<?php /** @file */ require_once("bbcode.php"); require_once("datetime.php"); require_once("conversation.php"); require_once("oauth.php"); require_once("html2plain.php"); require_once('include/security.php'); require_once('include/photos.php'); require_once('include/items.php'); /* * * Red API. Loosely based on and possibly compatible with a Twitter-Like API but all similarities end there. * */ /** ** TWITTER API */ $API = array(); $called_api = Null; // All commands which require authentication accept a "channel" parameter // which is the left hand side of the channel address/nickname. // If provided, the desired channel is selected before caarying out the command. // If not provided, the default channel associated with the account is used. // If channel selection fails, the API command requiring login will fail. function api_user() { $aid = get_account_id(); $channel = get_app()->get_channel(); if(($aid) && (x($_REQUEST,'channel'))) { // Only change channel if it is different than the current channel if($channel && x($channel,'channel_address') && $channel['channel_address'] != $_REQUEST['channel']) { $c = q("select channel_id from channel where channel_address = '%s' and channel_account_id = %d limit 1", dbesc($_REQUEST['channel']), intval($aid) ); if((! $c) || (! change_channel($c[0]['channel_id']))) return false; } } if ($_SESSION["allow_api"]) return local_channel(); return false; } function api_date($str){ //Wed May 23 06:01:13 +0000 2007 return datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $str, "D M d H:i:s +0000 Y" ); } function api_register_func($path, $func, $auth=false){ global $API; $API[$path] = array('func'=>$func, 'auth'=>$auth); } /** * Simple HTTP Login */ function api_login(&$a){ // login with oauth try { $oauth = new FKOAuth1(); $req = OAuthRequest::from_request(); list($consumer,$token) = $oauth->verify_request($req); // list($consumer,$token) = $oauth->verify_request(OAuthRequest::from_request()); if (!is_null($token)){ $oauth->loginUser($token->uid); $a->set_oauth_key($consumer->key); call_hooks('logged_in', $a->user); return; } echo __file__.__line__.__function__."<pre>"; // var_dump($consumer, $token); die(); } catch(Exception $e) { logger(__file__.__line__.__function__."\n".$e); } // workaround for HTTP-auth in CGI mode if(x($_SERVER,'REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER')) { $userpass = base64_decode(substr($_SERVER["REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER"],6)) ; if(strlen($userpass)) { list($name, $password) = explode(':', $userpass); $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] = $name; $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] = $password; } } if(x($_SERVER,'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION')) { $userpass = base64_decode(substr($_SERVER["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"],6)) ; if(strlen($userpass)) { list($name, $password) = explode(':', $userpass); $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] = $name; $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] = $password; } } if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { logger('API_login: ' . print_r($_SERVER,true), LOGGER_DEBUG); header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Red"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); die('This api requires login'); } // process normal login request require_once('include/auth.php'); $channel_login = 0; $record = account_verify_password($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'],$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']); if(! $record) { $r = q("select * from channel where channel_address = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) ); if ($r) { $x = q("select * from account where account_id = %d limit 1", intval($r[0]['channel_account_id']) ); if ($x) { $record = account_verify_password($x[0]['account_email'],$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']); if($record) $channel_login = $r[0]['channel_id']; } } if(! $record) { logger('API_login failure: ' . print_r($_SERVER,true), LOGGER_DEBUG); header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Red"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); die('This api requires login'); } } require_once('include/security.php'); authenticate_success($record); if($channel_login) change_channel($channel_login); $_SESSION['allow_api'] = true; } /************************** * MAIN API ENTRY POINT * **************************/ function api_call(&$a){ GLOBAL $API, $called_api; // preset $type="json"; foreach ($API as $p=>$info){ if (strpos($a->query_string, $p)===0){ $called_api= explode("/",$p); //unset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']); if ($info['auth'] === true && api_user() === false) { api_login($a); } load_contact_links(api_user()); $channel = $a->get_channel(); logger('API call for ' . $channel['channel_name'] . ': ' . $a->query_string); logger('API parameters: ' . print_r($_REQUEST,true)); $type="json"; if (strpos($a->query_string, ".xml")>0) $type="xml"; if (strpos($a->query_string, ".json")>0) $type="json"; if (strpos($a->query_string, ".rss")>0) $type="rss"; if (strpos($a->query_string, ".atom")>0) $type="atom"; if (strpos($a->query_string, ".as")>0) $type="as"; $r = call_user_func($info['func'], $a, $type); if ($r===false) return; switch($type){ case "xml": $r = mb_convert_encoding($r, "UTF-8",mb_detect_encoding($r)); header ("Content-Type: text/xml"); return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n".$r; break; case "json": header ("Content-Type: application/json"); foreach($r as $rr) $json = json_encode($rr); if ($_GET['callback']) $json = $_GET['callback']."(".$json.")"; return $json; break; case "rss": header ("Content-Type: application/rss+xml"); return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n".$r; break; case "atom": header ("Content-Type: application/atom+xml"); return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n".$r; break; case "as": //header ("Content-Type: application/json"); //foreach($r as $rr) // return json_encode($rr); return json_encode($r); break; } //echo "<pre>"; var_dump($r); die(); } } header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); logger('API call not implemented: '.$a->query_string." - ".print_r($_REQUEST,true)); $r = '<status><error>not implemented</error></status>'; switch($type){ case "xml": header ("Content-Type: text/xml"); return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n".$r; break; case "json": header ("Content-Type: application/json"); return json_encode(array('error' => 'not implemented')); break; case "rss": header ("Content-Type: application/rss+xml"); return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n".$r; break; case "atom": header ("Content-Type: application/atom+xml"); return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n".$r; break; } } /** * RSS extra info */ function api_rss_extra(&$a, $arr, $user_info){ if (is_null($user_info)) $user_info = api_get_user($a); $arr['$user'] = $user_info; $arr['$rss'] = array( 'alternate' => $user_info['url'], 'self' => $a->get_baseurl(). "/". $a->query_string, 'base' => $a->get_baseurl(), 'updated' => api_date(null), 'atom_updated' => datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now',ATOM_TIME), 'language' => $user_info['language'], 'logo' => $a->get_baseurl()."/images/rm-64.png", ); return $arr; } /** * Returns user info array. */ function api_get_user(&$a, $contact_id = null, $contact_xchan = null){ global $called_api; $user = null; $extra_query = ""; if(! is_null($contact_xchan)) { $user = local_channel(); $extra_query = " and abook_xchan = '" . dbesc($contact_xchan) . "' "; } else { if(!is_null($contact_id)){ $user=$contact_id; $extra_query = " AND abook_id = %d "; } if(is_null($user) && x($_GET, 'user_id')) { $user = intval($_GET['user_id']); $extra_query = " AND abook_id = %d "; } if(is_null($user) && x($_GET, 'screen_name')) { $user = dbesc($_GET['screen_name']); $extra_query = " AND xchan_addr like '%s@%%' "; if (api_user()!==false) $extra_query .= " AND abook_channel = ".intval(api_user()); } if (is_null($user) && argc() > (count($called_api)-1) && (strstr($a->cmd,'/users'))){ $argid = count($called_api); list($xx, $null) = explode(".",argv($argid)); if(is_numeric($xx)){ $user = intval($xx); $extra_query = " AND abook_id = %d "; } else { $user = dbesc($xx); $extra_query = " AND xchan_addr like '%s@%%' "; if (api_user() !== false) $extra_query .= " AND abook_channel = ".intval(api_user()); } } } if (! $user) { if (api_user() === false) { api_login($a); return False; } else { $user = local_channel(); $extra_query = " AND abook_channel = %d AND abook_self = 1 "; } } logger('api_user: ' . $extra_query . ', user: ' . $user); // user info $uinfo = q("SELECT * from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash WHERE 1 $extra_query", $user ); if (count($uinfo)==0) { return False; } if(intval($uinfo[0]['abook_self'])) { $usr = q("select * from channel where channel_id = %d limit 1", intval(api_user()) ); $profile = q("select * from profile where uid = %d and `is_default` = 1 limit 1", intval(api_user()) ); $item_normal = item_normal(); // count public wall messages $r = q("SELECT COUNT(`id`) as `count` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND item_wall = 1 $item_normal AND `allow_cid`='' AND `allow_gid`='' AND `deny_cid`='' AND `deny_gid`=''", intval($usr[0]['channel_id']) ); $countitms = $r[0]['count']; } else { $r = q("SELECT COUNT(`id`) as `count` FROM `item` WHERE author_xchan = '%s' AND `allow_cid`='' AND `allow_gid`='' AND `deny_cid`='' AND `deny_gid`=''", intval($uinfo[0]['xchan_hash']) ); $countitms = $r[0]['count']; } // count friends if($usr) { $r = q("SELECT COUNT(abook_id) as `count` FROM abook WHERE abook_channel = %d AND abook_self = 0 ", intval($usr[0]['channel_id']) ); $countfriends = $r[0]['count']; $countfollowers = $r[0]['count']; } $r = q("SELECT count(`id`) as `count` FROM item where item_starred = 1 and uid = %d " . item_normal(), intval($uinfo[0]['channel_id']) ); $starred = $r[0]['count']; if(! intval($uinfo[0]['abook_self'])) { $countfriends = 0; $countfollowers = 0; $starred = 0; } $ret = Array( 'id' => intval($uinfo[0]['abook_id']), 'self' => (intval($uinfo[0]['abook_self']) ? 1 : 0), 'uid' => intval($uinfo[0]['abook_channel']), 'guid' => $uinfo[0]['xchan_hash'], 'name' => (($uinfo[0]['xchan_name']) ? $uinfo[0]['xchan_name'] : substr($uinfo[0]['xchan_addr'],0,strpos($uinfo[0]['xchan_addr'],'@'))), 'screen_name' => substr($uinfo[0]['xchan_addr'],0,strpos($uinfo[0]['xchan_addr'],'@')), 'location' => ($usr) ? $usr[0]['channel_location'] : '', 'profile_image_url' => $uinfo[0]['xchan_photo_l'], 'url' => $uinfo[0]['xchan_url'], //FIXME 'contact_url' => $a->get_baseurl() . "/connections/".$uinfo[0]['abook_id'], 'protected' => false, 'friends_count' => intval($countfriends), 'created_at' => api_date($uinfo[0]['abook_created']), 'utc_offset' => "+00:00", 'time_zone' => 'UTC', //$uinfo[0]['timezone'], 'geo_enabled' => false, 'statuses_count' => intval($countitms), //#XXX: fix me 'lang' => get_app()->language, 'description' => (($profile) ? $profile[0]['pdesc'] : ''), 'followers_count' => intval($countfollowers), 'favourites_count' => intval($starred), 'contributors_enabled' => false, 'follow_request_sent' => true, 'profile_background_color' => 'cfe8f6', 'profile_text_color' => '000000', 'profile_link_color' => 'FF8500', 'profile_sidebar_fill_color' =>'AD0066', 'profile_sidebar_border_color' => 'AD0066', 'profile_background_image_url' => '', 'profile_background_tile' => false, 'profile_use_background_image' => false, 'notifications' => false, 'following' => '', // #XXX: fix me 'verified' => true // #XXX: fix me ); $x = api_get_status($uinfo[0]['xchan_hash']); if($x) $ret['status'] = $x; // logger('api_get_user: ' . print_r($ret,true)); return $ret; } function api_client_register(&$a,$type) { $ret = array(); $key = random_string(16); $secret = random_string(16); $name = trim(escape_tags($_REQUEST['application_name'])); if(! $name) json_return_and_die($ret); if(is_array($_REQUEST['redirect_uris'])) $redirect = trim($_REQUEST['redirect_uris'][0]); else $redirect = trim($_REQUEST['redirect_uris']); $icon = trim($_REQUEST['logo_uri']); $r = q("INSERT INTO clients (client_id, pw, name, redirect_uri, icon, uid) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%d)", dbesc($key), dbesc($secret), dbesc($name), dbesc($redirect), dbesc($icon), intval(0) ); $ret['client_id'] = $key; $ret['client_secret'] = $secret; $ret['expires_at'] = 0; json_return_and_die($ret); } api_register_func('api/client/register','api_client_register', false); function api_item_get_user(&$a, $item) { global $usercache; // The author is our direct contact, in a conversation with us. if($item['author']['abook_id']) { return api_get_user($a,$item['author']['abook_id']); } // We don't know this person directly. $nick = substr($item['author']['xchan_addr'],0,strpos($item['author']['xchan_addr'],'@')); $name = $item['author']['xchan_name']; // Generating a random ID if (is_null($usercache[$nick]) or !array_key_exists($nick, $usercache)) $usercache[$nick] = mt_rand(2000000, 2100000); $ret = array( 'id' => $usercache[$nick], 'name' => $name, 'screen_name' => $nick, 'location' => '', //$uinfo[0]['default-location'], 'description' => '', 'profile_image_url' => $item['author']['xchan_photo_m'], 'url' => $item['author']['xchan_url'], 'protected' => false, 'followers_count' => 0, 'friends_count' => 0, 'created_at' => '', 'favourites_count' => 0, 'utc_offset' => 0, // #XXX: fix me 'time_zone' => '', //$uinfo[0]['timezone'], 'statuses_count' => 0, 'following' => 1, 'statusnet_blocking' => false, 'notifications' => false, 'uid' => 0, 'contact_url' => 0, 'geo_enabled' => false, 'lang' => 'en', // #XXX: fix me 'contributors_enabled' => false, 'follow_request_sent' => false, 'profile_background_color' => 'cfe8f6', 'profile_text_color' => '000000', 'profile_link_color' => 'FF8500', 'profile_sidebar_fill_color' =>'AD0066', 'profile_sidebar_border_color' => 'AD0066', 'profile_background_image_url' => '', 'profile_background_tile' => false, 'profile_use_background_image' => false, 'verified' => true, // #XXX: fix me 'followers' => '' // #XXX: fix me ); return $ret; } /** * load api $templatename for $type and replace $data array */ function api_apply_template($templatename, $type, $data){ $a = get_app(); switch($type){ case "atom": case "rss": case "xml": $data = array_xmlify($data); $tpl = get_markup_template("api_".$templatename."_".$type.".tpl"); $ret = replace_macros($tpl, $data); break; case "json": $ret = $data; break; } return $ret; } /** * Returns an HTTP 200 OK response code and a representation of the requesting user if authentication was successful; * returns a 401 status code and an error message if not. * http://developer.twitter.com/doc/get/account/verify_credentials */ function api_account_verify_credentials(&$a, $type){ if (api_user()===false) return false; $user_info = api_get_user($a); return api_apply_template("user", $type, array('$user' => $user_info)); } api_register_func('api/account/verify_credentials','api_account_verify_credentials', true); function api_account_logout(&$a, $type){ require_once('include/auth.php'); nuke_session(); return api_apply_template("user", $type, array('$user' => null)); } api_register_func('api/account/logout','api_account_logout', false); /** * get data from $_REQUEST ( e.g. $_POST or $_GET ) */ function requestdata($k) { if(array_key_exists($k,$_REQUEST)) return $_REQUEST[$k]; return null; } /* * Red basic channel export */ function api_export_basic(&$a, $type) { if(api_user() === false) { logger('api_export_basic: no user'); return false; } require_once('include/identity.php'); json_return_and_die(identity_basic_export(api_user(),(($_REQUEST['posts']) ? intval($_REQUEST['posts']) : 0 ))); } api_register_func('api/export/basic','api_export_basic', true); api_register_func('api/red/channel/export/basic','api_export_basic', true); function api_channel_stream(&$a, $type) { if(api_user() === false) { logger('api_channel_stream: no user'); return false; } if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { json_return_and_die(post_activity_item($_REQUEST)); } else { // fetch stream } } api_register_func('api/red/channel/stream','api_channel_stream', true); function api_albums(&$a,$type) { json_return_and_die(photos_albums_list($a->get_channel(),$a->get_observer())); } api_register_func('api/red/albums','api_albums', true); function api_photos(&$a,$type) { $album = $_REQUEST['album']; json_return_and_die(photos_list_photos($a->get_channel(),$a->get_observer(),$album)); } api_register_func('api/red/photos','api_photos', true); function api_photo_detail(&$a,$type) { if (api_user()===false) return false; if(! $_REQUEST['photo_id']) return false; $scale = ((array_key_exists('scale',$_REQUEST)) ? intval($_REQUEST['scale']) : 0); $r = q("select * from photo where uid = %d and resource_id = '%s' and scale = %d limit 1", intval(local_channel()), dbesc($_REQUEST['photo_id']), intval($scale) ); if($r) { $data = dbunescbin($r[0]['data']); if(array_key_exists('os_storage',$r[0]) && intval($r[0]['os_storage'])) $data = file_get_contents($data); $r[0]['data'] = base64_encode($data); $ret = array('photo' => $r[0]); $i = q("select id from item where uid = %d and resource_type = 'photo' and resource_id = '%s' limit 1", intval(local_channel()), dbesc($_REQUEST['photo_id']) ); if($i) { $ii = q("select * from item where parent = %d order by id", intval($i[0]['id']) ); if($ii) { xchan_query($ii,true,0); $ii = fetch_post_tags($ii,true); if($ii) { $ret['item'] = array(); foreach($ii as $iii) $ret['item'][] = encode_item($iii,true); } } } json_return_and_die($ret); } killme(); } api_register_func('api/red/photo', 'api_photo_detail', true); function api_group_members(&$a,$type) { if(api_user() === false) return false; if($_REQUEST['group_id']) { $r = q("select * from groups where uid = %d and id = %d limit 1", intval(api_user()), intval($_REQUEST['group_id']) ); if($r) { $x = q("select * from group_member left join xchan on group_member.xchan = xchan.xchan_hash left join abook on abook_xchan = xchan_hash where gid = %d", intval($_REQUEST['group_id']) ); json_return_and_die($x); } } } api_register_func('api/red/group_members','api_group_members', true); function api_group(&$a,$type) { if(api_user() === false) return false; $r = q("select * from groups where uid = %d", intval(api_user()) ); json_return_and_die($r); } api_register_func('api/red/group','api_group', true); function api_red_xchan(&$a,$type) { logger('api_xchan'); if(api_user() === false) return false; logger('api_xchan'); require_once('include/hubloc.php'); if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { $r = xchan_store($_REQUEST); } $r = xchan_fetch($_REQUEST); json_return_and_die($r); }; api_register_func('api/red/xchan','api_red_xchan',true); function api_statuses_mediap(&$a, $type) { if (api_user() === false) { logger('api_statuses_update: no user'); return false; } $user_info = api_get_user($a); $_REQUEST['type'] = 'wall'; $_REQUEST['profile_uid'] = api_user(); $_REQUEST['api_source'] = true; $txt = requestdata('status'); require_once('library/HTMLPurifier.auto.php'); require_once('include/html2bbcode.php'); if((strpos($txt,'<') !== false) || (strpos($txt,'>') !== false)) { $txt = html2bb_video($txt); $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); $config->set('Cache.DefinitionImpl', null); $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config); $txt = $purifier->purify($txt); } $txt = html2bbcode($txt); $a->argv[1] = $user_info['screen_name']; $_REQUEST['silent']='1'; //tell wall_upload function to return img info instead of echo $_FILES['userfile'] = $_FILES['media']; require_once('mod/wall_attach.php'); $posted = wall_attach_post($a); //now that we have the img url in bbcode we can add it to the status and insert the wall item. $_REQUEST['body']=$txt."\n\n".$posted; require_once('mod/item.php'); item_post($a); // this should output the last post (the one we just posted). return api_status_show($a,$type); } api_register_func('api/statuses/mediap','api_statuses_mediap', true); function api_statuses_update(&$a, $type) { if (api_user() === false) { logger('api_statuses_update: no user'); return false; } logger('api_statuses_update: REQUEST ' . print_r($_REQUEST,true)); logger('api_statuses_update: FILES ' . print_r($_FILES,true)); // set this so that the item_post() function is quiet and doesn't redirect or emit json $_REQUEST['api_source'] = true; $user_info = api_get_user($a); // convert $_POST array items to the form we use for web posts. // logger('api_post: ' . print_r($_POST,true)); if(requestdata('htmlstatus')) { require_once('library/HTMLPurifier.auto.php'); require_once('include/html2bbcode.php'); $txt = requestdata('htmlstatus'); if((strpos($txt,'<') !== false) || (strpos($txt,'>') !== false)) { $txt = html2bb_video($txt); $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); $config->set('Cache.DefinitionImpl', null); $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config); $txt = $purifier->purify($txt); $_REQUEST['body'] = html2bbcode($txt); } } else $_REQUEST['body'] = requestdata('status'); $parent = requestdata('in_reply_to_status_id'); if(ctype_digit($parent)) $_REQUEST['parent'] = $parent; else $_REQUEST['parent_mid'] = $parent; if($_REQUEST['namespace'] && $parent) { $x = q("select iid from item_id where service = '%s' and sid = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($_REQUEST['namespace']), dbesc($parent) ); if($x) { $_REQUEST['parent'] = $x[0]['iid']; } } if(requestdata('lat') && requestdata('long')) $_REQUEST['coord'] = sprintf("%s %s",requestdata('lat'),requestdata('long')); $_REQUEST['profile_uid'] = api_user(); if($parent) $_REQUEST['type'] = 'net-comment'; else { $_REQUEST['type'] = 'wall'; if(x($_FILES,'media')) { $_FILES['userfile'] = $_FILES['media']; // upload the image if we have one $_REQUEST['silent']='1'; //tell wall_upload function to return img info instead of echo require_once('mod/wall_attach.php'); $media = wall_attach_post($a); if(strlen($media)>0) $_REQUEST['body'] .= "\n\n".$media; } } // call out normal post function require_once('mod/item.php'); item_post($a); // this should output the last post (the one we just posted). return api_status_show($a,$type); } api_register_func('api/statuses/update','api_statuses_update', true); function red_item_new(&$a, $type) { if (api_user() === false) { logger('api_red_item_new: no user'); return false; } logger('api_red_item_new: REQUEST ' . print_r($_REQUEST,true)); logger('api_red_item_new: FILES ' . print_r($_FILES,true)); // set this so that the item_post() function is quiet and doesn't redirect or emit json $_REQUEST['api_source'] = true; $_REQUEST['profile_uid'] = api_user(); if(x($_FILES,'media')) { $_FILES['userfile'] = $_FILES['media']; // upload the image if we have one $_REQUEST['silent']='1'; //tell wall_upload function to return img info instead of echo require_once('mod/wall_upload.php'); $media = wall_upload_post($a); if(strlen($media)>0) $_REQUEST['body'] .= "\n\n".$media; } require_once('mod/item.php'); $x = item_post($a); json_return_and_die($x); } api_register_func('api/red/item/new','red_item_new', true); function red_item(&$a, $type) { if (api_user() === false) { logger('api_red_item_new: no user'); return false; } if($_REQUEST['mid']) { $arr = array('mid' => $_REQUEST['mid']); } elseif($_REQUEST['item_id']) { $arr = array('item_id' => $_REQUEST['item_id']); } else json_return_and_die(array()); $arr['start'] = 0; $arr['records'] = 999999; $arr['item_type'] = '*'; $i = items_fetch($arr,$a->get_channel(),get_observer_hash()); if(! $i) json_return_and_die(array()); $ret = array(); $tmp = array(); $str = ''; foreach($i as $ii) { $tmp[] = encode_item($ii,true); if($str) $str .= ','; $str .= $ii['id']; } $ret['item'] = $tmp; if($str) { $r = q("select item_id.*, item.mid from item_id left join item on item_id.iid = item.id where item.id in ( $str ) "); if($r) $ret['item_id'] = $r; } json_return_and_die($ret); } api_register_func('api/red/item/full','red_item', true); function api_get_status($xchan_hash) { require_once('include/security.php'); $item_normal = item_normal(); $lastwall = q("SELECT * from item where item_private = 0 $item_normal and author_xchan = '%s' and allow_cid = '' and allow_gid = '' and deny_cid = '' and deny_gid = '' and verb = '%s' order by created desc limit 1", dbesc($xchan_hash), dbesc(ACTIVITY_POST) ); if($lastwall){ $lastwall = $lastwall[0]; $in_reply_to_status_id = ''; $in_reply_to_user_id = ''; $in_reply_to_screen_name = ''; if($lastwall['author_xchan'] != $lastwall['owner_xchan']) { $w = q("select * from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($lastwall['owner_xchan']) ); if($w) { $in_reply_to_user_id = $w[0]['abook_id']; $in_reply_to_screen_name = substr($w[0]['xchan_addr'],0,strpos($w[0]['xchan_addr'],'@')); } } if ($lastwall['parent']!=$lastwall['id']) { $in_reply_to_status_id=$lastwall['thr_parent']; if(! $in_reply_to_user_id) { $in_reply_to_user_id = $user_info['id']; $in_reply_to_screen_name = $user_info['screen_name']; } } unobscure($lastwall); $status_info = array( 'text' => html2plain(prepare_text($lastwall['body'],$lastwall['mimetype']), 0), 'truncated' => false, 'created_at' => api_date($lastwall['created']), 'in_reply_to_status_id' => $in_reply_to_status_id, 'source' => (($lastwall['app']) ? $lastwall['app'] : 'web'), 'id' => ($lastwall['id']), 'in_reply_to_user_id' => $in_reply_to_user_id, 'in_reply_to_screen_name' => $in_reply_to_screen_name, 'geo' => '', 'favorited' => false, 'coordinates' => $lastwall['coord'], 'place' => $lastwall['location'], 'contributors' => '' ); } return $status_info; } function api_status_show(&$a, $type){ $user_info = api_get_user($a); // get last public message require_once('include/security.php'); $item_normal = item_normal(); $lastwall = q("SELECT * from item where item_private = 0 $item_normal and author_xchan = '%s' and allow_cid = '' and allow_gid = '' and deny_cid = '' and deny_gid = '' and verb = '%s' order by created desc limit 1", dbesc($user_info['guid']), dbesc(ACTIVITY_POST) ); if($lastwall){ $lastwall = $lastwall[0]; $in_reply_to_status_id = ''; $in_reply_to_user_id = ''; $in_reply_to_screen_name = ''; if($lastwall['author_xchan'] != $lastwall['owner_xchan']) { $w = q("select * from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($lastwall['owner_xchan']) ); if($w) { $in_reply_to_user_id = $w[0]['abook_id']; $in_reply_to_screen_name = substr($w[0]['xchan_addr'],0,strpos($w[0]['xchan_addr'],'@')); } } if ($lastwall['parent']!=$lastwall['id']) { $in_reply_to_status_id=$lastwall['thr_parent']; if(! $in_reply_to_user_id) { $in_reply_to_user_id = $user_info['id']; $in_reply_to_screen_name = $user_info['screen_name']; } } unobscure($lastwall); $status_info = array( 'text' => html2plain(prepare_text($lastwall['body'],$lastwall['mimetype']), 0), 'truncated' => false, 'created_at' => api_date($lastwall['created']), 'in_reply_to_status_id' => $in_reply_to_status_id, 'source' => (($lastwall['app']) ? $lastwall['app'] : 'web'), 'id' => ($lastwall['id']), 'in_reply_to_user_id' => $in_reply_to_user_id, 'in_reply_to_screen_name' => $in_reply_to_screen_name, 'geo' => '', 'favorited' => false, 'coordinates' => $lastwall['coord'], 'place' => $lastwall['location'], 'contributors' => '' ); $status_info['user'] = $user_info; } return api_apply_template("status", $type, array('$status' => $status_info)); } /** * Returns extended information of a given user, specified by ID or screen name as per the required id parameter. * The author's most recent status will be returned inline. * http://developer.twitter.com/doc/get/users/show */ // FIXME - this is essentially the same as api_status_show except for the template formatting at the end. Consolidate. function api_users_show(&$a, $type){ $user_info = api_get_user($a); require_once('include/security.php'); $item_normal = item_normal(); $lastwall = q("SELECT * from item where 1 and item_private != 0 $item_normal and author_xchan = '%s' and allow_cid = '' and allow_gid = '' and deny_cid = '' and deny_gid = '' and verb = '%s' order by created desc limit 1", dbesc($user_info['guid']), dbesc(ACTIVITY_POST) ); if($lastwall){ $lastwall = $lastwall[0]; $in_reply_to_status_id = ''; $in_reply_to_user_id = ''; $in_reply_to_screen_name = ''; if($lastwall['author_xchan'] != $lastwall['owner_xchan']) { $w = q("select * from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($lastwall['owner_xchan']) ); if($w) { $in_reply_to_user_id = $w[0]['abook_id']; $in_reply_to_screen_name = substr($w[0]['xchan_addr'],0,strpos($w[0]['xchan_addr'],'@')); } } if ($lastwall['parent']!=$lastwall['id']) { $in_reply_to_status_id=$lastwall['thr_parent']; if(! $in_reply_to_user_id) { $in_reply_to_user_id = $user_info['id']; $in_reply_to_screen_name = $user_info['screen_name']; } } unobscure($lastwall); $user_info['status'] = array( 'text' => html2plain(prepare_text($lastwall['body'],$lastwall['mimetype']), 0), 'truncated' => false, 'created_at' => api_date($lastwall['created']), 'in_reply_to_status_id' => $in_reply_to_status_id, 'source' => (($lastwall['app']) ? $lastwall['app'] : 'web'), 'id' => (($w) ? $w[0]['abook_id'] : $user_info['id']), 'in_reply_to_user_id' => $in_reply_to_user_id, 'in_reply_to_screen_name' => $in_reply_to_screen_name, 'geo' => '', 'favorited' => false, 'coordinates' => $lastwall['coord'], 'place' => $lastwall['location'], 'contributors' => '' ); } return api_apply_template("user", $type, array('$user' => $user_info)); } api_register_func('api/users/show','api_users_show'); /** * * http://developer.twitter.com/doc/get/statuses/home_timeline * * TODO: Optional parameters * TODO: Add reply info */ function api_statuses_home_timeline(&$a, $type){ if (api_user() === false) return false; $user_info = api_get_user($a); // get last network messages // params $count = (x($_REQUEST,'count')?$_REQUEST['count']:20); $page = (x($_REQUEST,'page')?$_REQUEST['page']-1:0); if($page < 0) $page = 0; $since_id = (x($_REQUEST,'since_id')?$_REQUEST['since_id']:0); $max_id = (x($_REQUEST,'max_id')?$_REQUEST['max_id']:0); $exclude_replies = (x($_REQUEST,'exclude_replies')?1:0); //$since_id = 0;//$since_id = (x($_REQUEST,'since_id')?$_REQUEST['since_id']:0); $start = $page*$count; //$include_entities = (x($_REQUEST,'include_entities')?$_REQUEST['include_entities']:false); $sql_extra = ''; if ($max_id > 0) $sql_extra .= ' AND `item`.`id` <= '.intval($max_id); if ($exclude_replies > 0) $sql_extra .= ' AND `item`.`parent` = `item`.`id`'; if (api_user() != $user_info['uid']) { $observer = get_app()->get_observer(); require_once('include/permissions.php'); if(! perm_is_allowed($user_info['uid'],(($observer) ? $observer['xchan_hash'] : ''),'view_stream')) return ''; $sql_extra .= " and item_private = 0 "; } $item_normal = item_normal(); $r = q("SELECT * from item WHERE uid = %d $item_normal $sql_extra AND id > %d ORDER BY received DESC LIMIT %d ,%d ", intval($user_info['uid']), intval($since_id), intval($start), intval($count) ); xchan_query($r,true); $ret = api_format_items($r,$user_info); // We aren't going to try to figure out at the item, group, and page // level which items you've seen and which you haven't. If you're looking // at the network timeline just mark everything seen. if (api_user() == $user_info['uid']) { $r = q("UPDATE item SET item_unseen = 0 WHERE item_unseen = 1 and uid = %d", intval($user_info['uid']) ); } $data = array('$statuses' => $ret); switch($type){ case "atom": case "rss": $data = api_rss_extra($a, $data, $user_info); break; case "as": $as = api_format_as($a, $ret, $user_info); $as['title'] = $a->config['sitename']." Home Timeline"; $as['link']['url'] = $a->get_baseurl()."/".$user_info["screen_name"]."/all"; return($as); break; } return api_apply_template("timeline", $type, $data); } api_register_func('api/statuses/home_timeline','api_statuses_home_timeline', true); api_register_func('api/statuses/friends_timeline','api_statuses_home_timeline', true); function api_statuses_public_timeline(&$a, $type){ if (api_user()===false) return false; $user_info = api_get_user($a); $sys = get_sys_channel(); // params $count = (x($_REQUEST,'count')?$_REQUEST['count']:20); $page = (x($_REQUEST,'page')?$_REQUEST['page']-1:0); if ($page<0) $page=0; $since_id = (x($_REQUEST,'since_id')?$_REQUEST['since_id']:0); $max_id = (x($_REQUEST,'max_id')?$_REQUEST['max_id']:0); //$since_id = 0;//$since_id = (x($_REQUEST,'since_id')?$_REQUEST['since_id']:0); $start = $page*$count; //$include_entities = (x($_REQUEST,'include_entities')?$_REQUEST['include_entities']:false); if ($max_id > 0) $sql_extra = 'AND `item`.`id` <= '.intval($max_id); require_once('include/security.php'); $item_normal = item_normal(); $r = q("select * from item where allow_cid = '' and allow_gid = '' and deny_cid = '' and deny_gid = '' and item_private = 0 $item_normal and uid = " . $sys['channel_id'] . " $sql_extra AND id > %d group by mid order by received desc LIMIT %d OFFSET %d ", intval($since_id), intval($count), intval($start) ); xchan_query($r,true); $ret = api_format_items($r,$user_info); $data = array('$statuses' => $ret); switch($type){ case "atom": case "rss": $data = api_rss_extra($a, $data, $user_info); break; case "as": $as = api_format_as($a, $ret, $user_info); $as['title'] = $a->config['sitename']. " " . t('Public Timeline'); $as['link']['url'] = $a->get_baseurl()."/"; return($as); break; } return api_apply_template("timeline", $type, $data); } api_register_func('api/statuses/public_timeline','api_statuses_public_timeline', true); /** * */ function api_statuses_show(&$a, $type){ if (api_user()===false) return false; $user_info = api_get_user($a); // params $id = intval(argv(3)); logger('API: api_statuses_show: '.$id); //$include_entities = (x($_REQUEST,'include_entities')?$_REQUEST['include_entities']:false); $conversation = (x($_REQUEST,'conversation')?1:0); $sql_extra = ''; if ($conversation) $sql_extra .= " AND `item`.`parent` = %d ORDER BY `received` ASC "; else $sql_extra .= " AND `item`.`id` = %d"; $item_normal = item_normal(); $r = q("select * from item where true $item_normal $sql_extra", intval($id) ); xchan_query($r,true); $ret = api_format_items($r,$user_info); if ($conversation) { $data = array('$statuses' => $ret); return api_apply_template("timeline", $type, $data); } else { $data = array('$status' => $ret[0]); /*switch($type){ case "atom": case "rss": $data = api_rss_extra($a, $data, $user_info); }*/ return api_apply_template("status", $type, $data); } } api_register_func('api/statuses/show','api_statuses_show', true); /** * */ function api_statuses_repeat(&$a, $type){ if (api_user()===false) return false; $user_info = api_get_user($a); // params $id = intval(argv(3)); logger('API: api_statuses_repeat: '.$id); //$include_entities = (x($_REQUEST,'include_entities')?$_REQUEST['include_entities']:false); $observer = get_app()->get_observer(); $item_normal = item_normal(); $r = q("SELECT * from item where and id = %d $item_normal limit 1", intval($id) ); if(perm_is_allowed($r[0]['uid'],$observer['xchan_hash'],'view_stream')) { if ($r[0]['body'] != "") { $_REQUEST['body'] = html_entity_decode("♲ ", ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')."[zrl=".$r[0]['reply_url']."]".$r[0]['reply_author']."[/zrl] \n".$r[0]['body']; $_REQUEST['profile_uid'] = api_user(); $_REQUEST['type'] = 'wall'; $_REQUEST['api_source'] = true; require_once('mod/item.php'); item_post($a); } } else return false; if ($type == 'xml') $ok = "true"; else $ok = "ok"; return api_apply_template('test', $type, array('$ok' => $ok)); } api_register_func('api/statuses/retweet','api_statuses_repeat', true); /** * */ function api_statuses_destroy(&$a, $type){ if (api_user()===false) return false; $user_info = api_get_user($a); // params $id = intval(argv(3)); if($id) { // first prove that we own the item $r = q("select * from item where id = %d and uid = %d limit 1", intval($id), intval($user_info['uid']) ); if(! $r) return false; } else { if($_REQUEST['namespace'] && $_REQUEST['remote_id']) { $r = q("select * from item_id where service = '%s' and sid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($_REQUEST['namespace']), dbesc($_REQUEST['remote_id']), intval($user_info['uid']) ); if(! $r) return false; $id = $r[0]['iid']; } if($_REQUEST['namespace'] && $_REQUEST['comment_id']) { $r = q("select * from item_id left join item on item.id = item_id.iid where service = '%s' and sid = '%s' and uid = %d and item.id != item.parent limit 1", dbesc($_REQUEST['namespace']), dbesc($_REQUEST['comment_id']), intval($user_info['uid']) ); if(! $r) return false; $id = $r[0]['iid']; } } if(! $id) return false; logger('API: api_statuses_destroy: '.$id); require_once('include/items.php'); drop_item($id, false); if ($type == 'xml') $ok = "true"; else $ok = "ok"; return api_apply_template('test', $type, array('$ok' => $ok)); } api_register_func('api/statuses/destroy','api_statuses_destroy', true); /** * * http://developer.twitter.com/doc/get/statuses/mentions * */ // FIXME function api_statuses_mentions(&$a, $type){ if (api_user()===false) return false; $user_info = api_get_user($a); // get last network messages // params $count = (x($_REQUEST,'count')?$_REQUEST['count']:20); $page = (x($_REQUEST,'page')?$_REQUEST['page']-1:0); if ($page<0) $page=0; $since_id = (x($_REQUEST,'since_id')?$_REQUEST['since_id']:0); $max_id = (x($_REQUEST,'max_id')?$_REQUEST['max_id']:0); //$since_id = 0;//$since_id = (x($_REQUEST,'since_id')?$_REQUEST['since_id']:0); $start = $page*$count; //$include_entities = (x($_REQUEST,'include_entities')?$_REQUEST['include_entities']:false); $myurl = $a->get_baseurl() . '/channel/'. $a->user['nickname']; $myurl = substr($myurl,strpos($myurl,'://')+3); $myurl = str_replace(array('www.','.'),array('','\\.'),$myurl); $diasp_url = str_replace('/channel/','/u/',$myurl); if (get_config('system','use_fulltext_engine')) $sql_extra .= sprintf(" AND `item`.`parent` IN (SELECT distinct(`parent`) from item where (MATCH(`author-link`) AGAINST ('".'"%s"'."' in boolean mode) or MATCH(`tag`) AGAINST ('".'"%s"'."' in boolean mode) or MATCH(tag) AGAINST ('".'"%s"'."' in boolean mode))) ", dbesc(protect_sprintf($myurl)), dbesc(protect_sprintf($myurl)), dbesc(protect_sprintf($diasp_url)) ); else $sql_extra .= sprintf(" AND `item`.`parent` IN (SELECT distinct(`parent`) from item where ( `author-link` like '%s' or `tag` like '%s' or tag like '%s' )) ", dbesc(protect_sprintf('%' . $myurl)), dbesc(protect_sprintf('%' . $myurl . ']%')), dbesc(protect_sprintf('%' . $diasp_url . ']%')) ); if ($max_id > 0) $sql_extra .= ' AND `item`.`id` <= '.intval($max_id); $r = q("SELECT `item`.*, `item`.`id` AS `item_id`, `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`photo`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`rel`, `contact`.`network`, `contact`.`thumb`, `contact`.`dfrn_id`, `contact`.`self`, `contact`.`id` AS `cid`, `contact`.`uid` AS `contact-uid` FROM `item`, `contact` WHERE `item`.`uid` = %d AND `item`.`visible` = 1 and `item`.`moderated` = 0 AND `item`.`deleted` = 0 AND `contact`.`id` = `item`.`contact-id` AND `contact`.`blocked` = 0 AND `contact`.`pending` = 0 $sql_extra AND `item`.`id`>%d ORDER BY `item`.`received` DESC LIMIT %d ,%d ", intval($user_info['uid']), intval($since_id), intval($start), intval($count) ); $ret = api_format_items($r,$user_info); $data = array('$statuses' => $ret); switch($type){ case "atom": case "rss": $data = api_rss_extra($a, $data, $user_info); break; case "as": $as = api_format_as($a, $ret, $user_info); $as["title"] = $a->config['sitename']." Mentions"; $as['link']['url'] = $a->get_baseurl()."/"; return($as); break; } return api_apply_template("timeline", $type, $data); } api_register_func('api/statuses/mentions','api_statuses_mentions', true); // FIXME?? I don't think mentions and replies are congruent in this case api_register_func('api/statuses/replies','api_statuses_mentions', true); function api_statuses_user_timeline(&$a, $type){ if (api_user()===false) return false; $user_info = api_get_user($a); // get last network messages logger("api_statuses_user_timeline: api_user: ". api_user() . "\nuser_info: ".print_r($user_info, true) . "\n_REQUEST: ".print_r($_REQUEST, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); // params $count = (x($_REQUEST,'count')?$_REQUEST['count']:20); $page = (x($_REQUEST,'page')?$_REQUEST['page']-1:0); if ($page<0) $page=0; $since_id = (x($_REQUEST,'since_id')?$_REQUEST['since_id']:0); $exclude_replies = (x($_REQUEST,'exclude_replies')?1:0); //$since_id = 0;//$since_id = (x($_REQUEST,'since_id')?$_REQUEST['since_id']:0); $start = $page*$count; $sql_extra = ''; if ($user_info['self']==1) $sql_extra .= " AND `item`.`wall` = 1 "; //FIXME - this isn't yet implemented if ($exclude_replies > 0) $sql_extra .= ' AND `item`.`parent` = `item`.`id`'; // $r = q("SELECT `item`.*, `item`.`id` AS `item_id`, // `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`photo`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`rel`, // `contact`.`network`, `contact`.`thumb`, `contact`.`dfrn_id`, `contact`.`self`, // `contact`.`id` AS `cid`, `contact`.`uid` AS `contact-uid` // FROM `item`, `contact` // WHERE `item`.`uid` = %d // AND `item`.`contact-id` = %d // AND `item`.`visible` = 1 and `item`.`moderated` = 0 AND `item`.`deleted` = 0 // AND `contact`.`id` = `item`.`contact-id` // AND `contact`.`blocked` = 0 AND `contact`.`pending` = 0 // $sql_extra // AND `item`.`id`>%d // ORDER BY `item`.`received` DESC LIMIT %d ,%d ", // intval(api_user()), // intval($user_info['id']), // intval($since_id), // intval($start), intval($count) // ); $arr = array( 'uid' => api_user(), 'since_id' => $since_id, 'start' => $start, 'records' => $count); if ($user_info['self']==1) $arr['wall'] = 1; else $arr['cid'] = $user_info['id']; $r = items_fetch($arr,get_app()->get_channel(),get_observer_hash()); $ret = api_format_items($r,$user_info); $data = array('$statuses' => $ret); switch($type){ case "atom": case "rss": $data = api_rss_extra($a, $data, $user_info); } return api_apply_template("timeline", $type, $data); } api_register_func('api/statuses/user_timeline','api_statuses_user_timeline', true); /** * Star/unstar an item * param: id : id of the item * * api v1 : https://web.archive.org/web/20131019055350/https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1/post/favorites/create/%3Aid */ function api_favorites_create_destroy(&$a, $type){ logger('favorites_create_destroy'); if (api_user()===false) return false; $action = str_replace(".".$type,"",argv(2)); if (argc() > 3) { $itemid = intval(argv(3)); } else { $itemid = intval($_REQUEST['id']); } $item = q("SELECT * FROM item WHERE id = %d AND uid = %d", intval($itemid), intval(api_user()) ); if (! $item) return false; switch($action){ case "create": $flags = $item[0]['item_starred'] = 1; break; case "destroy": $flags = $item[0]['item_starred'] = 0; break; default: return false; } $r = q("UPDATE item SET item_starred = %d where id = %d and uid = %d", intval($flags), intval($itemid), intval(api_user()) ); if(! $r) return false; $item = q("SELECT * FROM item WHERE id = %d AND uid = %d", intval($itemid), intval(api_user()) ); xchan_query($item,true); $user_info = api_get_user($a); $rets = api_format_items($item,$user_info); $ret = $rets[0]; $data = array('$status' => $ret); switch($type){ case "atom": case "rss": $data = api_rss_extra($a, $data, $user_info); } return api_apply_template("status", $type, $data); } api_register_func('api/favorites/create', 'api_favorites_create_destroy', true); api_register_func('api/favorites/destroy', 'api_favorites_create_destroy', true); function api_favorites(&$a, $type){ if (api_user()===false) return false; $user_info = api_get_user($a); // params $count = (x($_REQUEST,'count')?$_REQUEST['count']:20); $page = (x($_REQUEST,'page')?$_REQUEST['page']-1:0); if($page < 0) $page = 0; $since_id = (x($_REQUEST,'since_id')?$_REQUEST['since_id']:0); $max_id = (x($_REQUEST,'max_id')?$_REQUEST['max_id']:0); $exclude_replies = (x($_REQUEST,'exclude_replies')?1:0); $start = $page*$count; //$include_entities = (x($_REQUEST,'include_entities')?$_REQUEST['include_entities']:false); $sql_extra = ''; if ($max_id > 0) $sql_extra .= ' AND `item`.`id` <= '.intval($max_id); if ($exclude_replies > 0) $sql_extra .= ' AND `item`.`parent` = `item`.`id`'; if (api_user() != $user_info['uid']) { $observer = get_app()->get_observer(); require_once('include/permissions.php'); if(! perm_is_allowed($user_info['uid'],(($observer) ? $observer['xchan_hash'] : ''),'view_stream')) return ''; $sql_extra .= " and item_private = 0 "; } $item_normal = item_normal(); $r = q("SELECT * from item WHERE uid = %d $item_normal and item_starred = 1 $sql_extra AND id > %d ORDER BY received DESC LIMIT %d ,%d ", intval($user_info['uid']), intval($since_id), intval($start), intval($count) ); xchan_query($r,true); $ret = api_format_items($r,$user_info); $data = array('$statuses' => $ret); switch($type){ case "atom": case "rss": $data = api_rss_extra($a, $data, $user_info); break; case "as": $as = api_format_as($a, $ret, $user_info); $as['title'] = $a->config['sitename']." Home Timeline"; $as['link']['url'] = $a->get_baseurl()."/".$user_info["screen_name"]."/all"; return($as); break; } return api_apply_template("timeline", $type, $data); } api_register_func('api/favorites','api_favorites', true); function api_format_as($a, $ret, $user_info) { $as = array(); $as['title'] = $a->config['sitename']." Public Timeline"; $items = array(); foreach ($ret as $item) { $singleitem["actor"]["displayName"] = $item["user"]["name"]; $singleitem["actor"]["id"] = $item["user"]["contact_url"]; $avatar[0]["url"] = $item["user"]["profile_image_url"]; $avatar[0]["rel"] = "avatar"; $avatar[0]["type"] = ""; $avatar[0]["width"] = 96; $avatar[0]["height"] = 96; $avatar[1]["url"] = $item["user"]["profile_image_url"]; $avatar[1]["rel"] = "avatar"; $avatar[1]["type"] = ""; $avatar[1]["width"] = 48; $avatar[1]["height"] = 48; $avatar[2]["url"] = $item["user"]["profile_image_url"]; $avatar[2]["rel"] = "avatar"; $avatar[2]["type"] = ""; $avatar[2]["width"] = 24; $avatar[2]["height"] = 24; $singleitem["actor"]["avatarLinks"] = $avatar; $singleitem["actor"]["image"]["url"] = $item["user"]["profile_image_url"]; $singleitem["actor"]["image"]["rel"] = "avatar"; $singleitem["actor"]["image"]["type"] = ""; $singleitem["actor"]["image"]["width"] = 96; $singleitem["actor"]["image"]["height"] = 96; $singleitem["actor"]["type"] = "person"; $singleitem["actor"]["url"] = $item["person"]["contact_url"]; $singleitem["actor"]["statusnet:profile_info"]["local_id"] = $item["user"]["id"]; $singleitem["actor"]["statusnet:profile_info"]["following"] = $item["user"]["following"] ? "true" : "false"; $singleitem["actor"]["statusnet:profile_info"]["blocking"] = "false"; $singleitem["actor"]["contact"]["preferredUsername"] = $item["user"]["screen_name"]; $singleitem["actor"]["contact"]["displayName"] = $item["user"]["name"]; $singleitem["actor"]["contact"]["addresses"] = ""; $singleitem["body"] = $item["text"]; $singleitem["object"]["displayName"] = $item["text"]; $singleitem["object"]["id"] = $item["url"]; $singleitem["object"]["type"] = "note"; $singleitem["object"]["url"] = $item["url"]; //$singleitem["context"] =; $singleitem["postedTime"] = date("c", strtotime($item["published"])); $singleitem["provider"]["objectType"] = "service"; $singleitem["provider"]["displayName"] = "Test"; $singleitem["provider"]["url"] = "http://test.tld"; $singleitem["title"] = $item["text"]; $singleitem["verb"] = "post"; $singleitem["statusnet:notice_info"]["local_id"] = $item["id"]; $singleitem["statusnet:notice_info"]["source"] = $item["source"]; $singleitem["statusnet:notice_info"]["favorite"] = "false"; $singleitem["statusnet:notice_info"]["repeated"] = "false"; //$singleitem["original"] = $item; $items[] = $singleitem; } $as['items'] = $items; $as['link']['url'] = $a->get_baseurl()."/".$user_info["screen_name"]."/all"; $as['link']['rel'] = "alternate"; $as['link']['type'] = "text/html"; return($as); } function api_format_message($item, $recipient, $sender) { // standard meta information $ret = array( 'id' => $item['id'], 'created_at' => api_date($item['created']), 'sender_id' => $sender['id'] , 'sender_screen_name' => $sender['screen_name'], 'sender' => $sender, 'recipient_id' => $recipient['id'], 'recipient_screen_name' => $recipient['screen_name'], 'recipient' => $recipient, ); unobscure_mail($item); //don't send title to regular StatusNET requests to avoid confusing these apps if (x($_GET, 'getText')) { $ret['title'] = $item['title'] ; if ($_GET["getText"] == "html") { $ret['text'] = prepare_text($item['body'],$item['mimetype']); } elseif ($_GET["getText"] == "plain") { $ret['text'] = html2plain(prepare_text($item['body'],$item['mimetype']), 0); } } else { $ret['text'] = $item['title']."\n".html2plain(prepare_text($item['body'],$item['mimetype']), 0); } if (isset($_GET["getUserObjects"]) && $_GET["getUserObjects"] == "false") { unset($ret['sender']); unset($ret['recipient']); } return $ret; } function api_format_items($r,$user_info) { //logger('api_format_items: ' . print_r($r,true)); //logger('api_format_items: ' . print_r($user_info,true)); $a = get_app(); $ret = array(); if(! $r) return $ret; foreach($r as $item) { localize_item($item); $status_user = (($item['author_xchan']==$user_info['guid'])?$user_info: api_item_get_user($a,$item)); if(array_key_exists('status',$status_user)) unset($status_user['status']); if($item['parent'] != $item['id']) { $r = q("select id from item where parent= %d and id < %d order by id desc limit 1", intval($item['parent']), intval($item['id']) ); if ($r) $in_reply_to_status_id = $r[0]['id']; else $in_reply_to_status_id = $item['parent']; xchan_query($r,true); $in_reply_to_screen_name = $r[0]['author']['xchan_name']; $in_reply_to_user_id = $r[0]['author']['abook_id']; } else { $in_reply_to_screen_name = ''; $in_reply_to_user_id = 0; $in_reply_to_status_id = 0; } unobscure($item); // Workaround for ostatus messages where the title is identically to the body $statusbody = trim(html2plain(prepare_text($item['body'],$item['mimetype']), 0)); $statustitle = trim($item['title']); if (($statustitle != '') and (strpos($statusbody, $statustitle) !== false)) $statustext = trim($statusbody); else $statustext = trim($statustitle."\n\n".$statusbody); $status = array( 'text' => $statustext, 'truncated' => False, 'created_at' => api_date($item['created']), 'in_reply_to_status_id' => $in_reply_to_status_id, 'source' => (($item['app']) ? $item['app'] : 'web'), 'id' => intval($item['id']), 'in_reply_to_user_id' => $in_reply_to_user_id, 'in_reply_to_screen_name' => $in_reply_to_screen_name, 'geo' => '', 'favorited' => (intval($item['item_starred']) ? true : false), 'user' => $status_user , 'statusnet_html' => trim(prepare_text($item['body'],$item['mimetype'])), 'statusnet_conversation_id' => $item['parent'], ); // Seesmic doesn't like the following content if ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] != 'Seesmic') { $status2 = array( 'updated' => api_date($item['edited']), 'published' => api_date($item['created']), 'message_id' => $item['mid'], 'url' => $item['plink'], 'coordinates' => $item['coord'], 'place' => $item['location'], 'contributors' => '', 'annotations' => '', 'entities' => '', 'objecttype' => (($item['obj_type']) ? $item['obj_type'] : ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE), 'verb' => (($item['verb']) ? $item['verb'] : ACTIVITY_POST), 'self' => $a->get_baseurl()."/api/statuses/show/".$item['id'].".".$type, 'edit' => $a->get_baseurl()."/api/statuses/show/".$item['id'].".".$type, ); $status = array_merge($status, $status2); } $ret[]=$status; }; return $ret; } function api_account_rate_limit_status(&$a,$type) { $hash = array( 'reset_time_in_seconds' => strtotime('now + 1 hour'), 'remaining_hits' => (string) 150, 'hourly_limit' => (string) 150, 'reset_time' => datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now + 1 hour',ATOM_TIME), ); if ($type == "xml") $hash['resettime_in_seconds'] = $hash['reset_time_in_seconds']; return api_apply_template('ratelimit', $type, array('$hash' => $hash)); } api_register_func('api/account/rate_limit_status','api_account_rate_limit_status',true); function api_help_test(&$a,$type) { if ($type == 'xml') $ok = "true"; else $ok = "ok"; return api_apply_template('test', $type, array('$ok' => $ok)); } api_register_func('api/help/test','api_help_test',false); /** * https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1/get/statuses/friends * This function is deprecated by Twitter * returns: json, xml **/ function api_statuses_f(&$a, $type, $qtype) { if (api_user()===false) return false; $user_info = api_get_user($a); // friends and followers only for self if ($user_info['self']==0){ return false; } if (x($_GET,'cursor') && $_GET['cursor']=='undefined'){ /* this is to stop Hotot to load friends multiple times * I'm not sure if I'm missing return something or * is a bug in hotot. Workaround, meantime */ /*$ret=Array(); return array('$users' => $ret);*/ return false; } // For Red, the closest thing we can do to figure out if you're friends is if both of you are sending each other your streams. // This won't work if either of you send your stream to everybody on the network if($qtype == 'friends') $sql_extra = sprintf(" AND ( abook_their_perms & %d )>0 and ( abook_my_perms & %d )>0 ", intval(PERMS_W_STREAM), intval(PERMS_W_STREAM)); if($qtype == 'followers') $sql_extra = sprintf(" AND ( abook_my_perms & %d )>0 and not ( abook_their_perms & %d )>0 ", intval(PERMS_W_STREAM), intval(PERMS_W_STREAM)); $r = q("SELECT abook_id FROM abook where abook_self = 0 and abook_channel = %d $sql_extra", intval(api_user()) ); $ret = array(); foreach($r as $cid){ $ret[] = api_get_user($a, $cid['abook_id']); } return array('$users' => $ret); } function api_statuses_friends(&$a, $type){ $data = api_statuses_f($a,$type,"friends"); if ($data===false) return false; return api_apply_template("friends", $type, $data); } function api_statuses_followers(&$a, $type){ $data = api_statuses_f($a,$type,"followers"); if ($data===false) return false; return api_apply_template("friends", $type, $data); } api_register_func('api/statuses/friends','api_statuses_friends',true); api_register_func('api/statuses/followers','api_statuses_followers',true); function api_statusnet_config(&$a,$type) { load_config('system'); $name = get_config('system','sitename'); $server = $a->get_hostname(); $logo = $a->get_baseurl() . '/images/rm-64.png'; $email = get_config('system','admin_email'); $closed = ((get_config('system','register_policy') == REGISTER_CLOSED) ? 'true' : 'false'); $private = ((get_config('system','block_public')) ? 'true' : 'false'); $textlimit = (string) ((get_config('system','max_import_size')) ? get_config('system','max_import_size') : 200000); if(get_config('system','api_import_size')) $texlimit = string(get_config('system','api_import_size')); $ssl = ((get_config('system','have_ssl')) ? 'true' : 'false'); $sslserver = (($ssl === 'true') ? str_replace('http:','https:',$a->get_baseurl()) : ''); $config = array( 'site' => array('name' => $name,'server' => $server, 'theme' => 'default', 'path' => '', 'logo' => $logo, 'fancy' => 'true', 'language' => 'en', 'email' => $email, 'broughtby' => '', 'broughtbyurl' => '', 'timezone' => 'UTC', 'closed' => $closed, 'inviteonly' => 'false', 'private' => $private, 'textlimit' => $textlimit, 'sslserver' => $sslserver, 'ssl' => $ssl, 'shorturllength' => '30', 'hubzilla' => array( 'PLATFORM_NAME' => PLATFORM_NAME, 'RED_VERSION' => RED_VERSION, 'ZOT_REVISION' => ZOT_REVISION, 'DB_UPDATE_VERSION' => DB_UPDATE_VERSION ) )); return api_apply_template('config', $type, array('$config' => $config)); } api_register_func('api/statusnet/config','api_statusnet_config',false); api_register_func('api/friendica/config','api_statusnet_config',false); api_register_func('api/red/config','api_statusnet_config',false); function api_statusnet_version(&$a,$type) { // liar if($type === 'xml') { header("Content-type: application/xml"); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\r\n" . '<version>0.9.7</version>' . "\r\n"; killme(); } elseif($type === 'json') { header("Content-type: application/json"); echo '"0.9.7"'; killme(); } } api_register_func('api/statusnet/version','api_statusnet_version',false); function api_friendica_version(&$a,$type) { if($type === 'xml') { header("Content-type: application/xml"); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\r\n" . '<version>' . RED_VERSION . '</version>' . "\r\n"; killme(); } elseif($type === 'json') { header("Content-type: application/json"); echo '"' . RED_VERSION . '"'; killme(); } } api_register_func('api/friendica/version','api_friendica_version',false); api_register_func('api/red/version','api_friendica_version',false); function api_ff_ids(&$a,$type,$qtype) { if(! api_user()) return false; // For Red, the closest thing we can do to figure out if you're friends is if both of you are sending each other your streams. // This won't work if either of you send your stream to everybody on the network if($qtype == 'friends') $sql_extra = sprintf(" AND ( abook_their_perms & %d )>0 and ( abook_my_perms & %d )>0 ", intval(PERMS_W_STREAM), intval(PERMS_W_STREAM)); if($qtype == 'followers') $sql_extra = sprintf(" AND ( abook_my_perms & %d )>0 and not ( abook_their_perms & %d )>0 ", intval(PERMS_W_STREAM), intval(PERMS_W_STREAM)); $r = q("SELECT abook_id FROM abook where abook_self = 0 and abook_channel = %d $sql_extra", intval(api_user()) ); if(is_array($r)) { if($type === 'xml') { header("Content-type: application/xml"); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\r\n" . '<ids>' . "\r\n"; foreach($r as $rr) echo '<id>' . $rr['abook_id'] . '</id>' . "\r\n"; echo '</ids>' . "\r\n"; killme(); } elseif($type === 'json') { $ret = array(); header("Content-type: application/json"); foreach($r as $rr) $ret[] = $rr['abook_id']; echo json_encode($ret); killme(); } } } function api_friends_ids(&$a,$type) { api_ff_ids($a,$type,'friends'); } function api_followers_ids(&$a,$type) { api_ff_ids($a,$type,'followers'); } api_register_func('api/friends/ids','api_friends_ids',true); api_register_func('api/followers/ids','api_followers_ids',true); function api_direct_messages_new(&$a, $type) { if (api_user()===false) return false; if (!x($_POST, "text") || !x($_POST,"screen_name")) return; $sender = api_get_user($a); require_once("include/message.php"); // in a decentralised world the screen name is ambiguous $r = q("SELECT `abook_id` FROM `abook` left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash WHERE `abook_channel`=%d and xchan_addr like '%s'", intval(api_user()), dbesc($_POST['screen_name'] . '@%') ); $recipient = api_get_user($a, $r[0]['abook_id']); $replyto = ''; $sub = ''; if (x($_REQUEST,'replyto')) { $r = q('SELECT `parent_mid`, `title` FROM `mail` WHERE `uid`=%d AND `id`=%d', intval(api_user()), intval($_REQUEST['replyto'])); $replyto = $r[0]['parent_mid']; $sub = $r[0]['title']; } else { if (x($_REQUEST,'title')) { $sub = $_REQUEST['title']; } else { $sub = ((strlen($_POST['text'])>10)?substr($_POST['text'],0,10)."...":$_POST['text']); } } $id = send_message($recipient['id'], $_POST['text'], $sub, $replyto); if ($id>-1) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `mail` WHERE id=%d", intval($id)); $ret = api_format_message($r[0], $recipient, $sender); } else { $ret = array("error"=>$id); } $data = Array('$messages'=>$ret); switch($type){ case "atom": case "rss": $data = api_rss_extra($a, $data, $user_info); } return api_apply_template("direct_messages", $type, $data); } api_register_func('api/direct_messages/new','api_direct_messages_new',true); function api_direct_messages_box(&$a, $type, $box) { if (api_user()===false) return false; $user_info = api_get_user($a); // params $count = (x($_GET,'count')?$_GET['count']:20); $page = (x($_REQUEST,'page')?$_REQUEST['page']-1:0); if ($page<0) $page=0; $start = $page*$count; $channel = $a->get_channel(); $profile_url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/channel/' . $channel['channel_address']; if ($box=="sentbox") { $sql_extra = "`from_xchan`='".dbesc( $channel['channel_hash'] )."'"; } elseif ($box=="conversation") { $sql_extra = "`parent_mid`='".dbesc( $_GET["uri"] ) ."'"; } elseif ($box=="all") { $sql_extra = "true"; } elseif ($box=="inbox") { $sql_extra = "`from_xchan`!='".dbesc( $channel['channel_hash'] )."'"; } $r = q("SELECT * FROM `mail` WHERE channel_id = %d AND $sql_extra ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT %d OFFSET %d", intval(api_user()), intval($count), intval($start) ); $ret = Array(); if($r) { foreach($r as $item) { if ($item['from_xchan'] == $channel['channel_hash']) { $sender = $user_info; $recipient = api_get_user($a, null, $item['to_xchan']); } else { $sender = api_get_user($a, null, $item['from_xchan']); $recipient = $user_info; } $ret[]=api_format_message($item, $recipient, $sender); } } $data = array('$messages' => $ret); switch($type){ case "atom": case "rss": $data = api_rss_extra($a, $data, $user_info); } return api_apply_template("direct_messages", $type, $data); } function api_direct_messages_sentbox(&$a, $type){ return api_direct_messages_box($a, $type, "sentbox"); } function api_direct_messages_inbox(&$a, $type){ return api_direct_messages_box($a, $type, "inbox"); } function api_direct_messages_all(&$a, $type){ return api_direct_messages_box($a, $type, "all"); } function api_direct_messages_conversation(&$a, $type){ return api_direct_messages_box($a, $type, "conversation"); } api_register_func('api/direct_messages/conversation','api_direct_messages_conversation',true); api_register_func('api/direct_messages/all','api_direct_messages_all',true); api_register_func('api/direct_messages/sent','api_direct_messages_sentbox',true); api_register_func('api/direct_messages','api_direct_messages_inbox',true); function api_oauth_request_token(&$a, $type){ try{ $oauth = new FKOAuth1(); $req = OAuthRequest::from_request(); logger('Req: ' . var_export($req,true)); $r = $oauth->fetch_request_token($req); }catch(Exception $e){ logger('oauth_exception: ' . print_r($e->getMessage(),true)); echo "error=". OAuthUtil::urlencode_rfc3986($e->getMessage()); killme(); } echo $r; killme(); } function api_oauth_access_token(&$a, $type){ try{ $oauth = new FKOAuth1(); $req = OAuthRequest::from_request(); $r = $oauth->fetch_access_token($req); }catch(Exception $e){ echo "error=". OAuthUtil::urlencode_rfc3986($e->getMessage()); killme(); } echo $r; killme(); } api_register_func('api/oauth/request_token', 'api_oauth_request_token', false); api_register_func('api/oauth/access_token', 'api_oauth_access_token', false); /* Not implemented by now: statuses/retweets_of_me friendships/create friendships/destroy friendships/exists friendships/show account/update_location account/update_profile_background_image account/update_profile_image blocks/create blocks/destroy Not implemented in status.net: statuses/retweeted_to_me statuses/retweeted_by_me direct_messages/destroy account/end_session account/update_delivery_device notifications/follow notifications/leave blocks/exists blocks/blocking lists */