 * @file include/hubloc.php
 * @brief Hubloc related functions.

use Zotlabs\Daemon\Master;

 * @brief Create an array for hubloc table and insert record.
 * Creates an assoziative array which will be inserted into the hubloc table.
  * @param array $arr An assoziative array with hubloc values
 * @return boolean|PDOStatement
function hubloc_store_lowlevel($arr) {

	$store = [
		'hubloc_guid'        => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_guid',$arr))        ? $arr['hubloc_guid']        : ''),
		'hubloc_guid_sig'    => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_guid_sig',$arr))    ? $arr['hubloc_guid_sig']    : ''),
		'hubloc_hash'        => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_hash',$arr))        ? $arr['hubloc_hash']        : ''),
		'hubloc_addr'        => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_addr',$arr))        ? $arr['hubloc_addr']        : ''),
		'hubloc_network'     => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_network',$arr))     ? $arr['hubloc_network']     : ''),
		'hubloc_flags'       => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_flags',$arr))       ? $arr['hubloc_flags']       : 0),
		'hubloc_status'      => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_status',$arr))      ? $arr['hubloc_status']      : 0),
		'hubloc_url'         => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_url',$arr))         ? $arr['hubloc_url']         : ''),
		'hubloc_url_sig'     => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_url_sig',$arr))     ? $arr['hubloc_url_sig']     : ''),
		'hubloc_id_url'      => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_id_url',$arr))      ? $arr['hubloc_id_url']      : ''),
		'hubloc_site_id'     => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_site_id',$arr))     ? $arr['hubloc_site_id']     : ''),
		'hubloc_host'        => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_host',$arr))        ? $arr['hubloc_host']        : ''),
		'hubloc_callback'    => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_callback',$arr))    ? $arr['hubloc_callback']    : ''),
		'hubloc_connect'     => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_connect',$arr))     ? $arr['hubloc_connect']     : ''),
		'hubloc_sitekey'     => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_sitekey',$arr))     ? $arr['hubloc_sitekey']     : ''),
		'hubloc_updated'     => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_updated',$arr))     ? $arr['hubloc_updated']     : NULL_DATE),
		'hubloc_connected'   => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_connected',$arr))   ? $arr['hubloc_connected']   : NULL_DATE),
		'hubloc_primary'     => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_primary',$arr))     ? $arr['hubloc_primary']     : 0),
		'hubloc_orphancheck' => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_orphancheck',$arr)) ? $arr['hubloc_orphancheck'] : 0),
		'hubloc_error'       => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_error',$arr))       ? $arr['hubloc_error']       : 0),
		'hubloc_deleted'     => ((array_key_exists('hubloc_deleted',$arr))     ? $arr['hubloc_deleted']     : 0)

	return create_table_from_array('hubloc', $store);

function site_store_lowlevel($arr) {

	$store = [
		'site_url'        => ((array_key_exists('site_url',$arr))        ? $arr['site_url']         : ''),
		'site_access'     => ((array_key_exists('site_access',$arr))     ? $arr['site_access']      : 0),
		'site_flags'      => ((array_key_exists('site_flags',$arr))      ? $arr['site_flags']       : 0),
		'site_update'     => ((array_key_exists('site_update',$arr))     ? $arr['site_update']      : NULL_DATE),
		'site_pull'       => ((array_key_exists('site_pull',$arr))       ? $arr['site_pull']        : NULL_DATE),
		'site_sync'       => ((array_key_exists('site_sync',$arr))       ? $arr['site_sync']        : NULL_DATE),
		'site_directory'  => ((array_key_exists('site_directory',$arr))  ? $arr['site_directory']   : ''),
		'site_register'   => ((array_key_exists('site_register',$arr))   ? $arr['site_register']    : 0),
		'site_sellpage'   => ((array_key_exists('site_sellpage',$arr))   ? $arr['site_sellpage']    : ''),
		'site_location'   => ((array_key_exists('site_location',$arr))   ? $arr['site_location']    : ''),
		'site_realm'      => ((array_key_exists('site_realm',$arr))      ? $arr['site_realm']       : ''),
		'site_valid'      => ((array_key_exists('site_valid',$arr))      ? $arr['site_valid']       : 0),
		'site_dead'       => ((array_key_exists('site_dead',$arr))       ? $arr['site_dead']        : 0),
		'site_type'       => ((array_key_exists('site_type',$arr))       ? $arr['site_type']        : 0),
		'site_project'    => ((array_key_exists('site_project',$arr))    ? $arr['site_project']     : ''),
		'site_version'    => ((array_key_exists('site_version',$arr))    ? $arr['site_version']     : ''),
		'site_crypto'     => ((array_key_exists('site_crypto',$arr))     ? $arr['site_crypto']      : '')

	return create_table_from_array('site', $store);

function prune_hub_reinstalls() {

	$r = q("select site_url from site where site_type = %d",
	if($r) {
		foreach($r as $rr) {
			$x = q("select count(*) as t, hubloc_sitekey, max(hubloc_connected) as c from hubloc where hubloc_url = '%s' group by hubloc_sitekey order by c",

			// see if this url has more than one sitekey, indicating it has been re-installed.

			if(count($x) > 1) {
				$d1 = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $x[0]['c']);
				$d2 = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', 'now - 3 days');

				// allow some slop period, say 3 days - just in case this is a glitch or transient occurrence
				// Then remove any hublocs pointing to the oldest entry.

				if(($d1 < $d2) && ($x[0]['hubloc_sitekey'])) {
					logger('prune_hub_reinstalls: removing dead hublocs at ' . $rr['site_url']);
					$y = q("delete from hubloc where hubloc_sitekey = '%s'",

 * @brief Remove obsolete hublocs.
 * Get rid of any hublocs which are ours but aren't valid anymore -
 * e.g. they point to a different and perhaps transient URL that we aren't using.
 * I need to stress that this shouldn't happen. fix_system_urls() fixes hublocs
 * when it discovers the URL has changed. So it's unclear how we could end up
 * with URLs pointing to the old site name. But it happens. This may be an artifact
 * of an old bug or maybe a regression in some newer code. In any event, they
 * mess up communications and we have to take action if we find any.
function remove_obsolete_hublocs() {

	logger('remove_obsolete_hublocs', LOGGER_DEBUG);

	// First make sure we have any hublocs (at all) with this URL and sitekey.
	// We don't want to perform this operation while somebody is in the process
	// of renaming their hub or installing certs.

	$r = q("select hubloc_id from hubloc where hubloc_url = '%s' and hubloc_sitekey = '%s'",
		dbesc(get_config('system', 'pubkey'))
	if((! $r) || (! count($r)))

	// Good. We have at least one *valid* hubloc.

	// Do we have any invalid ones?

	$r = q("select hubloc_id from hubloc where hubloc_sitekey = '%s' and hubloc_url != '%s'",
		dbesc(get_config('system', 'pubkey')),
	$p = q("select hubloc_id from hubloc where hubloc_sitekey != '%s' and hubloc_url = '%s'",
		dbesc(get_config('system', 'pubkey')),
	if(is_array($r) && is_array($p))
		$r = array_merge($r, $p);

	if(! $r)

	// We've got invalid hublocs. Get rid of them.

	logger('remove_obsolete_hublocs: removing ' . count($r) . ' hublocs.');

	$interval = ((get_config('system', 'delivery_interval') !== false)
			? intval(get_config('system', 'delivery_interval')) : 2 );

	foreach($r as $rr) {
		q("update hubloc set hubloc_deleted = 1 where hubloc_id = %d",

		$x = q("select channel_id from channel where channel_hash = '%s' limit 1",
		if($x) {
			Master::Summon(array('Notifier', 'refresh_all', $x[0]['channel_id']));
				@time_sleep_until(microtime(true) + (float) $interval);

 * @brief Change primary hubloc.
 * This actually changes other structures to match the given (presumably current)
 * hubloc primary selection.
 * @param array $hubloc
 * @return boolean
function hubloc_change_primary($hubloc) {

	if(! is_array($hubloc)) {
		logger('no hubloc');
		return false;

	logger('setting primary: ' . $hubloc['hubloc_url'] . ((intval($hubloc['hubloc_primary'])) ? '  true' : ' false'));

	// See if this is a local hubloc and if so update the primary for the corresponding channel record. 

	if($hubloc['hubloc_url'] === z_root()) {
		$r = q("select channel_id from channel where channel_hash = '%s' limit 1",
		if($r) {
			q("update channel set channel_primary = %d where channel_id = %d",

	// we only need to proceed further if this particular hubloc is now primary 

	if(! (intval($hubloc['hubloc_primary']))) {
		logger('not primary: ' . $hubloc['hubloc_url']);
		return false;

	// do we even have an xchan for this hubloc and if so is it already set as primary?

	$r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1",
	if(! $r) {
		logger('xchan not found');
		return false;
	if($r[0]['xchan_addr'] === $hubloc['hubloc_addr']) {
		logger('xchan already changed');
		return false;

	$url = $hubloc['hubloc_url'];
	$lwebbie = substr($hubloc['hubloc_addr'], 0, strpos($hubloc['hubloc_addr'], '@'));

	$r = q("update xchan set xchan_addr = '%s', xchan_url = '%s', xchan_follow = '%s', xchan_connurl = '%s' where xchan_hash = '%s'",
		dbesc($url . '/channel/' . $lwebbie),
		dbesc($url . '/follow?f=&url=%s'),
		dbesc($url . '/poco/' . $lwebbie),
	if(! $r)
		logger('xchan_update failed.');

	logger('primary hubloc changed.' . print_r($hubloc, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
	return true;

 * @brief Mark a hubloc as down.
 * We use the post url to distinguish between http and https hublocs.
 * The https might be alive, and the http dead.
 * Also set site_dead for the corresponding entry in the site table.
 * @param string $posturl Hubloc callback url which to disable
function hubloc_mark_as_down($posturl) {
	$r = q("update hubloc set hubloc_status = ( hubloc_status | %d ) where hubloc_callback = '%s'",

	// extract the baseurl and set site.site_dead to match
	$m = parse_url($posturl);
	$h = $m['scheme'] . '://' . $m['host'];
	$r = q("update site set site_dead = 1 where site_url = '%s'",

 * @brief return comma separated string of non-dead clone locations (net addresses) for a given netid
 * @param string $netid network identity (typically xchan_hash or hubloc_hash)
 * @return string

function locations_by_netid($netid) {

	$locs = q("select hubloc_addr as location from hubloc left join site on hubloc_url = site_url where hubloc_hash = '%s' and hubloc_deleted = 0 and site_dead = 0",

	return array_elm_to_str($locs,'location',', ','trim_and_unpunify');


function ping_site($url) {

	$ret = array('success' => false);

	$r = Zotlabs\Lib\Zotfinger::exec($url);

	if(! $r['data']) {
		$ret['message'] = 'no answer from ' . $url;
		return $ret;

	$ret['success'] = true;
	return $ret;


function z6_discover() {

	// find unregistered zot6 clone hublocs

	$c = q("select channel_hash, channel_portable_id from channel where channel_deleted = '%s'",
	if ($c) {
		foreach ($c as $entry) {
			$q1 = q("select * from hubloc left join site on hubloc_url = site_url where hubloc_deleted = 0 and site_dead = 0 and hubloc_hash = '%s' and hubloc_url != '%s'",
			if (! $q1) {
				// channel has no zot clones
			// does this particular server have a zot6 clone registered on our site for this channel?
			foreach ($q1 as $q) {
				$q2 = q("select * from hubloc left join site on hubloc_url = site_url where hubloc_deleted = 0 and site_dead = 0 and hubloc_hash = '%s' and hubloc_url = '%s'",
				if ($q2) {
				// zot6 hubloc not found. 
				if(strpos($q['site_project'],'hubzilla') !== false && version_compare($q['site_version'],'4.0') >= 0) {
					// probe and store results - only for zot6 (over-ride the zot default)
