1) { $path = ''; for($x = 1; $x < argc(); $x ++) { if(strlen($path)) $path .= '/'; $path .= argv($x); } $title = basename($path); $text = load_doc_file('doc/' . $path . '.md'); \App::$page['title'] = t('Help:') . ' ' . ucwords(str_replace('-',' ',notags($title))); if(! $text) { $text = load_doc_file('doc/' . $path . '.bb'); if($text) $doctype = 'bbcode'; \App::$page['title'] = t('Help:') . ' ' . ucwords(str_replace('_',' ',notags($title))); } if(! $text) { $text = load_doc_file('doc/' . $path . '.html'); if($text) $doctype = 'html'; \App::$page['title'] = t('Help:') . ' ' . ucwords(str_replace('-',' ',notags($title))); } } if(! $text) { $text = load_doc_file('doc/Site.md'); \App::$page['title'] = t('Help'); } if(! $text) { $doctype = 'bbcode'; $text = load_doc_file('doc/main.bb'); \App::$page['title'] = t('Help'); } if(! strlen($text)) { header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . ' 404 ' . t('Not Found')); $tpl = get_markup_template("404.tpl"); return replace_macros($tpl, array( '$message' => t('Page not found.' ) )); } if($doctype === 'html') $content = $text; if($doctype === 'markdown') { require_once('library/markdown.php'); # escape #include tags $text = preg_replace('/#include/ism', '%%include', $text); $content = Markdown($text); $content = preg_replace('/%%include/ism', '#include', $content); } if($doctype === 'bbcode') { require_once('include/bbcode.php'); $content = bbcode($text); // bbcode retargets external content to new windows. This content is internal. $content = str_replace(' target="_blank"','',$content); } $content = preg_replace_callback("/#include (.*?)\;/ism", 'preg_callback_help_include', $content); return $content; } function preg_callback_help_include($matches) { if($matches[1]) { $include = str_replace($matches[0],load_doc_file($matches[1]),$matches[0]); if(preg_match('/\.bb$/', $matches[1]) || preg_match('/\.txt$/', $matches[1])) { require_once('include/bbcode.php'); $include = bbcode($include); $include = str_replace(' target="_blank"','',$include); } elseif(preg_match('/\.md$/', $matches[1])) { require_once('library/markdown.php'); $include = Markdown($include); } return $include; } } function load_doc_file($s) { $lang = \App::$language; if(! isset($lang)) $lang = 'en'; $b = basename($s); $d = dirname($s); $c = find_doc_file("$d/$lang/$b"); if($c) return $c; $c = find_doc_file($s); if($c) return $c; return ''; } function find_doc_file($s) { if(file_exists($s)) return file_get_contents($s); return ''; } function search_doc_files($s) { $itemspage = get_pconfig(local_channel(),'system','itemspage'); \App::set_pager_itemspage(((intval($itemspage)) ? $itemspage : 20)); $pager_sql = sprintf(" LIMIT %d OFFSET %d ", intval(\App::$pager['itemspage']), intval(\App::$pager['start'])); $regexop = db_getfunc('REGEXP'); $r = q("select iconfig.v, item.* from item left join iconfig on item.id = iconfig.iid where iconfig.cat = 'system' and iconfig.k = 'docfile' and body $regexop '%s' and item_type = %d $pager_sql", dbesc($s), intval(ITEM_TYPE_DOC) ); $r = fetch_post_tags($r,true); for($x = 0; $x < count($r); $x ++) { $position = stripos($r[$x]['body'], $s); $dislen = 300; $start = $position-floor($dislen/2); if ( $start < 0) { $start = 0; } $r[$x]['text'] = substr($r[$x]['body'], $start, $dislen); $r[$x]['rank'] = 0; if($r[$x]['term']) { foreach($r[$x]['term'] as $t) { if(stristr($t['term'],$s)) { $r[$x]['rank'] ++; } } } if(stristr($r[$x]['v'],$s)) $r[$x]['rank'] ++; $r[$x]['rank'] += substr_count(strtolower($r[$x]['text']),strtolower($s)); // bias the results to the observer's native language if($r[$x]['lang'] === \App::$language) $r[$x]['rank'] = $r[$x]['rank'] + 10; } usort($r,'doc_rank_sort'); return $r; } function doc_rank_sort($s1,$s2) { if($s1['rank'] == $s2['rank']) return 0; return (($s1['rank'] < $s2['rank']) ? 1 : (-1)); } function load_context_help() { $path = App::$cmd; $args = App::$argv; $lang = App::$language; if(! isset($lang) || !is_dir('doc/context/' . $lang . '/')) { $lang = 'en'; } while($path) { $context_help = load_doc_file('doc/context/' . $lang . '/' . $path . '/help.html'); if(!$context_help) { // Fallback to English if the translation is absent $context_help = load_doc_file('doc/context/en/' . $path . '/help.html'); } if($context_help) break; array_pop($args); $path = implode($args,'/'); } return $context_help; } function store_doc_file($s) { if(is_dir($s)) return; $item = array(); $sys = get_sys_channel(); $item['aid'] = 0; $item['uid'] = $sys['channel_id']; if(strpos($s,'.md')) $mimetype = 'text/markdown'; elseif(strpos($s,'.html')) $mimetype = 'text/html'; else $mimetype = 'text/bbcode'; require_once('include/html2plain.php'); $item['body'] = html2plain(prepare_text(file_get_contents($s),$mimetype, true)); $item['mimetype'] = 'text/plain'; $item['plink'] = z_root() . '/' . str_replace('doc','help',$s); $item['owner_xchan'] = $item['author_xchan'] = $sys['channel_hash']; $item['item_type'] = ITEM_TYPE_DOC; $r = q("select item.* from item left join iconfig on item.id = iconfig.iid where iconfig.cat = 'system' and iconfig.k = 'docfile' and iconfig.v = '%s' and item_type = %d limit 1", dbesc($s), intval(ITEM_TYPE_DOC) ); \Zotlabs\Lib\IConfig::Set($item,'system','docfile',$s); if($r) { $item['id'] = $r[0]['id']; $item['mid'] = $item['parent_mid'] = $r[0]['mid']; $x = item_store_update($item); } else { $item['mid'] = $item['parent_mid'] = item_message_id(); $x = item_store($item); } return $x; }