<?php require_once('include/security.php'); function nuke_session() { new_cookie(0); unset($_SESSION['authenticated']); unset($_SESSION['account_id']); unset($_SESSION['uid']); unset($_SESSION['visitor_id']); unset($_SESSION['administrator']); unset($_SESSION['cid']); unset($_SESSION['theme']); unset($_SESSION['mobile-theme']); unset($_SESSION['page_flags']); unset($_SESSION['submanage']); unset($_SESSION['my_url']); unset($_SESSION['my_address']); unset($_SESSION['addr']); unset($_SESSION['return_url']); } /** * Verify login credentials * * Returns account record on success, null on failure * */ function account_verify_password($email,$pass) { $r = q("select * from account where account_email = '%s'", dbesc($email) ); if(! ($r && count($r))) return null; foreach($r as $record) { if(($record['account_flags'] == ACCOUNT_OK) || ($record['account_flags'] == ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIED) && (hash('whirlpool',$record['account_salt'] . $pass) === $record['account_password'])) { return $record; } } return null; } // login/logout if((isset($_SESSION)) && (x($_SESSION,'authenticated')) && ((! (x($_POST,'auth-params'))) || ($_POST['auth-params'] !== 'login'))) { if(((x($_POST,'auth-params')) && ($_POST['auth-params'] === 'logout')) || ($a->module === 'logout')) { // process logout request call_hooks("logging_out"); nuke_session(); info( t('Logged out.') . EOL); goaway(z_root()); } // if(x($_SESSION,'visitor_id') && (! x($_SESSION,'uid'))) { // $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", // intval($_SESSION['visitor_id']) // ); // if(count($r)) { // $a->contact = $r[0]; // } // } if(x($_SESSION,'uid') || x($_SESSION,'account_id')) { // already logged in user returning $check = get_config('system','paranoia'); // extra paranoia - if the IP changed, log them out if($check && ($_SESSION['addr'] != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { logger('Session address changed. Paranoid setting in effect, blocking session. ' . $_SESSION['addr'] . ' != ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); nuke_session(); goaway(z_root()); } $r = q("select * from account where account_id = %d limit 1", intval($_SESSION['account_id']) ); if(($r) && (($r[0]['account_flags'] == ACCOUNT_OK) || ($r[0]['account_flags'] == ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIED))) { get_app()->account = $r[0]; $login_refresh = false; if(! x($_SESSION,'last_login_date')) { $_SESSION['last_login_date'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC'); } if(strcmp(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now - 12 hours'), $_SESSION['last_login_date']) > 0 ) { $_SESSION['last_login_date'] = datetime_convert(); $login_refresh = true; } authenticate_success($r[0], false, false, false, $login_refresh); } else { $_SESSION['account_id'] = 0; nuke_session(); goaway(z_root()); } } } else { if(isset($_SESSION)) { nuke_session(); } if((x($_POST,'password')) && strlen($_POST['password'])) $encrypted = hash('whirlpool',trim($_POST['password'])); if((x($_POST,'auth-params')) && $_POST['auth-params'] === 'login') { $record = null; $addon_auth = array( 'username' => trim($_POST['username']), 'password' => trim($_POST['password']), 'authenticated' => 0, 'user_record' => null ); /** * * A plugin indicates successful login by setting 'authenticated' to non-zero value and returning a user record * Plugins should never set 'authenticated' except to indicate success - as hooks may be chained * and later plugins should not interfere with an earlier one that succeeded. * */ call_hooks('authenticate', $addon_auth); if(($addon_auth['authenticated']) && (count($addon_auth['user_record']))) { $record = $addon_auth['user_record']; } else { $record = get_app()->account = account_verify_password($_POST['username'],$_POST['password']); if(get_app()->account) { $_SESSION['account_id'] = get_app()->account['account_id']; } else { notice( t('Failed authentication') . EOL); } logger('authenticate: ' . print_r(get_app()->account,true)); } if((! $record) || (! count($record))) { logger('authenticate: failed login attempt: ' . notags(trim($_POST['username'])) . ' from IP ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); notice( t('Login failed.') . EOL ); goaway(z_root()); } // If the user specified to remember the authentication, then change the cookie // to expire after one year (the default is when the browser is closed). // If the user did not specify to remember, change the cookie to expire when the // browser is closed. The reason this is necessary is because if the user // specifies to remember, then logs out and logs back in without specifying to // remember, the old "remember" cookie may remain and prevent the session from // expiring when the browser is closed. // // It seems like I should be able to test for the old cookie, but for some reason when // I read the lifetime value from session_get_cookie_params(), I always get '0' // (i.e. expire when the browser is closed), even when there's a time expiration // on the cookie if($_POST['remember']) { new_cookie(31449600); // one year } else { new_cookie(0); // 0 means delete on browser exit } // if we haven't failed up this point, log them in. $_SESSION['last_login_date'] = datetime_convert(); authenticate_success($record, true, true); } } function new_cookie($time) { $old_sid = session_id(); session_set_cookie_params("$time"); session_regenerate_id(false); q("UPDATE session SET sid = '%s' WHERE sid = '%s'", dbesc(session_id()), dbesc($old_sid)); }