$maxsysload) { logger('system: load ' . $load . ' too high. Poller deferred to next scheduled run.'); return; } } logger('poller: start'); // run queue delivery process in the background proc_run('php',"include/queue.php"); // expire any expired accounts q("UPDATE account SET account_flags = account_flags | %d where not account_flags & %d and account_expires != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and account_expires < UTC_TIMESTAMP() ", intval(ACCOUNT_EXPIRED), intval(ACCOUNT_EXPIRED) ); $abandon_days = intval(get_config('system','account_abandon_days')); if($abandon_days < 1) $abandon_days = 0; // once daily run birthday_updates and then expire in background $d1 = get_config('system','last_expire_day'); $d2 = intval(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now','d')); if($d2 != intval($d1)) { // update_suggestions(); set_config('system','last_expire_day',$d2); proc_run('php','include/expire.php'); } $manual_id = 0; $generation = 0; $force = false; $restart = false; if((argc() > 1) && (argv(1) == 'force')) $force = true; if((argc() > 1) && (argv(1) == 'restart')) { $restart = true; $generation = intval(argv(2)); if(! $generation) killme(); } if((argc() > 1) && intval(argv(1))) { $manual_id = intval(argv(1)); $force = true; } $interval = intval(get_config('system','poll_interval')); if(! $interval) $interval = ((get_config('system','delivery_interval') === false) ? 3 : intval(get_config('system','delivery_interval'))); $sql_extra = (($manual_id) ? " AND abook_id = $manual_id " : ""); reload_plugins(); $d = datetime_convert(); //TODO check to see if there are any cronhooks before wasting a process if(! $restart) proc_run('php','include/cronhooks.php'); // Only poll from those with suitable relationships, // and which have a polling address and ignore Diaspora since // we are unable to match those posts with a Diaspora GUID and prevent duplicates. $abandon_sql = (($abandon_days) ? sprintf(" AND account_lastlog > UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL %d DAY ", intval($abandon_days)) : '' ); $contacts = q("SELECT abook_id, abook_updated, abook_closeness, abook_channel FROM abook LEFT JOIN account on abook_account = account_id $sql_extra AND not ( abook_flags & %d ) AND not ( abook_flags & %d ) AND not ( abook_flags & %d ) AND not ( abook_flags & %d ) AND not ( abook_flags & %d ) AND ( account_flags & %d ) $abandon_sql ORDER BY RAND()", intval(ABOOK_FLAG_BLOCKED), intval(ABOOK_FLAG_IGNORED), intval(ABOOK_FLAG_PENDING), intval(ABOOK_FLAG_ARCHIVED), intval(ABOOK_FLAG_SELF), intval(ACCOUNT_OK) ); if(! $contacts) { return; } foreach($contacts as $contact) { $update = false; $t = $contact['abook_updated']; if(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC', 'now') > datetime_convert('UTC','UTC', $t . " + 1 day")) $update = true; if((! $update) && (! $force)) continue; proc_run('php','include/onepoll.php',$contact['abook_id']); if($interval) @time_sleep_until(microtime(true) + (float) $interval); } return; } if (array_search(__file__,get_included_files())===0){ poller_run($argv,$argc); killme(); }