Creating a Derived Theme ======================== **Lesson 1** A derived theme takes most of the settings from its "parent" theme and lets you change a few things to your liking without creating an entire theme package. To create a derived theme, first choose a name. For our example we'll call our theme 'mytheme'. Hopefully you'll be a bit more creative. But throughout this document, wherever you see 'mytheme', replace that with the name you chose. **Directory Structure** First you need to create a theme directory structure. We'll keep it simple. We need a php directory and a css directory. Here are the Unix/Linux commands to do this. Assume that 'mywebsite' is your top level Hubzilla folder. cd mywebsite mkdir view/theme/mytheme mkdir view/theme/mytheme/css mkdir view/theme/mytheme/php Great. Now we need a couple of files. The first one is your theme info file, which describes the theme. It will be called view/theme/mytheme/php/theme.php (clever name huh?) Inside it, put the following information - edit as needed theme_info['extends'] = 'redbasic'; } Remember to rename the mytheme_init function with your theme name. In this case we will be extending the theme 'redbasic'. Now create another file. We call this a PCSS file, but it's really a PHP file. The file is called view/theme/mytheme/php/style.php In it, put the following: Display Settings as their default theme. #include doc/macros/;