t('Delete this item?'),
'$comment' => t('Comment'),
'$showmore' => sprintf( t('%s show all'), ''),
'$showfewer' => sprintf( t('%s show less'), ''),
'$divgrowmore' => sprintf( t('%s expand'), ''),
'$divgrowless' => sprintf( t('%s collapse'),''),
'$pwshort' => t("Password too short"),
'$pwnomatch' => t("Passwords do not match"),
'$everybody' => t('everybody'),
'$passphrase' => t('Secret Passphrase'),
'$passhint' => t('Passphrase hint'),
'$permschange' => t('Notice: Permissions have changed but have not yet been submitted.'),
'$closeAll' => t('close all'),
'$nothingnew' => t('Nothing new here'),
'$rating_desc' => t('Rate This Channel (this is public)'),
'$rating_val' => t('Rating'),
'$rating_text' => t('Describe (optional)'),
'$submit' => t('Submit'),
'$linkurl' => t('Please enter a link URL'),
'$leavethispage' => t('Unsaved changes. Are you sure you wish to leave this page?'),
'$location' => t('Location'),
'$lovely' => t('lovely'),
'$wonderful' => t('wonderful'),
'$fantastic' => t('fantastic'),
'$great' => t('great'),
'$nick_invld1' => t('Your chosen nickname was either already taken or not valid. Please use our suggestion ('),
'$nick_invld2' => t(') or enter a new one.'),
'$nick_valid' => t('Thank you, this nickname is valid.'),
'$name_empty' => t('A channel name is required.'),
'$name_ok1' => t('This is a '),
'$name_ok2' => t(' channel name'),
'$to_reply' => t('Back to reply
'$pinned' => t('Pinned'),
'$pin_item' => t('Pin to the top'),
'$unpin_item' => t('Unpin from the top'),
// translatable prefix and suffix strings for jquery.timeago -
// using the defaults set below if left untranslated, empty strings if
// translated to "NONE" and the corresponding language strings
// if translated to anything else
'minutes' => tt('%d minutes', '%d minutes', '%d'),
'hours' => tt('about %d hours', 'about %d hours', '%d'),
'days' => tt('%d days', '%d days', '%d'),
'months' => tt('%d months', '%d months', '%d'),
'years' => tt('%d years', '%d years', '%d'),
// get plural function code
'plural_func' => tf(),
'$t01' => ((t('timeago.prefixAgo') == 'timeago.prefixAgo') ? '' : ((t('timeago.prefixAgo') == 'NONE') ? '' : t('timeago.prefixAgo'))),
'$t02' => ((t('timeago.prefixFromNow') == 'timeago.prefixFromNow') ? '' : ((t('timeago.prefixFromNow') == 'NONE') ? '' : t('timeago.prefixFromNow'))),
'$t03' => ((t('timeago.suffixAgo') == 'timeago.suffixAgo') ? 'ago' : ((t('timeago.suffixAgo') == 'NONE') ? '' : t('timeago.suffixAgo'))),
'$t04' => ((t('timeago.suffixFromNow') == 'timeago.suffixFromNow') ? 'from now' : ((t('timeago.suffixFromNow') == 'NONE') ? '' : t('timeago.suffixFromNow'))),
// translatable main strings for jquery.timeago
'$t05' => t('less than a minute'),
'$t06' => t('about a minute'),
'$t07' => ta('%d minutes'),
'$t08' => t('about an hour'),
'$t09' => ta('about %d hours'),
'$t10' => t('a day'),
'$t11' => ta('%d days'),
'$t12' => t('about a month'),
'$t13' => ta('%d months'),
'$t14' => t('about a year'),
'$t15' => ta('%d years'),
'$t16' => t(' '), // wordSeparator
'$t17' => ((t('timeago.numbers') != 'timeago.numbers') ? t('timeago.numbers') : '[]'),
'$January' => t('January'),
'$February' => t('February'),
'$March' => t('March'),
'$April' => t('April'),
'$May' => t('May','long'),
'$June' => t('June'),
'$July' => t('July'),
'$August' => t('August'),
'$September' => t('September'),
'$October' => t('October'),
'$November' => t('November'),
'$December' => t('December'),
'$Jan' => t('Jan'),
'$Feb' => t('Feb'),
'$Mar' => t('Mar'),
'$Apr' => t('Apr'),
'$MayShort' => t('May','short'),
'$Jun' => t('Jun'),
'$Jul' => t('Jul'),
'$Aug' => t('Aug'),
'$Sep' => t('Sep'),
'$Oct' => t('Oct'),
'$Nov' => t('Nov'),
'$Dec' => t('Dec'),
'$Sunday' => t('Sunday'),
'$Monday' => t('Monday'),
'$Tuesday' => t('Tuesday'),
'$Wednesday' => t('Wednesday'),
'$Thursday' => t('Thursday'),
'$Friday' => t('Friday'),
'$Saturday' => t('Saturday'),
'$Sun' => t('Sun'),
'$Mon' => t('Mon'),
'$Tue' => t('Tue'),
'$Wed' => t('Wed'),
'$Thu' => t('Thu'),
'$Fri' => t('Fri'),
'$Sat' => t('Sat'),
'$today' => t('today','calendar'),
'$month' => t('month','calendar'),
'$week' => t('week','calendar'),
'$day' => t('day','calendar'),
'$allday' => t('All day','calendar')