<?php /** @file */ require_once('include/permissions.php'); function find_upstream_directory($dirmode) { global $DIRECTORY_FALLBACK_SERVERS; $preferred = get_config('system','directory_server'); if(! $preferred) { /** * No directory has yet been set. For most sites, pick one at random * from our list of directory servers. However, if we're a directory * server ourself, point at the local instance * We will then set this value so this should only ever happen once. * Ideally there will be an admin setting to change to a different * directory server if you don't like our choice or if circumstances change. */ $dirmode = intval(get_config('system','directory_mode')); if($dirmode == DIRECTORY_MODE_NORMAL) { $toss = mt_rand(0,count($DIRECTORY_FALLBACK_SERVERS)); $preferred = $DIRECTORY_FALLBACK_SERVERS[$toss]; set_config('system','directory_server',$preferred); } else{ set_config('system','directory_server',z_root()); } } return array('url' => $preferred); } function check_upstream_directory() { /** * Directories may come and go over time. We will need to check that our * directory server is still valid occasionally, and reset to something that * is if our directory has gone offline for any reason */ $directory = get_config('system','directory_server'); if ($directory) { $r = q("select * from site where site_url = '%s' and (site_flags & %d) > 0 ", dbesc($directory), intval(DIRECTORY_MODE_PRIMARY|DIRECTORY_MODE_SECONDARY|DIRECTORY_MODE_STANDALONE) ); } // If we've got something, it's still a directory. If we haven't, we need to reset and let find_upstream_directory() fix it if (! $r) { set_config('system','directory_server',''); } return; } function dir_sort_links() { $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('dir_sort_links.tpl'), array( '$header' => t('Sort Options'), '$normal' => t('Alphabetic'), '$reverse' => t('Reverse Alphabetic'), '$date' => t('Newest to Oldest') )); return $o; } function dir_safe_mode() { $observer = get_observer_hash(); if (! $observer) return; if ($observer) $safe_mode = get_xconfig($observer,'directory','safe_mode'); if($safe_mode === '0') $toggle = t('Enable Safe Search'); else $toggle = t('Disable Safe Search'); $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('safesearch.tpl'), array( '$safemode' => t('Safe Mode'), '$toggle' => $toggle, )); return $o; } function sync_directories($dirmode) { if($dirmode == DIRECTORY_MODE_STANDALONE || $dirmode == DIRECTORY_MODE_NORMAL) return; $realm = get_directory_realm(); if($realm == DIRECTORY_REALM) { $r = q("select * from site where (site_flags & %d) > 0 and site_url != '%s' and ( site_realm = '%s' or site_realm = '') ", intval(DIRECTORY_MODE_PRIMARY|DIRECTORY_MODE_SECONDARY), dbesc(z_root()), dbesc($realm) ); } else { $r = q("select * from site where (site_flags & %d) > 0 and site_url != '%s' and site_realm like '%s' ", intval(DIRECTORY_MODE_PRIMARY|DIRECTORY_MODE_SECONDARY), dbesc(z_root()), dbesc(protect_sprintf('%' . $realm . '%')) ); } // If there are no directory servers, setup the fallback master // FIXME - what to do if we're in a different realm? if((! $r) && (z_root() != DIRECTORY_FALLBACK_MASTER)) { $r = array( 'site_url' => DIRECTORY_FALLBACK_MASTER, 'site_flags' => DIRECTORY_MODE_PRIMARY, 'site_update' => NULL_DATE, 'site_directory' => DIRECTORY_FALLBACK_MASTER . '/dirsearch', 'site_realm' => DIRECTORY_REALM ); $x = q("insert into site ( site_url, site_flags, site_update, site_directory, site_realm ) values ( '%s', %d', '%s', '%s', '%s' ) ", dbesc($r[0]['site_url']), intval($r[0]['site_flags']), dbesc($r[0]['site_update']), dbesc($r[0]['site_directory']), dbesc($r[0]['site_realm']) ); $r = q("select * from site where (site_flags & %d) > 0 and site_url != '%s'", intval(DIRECTORY_MODE_PRIMARY|DIRECTORY_MODE_SECONDARY), dbesc(z_root()) ); } if(! $r) return; foreach($r as $rr) { if(! $rr['site_directory']) continue; logger('sync directories: ' . $rr['site_directory']); // for brand new directory servers, only load the last couple of days. Everything before that will be repeats. $syncdate = (($rr['site_sync'] === NULL_DATE) ? datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now - 2 days') : $rr['site_sync']); $x = z_fetch_url($rr['site_directory'] . '?f=&sync=' . urlencode($syncdate)); if(! $x['success']) continue; $j = json_decode($x['body'],true); if((! $j['transactions']) || (! is_array($j['transactions']))) continue; q("update site set site_sync = '%s' where site_url = '%s'", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($rr['site_url']) ); logger('sync_directories: ' . $rr['site_url'] . ': ' . print_r($j,true), LOGGER_DATA); if(count($j['transactions'])) { foreach($j['transactions'] as $t) { $r = q("select * from updates where ud_guid = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($t['transaction_id']) ); if($r) continue; $ud_flags = 0; if(is_array($t['flags']) && in_array('deleted',$t['flags'])) $ud_flags |= UPDATE_FLAGS_DELETED; if(is_array($t['flags']) && in_array('forced',$t['flags'])) $ud_flags |= UPDATE_FLAGS_FORCED; $z = q("insert into updates ( ud_hash, ud_guid, ud_date, ud_flags, ud_addr ) values ( '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s' ) ", dbesc($t['hash']), dbesc($t['transaction_id']), dbesc($t['timestamp']), intval($ud_flags), dbesc($t['address']) ); } } } } function update_directory_entry($ud) { logger('update_directory_entry: ' . print_r($ud,true), LOGGER_DATA); if($ud['ud_addr'] && (! ($ud['ud_flags'] & UPDATE_FLAGS_DELETED))) { $success = false; $x = zot_finger($ud['ud_addr'],''); if($x['success']) { $j = json_decode($x['body'],true); if($j) $success = true; $y = import_xchan($j,0,$ud); } if(! $success) { $r = q("update updates set ud_last = '%s' where ud_addr = '%s'", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($ud['ud_addr']) ); } } } /** * @function local_dir_update($uid,$force) * push local channel updates to a local directory server * */ function local_dir_update($uid,$force) { logger('local_dir_update', LOGGER_DEBUG); $p = q("select channel.channel_hash, channel_address, channel_timezone, profile.* from profile left join channel on channel_id = uid where uid = %d and is_default = 1", intval($uid) ); $profile = array(); $profile['encoding'] = 'zot'; if($p) { $hash = $p[0]['channel_hash']; $profile['description'] = $p[0]['pdesc']; $profile['birthday'] = $p[0]['dob']; if($age = age($p[0]['dob'],$p[0]['channel_timezone'],'')) $profile['age'] = $age; $profile['gender'] = $p[0]['gender']; $profile['marital'] = $p[0]['marital']; $profile['sexual'] = $p[0]['sexual']; $profile['locale'] = $p[0]['locality']; $profile['region'] = $p[0]['region']; $profile['postcode'] = $p[0]['postal_code']; $profile['country'] = $p[0]['country_name']; $profile['about'] = $p[0]['about']; $profile['homepage'] = $p[0]['homepage']; $profile['hometown'] = $p[0]['hometown']; if($p[0]['keywords']) { $tags = array(); $k = explode(' ',$p[0]['keywords']); if($k) foreach($k as $kk) if(trim($kk)) $tags[] = trim($kk); if($tags) $profile['keywords'] = $tags; } $hidden = (1 - intval($p[0]['publish'])); logger('hidden: ' . $hidden); $r = q("select xchan_flags from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($p[0]['channel_hash']) ); // Be careful - XCHAN_FLAGS_HIDDEN should evaluate to 1 if(($r[0]['xchan_flags'] & XCHAN_FLAGS_HIDDEN) != $hidden) $new_flags = $r[0]['xchan_flags'] ^ XCHAN_FLAGS_HIDDEN; else $new_flags = $r[0]['xchan_flags']; if($new_flags != $r[0]['xchan_flags']) { $r = q("update xchan set xchan_flags = %d where xchan_hash = '%s'", intval($new_flags), dbesc($p[0]['channel_hash']) ); } $address = $p[0]['channel_address'] . '@' . get_app()->get_hostname(); if(perm_is_allowed($uid,'','view_profile')) { import_directory_profile($hash,$profile,$address,0); } else { // they may have made it private $r = q("delete from xprof where xprof_hash = '%s'", dbesc($hash) ); $r = q("delete from xtag where xtag_hash = '%s'", dbesc($hash) ); } } $ud_hash = random_string() . '@' . get_app()->get_hostname(); update_modtime($hash,$ud_hash,$p[0]['channel_address'] . '@' . get_app()->get_hostname(),(($force) ? UPDATE_FLAGS_FORCED : UPDATE_FLAGS_UPDATED)); }