<?php /** @file */ require_once("boot.php"); require_once('include/queue_fn.php'); require_once('include/html2plain.php'); /* * This file was at one time responsible for doing all deliveries, but this caused * big problems on shared hosting systems, where the process might get killed by the * hosting provider and nothing would get delivered. * It now only delivers one message under certain cases, and invokes a queued * delivery mechanism (include/deliver.php) to deliver individual contacts at * controlled intervals. * This has a much better chance of surviving random processes getting killed * by the hosting provider. * * The basic flow is: * Identify the type of message * Collect any information that needs to be sent * Convert it into a suitable generic format for sending * Figure out who the recipients are and if we need to relay * through a conversation owner * Once we know what recipients are involved, collect a list of * destination sites * Build and store a queue item for each unique site and invoke * a delivery process for each site or a small number of sites (1-3) * and add a slight delay between each delivery invocation if desired (usually) * */ /* * The notifier is typically called with: * * proc_run('php', "include/notifier.php", COMMAND, ITEM_ID); * * where COMMAND is one of the following: * * activity (in diaspora.php, dfrn_confirm.php, profiles.php) * comment-import (in diaspora.php, items.php) * comment-new (in item.php) * drop (in diaspora.php, items.php, photos.php) * edit_post (in item.php) * event (in events.php) * expire (in items.php) * like (in like.php, poke.php) * mail (in message.php) * suggest (in fsuggest.php) * tag (in photos.php, poke.php, tagger.php) * tgroup (in items.php) * wall-new (in photos.php, item.php) * * and ITEM_ID is the id of the item in the database that needs to be sent to others. * * ZOT * permission_update abook_id * refresh_all channel_id * relay item_id (item was relayed to owner, we will deliver it as owner) * */ require_once('include/cli_startup.php'); require_once('include/zot.php'); require_once('include/queue_fn.php'); function notifier_run($argv, $argc){ cli_startup(); $a = get_app(); require_once("session.php"); require_once("datetime.php"); require_once('include/items.php'); require_once('include/bbcode.php'); if($argc < 3) return; logger('notifier: invoked: ' . print_r($argv,true), LOGGER_DEBUG); $cmd = $argv[1]; $item_id = $argv[2]; $extra = (($argc > 3) ? $argv[3] : null); if(! $item_id) return; if($cmd == 'permission_update') { // Get the recipient $r = q("select abook.*, hubloc.* from abook left join hubloc on hubloc_hash = abook_xchan where abook_id = %d and not ( abook_flags & %d ) limit 1", intval($item_id), intval(ABOOK_FLAG_SELF) ); if($r) { // Get the sender $s = q("select * from channel where channel_id = %d limit 1", intval($r[0]['abook_channel']) ); if($s) { // send a refresh message to each hub they have registered here $h = q("select * from hubloc where hubloc_hash = '%s'", dbesc($r[0]['hubloc_hash']) ); if($h) { foreach($h as $hh) { $data = zot_build_packet($s[0],'refresh',array(array( 'guid' => $hh['hubloc_guid'], 'guid_sig' => $hh['hubloc_guid_sig'], 'url' => $hh['hubloc_url']) )); if($data) { $result = zot_zot($hh['hubloc_callback'],$data); // zot_queue_item is not yet written // if(! $result['success']) // zot_queue_item(); } } } } } return; } $expire = false; $mail = false; $fsuggest = false; $top_level = false; $recipients = array(); $url_recipients = array(); $normal_mode = true; $packet_type = 'undefined'; if($cmd === 'mail') { $normal_mode = false; $mail = true; $private = true; $message = q("SELECT * FROM `mail` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($item_id) ); if(! count($message)){ return; } xchan_mail_query($message[0]); $uid = $message[0]['channel_id']; $recipients[] = $message[0]['to_xchan']; $item = $message[0]; $encoded_item = encode_mail($item); $s = q("select * from channel where channel_id = %d limit 1", intval($item['channel_id']) ); if($s) $channel = $s[0]; } elseif($cmd === 'expire') { $normal_mode = false; $expire = true; $items = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `wall` = 1 AND `deleted` = 1 AND `changed` > UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 10 MINUTE", intval($item_id) ); $uid = $item_id; $item_id = 0; if(! count($items)) return; } elseif($cmd === 'suggest') { $normal_mode = false; $fsuggest = true; $suggest = q("SELECT * FROM `fsuggest` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($item_id) ); if(! count($suggest)) return; $uid = $suggest[0]['uid']; $recipients[] = $suggest[0]['cid']; $item = $suggest[0]; } elseif($cmd === 'refresh_all') { logger('notifier: refresh_all: ' . $item_id); $s = q("select * from channel where channel_id = %d limit 1", intval($item_id) ); if($s) $channel = $s[0]; $uid = $item_id; $recipients = array(); $r = q("select * from abook where abook_channel = %d and not (abook_flags & %d)", intval($item_id), intval(ABOOK_FLAG_SELF) ); if($r) { foreach($r as $rr) { $recipients[] = $rr['abook_xchan']; } } $private = false; $packet_type = 'refresh'; } else { // Normal items // Fetch the target item $r = q("SELECT * FROM item WHERE id = %d and parent != 0 LIMIT 1", intval($item_id) ); if(! $r) return; xchan_query($r); $r = fetch_post_tags($r); $target_item = $r[0]; if($target_item['item_restrict'] & ITEM_DELETED) logger('notifier: target item ITEM_DELETED', LOGGER_DEBUG); if($target_item['item_restrict'] & ITEM_DELAYED_PUBLISH) { logger('notifier: target item ITEM_DELAYED_PUBLISH', LOGGER_DEBUG); return; } if($target_item['item_restrict'] & ITEM_WEBPAGE) { logger('notifier: target item ITEM_WEBPAGE', LOGGER_DEBUG); return; } $s = q("select * from channel where channel_id = %d limit 1", intval($target_item['uid']) ); if($s) $channel = $s[0]; if($target_item['id'] == $target_item['parent']) { $parent_item = $target_item; $top_level_post = true; } else { // fetch the parent item $r = q("SELECT * from item where id = %d order by id asc", intval($target_item['parent']) ); if(! $r) return; xchan_query($r); $r = fetch_post_tags($r); $parent_item = $r[0]; $top_level_post = false; } $encoded_item = encode_item($target_item); $relay_to_owner = (((! $top_level_post) && ($target_item['item_flags'] & ITEM_ORIGIN)) ? true : false); $uplink = false; // $cmd === 'relay' indicates the owner is sending it to the original recipients // don't allow the item in the relay command to relay to owner under any circumstances, it will loop logger('notifier: relay_to_owner: ' . (($relay_to_owner) ? 'true' : 'false'), LOGGER_DATA); logger('notifier: top_level_post: ' . (($top_level_post) ? 'true' : 'false'), LOGGER_DATA); logger('notifier: target_item_flags: ' . $target_item['item_flags'] . ' ' . (($target_item['item_flags'] & ITEM_ORIGIN ) ? 'true' : 'false'), LOGGER_DATA); // tag_deliver'd post which needs to be sent back to the original author if(($cmd === 'uplink') && ($parent_item['item_flags'] & ITEM_UPLINK) && (! $top_level_post)) { $uplink = true; } if(($relay_to_owner || $uplink) && ($cmd !== 'relay')) { logger('notifier: followup relay', LOGGER_DEBUG); $recipients = array(($uplink) ? $parent_item['author_xchan'] : $parent_item['owner_xchan']); $private = true; if(! $encoded_item['flags']) $encoded_item['flags'] = array(); $encoded_item['flags'][] = 'relay'; } else { logger('notifier: normal distribution', LOGGER_DEBUG); if($cmd === 'relay') logger('notifier: owner relay'); // if our parent is a tag_delivery recipient, uplink to the original author causing // a delivery fork. if(($parent_item['item_flags'] & ITEM_UPLINK) && (! $top_level_post) && ($cmd !== 'uplink')) { logger('notifier: uplinking this item'); proc_run('php','include/notifier.php','uplink',$item_id); } $private = false; $recipients = collect_recipients($parent_item,$private); // FIXME add any additional recipients such as mentions, etc. // don't send deletions onward for other people's stuff // TODO verify this is needed - copied logic from same place in old code if(($target_item['item_restrict'] & ITEM_DELETED) && (!($target_item['item_flags'] & ITEM_WALL))) { logger('notifier: ignoring delete notification for non-wall item'); return; } } } // Generic delivery section, we have an encoded item and recipients // Now start the delivery process logger('notifier: encoded item: ' . print_r($encoded_item,true)); stringify_array_elms($recipients); if(! $recipients) return; logger('notifier: recipients: ' . print_r($recipients,true)); $env_recips = null; if($private) { $r = q("select xchan_guid, xchan_guid_sig from xchan where xchan_hash in (" . implode(',',$recipients) . ")"); if($r) { $env_recips = array(); foreach($r as $rr) $env_recips[] = array('guid' => $rr['xchan_guid'],'guid_sig' => $rr['xchan_guid_sig']); } } // Now we have collected recipients (except for external mentions, FIXME) // Let's reduce this to a set of hubs. // for public posts always include our own hub $sql_extra = (($private) ? "" : " or hubloc_url = '" . z_root() . "' "); $r = q("select distinct hubloc_sitekey, hubloc_callback, hubloc_host from hubloc where hubloc_hash in (" . implode(',',$recipients) . ") $sql_extra group by hubloc_sitekey"); if(! $r) { logger('notifier: no hubs'); return; } $hubs = $r; $interval = ((get_config('system','delivery_interval') !== false) ? intval(get_config('system','delivery_interval')) : 2 ); $deliveries_per_process = intval(get_config('system','delivery_batch_count')); if($deliveries_per_process <= 0) $deliveries_per_process = 1; $deliver = array(); foreach($hubs as $hub) { $hash = random_string(); if($packet_type === 'refresh') { $n = zot_build_packet($channel,'refresh'); q("insert into outq ( outq_hash, outq_account, outq_channel, outq_posturl, outq_async, outq_created, outq_updated, outq_notify, outq_msg ) values ( '%s', %d, %d, '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", dbesc($hash), intval($channel['channel_account']), intval($channel['channel_id']), dbesc($hub['hubloc_callback']), intval(1), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($n), dbesc('') ); } else { $n = zot_build_packet($channel,'notify',$env_recips,(($private) ? $hub['hubloc_sitekey'] : null),$hash); q("insert into outq ( outq_hash, outq_account, outq_channel, outq_posturl, outq_async, outq_created, outq_updated, outq_notify, outq_msg ) values ( '%s', %d, %d, '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' )", dbesc($hash), intval($target_item['aid']), intval($target_item['uid']), dbesc($hub['hubloc_callback']), intval(1), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($n), dbesc(json_encode($encoded_item)) ); } $deliver[] = $hash; if(count($deliver) >= $deliveries_per_process) { proc_run('php','include/deliver.php',$deliver); $deliver = array(); if($interval) @time_sleep_until(microtime(true) + (float) $interval); } } // catch any stragglers if(count($deliver)) { proc_run('php','include/deliver.php',$deliver); } if($normal_mode) call_hooks('notifier_normal',$target_item); call_hooks('notifier_end',$target_item); return; } if (array_search(__file__,get_included_files())===0){ notifier_run($argv,$argc); killme(); }