<?php namespace Zotlabs\Web; use Zotlabs\Extend\Route; /* * @brief * */ class SubModule { private $controller = false; /** * @brief Submodule constructor. * * Initiate sub-modules. By default the submodule name is in argv(1), though this is configurable. * Example: Given a URL path such as /admin/plugins, and the Admin module initiates sub-modules. * This means we'll look for a class Plugins in Zotlabs/Module/Admin/Plugins.php * The specific methods and calling parameters are up to the top level module controller logic. * * **If** you were to provide sub-module support on the photos module, you would probably use * $whicharg = 2, as photos are typically called with a URL path of /photos/channel_address/submodule_name * where submodule_name might be something like album or image. * * @param int $whicharg */ function __construct($whicharg = 1) { if(argc() < ($whicharg + 1)) return; $filename = 'Zotlabs/Module/' . ucfirst(argv(0)) . '/'. ucfirst(argv($whicharg)) . '.php'; $modname = '\\Zotlabs\\Module\\' . ucfirst(argv(0)) . '\\' . ucfirst(argv($whicharg)); if(file_exists($filename)) { $this->controller = new $modname(); } $routes = Route::get(); if($routes) { foreach($routes as $route) { if(is_array($route) && strtolower($route[1]) === strtolower(argv(0)) . '/' . strtolower(argv($whicharg))) { include_once($route[0]); if(class_exists($modname)) { $this->controller = new $modname; } } } } } /** * @brief * * @param string $method * @return boolean|mixed */ function call($method) { if(! $this->controller) return false; if(method_exists($this->controller, $method)) return $this->controller->$method(); return false; } }