Core Widgets ============ Some/many of these widgets have restrictions which may restrict the type of page where they may appear or may require login * clock - displays the current time * args: military (1 or 0) - use 24 hour time as opposed to AM/PM <br /> <br /> * profile - displays a profile sidebar on pages which load profiles (pages with nickname in the URL) * tagcloud - display a tagcloud of webpage items * args: count - number of items to return (default 24) <br /> <br /> * collections - collection selector for the current logged in channel * args: mode - one of "conversation", "group", "abook" depending on module <br /> <br /> * suggestions - friend suggestions for the current logged on channel * follow - presents a text box for following another channel * notes - private notes area for the current logged in channel if private_notes feature is enabled * savedsearch - network/matrix search with save - must be logged in and savedsearch feature enabled * filer - select filed items from network/matrix stream - must be logged in * archive - date range selector for network and channel pages * args: 'wall' - 1 or 0, limit to wall posts or network/matrix posts (default) <br /> <br /> * fullprofile - same as profile currently * categories - categories filter (channel page) * tagcloud_wall - tagcloud for channel page only * args: 'limit' - number of tags to return (default 50) <br /> <br /> * catcloud_wall - tagcloud for channel page categories * args: 'limit' - number of categories to return (default 50) <br /> <br /> * affinity - affinity slider for network page - must be logged in * settings_menu - sidebar menu for settings page, must be logged in * mailmenu - sidebar menu for private message page - must be logged in * design_tools - design tools menu for webpage building pages, must be logged in * findpeople - tools to find other channels * photo_albums - list photo albums of the current page owner with a selector menu * vcard - mini profile sidebar for the person of interest (page owner, whatever) * dirsafemode - directory selection tool - only on directory pages * dirsort - directory selection tool - only on directory pages * dirtags - directory tool - only on directory pages * menu_preview - preview a menu - only on menu edit pages * chatroom_list - list of chatrooms for the page owner * bookmarkedchats - list of bookmarked chatrooms collected on this site for the current observer * suggestedchats - "interesting" chatrooms chosen for the current observer * item - displays a single webpage item by mid * args: mid - message_id of webpage to display <br /> <br /> * photo - display a single photo * args: * url - URL of photo, must be http or https * zrl - use zid authenticated link * style - CSS style string <br /> <br /> * photo_rand - display a random photo from one of your photo albums. Photo permissions are honoured * args: * album - album name (very strongly recommended if you have lots of photos) * scale - typically 0 (original size), 1 (640px), or 2 (320px) * style - CSS style string * channel_id - if not your own <br /> <br /> * random_block - display a random block element from your webpage design tools collection. Permissions are honoured. * args: * contains - only return blocks which include the contains string in the block name * channel_id - if not your own <br /> <br /> Creating New Widgets ==================== If you want a widget named 'slugfish', create widget/slugfish.php containing <?php function widget_slugfish($args) { .. widget code goes here } #include doc/macros/;