<?php // Set the following for your MySQL installation // Copy or rename this file to .htconfig.php $db_host = 'your.mysqlhost.com'; $db_user = 'mysqlusername'; $db_pass = 'mysqlpassword'; $db_data = 'mysqldatabasename'; // Choose a legal default timezone. If you are unsure, use "America/Los_Angeles". // It can be changed later and only applies to timestamps for anonymous viewers. $default_timezone = 'Australia/Sydney'; // What is your site name? $a->config['sitename'] = "DFRN developer"; // Your choices are REGISTER_OPEN, REGISTER_APPROVE, or REGISTER_CLOSED. // Be certain to create your own personal account before setting // REGISTER_CLOSED. 'register_text' (if set) will be displayed prominently on // the registration page. REGISTER_APPROVE requires you set 'admin_email' // to the email address of an already registered person who can authorise // and/or approve/deny the request. $a->config['register_policy'] = REGISTER_OPEN; $a->config['register_text'] = ''; $a->config['admin_email'] = ''; // Maximum size of an imported message, 0 is unlimited (but our database 'text' element is limited to 65535). $a->config['max_import_size'] = 10000; // Location of PHP command line processor $a->config['php_path'] = 'php'; // Location of global directory submission page. $a->config['system']['directory_submit_url'] = 'http://dir.dfrn.org/submit'; // PuSH - aka pubsubhubbub URL. This makes delivery of public posts as fast as private posts $a->config['system']['huburl'] = 'http://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com';