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conversation.php File Reference


 item_extract_images ($body)
 item_redir_and_replace_images ($body, $images, $cid)
 localize_item (&$item)
 count_descendants ($item)
 visible_activity ($item)
 conversation (&$a, $items, $mode, $update, $page_mode= 'traditional', $prepared_item= '')
 best_link_url ($item)
 item_photo_menu ($item)
 builtin_activity_puller ($item, &$conv_responses)
 Checks item to see if it is one of the builtin activities (like/dislike, event attendance, consensus items, etc.) Increments the count of each matching activity and adds a link to the author as needed. More...
 format_like ($cnt, $arr, $type, $id)
 status_editor ($a, $x, $popup=false)
 get_item_children ($arr, $parent)
 sort_item_children ($items)
 add_children_to_list ($children, &$arr)
 conv_sort ($arr, $order)
 sort_thr_created ($a, $b)
 sort_thr_created_rev ($a, $b)
 sort_thr_commented ($a, $b)
 find_thread_parent_index ($arr, $x)
 format_location ($item)
 render_location_default ($item)
 prepare_page ($item)
 network_tabs ()
 profile_tabs ($a, $is_owner=False, $nickname=Null)
 get_responses ($conv_responses, $response_verbs, $ob, $item)
 get_response_button_text ($v, $count)

Function Documentation

add_children_to_list (   $children,
best_link_url (   $item)

Referenced by conversation().

builtin_activity_puller (   $item,

Checks item to see if it is one of the builtin activities (like/dislike, event attendance, consensus items, etc.) Increments the count of each matching activity and adds a link to the author as needed.

array$a(not used)
array&$conv_responses(already created with builtin activity structure)

Referenced by conversation().

conv_sort (   $arr,
conversation ( $a,
  $page_mode = 'traditional',
  $prepared_item = '' 

"Render" a conversation or list of items for HTML display. There are two major forms of display:

  • Sequential or unthreaded ("New Item View" or search results)
  • conversation view The $mode parameter decides between the various renderings and also figures out how to determine page owner and other contextual items that are based on unique features of the calling module.

Referenced by channel_content(), display_content(), home_content(), item_post(), network_content(), Item\remove_parent(), search_content(), and Item\set_conversation().

count_descendants (   $item)

Count the total of comments on this item and its desendants

find_thread_parent_index (   $arr,
format_like (   $cnt,

Referenced by Item\get_template_data().

format_location (   $item)
get_item_children (   $arr,
get_response_button_text (   $v,
get_responses (   $conv_responses,

Referenced by Item\get_template_data().

item_extract_images (   $body)
item_photo_menu (   $item)
item_redir_and_replace_images (   $body,
localize_item ( $item)
network_tabs ( )

Referenced by network_content().

prepare_page (   $item)
render_location_default (   $item)
sort_item_children (   $items)
sort_thr_commented (   $a,
sort_thr_created (   $a,
sort_thr_created_rev (   $a,
status_editor (   $a,
  $popup = false 