SchemaSpy Analysis of zot - Columns 2015-11-04 - Hubzilla database schema with some corrected cross-table relationships supporting decentralized publishing. Haakon Meland Eriksen. Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on fr nov 06 17:11 CET 2015
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes

zot contains 727 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Comments
clients icon text 65535  √  null
clients name text 65535  √  null
abook abook_account int unsigned 10 0
abook abook_archived tinyint 3 0
abook abook_blocked tinyint 3 0
abook abook_channel int unsigned 10 0
abook abook_closeness tinyint unsigned 3 99
abook abook_connected datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
abook abook_created datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
abook abook_dob datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
abook abook_excl text 65535
abook abook_feed tinyint 3 0
abook abook_flags int 10 0
abook abook_hidden tinyint 3 0
abook abook_id int unsigned 10  √ 
abook abook_ignored tinyint 3 0
abook abook_incl text 65535
abook abook_my_perms int 10 0
abook abook_pending tinyint 3 0
abook abook_profile char 64
abook abook_self tinyint 3 0
abook abook_their_perms int 10 0
abook abook_unconnected tinyint 3 0
abook abook_updated datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
abook abook_xchan char 255
profile about text 65535
account account_created datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
account account_default_channel int unsigned 10 0
account account_email char 255
account account_expire_notified datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
account account_expires datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
account account_external char 255
account account_flags int unsigned 10 0
account account_id int unsigned 10  √ 
mail account_id int unsigned 10 0
account account_language char 16 en
account account_lastlog datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
account account_level int unsigned 10 0
account account_parent int unsigned 10 0
account account_password char 255
account account_password_changed datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
account account_reset char 255
account account_roles int unsigned 10 0
account account_salt char 32
account account_service_class char 32
fcontact addr char 255
profile address char 255
event adjust bit 0 1
attach aid int unsigned 10 0
event aid int unsigned 10 0
item aid int unsigned 10 0
notify aid int 10 0
photo aid int unsigned 10 0
profile aid int unsigned 10 0
term aid int unsigned 10 0
photo album char 255
fcontact alias char 255
attach allow_cid mediumtext 16777215
chatroom allow_cid mediumtext 16777215
event allow_cid mediumtext 16777215
item allow_cid mediumtext 16777215
menu_item allow_cid mediumtext 16777215
obj allow_cid mediumtext 16777215
photo allow_cid mediumtext 16777215
attach allow_gid mediumtext 16777215
chatroom allow_gid mediumtext 16777215
event allow_gid mediumtext 16777215
item allow_gid mediumtext 16777215
menu_item allow_gid mediumtext 16777215
obj allow_gid mediumtext 16777215
photo allow_gid mediumtext 16777215
item app char 255
app app_addr char 255
app app_author char 255
app app_channel int 10 0
app app_created datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
app app_desc text 65535
app app_edited datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
app app_id char 255
app app_name char 255
app app_page char 255
app app_photo char 255
app app_price char 255
app app_requires char 255
app app_sig char 255
app app_url char 255
app app_version char 255
item attach mediumtext 16777215
mail attach mediumtext 16777215
item author_xchan char 255
fcontact batch char 255
item body mediumtext 16777215
mail body mediumtext 16777215
profile book text 65535
config cat char 255
pconfig cat char 255
sys_perms cat char 255
xconfig cat char 255
profile chandesc text 65535
item changed datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
verify channel int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_a_delegate int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_a_republish int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_account_id int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_address char 255
channel channel_allow_cid mediumtext 16777215
channel channel_allow_gid mediumtext 16777215
channel channel_default_group char 255
channel channel_deleted datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
channel channel_deny_cid mediumtext 16777215
channel channel_deny_gid mediumtext 16777215
channel channel_dirdate datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
channel channel_expire_days int 10 0
channel channel_guid char 255
channel channel_guid_sig text 65535
channel channel_hash char 255
channel channel_id int unsigned 10  √ 
likes channel_id int unsigned 10 0
mail channel_id int unsigned 10 0
profext channel_id int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_lastpost datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
channel channel_location char 255
channel channel_max_anon_mail int unsigned 10 10
channel channel_max_friend_req int unsigned 10 10
channel channel_name char 255
channel channel_notifyflags int unsigned 10 65535
channel channel_pageflags int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_passwd_reset char 255
channel channel_primary bit 0 0
channel channel_prvkey text 65535
channel channel_pubkey text 65535
channel channel_r_abook int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_r_pages int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_r_photos int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_r_profile int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_r_storage int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_r_stream int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_removed bit 0 0
channel channel_startpage char 255
channel channel_system bit 0 0
channel channel_theme char 255
channel channel_timezone char 128 UTC
channel channel_w_chat int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_w_comment int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_w_like int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_w_mail int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_w_pages int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_w_photos int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_w_storage int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_w_stream int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_w_tagwall int unsigned 10 0
channel channel_w_wall int unsigned 10 0
profile channels text 65535
chat chat_id int unsigned 10  √ 
chat chat_room int unsigned 10 0
chat chat_text mediumtext 16777215
chat chat_xchan char 255
ffinder cid int unsigned 10
fsuggest cid int 10 0
profile_check cid int unsigned 10 0
auth_codes client_id varchar 20
clients client_id varchar 20
tokens client_id varchar 20
item comment_policy char 255
item commented datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
item comments_closed datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
fcontact confirm char 255
profile contact text 65535
mail conv_guid char 255
mail convid int unsigned 10 0
item coord char 255
profile country_name char 255
chatpresence cp_client char 128
chatpresence cp_id int unsigned 10  √ 
chatpresence cp_last datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
chatpresence cp_room int unsigned 10 0
chatpresence cp_status char 255
chatpresence cp_xchan char 255
chatroom cr_aid int unsigned 10 0
chatroom cr_created datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
chatroom cr_edited datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
chatroom cr_expire int unsigned 10 0
chatroom cr_id int unsigned 10  √ 
chatroom cr_name char 255
chatroom cr_uid int unsigned 10 0
attach created datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
chat created datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
conv created datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
event created datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
fsuggest created datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
item created datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
mail created datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
photo created datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
register created datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
verify created datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
attach creator char 128
conv creator char 255
attach data longblob 2147483647
photo data mediumblob 16777215
session data text 65535
notify date datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
spam date datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
groups deleted bit 0 0
attach deny_cid mediumtext 16777215
chatroom deny_cid mediumtext 16777215
event deny_cid mediumtext 16777215
item deny_cid mediumtext 16777215
menu_item deny_cid mediumtext 16777215
obj deny_cid mediumtext 16777215
photo deny_cid mediumtext 16777215
attach deny_gid mediumtext 16777215
chatroom deny_gid mediumtext 16777215
event deny_gid mediumtext 16777215
item deny_gid mediumtext 16777215
menu_item deny_gid mediumtext 16777215
obj deny_gid mediumtext 16777215
photo deny_gid mediumtext 16777215
event description text 65535
photo description text 65535
profile_check dfrn_id char 255
item diaspora_meta mediumtext 16777215
profile dislikes text 65535
attach display_path mediumtext 16777215
photo display_path mediumtext 16777215
profile dob char 32 0000-00-00
profile dob_tz char 255 UTC
dreport dreport_channel int 10 0
dreport dreport_id int 10  √ 
dreport dreport_mid char 255
dreport dreport_queue char 255
dreport dreport_recip char 255
dreport dreport_result char 255
dreport dreport_site char 255
dreport dreport_time datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
dreport dreport_xchan char 255
attach edited datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
event edited datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
item edited datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
photo edited datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
profile education text 65535
event event_hash char 255
event event_percent smallint 5 0
event event_priority smallint 5 0
event event_repeat text 65535
event event_sequence smallint 5 0
event event_status char 255
event event_status_date datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
event event_vdata text 65535
event event_xchan char 255
profile_check expire int 10 0
session expire bigint unsigned 20 0
auth_codes expires int 10 0
item expires datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
mail expires datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
tokens expires bigint unsigned 20 0
ffinder fid int unsigned 10
profdef field_desc char 255
profdef field_help char 255
profdef field_inputs mediumtext 16777215
profdef field_name char 255
profdef field_type char 16
hook file char 255
attach filename char 255
photo filename char 255
attach filesize int unsigned 10 0
attach filetype char 64
profile film text 65535
event finish datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
attach flags int unsigned 10 0
attach folder char 64
mail from_xchan char 255
hook function char 255
profile gender char 32
group_member gid int unsigned 10 0
conv guid char 255
spam ham int 10 0
attach hash char 64
groups hash char 255
notify hash char 64
profext hash char 255
register hash char 255
photo height smallint 5 0
addon hidden bit 0 0
profile hide_friends bit 0 0
profile homepage char 255
profile hometown char 255
hook hook char 255
profile howlong datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
item html mediumtext 16777215
hubloc hubloc_addr char 255
hubloc hubloc_callback char 255
hubloc hubloc_connect char 255
hubloc hubloc_connected datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
hubloc hubloc_deleted bit 0 0
hubloc hubloc_error bit 0 0
hubloc hubloc_flags int unsigned 10 0
hubloc hubloc_guid char 255
hubloc hubloc_guid_sig text 65535
hubloc hubloc_hash char 255
hubloc hubloc_host char 255
hubloc hubloc_id int unsigned 10  √ 
hubloc hubloc_network char 32
hubloc hubloc_orphancheck bit 0 0
hubloc hubloc_primary bit 0 0
hubloc hubloc_sitekey text 65535
hubloc hubloc_status int unsigned 10 0
hubloc hubloc_updated datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
hubloc hubloc_url char 255
hubloc hubloc_url_sig text 65535
likes i_mid char 255
addon id int 10  √ 
app id int 10  √ 
attach id int unsigned 10  √ 
auth_codes id varchar 40
config id int unsigned 10  √ 
conv id int unsigned 10  √ 
event id int 10  √ 
fcontact id int unsigned 10  √ 
ffinder id int unsigned 10  √ 
fserver id int 10  √ 
fsuggest id int 10  √ 
group_member id int unsigned 10  √ 
groups id int unsigned 10  √ 
hook id int 10  √ 
item id int unsigned 10  √ 
item_id id int unsigned 10  √ 
likes id int unsigned 10  √ 
mail id int unsigned 10  √ 
manage id int 10  √ 
notify id int 10  √ 
pconfig id int 10  √ 
photo id int unsigned 10  √ 
profdef id int unsigned 10  √ 
profext id int unsigned 10  √ 
profile id int 10  √ 
profile_check id int unsigned 10  √ 
register id int unsigned 10  √ 
session id bigint unsigned 20  √ 
sign id int unsigned 10  √ 
spam id int 10  √ 
sys_perms id int unsigned 10  √ 
tokens id varchar 40
verify id int unsigned 10  √ 
xconfig id int unsigned 10  √ 
xign id int unsigned 10  √ 
event ignore bit 0 0
item_id iid int 10 0
likes iid int unsigned 10 0
sign iid int unsigned 10 0
term imgurl char 255
addon installed bit 0 0
profile interest text 65535
profile is_default bit 0 0
attach is_dir bit 0 0
photo is_nsfw bit 0 0
attach is_photo bit 0 0
issue issue_assigned char 255
issue issue_component char 255
issue issue_created datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
issue issue_id int unsigned 10  √ 
issue issue_priority int 10 0
issue issue_status int 10 0
issue issue_updated datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
item item_blocked bit 0 0
item item_consensus bit 0 0
item item_delayed bit 0 0
item item_deleted bit 0 0
item item_flags int 10 0
item item_hidden bit 0 0
item item_mentionsme bit 0 0
item item_nocomment bit 0 0
item item_notshown bit 0 0
item item_nsfw bit 0 0
item item_obscured bit 0 0
item item_origin bit 0 0
item item_pending_remove bit 0 0
item item_private bit 0 0
item item_relay bit 0 0
item item_restrict int 10 0
item item_retained bit 0 0
item item_rss bit 0 0
item item_starred bit 0 0
item item_thread_top bit 0 0
item item_type int 10 0
item item_unpublished bit 0 0
item item_unseen bit 0 0
item item_uplink bit 0 0
item item_verified bit 0 0
item item_wall bit 0 0
cache k char 255
config k char 255
pconfig k char 255
profext k char 255
sys_perms k char 255
xconfig k char 255
fserver key text 65535
profile keywords text 65535
item lang char 64
register language char 16
item layout_mid char 255
likes likee char 128
likes liker char 128
profile likes text 65535
notify link char 255
item llink char 255
profile locality char 255
event location text 65535
item location char 255
mail mail_deleted tinyint 3 0
mail mail_flags int unsigned 10 0
mail mail_isreply tinyint 3 0
mail mail_obscured smallint 5 0
mail mail_recalled tinyint 3 0
mail mail_replied tinyint 3 0
mail mail_seen tinyint 3 0
profile marital char 255
menu menu_channel_id int unsigned 10 0
menu menu_created datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
menu menu_desc char 255
menu menu_edited datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
menu menu_flags int 10 0
menu menu_id int unsigned 10  √ 
menu menu_name char 255
verify meta char 255
item mid char 255
mail mid char 255
item mimetype char 255
menu_item mitem_channel_id int unsigned 10 0
menu_item mitem_desc char 255
menu_item mitem_flags int 10 0
menu_item mitem_id int unsigned 10  √ 
menu_item mitem_link char 255
menu_item mitem_menu_id int unsigned 10 0
menu_item mitem_order int 10 0
notify msg mediumtext 16777215
profile music text 65535
addon name char 255
fcontact name char 255
fsuggest name char 255
groups name char 255
notify name char 255
profile name char 255
fcontact network char 32
fcontact nick char 255
event nofinish bit 0 0
fsuggest note text 65535
fcontact notify char 255
obj obj_channel int unsigned 10 0
obj obj_created datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
obj obj_edited datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
obj obj_id int unsigned 10  √ 
obj obj_imgurl char 255
obj obj_obj char 255
obj obj_page char 64
obj obj_term char 255
item obj_type char 255
obj obj_type int unsigned 10 0
obj obj_url char 255
obj obj_verb char 255
item object text 65535
term oid int unsigned 10 0
attach os_path mediumtext 16777215
photo os_path mediumtext 16777215
attach os_storage bit 0 0
photo os_storage bit 0 0
notify otype char 16
term otype tinyint unsigned 3 0
outq outq_account int unsigned 10 0
outq outq_async bit 0 0
outq outq_channel int unsigned 10 0
outq outq_created datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
outq outq_delivered bit 0 0
outq outq_driver char 32
outq outq_hash char 255
outq outq_msg mediumtext 16777215
outq outq_notify mediumtext 16777215
outq outq_posturl char 255
outq outq_priority smallint 5 0
outq outq_updated datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
item owner_xchan char 255
item parent int unsigned 10 0
notify parent char 255
term parent_hash char 255
item parent_mid char 255
mail parent_mid char 255
register password char 255
profile pdesc char 255
poll_elm pelm_desc text 65535
poll_elm pelm_flags int 10 0
poll_elm pelm_id int unsigned 10  √ 
poll_elm pelm_poll int unsigned 10 0
poll_elm pelm_result float 12 0
fcontact photo char 255
fsuggest photo char 255
notify photo char 255
profile photo char 255
photo photo_flags int unsigned 10 0
photo photo_usage smallint 5 0
item plink char 255
addon plugin_admin bit 0 0
profile politic char 255
fcontact poll char 255
poll poll_channel int unsigned 10 0
poll poll_desc text 65535
poll poll_flags int 10 0
poll poll_id int unsigned 10  √ 
poll poll_votes int 10 0
profile postal_code char 32
item postopts text 65535
fserver posturl char 255
fcontact priority bit 0
hook priority int unsigned 10 0
photo profile bit 0 0
profile profile_guid char 64
profile profile_name char 255
fcontact pubkey text 65535
sys_perms public_perm bit 0 0
item public_policy char 255
profile publish bit 0 0
clients pw varchar 20
item received datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
conv recips mediumtext 16777215
auth_codes redirect_uri varchar 200
clients redirect_uri varchar 200
profile region char 255
profile religion char 255
fcontact request char 255
fsuggest request char 255
item resource_id char 255
photo resource_id char 255
item resource_type char 16
sign retract_iid int unsigned 10 0
attach revision int unsigned 10 0
item revision int unsigned 10 0
profile romance text 65535
item route text 65535
photo scale tinyint 3 0
auth_codes scope varchar 250
tokens scope varchar 200
profile_check sec char 255
tokens secret text 65535
notify seen bit 0 0
fserver server char 255
item_id service char 255
profile sexual char 255
shares share_id int unsigned 10  √ 
shares share_target int unsigned 10 0
shares share_type int 10 0
shares share_xchan char 255
item_id sid char 255
session sid char 255
item sig text 65535
mail sig text 65535
sign signature text 65535
sign signed_text mediumtext 16777215
sign signer char 255
site site_access int 10 0
site site_dead smallint 5 0
site site_directory char 255
site site_flags int 10 0
site site_location char 255
site site_project char 255
site site_pull datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
site site_realm char 255
site site_register int 10 0
site site_sellpage char 255
site site_sync datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
site site_type smallint 5 0
site site_update datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
site site_url char 255
site site_valid smallint 5 0
photo size int unsigned 10 0
item source_xchan char 255
spam spam int 10 0
source src_channel_id int unsigned 10 0
source src_channel_xchan char 255
source src_id int unsigned 10  √ 
source src_patt mediumtext 16777215
source src_xchan char 255
event start datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
conv subject mediumtext 16777215
event summary text 65535
profile summary char 255
item target text 65535
likes target mediumtext 16777215
likes target_id char 128
likes target_type char 255
spam term char 255
term term char 255
term term_hash char 255
item tgt_type char 255
item thr_parent char 255
profile thumb char 255
term tid int unsigned 10  √ 
addon timestamp bigint 19 0
item title text 65535
mail title text 65535
photo title char 255
mail to_xchan char 255
verify token char 255
profile tv text 65535
event type char 255
notify type int 10 0
photo type char 128 image/jpeg
term type tinyint unsigned 3 0
verify type char 32
updates ud_addr char 255
updates ud_date datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
updates ud_flags int 10 0
updates ud_guid char 255
updates ud_hash char 128
updates ud_id int unsigned 10  √ 
updates ud_last datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
attach uid int unsigned 10 0
clients uid int 10 0
conv uid int 10 0
event uid int 10 0
ffinder uid int unsigned 10
fsuggest uid int 10 0
group_member uid int unsigned 10 0
groups uid int unsigned 10 0
item uid int unsigned 10 0
item_id uid int 10 0
manage uid int 10 0
notify uid int 10 0
pconfig uid int 10 0
photo uid int unsigned 10 0
profile uid int 10 0
profile_check uid int unsigned 10 0
register uid int unsigned 10 0
spam uid int 10 0
term uid int unsigned 10 0
tokens uid int 10 0
xign uid int 10 0
cache updated datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
conv updated datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
fcontact updated datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
fcontact url char 255
fsuggest url char 255
notify url char 255
term url char 255
cache v text 65535
config v text 65535
pconfig v mediumtext 16777215
profext v mediumtext 16777215
sys_perms v mediumtext 16777215
xconfig v mediumtext 16777215
item verb char 255
likes verb char 255
notify verb char 255
addon version char 255
groups visible bit 0 0
vote vote_element int 10 0
vote vote_id int unsigned 10  √ 
vote vote_poll int 10 0
vote vote_result text 65535
vote vote_xchan char 255
photo width smallint 5 0
profile with text 65535
profile work text 65535
group_member xchan char 255
manage xchan char 255
photo xchan char 255
xconfig xchan char 255
xign xchan char 255
xchan xchan_addr char 255
xchan xchan_censored bit 0 0
xchan xchan_connpage char 255
xchan xchan_connurl char 255
xchan xchan_deleted bit 0 0
xchan xchan_flags int unsigned 10 0
xchan xchan_follow char 255
xchan xchan_guid char 255
xchan xchan_guid_sig text 65535
xchan xchan_hash char 255
xchan xchan_hidden bit 0 0
xchan xchan_instance_url char 255
xchan xchan_name char 255
xchan xchan_name_date datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
xchan xchan_network char 255
xchan xchan_orphan bit 0 0
xchan xchan_photo_date datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
xchan xchan_photo_l char 255
xchan xchan_photo_m char 255
xchan xchan_photo_mimetype char 32 image/jpeg
xchan xchan_photo_s char 255
xchan xchan_pubforum bit 0 0
xchan xchan_pubkey text 65535
xchan xchan_selfcensored bit 0 0
xchan xchan_system bit 0 0
xchan xchan_url char 255
xchat xchat_desc char 255
xchat xchat_edited datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
xchat xchat_id int unsigned 10  √ 
xchat xchat_url char 255
xchat xchat_xchan char 255
xlink xlink_id int unsigned 10  √ 
xlink xlink_link char 255
xlink xlink_rating int 10 0
xlink xlink_rating_text text 65535
xlink xlink_sig text 65535
xlink xlink_static bit 0 0
xlink xlink_updated datetime 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00
xlink xlink_xchan char 255
xperm xp_channel int unsigned 10 0
xperm xp_client varchar 20
xperm xp_id int unsigned 10  √ 
xperm xp_perm varchar 64
xprof xprof_about text 65535
xprof xprof_age tinyint unsigned 3 0
xprof xprof_country char 255
xprof xprof_desc char 255
xprof xprof_dob char 12
xprof xprof_gender char 255
xprof xprof_hash char 255
xprof xprof_homepage char 255
xprof xprof_hometown char 255
xprof xprof_keywords text 65535
xprof xprof_locale char 255
xprof xprof_marital char 255
xprof xprof_postcode char 32
xprof xprof_region char 255
xprof xprof_sexual char 255
xtag xtag_flags int 10 0
xtag xtag_hash char 255
xtag xtag_id int unsigned 10  √ 
xtag xtag_term char 255