]+>(.*?)<\/div>$/is',$j['html'],$o)) ? $o[1] : $j['html']);
} else {
$ret.= $jhtml;
}; break;
// add link to source if not present in "rich" type
if ( $j['type'] != 'rich' || !strpos($j['html'],$embedurl) ){
$embedlink = (isset($j['title']))?$j['title'] : $embedurl;
$ret .= '
' . "
$ret .= "
if (isset($j['author_name'])) $ret .= t(' by ') . $j['author_name'];
if (isset($j['provider_name'])) $ret .= t(' on ') . $j['provider_name'];
} else {
// add
for html2bbcode conversion
$ret .= "
return mb_convert_encoding($ret, 'HTML-ENTITIES', mb_detect_encoding($ret));
function oembed_iframe($src,$width,$height) {
$scroll = ' scrolling="no" ';
if(! $width || strstr($width,'%')) {
$width = '640';
$scroll = ' scrolling="auto" ';
if(! $height || strstr($height,'%')) {
$height = '300';
$scroll = ' scrolling="auto" ';
// try and leave some room for the description line.
$height = intval($height) + 80;
$width = intval($width) + 40;
$s = z_root() . '/oembed/' . base64url_encode($src);
// Make sure any children are sandboxed within their own iframe.
return '
function oembed_bbcode2html($text){
$stopoembed = get_config("system","no_oembed");
if ($stopoembed == true){
return preg_replace("/\[embed\](.+?)\[\/embed\]/is", "
". t('Embedding disabled') ." : $1" ,$text);
return preg_replace_callback("/\[embed\](.+?)\[\/embed\]/is", 'oembed_replacecb' ,$text);
function oe_build_xpath($attr, $value){
// http://westhoffswelt.de/blog/0036_xpath_to_select_html_by_class.html
return "contains( normalize-space( @$attr ), ' $value ' ) or substring( normalize-space( @$attr ), 1, string-length( '$value' ) + 1 ) = '$value ' or substring( normalize-space( @$attr ), string-length( @$attr ) - string-length( '$value' ) ) = ' $value' or @$attr = '$value'";
function oe_get_inner_html( $node ) {
$innerHTML= '';
$children = $node->childNodes;
foreach ($children as $child) {
$innerHTML .= $child->ownerDocument->saveXML( $child );
return $innerHTML;
* Find
* and replace it with [embed]url[/embed]
function oembed_html2bbcode($text) {
// start parser only if 'oembed' is in text
if (strpos($text, "oembed")){
// convert non ascii chars to html entities
$html_text = mb_convert_encoding($text, 'HTML-ENTITIES', mb_detect_encoding($text));
// If it doesn't parse at all, just return the text.
$dom = @DOMDocument::loadHTML($html_text);
if(! $dom)
return $text;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$attr = "oembed";
$xattr = oe_build_xpath("class","oembed");
$entries = $xpath->query("//span[$xattr]");
$xattr = "@rel='oembed'";//oe_build_xpath("rel","oembed");
foreach($entries as $e) {
$href = $xpath->evaluate("a[$xattr]/@href", $e)->item(0)->nodeValue;
if(!is_null($href)) $e->parentNode->replaceChild(new DOMText("[embed]".$href."[/embed]"), $e);
return oe_get_inner_html( $dom->getElementsByTagName("body")->item(0) );
} else {
return $text;