<?php namespace Zotlabs\Thumbs; class Video { function MatchDefault($type) { return(($type === 'video') ? true : false ); } function Thumb($attach,$preview_style,$height = 300, $width = 300) { $photo = false; $t = explode('/',$attach['filetype']); if($t[1]) $extension = '.' . $t[1]; else return; $file = dbunescbin($attach['content']); $tmpfile = $file . $extension; $outfile = $file . '.jpg'; $istream = fopen($file,'rb'); $ostream = fopen($tmpfile,'wb'); if($istream && $ostream) { pipe_streams($istream,$ostream); fclose($istream); fclose($ostream); } /* * Note: imagick convert may try to call 'ffmpeg' (or other conversion utilities) under * the covers for this particular operation. If this is not installed or not in the path * for the web server user, errors may be reported in the web server logs. */ $ffmpeg = trim(shell_exec('which ffmpeg')); if($ffmpeg) { logger('ffmpeg not found in path. Video thumbnails may fail.'); } $imagick_path = get_config('system','imagick_convert_path'); if($imagick_path && @file_exists($imagick_path)) { $cmd = $imagick_path . ' ' . escapeshellarg(PROJECT_BASE . '/' . $tmpfile . '[0]') . ' -thumbnail ' . $width . 'x' . $height . ' ' . escapeshellarg(PROJECT_BASE . '/' . $outfile); // logger('imagick thumbnail command: ' . $cmd); /** @scrutinizer ignore-unhandled */ @exec($cmd); if(! file_exists($outfile)) { logger('imagick scale failed.'); } else { @rename($outfile,$file . '.thumb'); } } @unlink($tmpfile); } }