<?php /** @file */ use Zotlabs\Lib\Cache; function findpeople_widget() { if(get_config('system','invitation_only')) { $x = get_pconfig(local_channel(),'system','invites_remaining'); if($x || is_site_admin()) { App::$page['aside'] .= '<div class="side-link" id="side-invite-remain">' . sprintf( tt('%d invitation available','%d invitations available',$x), $x) . '</div>'; } } $advanced_search = ((local_channel() && feature_enabled(local_channel(),'advanced_dirsearch')) ? t('Advanced') : false); return replace_macros(get_markup_template('peoplefind.tpl'),array( '$findpeople' => t('Find Channels'), '$desc' => t('Enter name or interest'), '$label' => t('Connect/Follow'), '$hint' => t('Examples: Robert Morgenstein, Fishing'), '$findthem' => t('Find'), '$suggest' => t('Channel Suggestions'), '$similar' => '', /// @FIXME fixme and uncomment when mod/match working // t('Similar Interests'), '$random' => t('Random Profile'), '$inv' => t('Invite Friends'), '$advanced_search' => $advanced_search, '$advanced_hint' => "\r\n" . t('Advanced example: name=fred and country=iceland'), '$loggedin' => local_channel() )); } function fileas_widget($baseurl,$selected = '') { if(! local_channel()) return ''; $terms = array(); $r = q("select distinct(term) from term where uid = %d and ttype = %d order by term asc", intval(local_channel()), intval(TERM_FILE) ); if(! $r) return; foreach($r as $rr) $terms[] = array('name' => $rr['term'], 'selected' => (($selected == $rr['term']) ? 'selected' : '')); return replace_macros(get_markup_template('fileas_widget.tpl'),array( '$title' => t('Saved Folders'), '$desc' => '', '$sel_all' => (($selected == '') ? 'selected' : ''), '$all' => t('Everything'), '$terms' => $terms, '$base' => $baseurl, )); } function categories_widget($baseurl,$selected = '') { if(! feature_enabled(App::$profile['profile_uid'],'categories')) return ''; require_once('include/security.php'); $sql_extra = item_permissions_sql(App::$profile['profile_uid']); $item_normal = item_normal(); $key = __FUNCTION__ . "-" . App::$profile['profile_uid']; $content = Cache::get($key, '5 MINUTE'); if (! $content) { $content = Cache::get($key, '1 MONTH'); $arr = [ "SELECT distinct(term.term) FROM term JOIN item ON term.oid = item.id WHERE item.uid = %d AND term.uid = item.uid AND term.ttype = %d AND term.otype = %d AND item.owner_xchan = '%s' AND item.item_wall = 1 AND item.verb != '%s' $item_normal $sql_extra ORDER BY term.term ASC", intval(App::$profile['profile_uid']), intval(TERM_CATEGORY), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), dbesc(App::$profile['channel_hash']), dbesc(ACTIVITY_UPDATE) ]; \Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Summon([ 'Cache_query', $key, base64_encode(json_encode($arr)) ]); } if (!$content) { return EMPTY_STR; } $r = unserialize($content); $terms = []; if($r && count($r)) { foreach($r as $rr) $terms[] = array('name' => $rr['term'], 'selected' => (($selected == $rr['term']) ? 'selected' : '')); return replace_macros(get_markup_template('categories_widget.tpl'),array( '$title' => t('Categories'), '$desc' => '', '$sel_all' => (($selected == '') ? 'selected' : ''), '$all' => t('Everything'), '$terms' => $terms, '$base' => $baseurl, )); } return ''; } function filecategories_widget($baseurl,$selected = '') { $perms = permissions_sql(App::$profile['profile_uid']); $terms = array(); $r = q("select distinct(term.term) from term join attach on term.oid = attach.id where attach.uid = %d and term.uid = attach.uid and term.ttype = %d and term.otype = %d $perms order by term.term asc", intval(App::$profile['profile_uid']), intval(TERM_CATEGORY), intval(TERM_OBJ_FILE) ); if($r && count($r)) { foreach($r as $rr) $terms[] = array('name' => $rr['term'], 'selected' => (($selected == $rr['term']) ? 'selected' : '')); return replace_macros(get_markup_template('categories_widget.tpl'),array( '$title' => t('Categories'), '$desc' => '', '$sel_all' => (($selected == '') ? 'selected' : ''), '$all' => t('Everything'), '$terms' => $terms, '$base' => $baseurl, )); } return ''; } function common_friends_visitor_widget($profile_uid,$cnt = 36) { if(local_channel() == $profile_uid) return; $observer_hash = get_observer_hash(); if((! $observer_hash) || (! perm_is_allowed($profile_uid,$observer_hash,'view_contacts'))) return; require_once('include/socgraph.php'); $t = count_common_friends($profile_uid,$observer_hash); if(! $t) return; $r = common_friends($profile_uid,$observer_hash,0,$cnt,true); return replace_macros(get_markup_template('remote_friends_common.tpl'), [ '$desc' => t('Common Connections'), '$base' => z_root(), '$uid' => $profile_uid, '$linkmore' => (($t > $cnt) ? 'true' : ''), '$more' => sprintf( t('View all %d common connections'), $t), '$items' => $r, ]); };