- [b]bold[/b] - bold
- [i]italic[/i] - italic
- [u]underlined[/u] - underlined
- [s]strike[/s] -
- [color=red]red[/color] - red
- [url=https://redmatrix.me]Red Matrix[/url] Red Matrix
- [img]https://redmatrix.me/images/default_profile_photos/rainbow_man/48.jpg[/img]

- [img float=left]https://redmatrix.me/images/default_profile_photos/rainbow_man/48.jpg[/img]

- [img float=right]https://redmatrix.me/images/default_profile_photos/rainbow_man/48.jpg[/img]

- [code]code[/code]
- [quote]quote[/quote]
- [quote=Author]Author? Me? No, no, no...[/quote]
Author wrote:Author? Me? No, no, no...
- [nobb] may be used to escape bbcode.
You can make lists with:
- [list]
- [list=1]
- [list=i]
- [list=I]
- [list=a]
- [list=A]
- [ul]
- [ol]
For example:
[*] First list element
[*] Second list element
Will render something like:
- First list element
- Second list element
There's also:
- [hr]
- [video]video URL[/video]
- [audio]audio URL[/audio]
- [table]
- [th]
- [td]
- [tr]
- [center]
- [font=courier]some text[/font] some text
Tables? Yes!
[table border=1]
[th]Tables now[/th]
[td]Have headers[/td]
All sizes,
From the [size=xx-small] -
To the [size=xx-large] -
To fit exactly
20px use [size=20].
Red Matrix specific codes
- [©] © This works for many HTML entities
- [zrl]https://redmatrix.me[/zrl] Magic-auth version of [url] tag
- [zmg]https://redmatrix.me/some/photo.jpg[/zmg] Magic-auth version of [img] tag
- [observer=1]Text to display if observer is authenticated in the matrix[/observer]
- [observer=0]Text to display if observer is not authenticated in the matrix[/observer]
- [observer.baseurl] website of observer
- [observer.url] channel URL of observer
- [observer.name] name of observer
- [observer.address] address (zot-id) of observer
- [observer.photo] profile photo of observer
- [spoiler] for hiding spoilers
- [rpost=title]Text to post[/rpost] The observer will be returned to their home hub to enter a post with the specified title and body. Both are optional
- [qr]text to post[/qr] - create a QR code.
#include doc/macros/main_footer.bb;