auth = $auth; parent::__construct(true, false); } /** * The DAV browser is instantiated after the auth module and directory classes * but before we know the current directory and who the owner and observer * are. So we add a pointer to the browser into the auth module and vice versa. * Then when we've figured out what directory is actually being accessed, we * call the following function to decide whether or not to show web elements * which include writeable objects. * * @fixme It only disable/enable the visible parts. Not the POST handler * which handels the actual requests when uploading files or creating folders. * * @todo Maybe this whole way of doing this can be solved with some * $server->subscribeEvent(). */ public function set_writeable() { if (! $this->auth->owner_id) { $this->enablePost = false; } if (! perm_is_allowed($this->auth->owner_id, get_observer_hash(), 'write_storage')) { $this->enablePost = false; } else { $this->enablePost = true; } } /** * @brief Creates the directory listing for the given path. * * @param string $path which should be displayed */ public function generateDirectoryIndex($path) { // (owner_id = channel_id) is visitor owner of this directory? $is_owner = ((local_channel() && $this->auth->owner_id == local_channel()) ? true : false); if ($this->auth->getTimezone()) date_default_timezone_set($this->auth->getTimezone()); require_once('include/conversation.php'); require_once('include/text.php'); if ($this->auth->owner_nick) { $html = profile_tabs(get_app(), (($is_owner) ? true : false), $this->auth->owner_nick); } $files = $this->server->getPropertiesForPath($path, array( '{DAV:}displayname', '{DAV:}resourcetype', '{DAV:}getcontenttype', '{DAV:}getcontentlength', '{DAV:}getlastmodified', ), 1); $parent = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath($path); $parentpath = array(); // only show parent if not leaving /cloud/; TODO how to improve this? if ($path && $path != "cloud") { list($parentUri) = \Sabre\HTTP\URLUtil::splitPath($path); $fullPath = \Sabre\HTTP\URLUtil::encodePath($this->server->getBaseUri() . $parentUri); $parentpath['icon'] = $this->enableAssets ? '' . t('parent') . '' : ''; $parentpath['path'] = $fullPath; } $f = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $ft = array(); $type = null; // This is the current directory, we can skip it if (rtrim($file['href'],'/') == $path) continue; list(, $name) = \Sabre\HTTP\URLUtil::splitPath($file['href']); if (isset($file[200]['{DAV:}resourcetype'])) { $type = $file[200]['{DAV:}resourcetype']->getValue(); // resourcetype can have multiple values if (!is_array($type)) $type = array($type); foreach ($type as $k=>$v) { // Some name mapping is preferred switch ($v) { case '{DAV:}collection' : $type[$k] = t('Collection'); break; case '{DAV:}principal' : $type[$k] = t('Principal'); break; case '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav}addressbook' : $type[$k] = t('Addressbook'); break; case '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar' : $type[$k] = t('Calendar'); break; case '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}schedule-inbox' : $type[$k] = t('Schedule Inbox'); break; case '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}schedule-outbox' : $type[$k] = t('Schedule Outbox'); break; case '{}calendar-proxy-read' : $type[$k] = 'Proxy-Read'; break; case '{}calendar-proxy-write' : $type[$k] = 'Proxy-Write'; break; } } $type = implode(', ', $type); } // If no resourcetype was found, we attempt to use // the contenttype property if (!$type && isset($file[200]['{DAV:}getcontenttype'])) { $type = $file[200]['{DAV:}getcontenttype']; } if (!$type) $type = t('Unknown'); $size = isset($file[200]['{DAV:}getcontentlength']) ? (int)$file[200]['{DAV:}getcontentlength'] : ''; $lastmodified = ((isset($file[200]['{DAV:}getlastmodified'])) ? $file[200]['{DAV:}getlastmodified']->getTime()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') : ''); $fullPath = \Sabre\HTTP\URLUtil::encodePath('/' . trim($this->server->getBaseUri() . ($path ? $path . '/' : '') . $name, '/')); $displayName = isset($file[200]['{DAV:}displayname']) ? $file[200]['{DAV:}displayname'] : $name; $displayName = $this->escapeHTML($displayName); $type = $this->escapeHTML($type); $icon = ''; if ($this->enableAssets) { $node = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath(($path ? $path . '/' : '') . $name); foreach (array_reverse($this->iconMap) as $class=>$iconName) { if ($node instanceof $class) { $icon = ''; break; } } } $parentHash = ''; $owner = $this->auth->owner_id; $splitPath = explode('/', $fullPath); if (count($splitPath) > 3) { for ($i = 3; $i < count($splitPath); $i++) { $attachName = urldecode($splitPath[$i]); $attachHash = $this->findAttachHash($owner, $parentHash, $attachName); $parentHash = $attachHash; } } $attachIcon = ""; // ""; // put the array for this file together $ft['attachId'] = $this->findAttachIdByHash($attachHash); $ft['fileStorageUrl'] = substr($fullPath, 0, strpos($fullPath, "cloud/")) . "filestorage/" . $this->auth->getCurrentUser(); $ft['icon'] = $icon; $ft['attachIcon'] = (($size) ? $attachIcon : ''); // @todo Should this be an item value, not a global one? $ft['is_owner'] = $is_owner; $ft['fullPath'] = $fullPath; $ft['displayName'] = $displayName; $ft['type'] = $type; $ft['size'] = $size; $ft['sizeFormatted'] = userReadableSize($size); $ft['lastmodified'] = (($lastmodified) ? datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), $lastmodified) : ''); $ft['iconFromType'] = getIconFromType($type); $f[] = $ft; } $output = ''; if ($this->enablePost) { $this->server->emit('onHTMLActionsPanel', array($parent, &$output, $path)); } $html .= replace_macros(get_markup_template('cloud.tpl'), array( '$header' => t('Files') . ": " . $this->escapeHTML($path) . "/", '$total' => t('Total'), '$actionspanel' => $output, '$shared' => t('Shared'), '$create' => t('Create'), '$upload' => t('Upload'), '$is_owner' => $is_owner, '$parentpath' => $parentpath, '$entries' => $f, '$name' => t('Name'), '$type' => t('Type'), '$size' => t('Size'), '$lastmod' => t('Last Modified'), '$parent' => t('parent'), '$edit' => t('Edit'), '$delete' => t('Delete'), '$nick' => $this->auth->getCurrentUser() )); $a = get_app(); \App::$page['content'] = $html; load_pdl($a); $current_theme = \Zotlabs\Render\Theme::current(); $theme_info_file = "view/theme/" . $current_theme[0] . "/php/theme.php"; if (file_exists($theme_info_file)){ require_once($theme_info_file); if (function_exists(str_replace('-', '_', $current_theme[0]) . '_init')) { $func = str_replace('-', '_', $current_theme[0]) . '_init'; $func($a); } } $this->server->httpResponse->setHeader('Content-Security-Policy', "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'"); construct_page($a); } /** * @brief Creates a form to add new folders and upload files. * * @param \Sabre\DAV\INode $node * @param string &$output */ public function htmlActionsPanel(DAV\INode $node, &$output, $path) { if (! $node instanceof DAV\ICollection) return; // We also know fairly certain that if an object is a non-extended // SimpleCollection, we won't need to show the panel either. if (get_class($node) === 'Sabre\\DAV\\SimpleCollection') return; require_once('include/acl_selectors.php'); $aclselect = null; $lockstate = ''; if($this->auth->owner_id) { $channel = channelx_by_n($this->auth->owner_id); if($channel) { $acl = new \Zotlabs\Access\AccessList($channel); $channel_acl = $acl->get(); $lockstate = (($acl->is_private()) ? 'lock' : 'unlock'); $aclselect = ((local_channel() == $this->auth->owner_id) ? populate_acl($channel_acl,false, \Zotlabs\Lib\PermissionDescription::fromGlobalPermission('view_storage')) : ''); } } // Storage and quota for the account (all channels of the owner of this directory)! $limit = engr_units_to_bytes(service_class_fetch($owner, 'attach_upload_limit')); $r = q("SELECT SUM(filesize) AS total FROM attach WHERE aid = %d", intval($this->auth->channel_account_id) ); $used = $r[0]['total']; if ($used) { $quotaDesc = t('You are using %1$s of your available file storage.'); $quotaDesc = sprintf($quotaDesc, userReadableSize($used)); } if ($limit && $used) { $quotaDesc = t('You are using %1$s of %2$s available file storage. (%3$s%)'); $quotaDesc = sprintf($quotaDesc, userReadableSize($used), userReadableSize($limit), round($used / $limit, 1) * 100); } // prepare quota for template $quota = array(); $quota['used'] = $used; $quota['limit'] = $limit; $quota['desc'] = $quotaDesc; $quota['warning'] = ((($limit) && ((round($used / $limit, 1) * 100) >= 90)) ? t('WARNING:') : ''); // 10485760 bytes = 100MB $output .= replace_macros(get_markup_template('cloud_actionspanel.tpl'), array( '$folder_header' => t('Create new folder'), '$folder_submit' => t('Create'), '$upload_header' => t('Upload file'), '$upload_submit' => t('Upload'), '$quota' => $quota, '$channick' => $this->auth->owner_nick, '$aclselect' => $aclselect, '$allow_cid' => acl2json($channel_acl['allow_cid']), '$allow_gid' => acl2json($channel_acl['allow_gid']), '$deny_cid' => acl2json($channel_acl['deny_cid']), '$deny_gid' => acl2json($channel_acl['deny_gid']), '$lockstate' => $lockstate, '$return_url' => \App::$cmd, '$path' => str_replace('cloud/' . $this->auth->owner_nick . '/', '', $path), '$dragdroptext' => t('Drop files here to immediately upload') )); } /** * This method takes a path/name of an asset and turns it into url * suiteable for http access. * * @param string $assetName * @return string */ protected function getAssetUrl($assetName) { return z_root() . '/cloud/?sabreAction=asset&assetName=' . urlencode($assetName); } /** * @brief Return the hash of an attachment. * * Given the owner, the parent folder and and attach name get the attachment * hash. * * @param int $owner * The owner_id * @param string $hash * The parent's folder hash * @param string $attachName * The name of the attachment * @return string */ protected function findAttachHash($owner, $parentHash, $attachName) { $r = q("SELECT hash FROM attach WHERE uid = %d AND folder = '%s' AND filename = '%s' ORDER BY edited DESC LIMIT 1", intval($owner), dbesc($parentHash), dbesc($attachName) ); $hash = ""; if ($r) { foreach ($r as $rr) { $hash = $rr['hash']; } } return $hash; } /** * @brief Returns an attachment's id for a given hash. * * This id is used to access the attachment in filestorage/ * * @param string $attachHash * The hash of an attachment * @return string */ protected function findAttachIdByHash($attachHash) { $r = q("SELECT id FROM attach WHERE hash = '%s' ORDER BY edited DESC LIMIT 1", dbesc($attachHash) ); $id = ""; if ($r) { foreach ($r as $rr) { $id = $rr['id']; } } return $id; } }