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api.php File Reference


 api_user ()
 api_date ($str)
 api_register_func ($path, $func, $auth=false)
 api_login (&$a)
 api_call (&$a)
 api_rss_extra (&$a, $arr, $user_info)
 api_get_user (&$a, $contact_id=Null)
 api_item_get_user (&$a, $item)
 api_apply_template ($templatename, $type, $data)
 api_account_verify_credentials (&$a, $type)
 api_account_logout (&$a, $type)
 requestdata ($k)
 api_export_basic (&$a, $type)
 api_statuses_mediap (&$a, $type)
 api_statuses_update (&$a, $type)
 api_status_show (&$a, $type)
 api_users_show (&$a, $type)
 api_statuses_home_timeline (&$a, $type)
 api_statuses_public_timeline (&$a, $type)
 api_statuses_show (&$a, $type)
 api_statuses_repeat (&$a, $type)
 api_statuses_destroy (&$a, $type)
 api_statuses_mentions (&$a, $type)
 api_statuses_user_timeline (&$a, $type)
 api_favorites (&$a, $type)
 api_format_as ($a, $ret, $user_info)
 api_format_messages ($item, $recipient, $sender)
 api_format_items ($r, $user_info)
 api_account_rate_limit_status (&$a, $type)
 api_help_test (&$a, $type)
 api_statuses_f (&$a, $type, $qtype)
 api_statuses_friends (&$a, $type)
 api_statuses_followers (&$a, $type)
 api_statusnet_config (&$a, $type)
 api_statusnet_version (&$a, $type)
 api_friendica_version (&$a, $type)
 api_ff_ids (&$a, $type, $qtype)
 api_friends_ids (&$a, $type)
 api_followers_ids (&$a, $type)
 api_direct_messages_new (&$a, $type)
 api_direct_messages_box (&$a, $type, $box)
 api_direct_messages_sentbox (&$a, $type)
 api_direct_messages_inbox (&$a, $type)
 api_direct_messages_all (&$a, $type)
 api_direct_messages_conversation (&$a, $type)
 api_oauth_request_token (&$a, $type)
 api_oauth_access_token (&$a, $type)


 $API = array()
 $called_api = Null

Function Documentation

api_account_logout ( $a,
api_account_rate_limit_status ( $a,
api_account_verify_credentials ( $a,

Returns an HTTP 200 OK response code and a representation of the requesting user if authentication was successful; returns a 401 status code and an error message if not.

api_call ( $a)

Referenced by api_content().

api_direct_messages_all ( $a,
api_direct_messages_box ( $a,
api_direct_messages_conversation ( $a,
api_direct_messages_inbox ( $a,
api_direct_messages_new ( $a,
api_direct_messages_sentbox ( $a,
api_export_basic ( $a,
api_favorites ( $a,
api_ff_ids ( $a,
api_followers_ids ( $a,
api_format_as (   $a,
api_format_messages (   $item,
api_friendica_version ( $a,
api_friends_ids ( $a,
api_help_test ( $a,
api_item_get_user ( $a,

Referenced by api_format_items().

api_login ( $a)

Simple HTTP Login

Referenced by api_call(), and api_get_user().

api_oauth_access_token ( $a,
api_oauth_request_token ( $a,
api_register_func (   $path,
  $auth = false 
api_status_show ( $a,
api_statuses_destroy ( $a,
api_statuses_f ( $a,
) This function is deprecated by Twitter returns: json, xml

Referenced by api_statuses_followers(), and api_statuses_friends().

api_statuses_followers ( $a,
api_statuses_friends ( $a,
api_statuses_home_timeline ( $a,

TODO: Optional parameters TODO: Add reply info

api_statuses_mediap ( $a,
api_statuses_mentions ( $a,
api_statuses_public_timeline ( $a,
api_statuses_repeat ( $a,
api_statuses_show ( $a,
api_statuses_update ( $a,
api_statuses_user_timeline ( $a,
api_statusnet_config ( $a,
api_statusnet_version ( $a,
api_users_show ( $a,

Returns extended information of a given user, specified by ID or screen name as per the required id parameter. The author's most recent status will be returned inline.

requestdata (   $k)

get data from $_REQUEST ( e.g. $_POST or $_GET )

Referenced by api_statuses_mediap(), and api_statuses_update().

Variable Documentation

$API = array()


Referenced by api_call(), and api_register_func().

$called_api = Null

Referenced by api_call(), and api_get_user().