<?php require_once("boot.php"); function delivery_run($argv, $argc){ global $a, $db; if(is_null($a)){ $a = new App; } if(is_null($db)) { @include(".htconfig.php"); require_once("dba.php"); $db = new dba($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data); unset($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data); } require_once("session.php"); require_once("datetime.php"); require_once('include/items.php'); require_once('include/bbcode.php'); require_once('include/diaspora.php'); load_config('config'); load_config('system'); load_hooks(); if($argc < 3) return; $a->set_baseurl(get_config('system','url')); logger('delivery: invoked: ' . print_r($argv,true), LOGGER_DEBUG); $cmd = $argv[1]; $item_id = intval($argv[2]); $contact_id = intval($argv[3]); // Some other process may have delivered this item already. $r = q("select * from deliverq where cmd = '%s' and item = %d and contact = %d limit 1", dbesc($cmd), dbesc($item_id), dbesc($contact_id) ); if(! count($r)) { return; } // It's ours to deliver. Remove it from the queue. q("delete from deliverq where cmd = '%s' and item = %d and contact = %d limit 1", dbesc($cmd), dbesc($item_id), dbesc($contact_id) ); if((! $item_id) || (! $contact_id)) return; $expire = false; $top_level = false; $recipients = array(); $url_recipients = array(); $normal_mode = true; $recipients[] = $contact_id; if($cmd === 'expire') { $normal_mode = false; $expire = true; $items = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `wall` = 1 AND `deleted` = 1 AND `changed` > UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 30 MINUTE", intval($item_id) ); $uid = $item_id; $item_id = 0; if(! count($items)) return; } else { // find ancestors $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($item_id) ); if((! count($r)) || (! intval($r[0]['parent']))) { return; } $target_item = $r[0]; $parent_id = intval($r[0]['parent']); $uid = $r[0]['uid']; $updated = $r[0]['edited']; if(! $parent_id) return; $items = q("SELECT `item`.*, `sign`.`signed_text`,`sign`.`signature`,`sign`.`signer` FROM `item` LEFT JOIN `sign` ON `sign`.`iid` = `item`.`id` WHERE `parent` = %d ORDER BY `id` ASC", intval($parent_id) ); if(! count($items)) { return; } $icontacts = null; $contacts_arr = array(); foreach($items as $item) if(! in_array($item['contact-id'],$contacts_arr)) $contacts_arr[] = intval($item['contact-id']); if(count($contacts_arr)) { $str_contacts = implode(',',$contacts_arr); $icontacts = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` IN ( $str_contacts ) " ); } if( ! ($icontacts && count($icontacts))) return; // avoid race condition with deleting entries if($items[0]['deleted']) { foreach($items as $item) $item['deleted'] = 1; } if((count($items) == 1) && ($items[0]['uri'] === $items[0]['parent-uri'])) { logger('delivery: top level post'); $top_level = true; } } $r = q("SELECT `contact`.*, `user`.`pubkey` AS `upubkey`, `user`.`prvkey` AS `uprvkey`, `user`.`timezone`, `user`.`nickname`, `user`.`sprvkey`, `user`.`spubkey`, `user`.`page-flags`, `user`.`prvnets` FROM `contact` LEFT JOIN `user` ON `user`.`uid` = `contact`.`uid` WHERE `contact`.`uid` = %d AND `contact`.`self` = 1 LIMIT 1", intval($uid) ); if(! count($r)) return; $owner = $r[0]; $walltowall = ((($top_level) && ($owner['id'] != $items[0]['contact-id'])) ? true : false); $public_message = true; // fill this in with a single salmon slap if applicable $slap = ''; require_once('include/group.php'); $parent = $items[0]; // This is IMPORTANT!!!! // We will only send a "notify owner to relay" or followup message if the referenced post // originated on our system by virtue of having our hostname somewhere // in the URI, AND it was a comment (not top_level) AND the parent originated elsewhere. // if $parent['wall'] == 1 we will already have the parent message in our array // and we will relay the whole lot. // expire sends an entire group of expire messages and cannot be forwarded. // However the conversation owner will be a part of the conversation and will // be notified during this run. // Other DFRN conversation members will be alerted during polled updates. // Diaspora members currently are not notified of expirations, and other networks have // either limited or no ability to process deletions. We should at least fix Diaspora // by stringing togther an array of retractions and sending them onward. $localhost = $a->get_hostname(); if(strpos($localhost,':')) $localhost = substr($localhost,0,strpos($localhost,':')); /** * * Be VERY CAREFUL if you make any changes to the following line. Seemingly innocuous changes * have been known to cause runaway conditions which affected several servers, along with * permissions issues. * */ if((! $top_level) && ($parent['wall'] == 0) && (! $expire) && (stristr($target_item['uri'],$localhost))) { logger('relay denied for delivery agent.'); /* no relay allowed for direct contact delivery */ return; } if((strlen($parent['allow_cid'])) || (strlen($parent['allow_gid'])) || (strlen($parent['deny_cid'])) || (strlen($parent['deny_gid']))) { $public_message = false; // private recipients, not public } $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `blocked` = 0 AND `pending` = 0", intval($contact_id) ); if(count($r)) $contact = $r[0]; $hubxml = feed_hublinks(); logger('notifier: slaps: ' . print_r($slaps,true), LOGGER_DATA); require_once('include/salmon.php'); if($contact['self']) return; $deliver_status = 0; switch($contact['network']) { case NETWORK_DFRN : logger('notifier: dfrndelivery: ' . $contact['name']); $feed_template = get_markup_template('atom_feed.tpl'); $mail_template = get_markup_template('atom_mail.tpl'); $atom = ''; $birthday = feed_birthday($owner['uid'],$owner['timezone']); if(strlen($birthday)) $birthday = '<dfrn:birthday>' . xmlify($birthday) . '</dfrn:birthday>'; $atom .= replace_macros($feed_template, array( '$version' => xmlify(FRIENDIKA_VERSION), '$feed_id' => xmlify($a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $owner['nickname'] ), '$feed_title' => xmlify($owner['name']), '$feed_updated' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $updated . '+00:00' , ATOM_TIME)) , '$hub' => $hubxml, '$salmon' => '', // private feed, we don't use salmon here '$name' => xmlify($owner['name']), '$profile_page' => xmlify($owner['url']), '$photo' => xmlify($owner['photo']), '$thumb' => xmlify($owner['thumb']), '$picdate' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$owner['avatar-date'] . '+00:00' , ATOM_TIME)) , '$uridate' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$owner['uri-date'] . '+00:00' , ATOM_TIME)) , '$namdate' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$owner['name-date'] . '+00:00' , ATOM_TIME)) , '$birthday' => $birthday )); foreach($items as $item) { if(! $item['parent']) continue; // private emails may be in included in public conversations. Filter them. if(($public_message) && $item['private']) continue; $item_contact = get_item_contact($item,$icontacts); if(! $item_contact) continue; $atom .= atom_entry($item,'text',$item_contact,$owner,true); } $atom .= '</feed>' . "\r\n"; logger('notifier: ' . $atom, LOGGER_DATA); $deliver_status = dfrn_deliver($owner,$contact,$atom); logger('notifier: dfrn_delivery returns ' . $deliver_status); if($deliver_status == (-1)) { logger('notifier: delivery failed: queuing message'); // queue message for redelivery q("INSERT INTO `queue` ( `cid`, `created`, `last`, `content`) VALUES ( %d, '%s', '%s', '%s') ", intval($contact['id']), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($atom) ); } break; case NETWORK_OSTATUS : // Do not send to otatus if we are not configured to send to public networks if($owner['prvnets']) break; if(get_config('system','ostatus_disabled') || get_config('system','dfrn_only')) break; // only send salmon if public - e.g. if it's ok to notify // a public hub, it's ok to send a salmon if(($public_message) && (! $expire)) { $slaps = array(); foreach($items as $item) { if(! $item['parent']) continue; // private emails may be in included in public conversations. Filter them. if(($public_message) && $item['private']) continue; $item_contact = get_item_contact($item,$icontacts); if(! $item_contact) continue; if(($top_level) && ($public_message) && ($item['author-link'] === $item['owner-link']) && (! $expire)) $slaps[] = atom_entry($item,'html',$item_contact,$owner,true); } logger('notifier: slapdelivery: ' . $contact['name']); foreach($slaps as $slappy) { if($contact['notify']) { $deliver_status = slapper($owner,$contact['notify'],$slappy); if($deliver_status == (-1)) { // queue message for redelivery q("INSERT INTO `queue` ( `cid`, `created`, `last`, `content`) VALUES ( %d, '%s', '%s', '%s') ", intval($contact['id']), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($slappy) ); } } } } break; case NETWORK_MAIL : if(get_config('system','dfrn_only')) break; // WARNING: does not currently convert to RFC2047 header encodings, etc. $addr = $contact['addr']; if(! strlen($addr)) break; if($cmd === 'wall-new' || $cmd === 'comment-new') { $it = null; if($cmd === 'wall-new') $it = $items[0]; else { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($argv[2]), intval($uid) ); if(count($r)) $it = $r[0]; } if(! $it) break; $local_user = q("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($uid) ); if(! count($local_user)) break; $reply_to = ''; $r1 = q("SELECT * FROM `mailacct` WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($uid) ); if($r1 && $r1[0]['reply_to']) $reply_to = $r1[0]['reply_to']; $subject = (($it['title']) ? $it['title'] : t("\x28no subject\x29")) ; $headers = 'From: ' . $local_user[0]['username'] . ' <' . $local_user[0]['email'] . '>' . "\n"; if($reply_to) $headers .= 'Reply-to: ' . $reply_to . "\n"; $headers .= 'Message-id: <' . $it['uri'] . '>' . "\n"; if($it['uri'] !== $it['parent-uri']) { $header .= 'References: <' . $it['parent-uri'] . '>' . "\n"; if(! strlen($it['title'])) { $r = q("SELECT `title` FROM `item` WHERE `parent-uri` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($it['parent-uri']) ); if(count($r)) { $subtitle = $r[0]['title']; if($subtitle) { if(strncasecmp($subtitle,'RE:',3)) $subject = $subtitle; else $subject = 'Re: ' . $subtitle; } } } } $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\n"; $headers .= 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' . "\n"; $headers .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit' . "\n\n"; $html = prepare_body($it); $message = '<html><body>' . $html . '</body></html>'; logger('notifier: email delivery to ' . $addr); mail($addr, $subject, $message, $headers); } break; case NETWORK_DIASPORA : if($public_message) $loc = 'public batch ' . $contact['batch']; else $loc = $contact['name']; logger('delivery: diaspora batch deliver: ' . $loc); if(get_config('system','dfrn_only') || (! get_config('system','diaspora_enabled')) || (! $normal_mode)) break; if((! $contact['pubkey']) && (! $public_message)) break; if($target_item['verb'] === ACTIVITY_DISLIKE) { // unsupported break; } elseif(($target_item['deleted']) && ($target_item['verb'] !== ACTIVITY_LIKE)) { logger('delivery: diaspora retract: ' . $loc); // diaspora delete, diaspora_send_retraction($target_item,$owner,$contact,$public_message); break; } elseif($target_item['parent'] != $target_item['id']) { logger('delivery: diaspora relay: ' . $loc); // we are the relay - send comments, likes and unlikes to our conversants diaspora_send_relay($target_item,$owner,$contact,$public_message); break; } elseif(($top_level) && (! $walltowall)) { // currently no workable solution for sending walltowall logger('delivery: diaspora status: ' . $loc); diaspora_send_status($target_item,$owner,$contact,$public_message); break; } logger('delivery: diaspora unknown mode: ' . $contact['name']); break; case NETWORK_FEED : case NETWORK_FACEBOOK : if(get_config('system','dfrn_only')) break; default: break; } return; } if (array_search(__file__,get_included_files())===0){ delivery_run($argv,$argc); killme(); }