SchemaSpy Analysis of zot 2015-11-04 - Hubzilla database schema with some corrected cross-table relationships supporting decentralized publishing. Haakon Meland Eriksen. Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on fr nov 06 17:11 CET 2015
Database Type: MySQL - 5.5.45

XML Representation
Insertion Order Deletion Order (for database loading/purging scripts)

Table Children Parents Columns Rows Comments
abook 1 23 685
account 18 2
addon 7 20
app 16 4
attach 3 23 105
auth_codes 5 0
cache 3 334
channel 14 1 48 12
chat 1 5 0
chatpresence 1 6 1
chatroom 11 2
clients 6 0
config 4 83
conv 8 15
dreport 1 9 8 579
event 4 27 12
fcontact 16 0
ffinder 4 0
fserver 4 0
fsuggest 9 0
group_member 1 4 42
groups 3 6 10
hook 5 41
hubloc 14 3 20 2 658
issue 7 0
item 3 73 37 583
item_id 5 194
likes 10 0
mail 2 22 39
manage 1 3 0
menu 7 6
menu_item 11 15
notify 3 15 528
obj 15 0
outq 3 12 660
pconfig 5 719
photo 1 28 5 888
poll 5 0
poll_elm 5 0
profdef 6 0
profext 3 5 0
profile 44 11
profile_check 6 0
register 3 6 0
session 4 71
shares 1 4 0
sign 6 0
site 15 224
source 2 5 0
spam 6 0
sys_perms 5 0
term 6 11 8 980
tokens 6 0
updates 3 7 0
verify 6 0
vote 1 5 0
xchan 35 2 26 2 301
xchat 1 5 9
xconfig 1 5 8
xign 1 3 0
xlink 1 8 4 105
xperm 4 0
xprof 3 15 0
xtag 3 4 0
64 Tables     727 73 946  
0 Views     0