<?php /** @file */ require_once('boot.php'); require_once('include/cli_startup.php'); require_once('include/zot.php'); require_once('include/identity.php'); function externals_run($argv, $argc){ cli_startup(); $a = get_app(); $total = 0; $attempts = 0; logger('externals: startup', LOGGER_DEBUG); // pull in some public posts while($total == 0 && $attempts < 3) { $arr = array('url' => ''); call_hooks('externals_url_select',$arr); if($arr['url']) { $url = $arr['url']; } else { $randfunc = db_getfunc('RAND'); // fixme this query does not deal with directory realms. $r = q("select site_url, site_pull from site where site_url != '%s' and site_flags != %d and site_type = %d and site_dead = 0 order by $randfunc limit 1", dbesc(z_root()), intval(DIRECTORY_MODE_STANDALONE), intval(SITE_TYPE_ZOT) ); if($r) $url = $r[0]['site_url']; } $blacklisted = false; if(! check_siteallowed($url)) { logger('blacklisted site: ' . $url); $blacklisted = true; } $attempts ++; // make sure we can eventually break out if somebody blacklists all known sites if($blacklisted) { if($attempts > 20) break; $attempts --; continue; } if($url) { if($r[0]['site_pull'] !== NULL_DATE) $mindate = urlencode(datetime_convert('','',$r[0]['site_pull'] . ' - 1 day')); else { $days = get_config('externals','since_days'); if($days === false) $days = 15; $mindate = urlencode(datetime_convert('','','now - ' . intval($days) . ' days')); } $feedurl = $url . '/zotfeed?f=&mindate=' . $mindate; logger('externals: pulling public content from ' . $feedurl, LOGGER_DEBUG); $x = z_fetch_url($feedurl); if(($x) && ($x['success'])) { q("update site set site_pull = '%s' where site_url = '%s'", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($url) ); $j = json_decode($x['body'],true); if($j['success'] && $j['messages']) { $sys = get_sys_channel(); foreach($j['messages'] as $message) { // on these posts, clear any route info. $message['route'] = ''; $results = process_delivery(array('hash' => 'undefined'), get_item_elements($message), array(array('hash' => $sys['xchan_hash'])), false, true); $total ++; } logger('externals: import_public_posts: ' . $total . ' messages imported', LOGGER_DEBUG); } } } } } if (array_search(__file__,get_included_files())===0){ externals_run($argv,$argc); killme(); }