// returns substituted string.
// WARNING: this is pretty basic, and doesn't properly handle search strings that are substrings of each other.
// For instance if 'test' => "foo" and 'testing' => "bar", testing could become either bar or fooing,
// depending on the order in which they were declared in the array.
if(! function_exists('replace_macros')) {
function replace_macros($s,$r) {
global $t;
//$ts = microtime();
$r = $t->replace($s,$r);
//$tt = microtime() - $ts;
//$a = get_app();
//$a->page['debug'] .= "$tt \n";
return template_unescape($r);
// random string, there are 86 characters max in text mode, 128 for hex
// output is urlsafe
define('RANDOM_STRING_HEX', 0x00 );
define('RANDOM_STRING_TEXT', 0x01 );
if(! function_exists('random_string')) {
function random_string($size = 64,$type = RANDOM_STRING_HEX) {
// generate a bit of entropy and run it through the whirlpool
$s = hash('whirlpool', (string) rand() . uniqid(rand(),true) . (string) rand(),(($type == RANDOM_STRING_TEXT) ? true : false));
$s = (($type == RANDOM_STRING_TEXT) ? str_replace("\n","",base64url_encode($s,true)) : $s);
* This is our primary input filter.
* The high bit hack only involved some old IE browser, forget which (IE5/Mac?)
* that had an XSS attack vector due to stripping the high-bit on an 8-bit character
* after cleansing, and angle chars with the high bit set could get through as markup.
* This is now disabled because it was interfering with some legitimate unicode sequences
* and hopefully there aren't a lot of those browsers left.
* Use this on any text input where angle chars are not valid or permitted
* They will be replaced with safer brackets. This may be filtered further
* if these are not allowed either.
if(! function_exists('notags')) {
function notags($string) {
return(str_replace(array("<",">"), array('[',']'), $string));
// High-bit filter no longer used
// return(str_replace(array("<",">","\xBA","\xBC","\xBE"), array('[',']','','',''), $string));
// use this on "body" or "content" input where angle chars shouldn't be removed,
// and allow them to be safely displayed.
if(! function_exists('escape_tags')) {
function escape_tags($string) {
return(htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false));
// generate a string that's random, but usually pronounceable.
// used to generate initial passwords
if(! function_exists('autoname')) {
function autoname($len) {
if($len <= 0)
return '';
$vowels = array('a','a','ai','au','e','e','e','ee','ea','i','ie','o','ou','u');
if(mt_rand(0,5) == 4)
$vowels[] = 'y';
$cons = array(
$midcons = array('ck','ct','gn','ld','lf','lm','lt','mb','mm', 'mn','mp',
$noend = array('bl', 'br', 'cl','cr','dr','fl','fr','gl','gr',
'kh', 'kl','kr','mn','pl','pr','rh','tr','qu','wh');
$start = mt_rand(0,2);
if($start == 0)
$table = $vowels;
$table = $cons;
$word = '';
for ($x = 0; $x < $len; $x ++) {
$r = mt_rand(0,count($table) - 1);
$word .= $table[$r];
if($table == $vowels)
$table = array_merge($cons,$midcons);
$table = $vowels;
$word = substr($word,0,$len);
foreach($noend as $noe) {
if((strlen($word) > 2) && (substr($word,-2) == $noe)) {
$word = substr($word,0,-1);
if(substr($word,-1) == 'q')
$word = substr($word,0,-1);
return $word;
// escape text ($str) for XML transport
// returns escaped text.
if(! function_exists('xmlify')) {
function xmlify($str) {
$buffer = '';
for($x = 0; $x < mb_strlen($str); $x ++) {
$char = $str[$x];
switch( $char ) {
case "\r" :
case "&" :
$buffer .= '&';
case "'" :
$buffer .= ''';
case "\"" :
$buffer .= '"';
case '<' :
$buffer .= '<';
case '>' :
$buffer .= '>';
case "\n" :
$buffer .= "\n";
default :
$buffer .= $char;
$buffer = trim($buffer);
// undo an xmlify
// pass xml escaped text ($s), returns unescaped text
if(! function_exists('unxmlify')) {
function unxmlify($s) {
$ret = str_replace('&','&', $s);
$ret = str_replace(array('<','>','"','''),array('<','>','"',"'"),$ret);
return $ret;
// convenience wrapper, reverse the operation "bin2hex"
if(! function_exists('hex2bin')) {
function hex2bin($s) {
if(! (is_string($s) && strlen($s)))
return '';
if(! ctype_xdigit($s)) {
// Automatic pagination.
// To use, get the count of total items.
// Then call $a->set_pager_total($number_items);
// Optionally call $a->set_pager_itemspage($n) to the number of items to display on each page
// Then call paginate($a) after the end of the display loop to insert the pager block on the page
// (assuming there are enough items to paginate).
// When using with SQL, the setting LIMIT %d, %d => $a->pager['start'],$a->pager['itemspage']
// will limit the results to the correct items for the current page.
// The actual page handling is then accomplished at the application layer.
if(! function_exists('paginate')) {
function paginate(&$a) {
$o = '';
$stripped = preg_replace('/(&page=[0-9]*)/','',$a->query_string);
// $stripped = preg_replace('/&zid=(.*?)([\?&]|$)/ism','',$stripped);
$stripped = str_replace('q=','',$stripped);
$stripped = trim($stripped,'/');
$pagenum = $a->pager['page'];
$url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/' . $stripped;
if($a->pager['total'] > $a->pager['itemspage']) {
$o .= '
return $o;
if(! function_exists('alt_pager')) {
function alt_pager(&$a, $i) {
$o = '';
$stripped = preg_replace('/(&page=[0-9]*)/','',$a->query_string);
$stripped = str_replace('q=','',$stripped);
$stripped = trim($stripped,'/');
$pagenum = $a->pager['page'];
$url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/' . $stripped;
$o .= ''."\r\n";
return $o;
// Turn user/group ACLs stored as angle bracketed text into arrays
if(! function_exists('expand_acl')) {
function expand_acl($s) {
// turn string array of angle-bracketed elements into string array
// e.g. "<123xyz><246qyo>" => array(123xyz,246qyo,sxo33e);
$ret = array();
if(strlen($s)) {
$t = str_replace('<','',$s);
$a = explode('>',$t);
foreach($a as $aa) {
$ret[] = $aa;
return $ret;
// Used to wrap ACL elements in angle brackets for storage
if(! function_exists('sanitise_acl')) {
function sanitise_acl(&$item) {
$item = '<' . notags(trim($item)) . '>';
// Convert an ACL array to a storable string
if(! function_exists('perms2str')) {
function perms2str($p) {
$ret = '';
$tmp = $p;
$tmp = explode(',',$p);
if(is_array($tmp)) {
$ret = implode('',$tmp);
return $ret;
// generate a guaranteed unique (for this domain) item ID for ATOM
// safe from birthday paradox
if(! function_exists('item_message_id')) {
function item_message_id() {
do {
$dups = false;
$hash = random_string();
$uri = $hash . '@' . get_app()->get_hostname();
$r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
$dups = true;
} while($dups == true);
return $uri;
// Generate a guaranteed unique photo ID.
// safe from birthday paradox
if(! function_exists('photo_new_resource')) {
function photo_new_resource() {
do {
$found = false;
$resource = hash('md5',uniqid(mt_rand(),true));
$r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `photo` WHERE `resource_id` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
$found = true;
} while($found == true);
return $resource;
// for html,xml parsing - let's say you've got
// an attribute foobar="class1 class2 class3"
// and you want to find out if it contains 'class3'.
// you can't use a normal sub string search because you
// might match 'notclass3' and a regex to do the job is
// possible but a bit complicated.
// pass the attribute string as $attr and the attribute you
// are looking for as $s - returns true if found, otherwise false
if(! function_exists('attribute_contains')) {
function attribute_contains($attr,$s) {
$a = explode(' ', $attr);
if(count($a) && in_array($s,$a))
return true;
return false;
if(! function_exists('logger')) {
function logger($msg,$level = 0) {
// turn off logger in install mode
global $a;
global $db;
if(($a->module == 'install') || (! ($db && $db->connected))) return;
$debugging = get_config('system','debugging');
$loglevel = intval(get_config('system','loglevel'));
$logfile = get_config('system','logfile');
if((! $debugging) || (! $logfile) || ($level > $loglevel))
@file_put_contents($logfile, datetime_convert() . ':' . session_id() . ' ' . $msg . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
if(! function_exists('activity_match')) {
function activity_match($haystack,$needle) {
if(($haystack === $needle) || ((basename($needle) === $haystack) && strstr($needle,NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA)))
return true;
return false;
// Pull out all #hashtags and @person tags from $s;
// We also get - which would make
// the regex quite complicated as tags can also
// end a sentence. So we'll run through our results
// and strip the period from any tags which end with one.
// Returns array of tags found, or empty array.
if(! function_exists('get_tags')) {
function get_tags($s) {
$ret = array();
// ignore anything in a code block
$s = preg_replace('/\[code\](.*?)\[\/code\]/sm','',$s);
// Match full names against @tags including the space between first and last
// We will look these up afterward to see if they are full names or not recognisable.
if(preg_match_all('/(@[^ \x0D\x0A,:?]+ [^ \x0D\x0A@,:?]+)([ \x0D\x0A@,:?]|$)/',$s,$match)) {
foreach($match[1] as $mtch) {
if(strstr($mtch,"]")) {
// we might be inside a bbcode color tag - leave it alone
if(substr($mtch,-1,1) === '.')
$ret[] = substr($mtch,0,-1);
$ret[] = $mtch;
// Otherwise pull out single word tags. These can be @nickname, @first_last
// and #hash tags.
if(preg_match_all('/([@#][^ \x0D\x0A,;:?]+)([ \x0D\x0A,;:?]|$)/',$s,$match)) {
foreach($match[1] as $mtch) {
if(strstr($mtch,"]")) {
// we might be inside a bbcode color tag - leave it alone
if(substr($mtch,-1,1) === '.')
$mtch = substr($mtch,0,-1);
// ignore strictly numeric tags like #1
if((strpos($mtch,'#') === 0) && ctype_digit(substr($mtch,1)))
// try not to catch url fragments
if(strpos($s,$mtch) && preg_match('/[a-zA-z0-9\/]/',substr($s,strpos($s,$mtch)-1,1)))
$ret[] = $mtch;
return $ret;
// quick and dirty quoted_printable encoding
if(! function_exists('qp')) {
function qp($s) {
return str_replace ("%","=",rawurlencode($s));
if(! function_exists('get_mentions')) {
function get_mentions($item,$tags) {
$o = '';
if(! count($tags))
return $o;
foreach($tags as $x) {
if($x['type'] == TERM_MENTION) {
$o .= "\t\t" . ' ' . "\r\n";
$o .= "\t\t" . ' ' . "\r\n";
return $o;
if(! function_exists('contact_block')) {
function contact_block() {
$o = '';
$a = get_app();
$shown = get_pconfig($a->profile['uid'],'system','display_friend_count');
if($shown === false)
$shown = 24;
if($shown == 0)
if((! is_array($a->profile)) || ($a->profile['hide_friends']))
return $o;
$r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM abook WHERE abook_channel = %d and abook_flags = 0",
if(count($r)) {
$total = intval($r[0]['total']);
if(! $total) {
$contacts = t('No connnections');
$micropro = Null;
} else {
$r = q("SELECT abook.*, xchan.* FROM abook left join xchan on abook.abook_xchan = xchan.xchan_hash WHERE abook_channel = %d AND abook_flags = 0 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT %d",
if(count($r)) {
$contacts = sprintf( tt('%d Connection','%d Connections', $total),$total);
$micropro = Array();
foreach($r as $rr) {
$micropro[] = micropro($rr,true,'mpfriend');
$tpl = get_markup_template('contact_block.tpl');
$o = replace_macros($tpl, array(
'$contacts' => $contacts,
'$nickname' => $a->profile['nickname'],
'$viewcontacts' => t('View Connnections'),
'$micropro' => $micropro,
$arr = array('contacts' => $r, 'output' => $o);
call_hooks('contact_block_end', $arr);
return $o;
function chanlink_hash($s) {
return z_root() . '/chanview?f=&hash=' . urlencode($s);
function chanlink_url($s) {
return z_root() . '/chanview?f=&url=' . urlencode($s);
function chanlink_cid($d) {
return z_root() . '/chanview?f=&cid=' . intval($d);
if(! function_exists('micropro')) {
function micropro($contact, $redirect = false, $class = '', $textmode = false) {
$url = chanlink_hash($contact['xchan_hash']);
return replace_macros(get_markup_template(($textmode)?'micropro_txt.tpl':'micropro_img.tpl'),array(
'$click' => $click,
'$class' => $class,
'$url' => $url,
'$photo' => $contact['xchan_photo_s'],
'$name' => $contact['xchan_name'],
'$title' => $contact['xchan_name'] . ' [' . $contact['xchan_addr'] . ']',
if(! function_exists('search')) {
function search($s,$id='search-box',$url='/search',$save = false) {
$a = get_app();
$o = '';
$o .= '
return $o;
if(! function_exists('valid_email')) {
function valid_email($x){
return true;
return true;
return false;
* Function: linkify
* Replace naked text hyperlink with HTML formatted hyperlink
if(! function_exists('linkify')) {
function linkify($s) {
$s = preg_replace("/(https?\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\_\~\#\'\%\$\!\+]*)/", ' $1 ', $s);
$s = preg_replace("/\<(.*?)(src|href)=(.*?)\&\;(.*?)\>/ism",'<$1$2=$3&$4>',$s);
function get_poke_verbs() {
// index is present tense verb
// value is array containing past tense verb, translation of present, translation of past
$arr = array(
'poke' => array( 'poked', t('poke'), t('poked')),
'ping' => array( 'pinged', t('ping'), t('pinged')),
'prod' => array( 'prodded', t('prod'), t('prodded')),
'slap' => array( 'slapped', t('slap'), t('slapped')),
'finger' => array( 'fingered', t('finger'), t('fingered')),
'rebuff' => array( 'rebuffed', t('rebuff'), t('rebuffed')),
call_hooks('poke_verbs', $arr);
return $arr;
function get_mood_verbs() {
// index is present tense verb
// value is array containing past tense verb, translation of present, translation of past
$arr = array(
'happy' => t('happy'),
'sad' => t('sad'),
'mellow' => t('mellow'),
'tired' => t('tired'),
'perky' => t('perky'),
'angry' => t('angry'),
'stupefied' => t('stupified'),
'puzzled' => t('puzzled'),
'interested' => t('interested'),
'bitter' => t('bitter'),
'cheerful' => t('cheerful'),
'alive' => t('alive'),
'annoyed' => t('annoyed'),
'anxious' => t('anxious'),
'cranky' => t('cranky'),
'disturbed' => t('disturbed'),
'frustrated' => t('frustrated'),
'motivated' => t('motivated'),
'relaxed' => t('relaxed'),
'surprised' => t('surprised'),
call_hooks('mood_verbs', $arr);
return $arr;
* Function: smilies
* Description:
* Replaces text emoticons with graphical images
* @Parameter: string $s
* Returns string
* It is expected that this function will be called using HTML text.
* We will escape text between HTML pre and code blocks from being
* processed.
* At a higher level, the bbcode [nosmile] tag can be used to prevent this
* function from being executed by the prepare_text() routine when preparing
* bbcode source for HTML display
if(! function_exists('smilies')) {
function smilies($s, $sample = false) {
$a = get_app();
|| (local_user() && intval(get_pconfig(local_user(),'system','no_smilies'))))
return $s;
$s = preg_replace_callback('/(.*?)<\/pre>/ism','smile_encode',$s);
$s = preg_replace_callback('/(.*?)<\/code>/ism','smile_encode',$s);
$texts = array(
$icons = array(
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
' ',
'~friendika ',
'~friendica '
$params = array('texts' => $texts, 'icons' => $icons, 'string' => $s);
call_hooks('smilie', $params);
if($sample) {
$s = '';
for($x = 0; $x < count($params['texts']); $x ++) {
$s .= '
' . $params['texts'][$x] . ' ' . $params['icons'][$x] . ' ';
else {
$params['string'] = preg_replace_callback('/<(3+)/','preg_heart',$params['string']);
$s = str_replace($params['texts'],$params['icons'],$params['string']);
$s = preg_replace_callback('/
$s = preg_replace_callback('/(.*?)<\/code>/ism','smile_decode',$s);
return $s;
function smile_encode($m) {
function smile_decode($m) {
// expand <3333 to the correct number of hearts
function preg_heart($x) {
$a = get_app();
if(strlen($x[1]) == 1)
return $x[0];
$t = '';
for($cnt = 0; $cnt < strlen($x[1]); $cnt ++)
$t .= ' ';
$r = str_replace($x[0],$t,$x[0]);
return $r;
if(! function_exists('day_translate')) {
function day_translate($s) {
$ret = str_replace(array('Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday'),
array( t('Monday'), t('Tuesday'), t('Wednesday'), t('Thursday'), t('Friday'), t('Saturday'), t('Sunday')),
$ret = str_replace(array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'),
array( t('January'), t('February'), t('March'), t('April'), t('May'), t('June'), t('July'), t('August'), t('September'), t('October'), t('November'), t('December')),
return $ret;
if(! function_exists('normalise_link')) {
function normalise_link($url) {
$ret = str_replace(array('https:','//www.'), array('http:','//'), $url);
* Compare two URLs to see if they are the same, but ignore
* slight but hopefully insignificant differences such as if one
* is https and the other isn't, or if one is www.something and
* the other isn't - and also ignore case differences.
* Return true if the URLs match, otherwise false.
if(! function_exists('link_compare')) {
function link_compare($a,$b) {
if(strcasecmp(normalise_link($a),normalise_link($b)) === 0)
return true;
return false;
// Given an item array, convert the body element from bbcode to html and add smilie icons.
// If attach is true, also add icons for item attachments
if(! function_exists('prepare_body')) {
function prepare_body($item,$attach = false) {
$a = get_app();
call_hooks('prepare_body_init', $item);
$s = prepare_text($item['body']);
$prep_arr = array('item' => $item, 'html' => $s);
call_hooks('prepare_body', $prep_arr);
$s = $prep_arr['html'];
if(! $attach) {
return $s;
$arr = explode(',',$item['attach']);
if(count($arr)) {
$s .= '';
foreach($arr as $r) {
$matches = false;
$icon = '';
$cnt = preg_match_all('|\[attach\]href=\"(.*?)\" length=\"(.*?)\" type=\"(.*?)\" title=\"(.*?)\"\[\/attach\]|',$r,$matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if($cnt) {
foreach($matches as $mtch) {
$icontype = strtolower(substr($mtch[3],0,strpos($mtch[3],'/')));
switch($icontype) {
case 'video':
case 'audio':
case 'image':
case 'text':
$icon = '
$icon = '
$title = ((strlen(trim($mtch[4]))) ? escape_tags(trim($mtch[4])) : escape_tags($mtch[1]));
$title .= ' ' . $mtch[2] . ' ' . t('bytes');
if((local_user() == $item['uid']) && ($item['contact-id'] != $a->contact['id']) && ($item['network'] == NETWORK_DFRN))
$the_url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/redir/' . $item['contact-id'] . '?f=1&url=' . $mtch[1];
$the_url = $mtch[1];
$s .= '
' . $icon . ' ';
$s .= '
$x = '';
$terms = get_terms_oftype($item['term'],TERM_CATEGORY);
if($terms) {
foreach($terms as $t) {
$x .= ',';
$x .= htmlspecialchars($t['term'],ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8')
. ((local_user() == $item['uid']) ? ' ' . t('[remove]') . ' ' : '');
$s .= '' . t('Categories:') . ' ' . $x . '
$x = '';
$terms = get_terms_oftype($item['term'],TERM_FILE);
if($terms) {
foreach($terms as $t) {
$x .= ' ';
$x .= htmlspecialchars($t['term'],ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8')
. ' ' . t('[remove]') . ' ';
if(strlen($x) && (local_user() == $item['uid']))
$s .= '' . t('Filed under:') . ' ' . $x . '
// Look for spoiler
$spoilersearch = '';
// Remove line breaks before the spoiler
while ((strpos($s, "\n".$spoilersearch) !== false))
$s = str_replace("\n".$spoilersearch, $spoilersearch, $s);
while ((strpos($s, " ".$spoilersearch) !== false))
$s = str_replace(" ".$spoilersearch, $spoilersearch, $s);
while ((strpos($s, $spoilersearch) !== false)) {
$pos = strpos($s, $spoilersearch);
$rnd = random_string(8);
$spoilerreplace = ' '.sprintf(t('Click to open/close')).' '.
$s = substr($s, 0, $pos).$spoilerreplace.substr($s, $pos+strlen($spoilersearch));
// Look for quote with author
$authorsearch = '';
while ((strpos($s, $authorsearch) !== false)) {
$pos = strpos($s, $authorsearch);
$rnd = random_string(8);
$authorreplace = ' '.sprintf(t('Click to open/close')).' '.
$s = substr($s, 0, $pos).$authorreplace.substr($s, $pos+strlen($authorsearch));
$prep_arr = array('item' => $item, 'html' => $s);
call_hooks('prepare_body_final', $prep_arr);
return $prep_arr['html'];
// Given a text string, convert from bbcode to html and add smilie icons.
if(! function_exists('prepare_text')) {
function prepare_text($text) {
$s = bbcode($text);
$s = smilies(bbcode($text));
return $s;
* return atom link elements for all of our hubs
if(! function_exists('feed_hublinks')) {
function feed_hublinks() {
$hub = get_config('system','huburl');
$hubxml = '';
if(strlen($hub)) {
$hubs = explode(',', $hub);
if(count($hubs)) {
foreach($hubs as $h) {
$h = trim($h);
if(! strlen($h))
$hubxml .= ' ' . "\n" ;
return $hubxml;
/* return atom link elements for salmon endpoints */
if(! function_exists('feed_salmonlinks')) {
function feed_salmonlinks($nick) {
$a = get_app();
$salmon = ' ' . "\n" ;
// old style links that still needed as of 12/2010
$salmon .= ' ' . "\n" ;
$salmon .= ' ' . "\n" ;
return $salmon;
if(! function_exists('get_plink')) {
function get_plink($item) {
$a = get_app();
if (x($item,'plink') && ($item['private'] != 1)) {
return array(
'href' => $item['plink'],
'title' => t('link to source'),
else {
return false;
if(! function_exists('unamp')) {
function unamp($s) {
return str_replace('&', '&', $s);
if(! function_exists('lang_selector')) {
function lang_selector() {
global $a;
$langs = glob('view/*/strings.php');
$lang_options = array();
$selected = "";
if(is_array($langs) && count($langs)) {
$langs[] = '';
if(! in_array('view/en/strings.php',$langs))
$langs[] = 'view/en/';
foreach($langs as $l) {
if($l == '') {
$lang_options[""] = t('default');
$ll = substr($l,5);
$ll = substr($ll,0,strrpos($ll,'/'));
$selected = (($ll === $a->language && (x($_SESSION, 'language'))) ? $ll : $selected);
$tpl = get_markup_template("lang_selector.tpl");
$o = replace_macros($tpl, array(
'$title' => t('Select an alternate language'),
'$langs' => array($lang_options, $selected),
return $o;
if(! function_exists('return_bytes')) {
function return_bytes ($size_str) {
switch (substr ($size_str, -1))
case 'M': case 'm': return (int)$size_str * 1048576;
case 'K': case 'k': return (int)$size_str * 1024;
case 'G': case 'g': return (int)$size_str * 1073741824;
default: return $size_str;
function generate_user_guid() {
$found = true;
do {
$guid = random_string(16);
$x = q("SELECT `uid` FROM `user` WHERE `guid` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
if(! count($x))
$found = false;
} while ($found == true );
return $guid;
function base64url_encode($s, $strip_padding = true) {
$s = strtr(base64_encode($s),'+/','-_');
$s = str_replace('=','',$s);
return $s;
function base64url_decode($s) {
if(is_array($s)) {
logger('base64url_decode: illegal input: ' . print_r(debug_backtrace(), true));
return $s;
* // Placeholder for new rev of salmon which strips base64 padding.
* // PHP base64_decode handles the un-padded input without requiring this step
* // Uncomment if you find you need it.
* $l = strlen($s);
* if(! strpos($s,'=')) {
* $m = $l % 4;
* if($m == 2)
* $s .= '==';
* if($m == 3)
* $s .= '=';
* }
return base64_decode(strtr($s,'-_','+/'));
if (!function_exists('str_getcsv')) {
function str_getcsv($input, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"', $escape = '\\', $eol = '\n') {
if (is_string($input) && !empty($input)) {
$output = array();
$tmp = preg_split("/".$eol."/",$input);
if (is_array($tmp) && !empty($tmp)) {
while (list($line_num, $line) = each($tmp)) {
if (preg_match("/".$escape.$enclosure."/",$line)) {
while ($strlen = strlen($line)) {
$pos_delimiter = strpos($line,$delimiter);
$pos_enclosure_start = strpos($line,$enclosure);
if (
is_int($pos_delimiter) && is_int($pos_enclosure_start)
&& ($pos_enclosure_start < $pos_delimiter)
) {
$enclosed_str = substr($line,1);
$pos_enclosure_end = strpos($enclosed_str,$enclosure);
$enclosed_str = substr($enclosed_str,0,$pos_enclosure_end);
$output[$line_num][] = $enclosed_str;
$offset = $pos_enclosure_end+3;
} else {
if (empty($pos_delimiter) && empty($pos_enclosure_start)) {
$output[$line_num][] = substr($line,0);
$offset = strlen($line);
} else {
$output[$line_num][] = substr($line,0,$pos_delimiter);
$offset = (
&& ($pos_enclosure_start < $pos_delimiter)
$line = substr($line,$offset);
} else {
$line = preg_split("/".$delimiter."/",$line);
* Validating against pesky extra line breaks creating false rows.
if (is_array($line) && !empty($line[0])) {
$output[$line_num] = $line;
return $output;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
function cleardiv() {
return '
function bb_translate_video($s) {
$matches = null;
$r = preg_match_all("/\[video\](.*?)\[\/video\]/ism",$s,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);
if($r) {
foreach($matches as $mtch) {
if((stristr($mtch[1],'youtube')) || (stristr($mtch[1],'')))
$s = str_replace($mtch[0],'[youtube]' . $mtch[1] . '[/youtube]',$s);
$s = str_replace($mtch[0],'[vimeo]' . $mtch[1] . '[/vimeo]',$s);
return $s;
function html2bb_video($s) {
$s = preg_replace('#]+>(.*?)https?://|cp)/[A-Za-z0-9\-_=]+)(.*?) #ism',
'[youtube]$2[/youtube]', $s);
$s = preg_replace('##ism',
'[youtube]$2[/youtube]', $s);
$s = preg_replace('##ism',
'[vimeo]$2[/vimeo]', $s);
return $s;
* apply xmlify() to all values of array $val, recursively
function array_xmlify($val){
if (is_bool($val)) return $val?"true":"false";
if (is_array($val)) return array_map('array_xmlify', $val);
return xmlify((string) $val);
function reltoabs($text, $base)
if (empty($base))
return $text;
$base = rtrim($base,'/');
$base2 = $base . "/";
// Replace links
$pattern = "/]*) href=\"(?!http|https|\/)([^\"]*)\"/";
$replace = " ]*) href=\"(?!http|https)([^\"]*)\"/";
$replace = " ]*) src=\"(?!http|https|\/)([^\"]*)\"/";
$replace = " ]*) src=\"(?!http|https)([^\"]*)\"/";
$replace = " ','[',']'),array('%3c','%3e','%5b','%5d'),$s);
function file_tag_decode($s) {
return str_replace(array('%3c','%3e','%5b','%5d'),array('<','>','[',']'),$s);
function file_tag_file_query($table,$s,$type = 'file') {
if($type == 'file')
$termtype = TERM_FILE;
$termtype = TERM_CATEGORY;
return sprintf(" AND " . (($table) ? dbesc($table) . '.' : '') . "id in (select term.oid from term where term.type = %d and term.term = '%s' and term.uid = " . (($table) ? dbesc($table) . '.' : '') . "uid ) ",
function term_query($table,$s,$type = TERM_UNKNOWN) {
return sprintf(" AND " . (($table) ? dbesc($table) . '.' : '') . "id in (select term.oid from term where term.type = %d and term.term = '%s' and term.uid = " . (($table) ? dbesc($table) . '.' : '') . "uid ) ",
// ex. given music,video return or [music][video]
function file_tag_list_to_file($list,$type = 'file') {
$tag_list = '';
if(strlen($list)) {
$list_array = explode(",",$list);
if($type == 'file') {
$lbracket = '[';
$rbracket = ']';
else {
$lbracket = '<';
$rbracket = '>';
foreach($list_array as $item) {
if(strlen($item)) {
$tag_list .= $lbracket . file_tag_encode(trim($item)) . $rbracket;
return $tag_list;
// ex. given [friends], return music,video or friends
function file_tag_file_to_list($file,$type = 'file') {
$matches = false;
$list = '';
if($type == 'file') {
$cnt = preg_match_all('/\[(.*?)\]/',$file,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);
else {
$cnt = preg_match_all('/<(.*?)>/',$file,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);
if($cnt) {
foreach($matches as $mtch) {
$list .= ',';
$list .= file_tag_decode($mtch[1]);
return $list;
function file_tag_update_pconfig($uid,$file_old,$file_new,$type = 'file') {
// $file_old - categories previously associated with an item
// $file_new - new list of categories for an item
if(! intval($uid))
return false;
if($file_old == $file_new)
return true;
$saved = get_pconfig($uid,'system','filetags');
if(strlen($saved)) {
if($type == 'file') {
$lbracket = '[';
$rbracket = ']';
else {
$lbracket = '<';
$rbracket = '>';
$filetags_updated = $saved;
// check for new tags to be added as filetags in pconfig
$new_tags = array();
$check_new_tags = explode(",",file_tag_file_to_list($file_new,$type));
foreach($check_new_tags as $tag) {
if(! stristr($saved,$lbracket . file_tag_encode($tag) . $rbracket))
$new_tags[] = $tag;
$filetags_updated .= file_tag_list_to_file(implode(",",$new_tags),$type);
// check for deleted tags to be removed from filetags in pconfig
$deleted_tags = array();
$check_deleted_tags = explode(",",file_tag_file_to_list($file_old,$type));
foreach($check_deleted_tags as $tag) {
if(! stristr($file_new,$lbracket . file_tag_encode($tag) . $rbracket))
$deleted_tags[] = $tag;
foreach($deleted_tags as $key => $tag) {
$r = q("select file from item where uid = %d " . file_tag_file_query('item',$tag,$type),
if(count($r)) {
else {
$filetags_updated = str_replace($lbracket . file_tag_encode($tag) . $rbracket,'',$filetags_updated);
if($saved != $filetags_updated) {
set_pconfig($uid,'system','filetags', $filetags_updated);
return true;
if(strlen($file_new)) {
set_pconfig($uid,'system','filetags', $file_new);
return true;
function store_item_tag($uid,$iid,$otype,$type,$term,$url = '') {
if(! $term)
return false;
$r = q("select * from term
where uid = %d and oid = %d and otype = %d and type = %d
and term = '%s' and url = '%s' ",
return false;
$r = q("insert into term (uid, oid, otype, type, term, url)
values( %d, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s') ",
return $r;
function get_terms_oftype($arr,$type) {
$ret = array();
if(! (is_array($arr) && count($arr)))
return $ret;
if(! is_array($type))
$type = array($type);
foreach($type as $t)
foreach($arr as $x)
if($x['type'] == $t)
$ret[] = $x;
return $ret;
function format_term_for_display($term) {
$s = '';
if($term['type'] == TERM_HASHTAG)
$s .= '#';
elseif($term['type'] == TERM_MENTION)
$s .= '@';
if($term['url']) $s .= '' . htmlspecialchars($term['term']) . ' ';
else $s .= htmlspecialchars($term['term']);
return $s;
function file_tag_save_file($uid,$item,$file) {
$result = false;
if(! intval($uid))
return false;
$r = q("select file from item where id = %d and uid = %d limit 1",
if(count($r)) {
if(! stristr($r[0]['file'],'[' . file_tag_encode($file) . ']'))
q("update item set file = '%s' where id = %d and uid = %d limit 1",
dbesc($r[0]['file'] . '[' . file_tag_encode($file) . ']'),
$saved = get_pconfig($uid,'system','filetags');
if((! strlen($saved)) || (! stristr($saved,'[' . file_tag_encode($file) . ']')))
set_pconfig($uid,'system','filetags',$saved . '[' . file_tag_encode($file) . ']');
info( t('Item filed') );
return true;
function file_tag_unsave_file($uid,$item,$file,$cat = false) {
$result = false;
if(! intval($uid))
return false;
if($cat == true)
$pattern = '<' . file_tag_encode($file) . '>' ;
$pattern = '[' . file_tag_encode($file) . ']' ;
$r = q("select file from item where id = %d and uid = %d limit 1",
if(! count($r))
return false;
q("update item set file = '%s' where id = %d and uid = %d limit 1",
$r = q("select file from item where uid = %d and deleted = 0 " . file_tag_file_query('item',$file,(($cat) ? 'category' : 'file')),
if(! count($r)) {
$saved = get_pconfig($uid,'system','filetags');
return true;
function normalise_openid($s) {
return trim(str_replace(array('http://','https://'),array('',''),$s),'/');
function undo_post_tagging($s) {
$matches = null;
$cnt = preg_match_all('/([@#])\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism',$s,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);
if($cnt) {
foreach($matches as $mtch) {
$s = str_replace($mtch[0], $mtch[1] . $mtch[3],$s);
return $s;
function fix_mce_lf($s) {
$s = str_replace("\r\n","\n",$s);
// $s = str_replace("\n\n","\n",$s);
return $s;
function protect_sprintf($s) {
function is_a_date_arg($s) {
$i = intval($s);
if($i > 1900) {
$y = date('Y');
if($i <= $y+1 && strpos($s,'-') == 4) {
$m = intval(substr($s,5));
if($m > 0 && $m <= 12)
return true;
return false;
function legal_webbie($s) {
if(! strlen($s))
return '';
$x = $s;
do {
$s = $x;
$x = preg_replace('/^([^a-z])(.*?)/',"$2",$s);
} while($x != $s);
return preg_replace('/([^a-z0-9\-\_])/','',$x);
function check_webbie($arr) {
$str = '';
$taken = array();
if(count($arr)) {
foreach($arr as $x) {
$y = legal_webbie($x);
if(strlen($y)) {
$str .= ',';
$str .= "'" . dbesc($y) . "'";
if(strlen($str)) {
$r = q("select channel_address from channel where channel_address in ( $str ) ");
if(count($r)) {
foreach($r as $rr) {
$taken[] = $rr['channel_address'];
foreach($arr as $x) {
if(! in_array($x,$taken)) {
return $x;
return '';
function ids_to_querystr($arr,$idx = 'id') {
$t = array();
foreach($arr as $x)
$t[] = $x[$idx];
return(implode(',', $t));
function xchan_query(&$items) {
$arr = array();
if($items && count($items)) {
foreach($items as $item) {
if($item['owner_xchan'] && (! in_array($item['owner_xchan'],$arr)))
$arr[] = "'" . dbesc($item['owner_xchan']) . "'";
if($item['author_xchan'] && (! in_array($item['author_xchan'],$arr)))
$arr[] = "'" . dbesc($item['author_xchan']) . "'";
if(count($arr)) {
$chans = q("select xchan.*,hubloc.* from xchan left join hubloc on hubloc_hash = xchan_hash
where xchan_hash in (" . implode(',', $arr) . ") and ( hubloc_flags & " . intval(HUBLOC_FLAGS_PRIMARY) . " )");
if($items && count($items) && $chans && count($chans)) {
for($x = 0; $x < count($items); $x ++) {
$items[$x]['owner'] = find_xchan_in_array($items[$x]['owner_xchan'],$chans);
$items[$x]['author'] = find_xchan_in_array($items[$x]['author_xchan'],$chans);
function xchan_mail_query(&$item) {
$arr = array();
$chans = null;
if($item) {
if($item['from_xchan'] && (! in_array($item['from_xchan'],$arr)))
$arr[] = "'" . dbesc($item['from_xchan']) . "'";
if($item['to_xchan'] && (! in_array($item['to_xchan'],$arr)))
$arr[] = "'" . dbesc($item['to_xchan']) . "'";
if(count($arr)) {
$chans = q("select xchan.*,hubloc.* from xchan left join hubloc on hubloc_hash = xchan_hash
where xchan_hash in (" . implode(',', $arr) . ") and ( hubloc_flags & " . intval(HUBLOC_FLAGS_PRIMARY) . " )");
if($chans) {
$item['from'] = find_xchan_in_array($item['from_xchan'],$chans);
$item['to'] = find_xchan_in_array($item['to_xchan'],$chans);
function find_xchan_in_array($xchan,$arr) {
if(count($arr)) {
foreach($arr as $x) {
if($x['xchan_hash'] === $xchan) {
return $x;
return array();
function get_rel_link($j,$rel) {
foreach($j as $l)
if($l['rel'] === $rel)
return $l['href'];
return '';
// Lots of code to write here
function magic_link($s) {
return $s;
function stringify_array_elms(&$arr) {
for($x = 0; $x < count($arr); $x ++)
$arr[$x] = "'" . $arr[$x] . "'";
* Indents a flat JSON string to make it more human-readable.
* @param string $json The original JSON string to process.
* @return string Indented version of the original JSON string.
function jindent($json) {
$result = '';
$pos = 0;
$strLen = strlen($json);
$indentStr = ' ';
$newLine = "\n";
$prevChar = '';
$outOfQuotes = true;
for ($i=0; $i<=$strLen; $i++) {
// Grab the next character in the string.
$char = substr($json, $i, 1);
// Are we inside a quoted string?
if ($char == '"' && $prevChar != '\\') {
$outOfQuotes = !$outOfQuotes;
// If this character is the end of an element,
// output a new line and indent the next line.
} else if(($char == '}' || $char == ']') && $outOfQuotes) {
$result .= $newLine;
$pos --;
for ($j=0; $j<$pos; $j++) {
$result .= $indentStr;
// Add the character to the result string.
$result .= $char;
// If the last character was the beginning of an element,
// output a new line and indent the next line.
if (($char == ',' || $char == '{' || $char == '[') && $outOfQuotes) {
$result .= $newLine;
if ($char == '{' || $char == '[') {
$pos ++;
for ($j = 0; $j < $pos; $j++) {
$result .= $indentStr;
$prevChar = $char;
return $result;