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account.php File Reference


 check_account_email ($email)
 check_account_password ($password)
 check_account_invite ($invite_code)
 check_account_admin ($arr)
 account_total ()
 create_account ($arr)
 send_reg_approval_email ($arr)
 send_verification_email ($email, $password)
 user_allow ($hash)
 user_deny ($hash)

Function Documentation

account_total ( )

Referenced by create_account(), and zfinger_init().

check_account_admin (   $arr)

Referenced by create_account().

check_account_email (   $email)

Referenced by create_account(), and register_init().

check_account_invite (   $invite_code)

Referenced by create_account(), and register_init().

check_account_password (   $password)

Referenced by create_account(), and register_init().

create_account (   $arr)

Referenced by register_post().

send_reg_approval_email (   $arr)

Referenced by register_post().

send_verification_email (   $email,

Referenced by register_post().

user_allow (   $hash)
user_deny (   $hash)