attach = $attach; } function delete() { if(! perm_is_allowed($this->channel_id,'','view_storage')) return; /** * Since I don't believe this is documented elsewhere - * ATTACH_FLAG_OS means that the file contents are stored in the OS * rather than in the DB - as is the case for attachments. * Exactly how they are stored (what path and filename) are still * TBD. We will probably not be using the original filename but * instead the attachment 'hash' as this will prevent folks from * uploading PHP code onto misconfigured servers and executing it. * It's easy to misconfigure servers because we can provide a * rule for Apache, but folks using nginx will then be susceptible. * Then there are those who don't understand these kinds of exploits * and don't have any idea allowing uploaded PHP files to be executed * by the server could be a problem. We also don't have any idea what * executable types are served on their system - like .py, .pyc, .pl, .sh * .cgi, .exe, .bat, .net, whatever. */ if($this->attach['flags'] & ATTACH_FLAG_OS) { // FIXME delete physical file } if($this->attach['flags'] & ATTACH_FLAG_DIR) { // FIXME delete contents (recursive?) } q("delete from attach where id = %d limit 1", intval($this->attach['id']) ); } function getName() { return $this->attach['filename']; } function setName($newName) { if((! $newName) || (! perm_is_allowed($this->channel_id,'','view_storage'))) return; $this->attach['filename'] = $newName; $r = q("update attach set filename = '%s' where id = %d limit 1", dbesc($this->attach['filename']), intval($this->attach['id']) ); } function getLastModified() { return $this->attach['edited']; } } class RedDirectory extends DAV\Node implements DAV\ICollection { private $red_path; private $folder_hash; private $ext_path; private $root_dir = ''; private $auth; function __construct($ext_path,&$auth_plugin) { logger('RedDirectory::__construct() ' . $ext_path); $this->ext_path = $ext_path; $this->red_path = ((strpos($ext_path,'/cloud') === 0) ? substr($ext_path,6) : $ext_path); if(! $this->red_path) $this->red_path = '/'; $this->auth = $auth_plugin; logger('Red_Directory: ' . print_r($this,true)); $this->folder_hash = ''; $this->getDir(); } function getChildren() { logger('RedDirectory::getChildren : ' . print_r($this,true)); if(get_config('system','block_public') && (! $this->auth->channel_id) && (! $this->auth->observer)) { throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.'); return; } if(($this->auth->owner_id) && (! perm_is_allowed($this->auth->owner_id,$this->auth->observer,'view_storage'))) { throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.'); return; } $contents = RedCollectionData($this->red_path,$this->auth); return $contents; } function getChild($name) { logger('RedDirectory::getChild : ' . $name); logger('RedDirectory::getChild : ' . print_r($this,true)); if(get_config('system','block_public') && (! $this->auth->channel_id) && (! $this->auth->observer)) { throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.'); return; } if(($this->auth->owner_id) && (! perm_is_allowed($this->auth->owner_id,$this->auth->observer,'view_storage'))) { throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.'); return; } if($this->red_path === '/' && $name === 'cloud') { return new RedDirectory('/cloud', $this->auth); } $x = RedFileData($this->ext_path . '/' . $name, $this->auth); logger('RedFileData returns: ' . print_r($x,true)); if($x) return $x; throw new DAV\Exception\NotFound('The file with name: ' . $name . ' could not be found'); } function getName() { logger('RedDirectory::getName : ' . print_r($this,true)); logger('RedDirectory::getName returns: ' . basename($this->red_path)); return (basename($this->red_path)); } function createFile($name,$data = null) { logger('RedDirectory::createFile : ' . $name); logger('RedDirectory::createFile : ' . print_r($this,true)); // logger('createFile():' . stream_get_contents($data)); if(! $this->auth->owner_id) { logger('createFile: permission denied'); throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.'); return; } if(! perm_is_allowed($this->auth->owner_id,$this->auth->observer,'write_storage')) { logger('createFile: permission denied'); throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.'); return; } $mimetype = z_mime_content_type($name); $c = q("select * from channel where channel_id = %d limit 1", intval($this->auth->channel_id) ); $filesize = 0; $hash = random_string(); dbg(1); $r = q("INSERT INTO attach ( aid, uid, hash, filename, filetype, filesize, revision, data, created, edited, allow_cid, allow_gid, deny_cid, deny_gid ) VALUES ( %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' ) ", intval($c[0]['channel_account_id']), intval($c[0]['channel_id']), dbesc($hash), dbesc($name), dbesc($mimetype), intval($filesize), intval(0), dbesc(stream_get_contents($data)), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($c[0]['channel_allow_cid']), dbesc($c[0]['channel_allow_gid']), dbesc($c[0]['channel_deny_cid']), dbesc($c[0]['channel_deny_gid']), ); $r = q("update attach set filesize = length(data) where hash = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($hash), intval($c[0]['channel_id']) ); dbg(0); } function createDirectory($name) { logger('RedDirectory::createDirectory: ' . $name); if((! $this->auth->owner_id) || (! perm_is_allowed($this->auth->owner_id,$this->auth->observer,'write_storage'))) { throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.'); return; } $r = q("select * from channel where channel_id = %d limit 1", dbesc($this->auth->owner_id) ); if($r) { $result = attach_mkdir($r[0],$this->auth->observer,array('filename' => $name,'folder' => $this->folder_hash)); logger('RedDirectory::createDirectory: ' . print_r($result,true)); } } function childExists($name) { logger('RedDirectory::childExists : ' . print_r($this->auth,true)); if($this->red_path === '/' && $name === 'cloud') { logger('RedDirectory::childExists /cloud: true'); return true; } $x = RedFileData($this->ext_path . '/' . $name, $this->auth,true); logger('RedFileData returns: ' . print_r($x,true)); if($x) return true; return false; } function getDir() { logger('getDir: ' . $this->ext_path); $x = strpos($this->ext_path,'/cloud'); if($x === false) return; if($x === 0) { $file = substr($file,6); } if((! $file) || ($file === '/')) { return; } $file = trim($file,'/'); $path_arr = explode('/', $file); if(! $path_arr) return; $channel_name = $path_arr[0]; $r = q("select channel_id from channel where channel_address = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($channel_name) ); if(! $r) return; $channel_id = $r[0]['channel_id']; $this->auth->owner_id = $channel_id; $path = '/' . $channel_name; $folder = ''; for($x = 1; $x < count($path_arr); $x ++) { dbg(1); $r = q("select id, hash, filename, flags from attach where folder = '%s' and (flags & %d)", dbesc($folder), intval($channel_id), intval(ATTACH_FLAG_DIR) ); dbg(0); if($r && ( $r[0]['flags'] & ATTACH_FLAG_DIR)) { $folder = $r[0]['hash']; $path = $path . '/' . $r[0]['filename']; } } $this->folder_hash = $folder; return; } } class RedFile extends DAV\Node implements DAV\IFile { private $data; private $auth; private $name; function __construct($name, $data, &$auth) { logger('RedFile::_construct: ' . $name); $this->name = $name; $this->data = $data; $this->auth = $auth; logger('RedFile::_construct: ' . print_r($this->data,true)); } function getName() { logger('RedFile::getName: ' . basename($this->name)); return basename($this->name); } function setName($newName) { logger('RedFile::setName: ' . basename($this->name) . ' -> ' . $newName); if((! $newName) || (! $this->auth->owner_id) || (! perm_is_allowed($this->auth->owner_id,$this->auth->observer,'write_storage'))) { throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.'); return; } $newName = str_replace('/','%2F',$newName); $r = q("update attach set filename = '%s' where hash = '%s' and id = %d limit 1", dbesc($this->data['filename']), intval($this->data['id']) ); } function put($data) { logger('RedFile::put: ' . basename($this->name)); // logger('put():' . stream_get_contents($data)); dbg(1); $r = q("update attach set data = '%s' where hash = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc(stream_get_contents($data)), dbesc($this->data['hash']), intval($this->data['uid']) ); $r = q("update attach set filesize = length(data) where hash = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($this->data['hash']), intval($this->data['uid']) ); dbg(0); } function get() { logger('RedFile::get: ' . basename($this->name)); $r = q("select data from attach where hash = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($this->data['hash']), intval($this->data['uid']) ); if($r) return $r[0]['data']; } function getETag() { logger('RedFile::getETag: ' . basename($this->name)); return $this->data['hash']; } function getContentType() { return $this->data['filetype']; } function getSize() { return $this->data['filesize']; } function getLastModified() { logger('RedFile::getLastModified: ' . basename($this->name)); return $this->data['edited']; } } function RedChannelList(&$auth) { $ret = array(); $r = q("select channel_id, channel_address from channel where not (channel_pageflags & %d)", intval(PAGE_REMOVED) ); if($r) { foreach($r as $rr) { if(perm_is_allowed($rr['channel_id'],$auth->observer,'view_storage')) { $ret[] = new RedDirectory('/cloud/' . $rr['channel_address'],$auth); } } } return $ret; } function RedCollectionData($file,&$auth) { $ret = array(); $x = strpos($file,'/cloud'); if($x === 0) { $file = substr($file,6); } logger('RedCollectionData: ' . $file); if((! $file) || ($file === '/')) { return RedChannelList($auth); } $file = trim($file,'/'); $path_arr = explode('/', $file); if(! $path_arr) return null; $channel_name = $path_arr[0]; $r = q("select channel_id from channel where channel_address = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($channel_name) ); logger('dbg1: ' . print_r($r,true)); if(! $r) return null; $channel_id = $r[0]['channel_id']; $auth->owner_id = $channel_id; $path = '/' . $channel_name; $folder = ''; for($x = 1; $x < count($path_arr); $x ++) { $r = q("select id, hash, filename, flags from attach where folder = '%s' and filename = '%s' and (flags & %d)", dbesc($folder), dbesc($path_arr[$x]), intval(ATTACH_FLAG_DIR) ); if($r && ( $r[0]['flags'] & ATTACH_FLAG_DIR)) { $folder = $r[0]['hash']; $path = $path . '/' . $r[0]['filename']; } } logger('dbg2: ' . print_r($r,true)); if($path !== '/' . $file) { logger("RedCollectionData: Path mismatch: $path !== /$file"); return NULL; } $ret = array(); $r = q("select id, uid, hash, filename, filetype, filesize, revision, folder, flags, created, edited from attach where folder = '%s' and uid = %d group by filename", dbesc($folder), intval($channel_id) ); logger('dbg2: ' . print_r($r,true)); foreach($r as $rr) { if($rr['flags'] & ATTACH_FLAG_DIR) $ret[] = new RedDirectory('/cloud' . $path . '/' . $rr['filename'],$auth); else $ret[] = new RedFile('/cloud' . $path . '/' . $rr['filename'],$rr,$auth); } return $ret; } function RedFileData($file, &$auth,$test = false) { logger('RedFileData:' . $file . (($test) ? ' (test mode) ' : '')); $x = strpos($file,'/cloud'); if($x === 0) { $file = substr($file,6); } logger('RedFileData2: ' . $file); if((! $file) || ($file === '/')) { return RedDirectory('/',$auth); } $file = trim($file,'/'); logger('file=' . $file); $path_arr = explode('/', $file); if(! $path_arr) return null; logger("file = $file - path = " . print_r($path_arr,true)); $channel_name = $path_arr[0]; $r = q("select channel_id from channel where channel_address = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($channel_name) ); logger('dbg0: ' . print_r($r,true)); if(! $r) return null; $channel_id = $r[0]['channel_id']; $path = '/' . $channel_name; $auth->owner_id = $channel_id; $permission_error = false; $folder = ''; //dbg(1); require_once('include/security.php'); $perms = permissions_sql($channel_id); $errors = false; for($x = 1; $x < count($path_arr); $x ++) { dbg(1); $r = q("select id, hash, filename, flags from attach where folder = '%s' and filename = '%s' and uid = %d and (flags & %d) $perms", dbesc($folder), dbesc($path_arr[$x]), intval($channel_id), intval(ATTACH_FLAG_DIR) ); dbg(0); logger('dbg1: ' . print_r($r,true)); if($r && ( $r[0]['flags'] & ATTACH_FLAG_DIR)) { $folder = $r[0]['hash']; $path = $path . '/' . $r[0]['filename']; } if(! $r) { $r = q("select id, uid, hash, filename, filetype, filesize, revision, folder, flags, created, edited from attach where folder = '%s' and filename = '%s' and uid = %d $perms group by filename limit 1", dbesc($folder), basename($file), intval($channel_id) ); } if(! $r) { $errors = true; $r = q("select id, uid, hash, filename, filetype, filesize, revision, folder, flags, created, edited from attach where folder = '%s' and filename = '%s' and uid = %d group by filename limit 1", dbesc($folder), basename($file), intval($channel_id) ); if($r) $permission_error = true; } } logger('dbg1: ' . print_r($r,true)); if($path === '/' . $file) { if($test) return true; // final component was a directory. return new RedDirectory('/cloud/' . $file,$auth); } if($errors) { if($test) return false; if($permission_error) { logger('RedFileData: permission error'); throw new DAV\Exception\Forbidden('Permission denied.'); } logger('RedFileData: not found'); return; } if($r) { if($test) return true; if($r[0]['flags'] & ATTACH_FLAG_DIR) return new RedDirectory('/cloud' . $path . '/' . $r[0]['filename'],$auth); else return new RedFile('/cloud' . $path . '/' . $r[0]['filename'],$r[0],$auth); } return false; }