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photo_imagick Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for photo_imagick:

Public Member Functions

 supportedTypes ()
 get_FormatsMap ()
 load ($data, $type)
 destroy ()
 setDimensions ()
 getImage ()
 doScaleImage ($dest_width, $dest_height)
 rotate ($degrees)
 flip ($horiz=true, $vert=false)
 cropImage ($max, $x, $y, $w, $h)
 imageString ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from photo_driver
 supportedTypes ()
 load ($data, $type)
 destroy ()
 setDimensions ()
 getImage ()
 doScaleImage ($new_width, $new_height)
 rotate ($degrees)
 flip ($horiz=true, $vert=false)
 cropImage ($max, $x, $y, $w, $h)
 imageString ()
 __construct ($data, $type='')
 __destruct ()
 is_valid ()
 getWidth ()
 getHeight ()
 saveImage ($path)
 getType ()
 getExt ()
 scaleImage ($max)
 scaleImageUp ($min)
 scaleImageSquare ($dim)
 orient ($filename)
 store ($aid, $uid, $xchan, $rid, $filename, $album, $scale, $profile=0, $allow_cid= '', $allow_gid= '', $deny_cid= '', $deny_gid= '')

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from photo_driver

Member Function Documentation

photo_imagick::cropImage (   $max,

We need to remove the canvas, or the image is not resized to the crop:

photo_imagick::destroy ( )
photo_imagick::doScaleImage (   $dest_width,

If it is not animated, there will be only one iteration here, so don't bother checking

Referenced by cropImage().

photo_imagick::flip (   $horiz = true,
  $vert = false 
photo_imagick::get_FormatsMap ( )

Referenced by load().

photo_imagick::getImage ( )
photo_imagick::imageString ( )
photo_imagick::load (   $data,

Setup the image to the format it will be saved to

setup the compression here, so we'll do it only once


'For the MNG and PNG image formats, the quality value sets the zlib compression level (quality / 10) and filter-type (quality % 10). The default PNG "quality" is 75, which means compression level 7 with adaptive PNG filtering, unless the image has a color map, in which case it means compression level 7 with no PNG filtering'

photo_imagick::rotate (   $degrees)
photo_imagick::setDimensions ( )

Referenced by doScaleImage(), flip(), load(), and rotate().

photo_imagick::supportedTypes ( )

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