d and ttype = %d and term = '%s' limit 1", intval(local_channel()), intval(TERM_SAVEDSEARCH), dbesc($search) ); if(! $r) { q("insert into term ( uid,ttype,term ) values ( %d, %d, '%s') ", intval(local_channel()), intval(TERM_SAVEDSEARCH), dbesc($search) ); } } if(x($_GET,'searchremove') && $search) { q("delete from term where uid = %d and ttype = %d and term = '%s'", intval(local_channel()), intval(TERM_SAVEDSEARCH), dbesc($search) ); $search = ''; } $srchurl = App::$query_string; $srchurl = rtrim(preg_replace('/searchsave\=[^\&].*?(\&|$)/is','',$srchurl),'&'); $hasq = ((strpos($srchurl,'?') !== false) ? true : false); $srchurl = rtrim(preg_replace('/searchremove\=[^\&].*?(\&|$)/is','',$srchurl),'&'); $srchurl = rtrim(preg_replace('/search\=[^\&].*?(\&|$)/is','',$srchurl),'&'); $srchurl = rtrim(preg_replace('/submit\=[^\&].*?(\&|$)/is','',$srchurl),'&'); $srchurl = str_replace(array('?f=','&f='),array('',''),$srchurl); $hasq = ((strpos($srchurl,'?') !== false) ? true : false); $hasamp = ((strpos($srchurl,'&') !== false) ? true : false); if(($hasamp) && (! $hasq)) $srchurl = substr($srchurl,0,strpos($srchurl,'&')) . '?f=&' . substr($srchurl,strpos($srchurl,'&')+1); $o = ''; $r = q("select tid,term from term WHERE uid = %d and ttype = %d ", intval(local_channel()), intval(TERM_SAVEDSEARCH) ); $saved = array(); if(count($r)) { foreach($r as $rr) { $saved[] = array( 'id' => $rr['tid'], 'term' => $rr['term'], 'dellink' => z_root() . '/' . $srchurl . (($hasq || $hasamp) ? '' : '?f=') . '&searchremove=1&search=' . urlencode($rr['term']), 'srchlink' => z_root() . '/' . $srchurl . (($hasq || $hasamp) ? '' : '?f=') . '&search=' . urlencode($rr['term']), 'displayterm' => htmlspecialchars($rr['term'], ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8'), 'encodedterm' => urlencode($rr['term']), 'delete' => t('Remove term'), 'selected' => ($search==$rr['term']), ); } } $tpl = get_markup_template("saved_searches.tpl"); $o = replace_macros($tpl, array( '$title' => t('Saved Searches'), '$add' => t('add'), '$searchbox' => searchbox($search, 'netsearch-box', $srchurl . (($hasq) ? '' : '?f='), true), '$saved' => $saved, )); return $o; } function widget_sitesearch($arr) { $search = ((x($_GET,'search')) ? $_GET['search'] : ''); $srchurl = App::$query_string; $srchurl = rtrim(preg_replace('/search\=[^\&].*?(\&|$)/is','',$srchurl),'&'); $srchurl = rtrim(preg_replace('/submit\=[^\&].*?(\&|$)/is','',$srchurl),'&'); $srchurl = str_replace(array('?f=','&f='),array('',''),$srchurl); $hasq = ((strpos($srchurl,'?') !== false) ? true : false); $hasamp = ((strpos($srchurl,'&') !== false) ? true : false); if(($hasamp) && (! $hasq)) $srchurl = substr($srchurl,0,strpos($srchurl,'&')) . '?f=&' . substr($srchurl,strpos($srchurl,'&')+1); $o = ''; $saved = array(); $tpl = get_markup_template("sitesearch.tpl"); $o = replace_macros($tpl, array( '$title' => t('Search'), '$searchbox' => searchbox($search, 'netsearch-box', $srchurl . (($hasq) ? '' : '?f='), false), '$saved' => $saved, )); return $o; } function widget_filer($arr) { if(! local_channel()) return ''; $selected = ((x($_REQUEST,'file')) ? $_REQUEST['file'] : ''); $terms = array(); $r = q("select distinct term from term where uid = %d and ttype = %d order by term asc", intval(local_channel()), intval(TERM_FILE) ); if(! $r) return; foreach($r as $rr) $terms[] = array('name' => $rr['term'], 'selected' => (($selected == $rr['term']) ? 'selected' : '')); return replace_macros(get_markup_template('fileas_widget.tpl'),array( '$title' => t('Saved Folders'), '$desc' => '', '$sel_all' => (($selected == '') ? 'selected' : ''), '$all' => t('Everything'), '$terms' => $terms, '$base' => z_root() . '/' . App::$cmd )); } function widget_archive($arr) { $o = ''; if(! App::$profile_uid) { return ''; } $uid = App::$profile_uid; if(! feature_enabled($uid,'archives')) return ''; if(! perm_is_allowed($uid,get_observer_hash(),'view_stream')) return ''; $wall = ((array_key_exists('wall', $arr)) ? intval($arr['wall']) : 0); $style = ((array_key_exists('style', $arr)) ? $arr['style'] : 'select'); $showend = ((get_pconfig($uid,'system','archive_show_end_date')) ? true : false); $mindate = get_pconfig($uid,'system','archive_mindate'); $visible_years = get_pconfig($uid,'system','archive_visible_years'); if(! $visible_years) $visible_years = 5; $url = z_root() . '/' . App::$cmd; $ret = list_post_dates($uid,$wall,$mindate); if(! count($ret)) return ''; $cutoff_year = intval(datetime_convert('',date_default_timezone_get(),'now','Y')) - $visible_years; $cutoff = ((array_key_exists($cutoff_year,$ret))? true : false); $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('posted_date_widget.tpl'),array( '$title' => t('Archives'), '$size' => $visible_years, '$cutoff_year' => $cutoff_year, '$cutoff' => $cutoff, '$url' => $url, '$style' => $style, '$showend' => $showend, '$dates' => $ret )); return $o; } function widget_fullprofile($arr) { if(! App::$profile['profile_uid']) return; $block = observer_prohibited(); return profile_sidebar(App::$profile, $block); } function widget_shortprofile($arr) { if(! App::$profile['profile_uid']) return; $block = observer_prohibited(); return profile_sidebar(App::$profile, $block, true, true); } function widget_categories($arr) { if(App::$profile['profile_uid'] && (! perm_is_allowed(App::$profile['profile_uid'],get_observer_hash(),'view_stream'))) return ''; $cat = ((x($_REQUEST,'cat')) ? htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['cat'],ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8') : ''); $srchurl = App::$query_string; $srchurl = rtrim(preg_replace('/cat\=[^\&].*?(\&|$)/is','',$srchurl),'&'); $srchurl = str_replace(array('?f=','&f='),array('',''),$srchurl); return categories_widget($srchurl, $cat); } function widget_appcategories($arr) { if(! local_channel()) return ''; $selected = ((x($_REQUEST,'cat')) ? htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['cat'],ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8') : ''); $srchurl = rtrim(preg_replace('/cat\=[^\&].*?(\&|$)/is','',$srchurl),'&'); $srchurl = str_replace(array('?f=','&f='),array('',''),$srchurl); $srchurl = z_root() . '/apps'; $terms = array(); $r = q("select distinct(term.term) from term join app on term.oid = app.id where app_channel = %d and term.uid = app_channel and term.otype = %d order by term.term asc", intval(local_channel()), intval(TERM_OBJ_APP) ); if($r) { foreach($r as $rr) $terms[] = array('name' => $rr['term'], 'selected' => (($selected == $rr['term']) ? 'selected' : '')); return replace_macros(get_markup_template('categories_widget.tpl'),array( '$title' => t('Categories'), '$desc' => '', '$sel_all' => (($selected == '') ? 'selected' : ''), '$all' => t('Everything'), '$terms' => $terms, '$base' => $srchurl, )); } } function widget_appcloud($arr) { if(! local_channel()) return ''; return app_tagblock(z_root() . '/apps'); } function widget_tagcloud_wall($arr) { if((! App::$profile['profile_uid']) || (! App::$profile['channel_hash'])) return ''; if(! perm_is_allowed(App::$profile['profile_uid'], get_observer_hash(), 'view_stream')) return ''; $limit = ((array_key_exists('limit', $arr)) ? intval($arr['limit']) : 50); if(feature_enabled(App::$profile['profile_uid'], 'tagadelic')) return wtagblock(App::$profile['profile_uid'], $limit, '', App::$profile['channel_hash'], 'wall'); return ''; } function widget_catcloud_wall($arr) { if((! App::$profile['profile_uid']) || (! App::$profile['channel_hash'])) return ''; if(! perm_is_allowed(App::$profile['profile_uid'], get_observer_hash(), 'view_stream')) return ''; $limit = ((array_key_exists('limit',$arr)) ? intval($arr['limit']) : 50); return catblock(App::$profile['profile_uid'], $limit, '', App::$profile['channel_hash'], 'wall'); } function widget_affinity($arr) { if(! local_channel()) return ''; $cmin = ((x($_REQUEST,'cmin')) ? intval($_REQUEST['cmin']) : 0); $cmax = ((x($_REQUEST,'cmax')) ? intval($_REQUEST['cmax']) : 99); if(feature_enabled(local_channel(),'affinity')) { $labels = array( t('Me'), t('Family'), t('Friends'), t('Acquaintances'), t('All') ); call_hooks('affinity_labels',$labels); $label_str = ''; if($labels) { foreach($labels as $l) { if($label_str) { $label_str .= ", '|'"; $label_str .= ", '" . $l . "'"; } else $label_str .= "'" . $l . "'"; } } $tpl = get_markup_template('main_slider.tpl'); $x = replace_macros($tpl,array( '$val' => $cmin . ',' . $cmax, '$refresh' => t('Refresh'), '$labels' => $label_str, )); $arr = array('html' => $x); call_hooks('main_slider',$arr); return $arr['html']; } return ''; } function widget_settings_menu($arr) { if(! local_channel()) return; $channel = App::get_channel(); $abook_self_id = 0; // Retrieve the 'self' address book entry for use in the auto-permissions link $role = get_pconfig(local_channel(),'system','permissions_role'); $abk = q("select abook_id from abook where abook_channel = %d and abook_self = 1 limit 1", intval(local_channel()) ); if($abk) $abook_self_id = $abk[0]['abook_id']; $x = q("select count(*) as total from hubloc where hubloc_hash = '%s' and hubloc_deleted = 0 ", dbesc($channel['channel_hash']) ); $hublocs = (($x && $x[0]['total'] > 1) ? true : false); $tabs = array( array( 'label' => t('Account settings'), 'url' => z_root().'/settings/account', 'selected' => ((argv(1) === 'account') ? 'active' : ''), ), array( 'label' => t('Channel settings'), 'url' => z_root().'/settings/channel', 'selected' => ((argv(1) === 'channel') ? 'active' : ''), ), ); if(get_account_techlevel() > 0 && get_features()) { $tabs[] = array( 'label' => t('Additional features'), 'url' => z_root().'/settings/features', 'selected' => ((argv(1) === 'features') ? 'active' : ''), ); } $tabs[] = array( 'label' => t('Feature/Addon settings'), 'url' => z_root().'/settings/featured', 'selected' => ((argv(1) === 'featured') ? 'active' : ''), ); $tabs[] = array( 'label' => t('Display settings'), 'url' => z_root().'/settings/display', 'selected' => ((argv(1) === 'display') ? 'active' : ''), ); if($hublocs) { $tabs[] = array( 'label' => t('Manage locations'), 'url' => z_root() . '/locs', 'selected' => ((argv(1) === 'locs') ? 'active' : ''), ); } $tabs[] = array( 'label' => t('Export channel'), 'url' => z_root() . '/uexport', 'selected' => '' ); $tabs[] = array( 'label' => t('Connected apps'), 'url' => z_root() . '/settings/oauth', 'selected' => ((argv(1) === 'oauth') ? 'active' : ''), ); if(get_account_techlevel() > 2) { $tabs[] = array( 'label' => t('Guest Access Tokens'), 'url' => z_root() . '/settings/tokens', 'selected' => ((argv(1) === 'tokens') ? 'active' : ''), ); } if($role === false || $role === 'custom') { $tabs[] = array( 'label' => t('Connection Default Permissions'), 'url' => z_root() . '/connedit/' . $abook_self_id, 'selected' => '' ); } if(feature_enabled(local_channel(),'premium_channel')) { $tabs[] = array( 'label' => t('Premium Channel Settings'), 'url' => z_root() . '/connect/' . $channel['channel_address'], 'selected' => '' ); } if(feature_enabled(local_channel(),'channel_sources')) { $tabs[] = array( 'label' => t('Channel Sources'), 'url' => z_root() . '/sources', 'selected' => '' ); } $tabtpl = get_markup_template("generic_links_widget.tpl"); return replace_macros($tabtpl, array( '$title' => t('Settings'), '$class' => 'settings-widget', '$items' => $tabs, )); } function widget_mailmenu($arr) { if (! local_channel()) return; return replace_macros(get_markup_template('message_side.tpl'), array( '$title' => t('Private Mail Menu'), '$combined'=>array( 'label' => t('Combined View'), 'url' => z_root() . '/mail/combined', 'sel' => (argv(1) == 'combined'), ), '$inbox'=>array( 'label' => t('Inbox'), 'url' => z_root() . '/mail/inbox', 'sel' => (argv(1) == 'inbox'), ), '$outbox'=>array( 'label' => t('Outbox'), 'url' => z_root() . '/mail/outbox', 'sel' => (argv(1) == 'outbox'), ), '$new'=>array( 'label' => t('New Message'), 'url' => z_root() . '/mail/new', 'sel'=> (argv(1) == 'new'), ) )); } function widget_conversations($arr) { if (! local_channel()) return; if(argc() > 1) { switch(argv(1)) { case 'combined': $mailbox = 'combined'; $header = t('Conversations'); break; case 'inbox': $mailbox = 'inbox'; $header = t('Received Messages'); break; case 'outbox': $mailbox = 'outbox'; $header = t('Sent Messages'); break; default: $mailbox = 'combined'; $header = t('Conversations'); break; } require_once('include/message.php'); // private_messages_list() can do other more complicated stuff, for now keep it simple $r = private_messages_list(local_channel(), $mailbox, App::$pager['start'], App::$pager['itemspage']); if(! $r) { info( t('No messages.') . EOL); return $o; } $messages = array(); foreach($r as $rr) { $messages[] = array( 'mailbox' => $mailbox, 'id' => $rr['id'], 'from_name' => $rr['from']['xchan_name'], 'from_url' => chanlink_hash($rr['from_xchan']), 'from_photo' => $rr['from']['xchan_photo_s'], 'to_name' => $rr['to']['xchan_name'], 'to_url' => chanlink_hash($rr['to_xchan']), 'to_photo' => $rr['to']['xchan_photo_s'], 'subject' => (($rr['seen']) ? $rr['title'] : '' . $rr['title'] . ''), 'delete' => t('Delete conversation'), 'body' => $rr['body'], 'date' => datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$rr['created'], 'c'), 'seen' => $rr['seen'], 'selected' => ((argv(2)) ? (argv(2) == $rr['id']) : ($r[0]['id'] == $rr['id'])) ); } $tpl = get_markup_template('mail_head.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array( '$header' => $header, '$messages' => $messages )); //$o .= alt_pager($a,count($r)); } return $o; } function widget_eventstools($arr) { if (! local_channel()) return; return replace_macros(get_markup_template('events_tools_side.tpl'), array( '$title' => t('Events Tools'), '$export' => t('Export Calendar'), '$import' => t('Import Calendar'), '$submit' => t('Submit') )); } function widget_design_tools($arr) { // mod menu doesn't load a profile. For any modules which load a profile, check it. // otherwise local_channel() is sufficient for permissions. if(App::$profile['profile_uid']) if((App::$profile['profile_uid'] != local_channel()) && (! App::$is_sys)) return ''; if(! local_channel()) return ''; return design_tools(); } function widget_website_portation_tools($arr) { // mod menu doesn't load a profile. For any modules which load a profile, check it. // otherwise local_channel() is sufficient for permissions. if(App::$profile['profile_uid']) if((App::$profile['profile_uid'] != local_channel()) && (! App::$is_sys)) return ''; if(! local_channel()) return ''; return website_portation_tools(); } function widget_findpeople($arr) { return findpeople_widget(); } function widget_photo_albums($arr) { if(! App::$profile['profile_uid']) return ''; $channelx = channelx_by_n(App::$profile['profile_uid']); if((! $channelx) || (! perm_is_allowed(App::$profile['profile_uid'], get_observer_hash(), 'view_storage'))) return ''; require_once('include/photos.php'); $sortkey = ((array_key_exists('sortkey',$arr)) ? $arr['sortkey'] : 'album'); $direction = ((array_key_exists('direction',$arr)) ? $arr['direction'] : 'asc'); return photos_album_widget($channelx, App::get_observer(),$sortkey,$direction); } function widget_vcard($arr) { return vcard_from_xchan('', App::get_observer()); } /* * The following directory widgets are only useful on the directory page */ function widget_dirsort($arr) { return dir_sort_links(); } function widget_dirtags($arr) { return dir_tagblock(z_root() . '/directory', null); } function widget_menu_preview($arr) { if(! App::$data['menu_item']) return; require_once('include/menu.php'); return menu_render(App::$data['menu_item']); } function widget_chatroom_list($arr) { $r = Zotlabs\Lib\Chatroom::roomlist(App::$profile['profile_uid']); if($r) { return replace_macros(get_markup_template('chatroomlist.tpl'), array( '$header' => t('Chatrooms'), '$baseurl' => z_root(), '$nickname' => App::$profile['channel_address'], '$items' => $r, '$overview' => t('Overview') )); } } function widget_chatroom_members() { $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('chatroom_members.tpl'), array( '$header' => t('Chat Members') )); return $o; } function widget_wiki_list($arr) { require_once("include/wiki.php"); $channel = channelx_by_n(App::$profile_uid); if(defined('NATIVE_WIKI')) $wikis = Zotlabs\Lib\NativeWiki::listwikis($channel,get_observer_hash()); else $wikis = wiki_list($channel, get_observer_hash()); if($wikis) { return replace_macros(get_markup_template('wikilist_widget.tpl'), array( '$header' => t('Wiki List'), '$channel' => $channel['channel_address'], '$wikis' => $wikis['wikis'] )); } return ''; } function widget_wiki_pages($arr) { require_once("include/wiki.php"); $channelname = ((array_key_exists('channel',$arr)) ? $arr['channel'] : ''); $c = channelx_by_nick($channelname); $wikiname = ''; if (array_key_exists('refresh', $arr)) { $not_refresh = (($arr['refresh']=== true) ? false : true); } else { $not_refresh = true; } $pages = array(); if (! array_key_exists('resource_id', $arr)) { $hide = true; } else { if(defined('NATIVE_WIKI')) $p = Zotlabs\Lib\NativeWikiPage::page_list($c['channel_id'],get_observer_hash(),$arr['resource_id']); else $p = wiki_page_list($arr['resource_id']); if($p['pages']) { $pages = $p['pages']; $w = $p['wiki']; // Wiki item record is $w['wiki'] $wikiname = $w['urlName']; if (!$wikiname) { $wikiname = ''; } } } $can_create = perm_is_allowed(\App::$profile['uid'],get_observer_hash(),'write_pages'); return replace_macros(get_markup_template('wiki_page_list.tpl'), array( '$hide' => $hide, '$resource_id' => $arr['resource_id'], '$not_refresh' => $not_refresh, '$header' => t('Wiki Pages'), '$channel' => $channelname, '$wikiname' => $wikiname, '$pages' => $pages, '$canadd' => $can_create, '$addnew' => t('Add new page'), '$pageName' => array('pageName', t('Page name')), )); } function widget_wiki_page_history($arr) { require_once("include/wiki.php"); $pageUrlName = ((array_key_exists('pageUrlName', $arr)) ? $arr['pageUrlName'] : ''); $resource_id = ((array_key_exists('resource_id', $arr)) ? $arr['resource_id'] : ''); if(defined('NATIVE_WIKI')) { $pageHistory = Zotlabs\Lib\NativeWikiPage::page_history(array('channel_id' => App::$profile_uid, 'observer_hash' => get_observer_hash(), 'resource_id' => $resource_id, 'pageUrlName' => $pageUrlName)); return replace_macros(get_markup_template('nwiki_page_history.tpl'), array( '$pageHistory' => $pageHistory['history'], '$permsWrite' => $arr['permsWrite'], '$name_lbl' => t('Name'), '$msg_label' => t('Message','wiki_history') )); } else { $pageHistory = wiki_page_history(array('resource_id' => $resource_id, 'pageUrlName' => $pageUrlName)); return replace_macros(get_markup_template('wiki_page_history.tpl'), array( '$pageHistory' => $pageHistory['history'], '$permsWrite' => $arr['permsWrite'] )); } } function widget_bookmarkedchats($arr) { if(! feature_enabled(App::$profile['profile_uid'],'ajaxchat')) return ''; $h = get_observer_hash(); if(! $h) return; $r = q("select xchat_url, xchat_desc from xchat where xchat_xchan = '%s' order by xchat_desc", dbesc($h) ); if($r) { for($x = 0; $x < count($r); $x ++) { $r[$x]['xchat_url'] = zid($r[$x]['xchat_url']); } } return replace_macros(get_markup_template('bookmarkedchats.tpl'),array( '$header' => t('Bookmarked Chatrooms'), '$rooms' => $r )); } function widget_suggestedchats($arr) { if(! feature_enabled(App::$profile['profile_uid'],'ajaxchat')) return ''; // There are reports that this tool does not ever remove chatrooms on dead sites, // and also will happily link to private chats which you cannot enter. // For those reasons, it will be disabled until somebody decides it's worth // fixing and comes up with a plan for doing so. return ''; // probably should restrict this to your friends, but then the widget will only work // if you are logged in locally. $h = get_observer_hash(); if(! $h) return; $r = q("select xchat_url, xchat_desc, count(xchat_xchan) as total from xchat group by xchat_url, xchat_desc order by total desc, xchat_desc limit 24"); if($r) { for($x = 0; $x < count($r); $x ++) { $r[$x]['xchat_url'] = zid($r[$x]['xchat_url']); } } return replace_macros(get_markup_template('bookmarkedchats.tpl'),array( '$header' => t('Suggested Chatrooms'), '$rooms' => $r )); } function widget_item($arr) { $channel_id = 0; if(array_key_exists('channel_id',$arr) && intval($arr['channel_id'])) $channel_id = intval($arr['channel_id']); if(! $channel_id) $channel_id = App::$profile_uid; if(! $channel_id) return ''; if((! $arr['mid']) && (! $arr['title'])) return ''; if(! perm_is_allowed($channel_id, get_observer_hash(), 'view_pages')) return ''; require_once('include/security.php'); $sql_extra = item_permissions_sql($channel_id); if($arr['title']) { $r = q("select item.* from item left join iconfig on item.id = iconfig.iid where item.uid = %d and iconfig.cat = 'system' and iconfig.v = '%s' and iconfig.k = 'WEBPAGE' and item_type = %d $sql_options $revision limit 1", intval($channel_id), dbesc($arr['title']), intval(ITEM_TYPE_WEBPAGE) ); } else { $r = q("select * from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d and item_type = " . intval(ITEM_TYPE_WEBPAGE) . " $sql_extra limit 1", dbesc($arr['mid']), intval($channel_id) ); } if(! $r) return ''; xchan_query($r); $r = fetch_post_tags($r, true); $o = prepare_page($r[0]); return $o; } function widget_clock($arr) { $miltime = 0; if(isset($arr['military']) && $arr['military']) $miltime = 1; $o = <<< EOT

EOT; return $o; } /** * @brief Widget to display a single photo. * * @param array $arr associative array with * * \e string \b src URL of photo; URL must be an http or https URL * * \e boolean \b zrl use zid in URL * * \e string \b style CSS string * * @return string with parsed HTML */ function widget_photo($arr) { $style = $zrl = false; if(array_key_exists('src', $arr) && isset($arr['src'])) $url = $arr['src']; if(strpos($url, 'http') !== 0) return ''; if(array_key_exists('style', $arr) && isset($arr['style'])) $style = $arr['style']; // ensure they can't sneak in an eval(js) function if(strpbrk($style, '(\'"<>') !== false) $style = ''; if(array_key_exists('zrl', $arr) && isset($arr['zrl'])) $zrl = (($arr['zrl']) ? true : false); if($zrl) $url = zid($url); $o = '
'; $o .= '' . t('photo/image') . ''; $o .= '
'; return $o; } function widget_cover_photo($arr) { require_once('include/channel.php'); $o = ''; if(App::$module == 'channel' && $_REQUEST['mid']) return ''; $channel_id = 0; if(array_key_exists('channel_id', $arr) && intval($arr['channel_id'])) $channel_id = intval($arr['channel_id']); if(! $channel_id) $channel_id = App::$profile_uid; if(! $channel_id) return ''; $channel = channelx_by_n($channel_id); if(array_key_exists('style', $arr) && isset($arr['style'])) $style = $arr['style']; else $style = 'width:100%; height: auto;'; // ensure they can't sneak in an eval(js) function if(strpbrk($style,'(\'"<>') !== false) $style = ''; if(array_key_exists('title', $arr) && isset($arr['title'])) $title = $arr['title']; else $title = $channel['channel_name']; if(array_key_exists('subtitle', $arr) && isset($arr['subtitle'])) $subtitle = $arr['subtitle']; else $subtitle = str_replace('@','@',$channel['xchan_addr']); $c = get_cover_photo($channel_id,'html'); if($c) { $photo_html = (($style) ? str_replace('alt=',' style="' . $style . '" alt=',$c) : $c); $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('cover_photo_widget.tpl'),array( '$photo_html' => $photo_html, '$title' => $title, '$subtitle' => $subtitle, '$hovertitle' => t('Click to show more'), )); } return $o; } function widget_photo_rand($arr) { require_once('include/photos.php'); $style = false; if(array_key_exists('album', $arr) && isset($arr['album'])) $album = $arr['album']; else $album = ''; $channel_id = 0; if(array_key_exists('channel_id', $arr) && intval($arr['channel_id'])) $channel_id = intval($arr['channel_id']); if(! $channel_id) $channel_id = App::$profile_uid; if(! $channel_id) return ''; $scale = ((array_key_exists('scale',$arr)) ? intval($arr['scale']) : 0); $ret = photos_list_photos(array('channel_id' => $channel_id),App::get_observer(),$album); $filtered = array(); if($ret['success'] && $ret['photos']) foreach($ret['photos'] as $p) if($p['imgscale'] == $scale) $filtered[] = $p['src']; if($filtered) { $e = mt_rand(0, count($filtered) - 1); $url = $filtered[$e]; } if(strpos($url, 'http') !== 0) return ''; if(array_key_exists('style', $arr) && isset($arr['style'])) $style = $arr['style']; // ensure they can't sneak in an eval(js) function if(strpos($style,'(') !== false) return ''; $url = zid($url); $o = '
'; $o .= '' . t('photo/image') . ''; $o .= '
'; return $o; } function widget_random_block($arr) { $channel_id = 0; if(array_key_exists('channel_id',$arr) && intval($arr['channel_id'])) $channel_id = intval($arr['channel_id']); if(! $channel_id) $channel_id = App::$profile_uid; if(! $channel_id) return ''; if(array_key_exists('contains',$arr)) $contains = $arr['contains']; $o = ''; require_once('include/security.php'); $sql_options = item_permissions_sql($channel_id); $randfunc = db_getfunc('RAND'); $r = q("select item.* from item left join iconfig on item.id = iconfig.iid where item.uid = %d and iconfig.cat = 'system' and iconfig.v like '%s' and iconfig.k = 'BUILDBLOCK' and item_type = %d $sql_options order by $randfunc limit 1", intval($channel_id), dbesc('%' . $contains . '%'), intval(ITEM_TYPE_BLOCK) ); if($r) { $o = '
'; if($r[0]['title']) $o .= '

' . $r[0]['title'] . '

'; $o .= prepare_text($r[0]['body'],$r[0]['mimetype']); $o .= '
'; } return $o; } function widget_rating($arr) { $rating_enabled = get_config('system','rating_enabled'); if(! $rating_enabled) { return; } if($arr['target']) $hash = $arr['target']; else $hash = App::$poi['xchan_hash']; if(! $hash) return; $url = ''; $remote = false; if(remote_channel() && ! local_channel()) { $ob = App::get_observer(); if($ob && $ob['xchan_url']) { $p = parse_url($ob['xchan_url']); if($p) { $url = $p['scheme'] . '://' . $p['host'] . (($p['port']) ? ':' . $p['port'] : ''); $url .= '/rate?f=&target=' . urlencode($hash); } $remote = true; } } $self = false; if(local_channel()) { $channel = App::get_channel(); if($hash == $channel['channel_hash']) $self = true; head_add_js('ratings.js'); } $o = '
'; $o .= '

' . t('Rating Tools') . '

'; if((($remote) || (local_channel())) && (! $self)) { if($remote) $o .= ' ' . t('Rate Me') . ''; else $o .= '
' . t('Rate Me') . '
'; } $o .= ' ' . t('View Ratings') . ''; $o .= '
'; return $o; } // used by site ratings pages to provide a return link function widget_pubsites($arr) { if(App::$poi) return; return '
'; } function widget_forums($arr) { if(! local_channel()) return ''; $o = ''; if(is_array($arr) && array_key_exists('limit',$arr)) $limit = " limit " . intval($limit) . " "; else $limit = ''; $unseen = 0; if(is_array($arr) && array_key_exists('unseen',$arr) && intval($arr['unseen'])) $unseen = 1; $perms_sql = item_permissions_sql(local_channel()) . item_normal(); $xf = false; $x1 = q("select xchan from abconfig where chan = %d and cat = 'their_perms' and k = 'send_stream' and v = '0'", intval(local_channel()) ); if($x1) { $xc = ids_to_querystr($x1,'xchan',true); $x2 = q("select xchan from abconfig where chan = %d and cat = 'their_perms' and k = 'tag_deliver' and v = '1' and xchan in (" . $xc . ") ", intval(local_channel()) ); if($x2) $xf = ids_to_querystr($x2,'xchan',true); } $sql_extra = (($xf) ? " and ( xchan_hash in (" . $xf . ") or xchan_pubforum = 1 ) " : " and xchan_pubforum = 1 "); $r1 = q("select abook_id, xchan_hash, xchan_name, xchan_url, xchan_photo_s from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash where xchan_deleted = 0 and abook_channel = %d $sql_extra order by xchan_name $limit ", intval(local_channel()) ); if(! $r1) return $o; $str = ''; // Trying to cram all this into a single query with joins and the proper group by's is tough. // There also should be a way to update this via ajax. for($x = 0; $x < count($r1); $x ++) { $r = q("select sum(item_unseen) as unseen from item where owner_xchan = '%s' and uid = %d and item_unseen = 1 $perms_sql ", dbesc($r1[$x]['xchan_hash']), intval(local_channel()) ); if($r) $r1[$x]['unseen'] = $r[0]['unseen']; /** * @FIXME * This SQL makes the counts correct when you get forum posts arriving from different routes/sources * (like personal channels). However the network query for these posts doesn't yet include this * correction and it makes the SQL for that query pretty hairy so this is left as a future exercise. * It may make more sense in that query to look for the mention in the body rather than another join, * but that makes it very inefficient. * $r = q("select sum(item_unseen) as unseen from item left join term on oid = id where otype = %d and owner_xchan != '%s' and item.uid = %d and url = '%s' and ttype = %d $perms_sql ", intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), dbesc($r1[$x]['xchan_hash']), intval(local_channel()), dbesc($r1[$x]['xchan_url']), intval(TERM_MENTION) ); if($r) $r1[$x]['unseen'] = ((array_key_exists('unseen',$r1[$x])) ? $r1[$x]['unseen'] + $r[0]['unseen'] : $r[0]['unseen']); * * end @FIXME */ } if($r1) { $o .= '
'; $o .= '

' . t('Forums') . '

'; } return $o; } function widget_tasklist($arr) { if (! local_channel()) return; require_once('include/event.php'); $o .= ''; $o .= ''; $o .= '
' . '

' . t('Tasks') . '

'; $o .= '
'; $o .= '
'; return $o; } function widget_helpindex($arr) { $o .= '
'; $level_0 = get_help_content('sitetoc'); if(! $level_0) $level_0 = get_help_content('toc'); $level_0 = preg_replace('/\/','
'; return $o; } function widget_admin($arr) { /* * Side bar links */ if(! is_site_admin()) { return login(false); } $o = ''; // array( url, name, extra css classes ) $aside = array( 'site' => array(z_root() . '/admin/site/', t('Site'), 'site'), 'accounts' => array(z_root() . '/admin/accounts/', t('Accounts'), 'accounts', 'pending-update', t('Member registrations waiting for confirmation')), 'channels' => array(z_root() . '/admin/channels/', t('Channels'), 'channels'), 'security' => array(z_root() . '/admin/security/', t('Security'), 'security'), 'features' => array(z_root() . '/admin/features/', t('Features'), 'features'), 'plugins' => array(z_root() . '/admin/plugins/', t('Plugins'), 'plugins'), 'themes' => array(z_root() . '/admin/themes/', t('Themes'), 'themes'), 'queue' => array(z_root() . '/admin/queue', t('Inspect queue'), 'queue'), 'profs' => array(z_root() . '/admin/profs', t('Profile Fields'), 'profs'), 'dbsync' => array(z_root() . '/admin/dbsync/', t('DB updates'), 'dbsync') ); /* get plugins admin page */ $r = q("SELECT * FROM addon WHERE plugin_admin = 1"); $plugins = array(); if($r) { foreach ($r as $h){ $plugin = $h['aname']; $plugins[] = array(z_root() . '/admin/plugins/' . $plugin, $plugin, 'plugin'); // temp plugins with admin App::$plugins_admin[] = $plugin; } } $logs = array(z_root() . '/admin/logs/', t('Logs'), 'logs'); $arr = array('links' => $aside,'plugins' => $plugins,'logs' => $logs); call_hooks('admin_aside',$arr); $o .= replace_macros(get_markup_template('admin_aside.tpl'), array( '$admin' => $aside, '$admtxt' => t('Admin'), '$plugadmtxt' => t('Plugin Features'), '$plugins' => $plugins, '$logtxt' => t('Logs'), '$logs' => $logs, '$h_pending' => t('Member registrations waiting for confirmation'), '$admurl'=> z_root() . '/admin/' )); return $o; } function widget_album($args) { $owner_uid = App::$profile_uid; $sql_extra = permissions_sql($owner_uid); if(! perm_is_allowed($owner_uid,get_observer_hash(),'view_storage')) return ''; if($args['album']) $album = $args['album']; if($args['title']) $title = $args['title']; /** * This may return incorrect permissions if you have multiple directories of the same name. * It is a limitation of the photo table using a name for a photo album instead of a folder hash */ if($album) { $x = q("select hash from attach where filename = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($album), intval($owner_uid) ); if($x) { $y = attach_can_view_folder($owner_uid,get_observer_hash(),$x[0]['hash']); if(! $y) return ''; } } $order = 'DESC'; $r = q("SELECT p.resource_id, p.id, p.filename, p.mimetype, p.imgscale, p.description, p.created FROM photo p INNER JOIN (SELECT resource_id, max(imgscale) imgscale FROM photo WHERE uid = %d AND album = '%s' AND imgscale <= 4 AND photo_usage IN ( %d, %d ) $sql_extra GROUP BY resource_id) ph ON (p.resource_id = ph.resource_id AND p.imgscale = ph.imgscale) ORDER BY created $order ", intval($owner_uid), dbesc($album), intval(PHOTO_NORMAL), intval(PHOTO_PROFILE) ); //edit album name $album_edit = null; $photos = array(); if($r) { $twist = 'rotright'; foreach($r as $rr) { if($twist == 'rotright') $twist = 'rotleft'; else $twist = 'rotright'; $ext = $phototypes[$rr['mimetype']]; $imgalt_e = $rr['filename']; $desc_e = $rr['description']; $imagelink = (z_root() . '/photos/' . App::$profile['channel_address'] . '/image/' . $rr['resource_id']); $photos[] = array( 'id' => $rr['id'], 'twist' => ' ' . $twist . rand(2,4), 'link' => $imagelink, 'title' => t('View Photo'), 'src' => z_root() . '/photo/' . $rr['resource_id'] . '-' . $rr['imgscale'] . '.' .$ext, 'alt' => $imgalt_e, 'desc'=> $desc_e, 'ext' => $ext, 'hash'=> $rr['resource_id'], 'unknown' => t('Unknown') ); } } $tpl = get_markup_template('photo_album.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array( '$photos' => $photos, '$album' => (($title) ? $title : $album), '$album_id' => rand(), '$album_edit' => array(t('Edit Album'), $album_edit), '$can_post' => false, '$upload' => array(t('Upload'), z_root() . '/photos/' . App::$profile['channel_address'] . '/upload/' . bin2hex($album)), '$order' => false, '$upload_form' => $upload_form, '$usage' => $usage_message )); return $o; }