<?php function format_event_html($ev) { require_once('include/bbcode.php'); if(! ((is_array($ev)) && count($ev))) return ''; $bd_format = t('l F d, Y \@ g A') ; // Friday January 18, 2011 @ 8 AM $o = '<div class="vevent">' . "\r\n"; $o .= '<p class="description event-description">' . bbcode($ev['desc']) . '</p>' . "\r\n"; $o .= '<p class="event-start">' . t('Starts:') . ' <abbr class="dtstart" title="' . datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$ev['start'], (($ev['adjust']) ? ATOM_TIME : 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s' )) . '" >' . (($ev['adjust']) ? day_translate(datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), $ev['start'] , $bd_format )) : day_translate(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $ev['start'] , $bd_format))) . '</abbr></p>' . "\r\n"; if(! $ev['nofinish']) $o .= '<p class="event-end" >' . t('Finishes:') . ' <abbr class="dtend" title="' . datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$ev['finish'], (($ev['adjust']) ? ATOM_TIME : 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s' )) . '" >' . (($ev['adjust']) ? day_translate(datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), $ev['finish'] , $bd_format )) : day_translate(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $ev['finish'] , $bd_format ))) . '</abbr></p>' . "\r\n"; if(strlen($ev['location'])) $o .= '<p class="event-location"> ' . t('Location:') . ' <span class="location">' . bbcode($ev['location']) . '</span></p>' . "\r\n"; $o .= '</div>' . "\r\n"; return $o; } function parse_event($h) { require_once('include/Scrape.php'); require_once('library/HTMLPurifier.auto.php'); require_once('include/html2bbcode'); $h = '<html><body>' . $h . '</body></html>'; $ret = array(); $dom = HTML5_Parser::parse($h); if(! $dom) return $ret; $items = $dom->getElementsByTagName('*'); foreach($items as $item) { if(attribute_contains($item->getAttribute('class'), 'vevent')) { $level2 = $item->getElementsByTagName('*'); foreach($level2 as $x) { if(attribute_contains($x->getAttribute('class'),'dtstart') && $x->getAttribute('title')) { $ret['start'] = $x->getAttribute('title'); if(! strpos($ret['start'],'Z')) $ret['adjust'] = true; } if(attribute_contains($x->getAttribute('class'),'dtend') && $x->getAttribute('title')) $ret['finish'] = $x->getAttribute('title'); if(attribute_contains($x->getAttribute('class'),'description')) $ret['desc'] = $x->textContent; if(attribute_contains($x->getAttribute('class'),'location')) $ret['location'] = $x->textContent; } } } // sanitise if((x($ret,'desc')) && ((strpos($ret['desc'],'<') !== false) || (strpos($ret['desc'],'>') !== false))) { $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); $config->set('Cache.DefinitionImpl', null); $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config); $ret['desc'] = html2bbcode($purifier->purify($ret['desc'])); } if((x($ret,'location')) && ((strpos($ret['location'],'<') !== false) || (strpos($ret['location'],'>') !== false))) { $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); $config->set('Cache.DefinitionImpl', null); $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config); $ret['location'] = html2bbcode($purifier->purify($ret['location'])); } if(x($ret,'start')) $ret['start'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$ret['start']); if(x($ret,'finish')) $ret['finish'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$ret['finish']); return $ret; } function format_event_bbcode($ev) { $o = ''; if($ev['desc']) $o .= '[event-description]' . $ev['desc'] . '[/event-description]'; if($ev['start']) $o .= '[event-start]' . $ev['start'] . '[/event-start]'; if(($ev['finish']) && (! $ev['nofinish'])) $o .= '[event-finish]' . $ev['finish'] . '[/event-finish]'; if($ev['location']) $o .= '[event-location]' . $ev['location'] . '[/event-location]'; if($ev['adjust']) $o .= '[event-adjust]' . $ev['adjust'] . '[/event-adjust]'; return $o; } function bbtovcal($s) { $o = ''; $ev = bbtoevent($s); if($ev['desc']) $o = format_event_html($ev); return $o; } function bbtoevent($s) { $ev = array(); $match = ''; if(preg_match("/\[event\-description\](.*?)\[\/event\-description\]/is",$s,$match)) $ev['desc'] = $match[1]; $match = ''; if(preg_match("/\[event\-start\](.*?)\[\/event\-start\]/is",$s,$match)) $ev['start'] = $match[1]; $match = ''; if(preg_match("/\[event\-finish\](.*?)\[\/event\-finish\]/is",$s,$match)) $ev['finish'] = $match[1]; $match = ''; if(preg_match("/\[event\-location\](.*?)\[\/event\-location\]/is",$s,$match)) $ev['location'] = $match[1]; $match = ''; if(preg_match("/\[event\-adjust\](.*?)\[\/event\-adjust\]/is",$s,$match)) $ev['adjust'] = $match[1]; $match = ''; $ev['nofinish'] = (($ev['start'] && (! $ev['finish'])) ? 1 : 0); return $ev; } function sort_by_date($a) { usort($a,'ev_compare'); return $a; } function ev_compare($a,$b) { $date_a = (($a['adjust']) ? datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$a['start']) : $a['start']); $date_b = (($b['adjust']) ? datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),$b['start']) : $b['start']); if($date_a === $date_b) return strcasecmp($a['desc'],$b['desc']); return strcmp($date_a,$date_b); } function event_store($arr) { require_once('include/datetime.php'); require_once('include/items.php'); require_once('include/bbcode.php'); $a = get_app(); $arr['created'] = (($arr['created']) ? $arr['created'] : datetime_convert()); $arr['edited'] = (($arr['edited']) ? $arr['edited'] : datetime_convert()); $arr['type'] = (($arr['type']) ? $arr['type'] : 'event' ); $arr['cid'] = ((intval($arr['cid'])) ? intval($arr['cid']) : 0); $arr['uri'] = (x($arr,'uri') ? $arr['uri'] : item_new_uri($a->get_hostname(),$arr['uid'])); if($arr['cid']) $c = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($arr['cid']), intval($arr['uid']) ); else $c = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `self` = 1 AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($arr['uid']) ); if(count($c)) $contact = $c[0]; if($arr['id']) { $r = q("UPDATE `event` SET `edited` = '%s', `start` = '%s', `finish` = '%s', `desc` = '%s', `location` = '%s', `type` = '%s', `adjust` = %d, `nofinish` = %d, `allow_cid` = '%s', `allow_gid` = '%s', `deny_cid` = '%s', `deny_gid` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($arr['edited']), dbesc($arr['start']), dbesc($arr['finish']), dbesc($arr['desc']), dbesc($arr['location']), dbesc($arr['type']), intval($arr['adjust']), intval($arr['nofinish']), dbesc($arr['allow_cid']), dbesc($arr['allow_gid']), dbesc($arr['deny_cid']), dbesc($arr['deny_gid']), intval($arr['id']), intval($arr['uid']) ); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `event-id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($arr['id']), intval($arr['uid']) ); if(count($r)) { $object = '<object><type>' . xmlify(ACTIVITY_OBJ_EVENT) . '</type><title></title><id>' . xmlify($arr['uri']) . '</id>'; $object .= '<content>' . xmlify(format_event_bbcode($arr)) . '</content>'; $object .= '</object>' . "\n"; q("UPDATE `item` SET `body` = '%s', `object` = '%s', `allow_cid` = '%s', `allow_gid` = '%s', `deny_cid` = '%s', `deny_gid` = '%s', `edited` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc(format_event_bbcode($arr)), dbesc($object), dbesc($arr['allow_cid']), dbesc($arr['allow_gid']), dbesc($arr['deny_cid']), dbesc($arr['deny_gid']), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($r[0]['id']), intval($arr['uid']) ); return $r[0]['id']; } else return 0; } else { $r = q("INSERT INTO `event` ( `uid`,`cid`,`uri`,`created`,`edited`,`start`,`finish`,`desc`,`location`,`type`, `adjust`,`nofinish`,`allow_cid`,`allow_gid`,`deny_cid`,`deny_gid`) VALUES ( %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' ) ", intval($arr['uid']), intval($arr['cid']), dbesc($arr['uri']), dbesc($arr['created']), dbesc($arr['edited']), dbesc($arr['start']), dbesc($arr['finish']), dbesc($arr['desc']), dbesc($arr['location']), dbesc($arr['type']), intval($arr['adjust']), intval($arr['nofinish']), dbesc($arr['allow_cid']), dbesc($arr['allow_gid']), dbesc($arr['deny_cid']), dbesc($arr['deny_gid']) ); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `event` WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($arr['uri']), intval($arr['uid']) ); if(count($r)) $event = $r[0]; $item_arr = array(); $item_arr['uid'] = $arr['uid']; $item_arr['contact-id'] = $arr['cid']; $item_arr['uri'] = $arr['uri']; $item_arr['parent-uri'] = $arr['uri']; $item_arr['type'] = 'activity'; $item_arr['wall'] = (($arr['cid']) ? 0 : 1); $item_arr['contact-id'] = $contact['id']; $item_arr['owner-name'] = $contact['name']; $item_arr['owner-link'] = $contact['url']; $item_arr['owner-avatar'] = $contact['thumb']; $item_arr['author-name'] = $contact['name']; $item_arr['author-link'] = $contact['url']; $item_arr['author-avatar'] = $contact['thumb']; $item_arr['title'] = ''; $item_arr['allow_cid'] = $str_contact_allow; $item_arr['allow_gid'] = $str_group_allow; $item_arr['deny_cid'] = $str_contact_deny; $item_arr['deny_gid'] = $str_group_deny; $item_arr['last-child'] = 1; $item_arr['visible'] = 1; $item_arr['verb'] = ACTIVITY_POST; $item_arr['object-type'] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_EVENT; $item_arr['body'] = format_event_bbcode($event); $item_arr['object'] = '<object><type>' . xmlify(ACTIVITY_OBJ_EVENT) . '</type><title></title><id>' . xmlify($uri) . '</id>'; $item_arr['object'] .= '<content>' . xmlify(format_event_bbcode($event)) . '</content>'; $item_arr['object'] .= '</object>' . "\n"; $item_id = item_store($item_arr); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($arr['uid']) ); if(count($r)) $plink = $a->get_baseurl() . '/display/' . $r[0]['nickname'] . '/' . $item_id; if($item_id) { q("UPDATE `item` SET `plink` = '%s', `event-id` = %d WHERE `uid` = %d AND `id` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($plink), intval($event['id']), intval($arr['uid']), intval($item_id) ); } return $item_id; } }