<?php namespace Zotlabs\Zot6; use Zotlabs\Lib\Config; use Zotlabs\Lib\Libzot; use Zotlabs\Web\HTTPSig; class Receiver { protected $data; protected $encrypted; protected $error; protected $messagetype; protected $sender; protected $site_id; protected $validated; protected $recipients; protected $response; protected $handler; protected $prvkey; protected $rawdata; protected $sigdata; function __construct($handler, $localdata = null) { $this->error = false; $this->validated = false; $this->messagetype = ''; $this->response = [ 'success' => false ]; $this->handler = $handler; $this->data = null; $this->rawdata = null; $this->site_id = null; $this->prvkey = Config::get('system','prvkey'); if($localdata) { $this->rawdata = $localdata; } else { $this->rawdata = file_get_contents('php://input'); // All access to the zot endpoint must use http signatures if (! $this->Valid_Httpsig()) { logger('signature failed'); $this->error = true; $this->response['message'] = 'signature invalid'; return; } } logger('received raw: ' . print_r($this->rawdata,true), LOGGER_DATA); if ($this->rawdata) { $this->data = json_decode($this->rawdata,true); } else { $this->error = true; $this->response['message'] = 'no data'; } logger('received_json: ' . json_encode($this->data,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES), LOGGER_DATA); logger('received: ' . print_r($this->data,true), LOGGER_DATA); if ($this->data && is_array($this->data)) { $this->encrypted = ((array_key_exists('encrypted',$this->data) && intval($this->data['encrypted'])) ? true : false); if ($this->encrypted && $this->prvkey) { $uncrypted = crypto_unencapsulate($this->data,$this->prvkey); if ($uncrypted) { $this->data = json_decode($uncrypted,true); } else { $this->error = true; $this->response['message'] = 'no data'; } } } } function run() { if ($this->error) { // make timing attacks on the decryption engine a bit more difficult usleep(mt_rand(10000,100000)); return($this->response); } if ($this->data) { if (array_key_exists('type',$this->data)) { $this->messagetype = $this->data['type']; } if (! $this->messagetype) { $this->error = true; $this->response['message'] = 'no datatype'; return $this->response; } $this->sender = ((array_key_exists('sender',$this->data)) ? $this->data['sender'] : null); $this->recipients = ((array_key_exists('recipients',$this->data)) ? $this->data['recipients'] : null); $this->site_id = ((array_key_exists('site_id',$this->data)) ? $this->data['site_id'] : null); } if ($this->sender) { $result = $this->ValidateSender(); if (! $result) { $this->error = true; return $this->response; } } return $this->Dispatch(); } function ValidateSender() { $hub = Libzot::valid_hub($this->sender,$this->site_id); if (! $hub) { $x = Libzot::register_hub($this->sigdata['signer']); if($x['success']) { $hub = Libzot::valid_hub($this->sender,$this->site_id); } if(! $hub) { $this->response['message'] = 'sender unknown'; return false; } } if (! check_siteallowed($hub['hubloc_url'])) { $this->response['message'] = 'forbidden'; return false; } if (! check_channelallowed($this->sender)) { $this->response['message'] = 'forbidden'; return false; } Libzot::update_hub_connected($hub,$this->site_id); $this->validated = true; $this->hub = $hub; return true; } function Valid_Httpsig() { $result = false; $this->sigdata = HTTPSig::verify($this->rawdata, EMPTY_STR, 'zot6'); if ($this->sigdata && $this->sigdata['header_signed'] && $this->sigdata['header_valid']) { $result = true; // It is OK to not have signed content - not all messages provide content. // But if it is signed, it has to be valid if (($this->sigdata['content_signed']) && (! $this->sigdata['content_valid'])) { $result = false; } } return $result; } function Dispatch() { switch ($this->messagetype) { case 'request': $this->response = $this->handler->Request($this->data,$this->hub); break; case 'purge': $this->response = $this->handler->Purge($this->sender,$this->recipients,$this->hub); break; case 'refresh': $this->response = $this->handler->Refresh($this->sender,$this->recipients,$this->hub); break; case 'rekey': $this->response = $this->handler->Rekey($this->sender, $this->data,$this->hub); break; case 'activity': case 'response': // upstream message case 'sync': default: if ($this->sender) { $this->response = $this->handler->Notify($this->data,$this->hub); } break; } logger('response_to_return: ' . print_r($this->response,true),LOGGER_DATA); if ($this->encrypted) { $this->EncryptResponse(); } return($this->response); } function EncryptResponse() { $algorithm = Libzot::best_algorithm($this->hub['site_crypto']); if ($algorithm) { $this->response = crypto_encapsulate(json_encode($this->response),$this->hub['hubloc_sitekey'], $algorithm); } } }