<?php namespace Zotlabs\Module; use App; use Zotlabs\Lib\Activity; use Zotlabs\Lib\ActivityStreams; use Zotlabs\Lib\Config; use Zotlabs\Lib\ThreadListener; use Zotlabs\Web\Controller; use Zotlabs\Web\HTTPSig; class Zotfeed extends Controller { function init() { if (ActivityStreams::is_as_request()) { if (observer_prohibited(true)) { killme(); } $channel = ((argv(1)) ? channelx_by_nick(argv(1)) : get_sys_channel()); if (!$channel) { killme(); } if (intval($channel['channel_system'])) { killme(); } $sigdata = HTTPSig::verify(($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') ? file_get_contents('php://input') : EMPTY_STR); if ($sigdata['portable_id'] && $sigdata['header_valid']) { $portable_id = $sigdata['portable_id']; if (!check_channelallowed($portable_id)) { http_status_exit(403, 'Permission denied'); } if (!check_siteallowed($sigdata['signer'])) { http_status_exit(403, 'Permission denied'); } observer_auth($portable_id); } elseif (Config::get('system', 'require_authenticated_fetch', false)) { http_status_exit(403, 'Permission denied'); } $observer_hash = get_observer_hash(); $params = []; $params['begin'] = ((x($_REQUEST, 'date_begin')) ? $_REQUEST['date_begin'] : NULL_DATE); $params['end'] = ((x($_REQUEST, 'date_end')) ? $_REQUEST['date_end'] : ''); $params['type'] = 'json'; $params['pages'] = ((x($_REQUEST, 'pages')) ? intval($_REQUEST['pages']) : 0); $params['top'] = ((x($_REQUEST, 'top')) ? intval($_REQUEST['top']) : 0); $params['direction'] = ((x($_REQUEST, 'direction')) ? dbesc($_REQUEST['direction']) : 'desc'); // unimplemented $params['cat'] = ((x($_REQUEST, 'cat')) ? escape_tags($_REQUEST['cat']) : ''); $params['compat'] = 1; $total = items_fetch( [ 'total' => true, 'wall' => 1, 'datequery' => $params['end'], 'datequery2' => $params['begin'], 'direction' => dbesc($params['direction']), 'pages' => $params['pages'], 'order' => dbesc('post'), 'top' => $params['top'], 'cat' => $params['cat'], 'compat' => $params['compat'] ], $channel, $observer_hash, CLIENT_MODE_NORMAL, App::$module ); if ($total) { App::set_pager_total($total); App::set_pager_itemspage(30); } if (App::$pager['unset'] && $total > 30) { $ret = Activity::paged_collection_init($total, App::$query_string); } else { $items = items_fetch( [ 'wall' => 1, 'datequery' => $params['end'], 'datequery2' => $params['begin'], 'records' => intval(App::$pager['itemspage']), 'start' => intval(App::$pager['start']), 'direction' => dbesc($params['direction']), 'pages' => $params['pages'], 'order' => dbesc('post'), 'top' => $params['top'], 'cat' => $params['cat'], 'compat' => $params['compat'] ], $channel, $observer_hash, CLIENT_MODE_NORMAL, App::$module ); if ($items && $observer_hash) { // check to see if this observer is a connection. If not, register any items // belonging to this channel for notification of deletion/expiration $x = q("select abook_id from abook where abook_channel = %d and abook_xchan = '%s'", intval($channel['channel_id']), dbesc($observer_hash) ); if (!$x) { foreach ($items as $item) { if (strpos($item['mid'], z_root()) === 0) { ThreadListener::store($item['mid'], $observer_hash); } } } } $ret = Activity::encode_item_collection($items, App::$query_string, 'OrderedCollection', $total); } as_return_and_die($ret, $channel); } /* $result = array('success' => false); $mindate = (($_REQUEST['mindate']) ? datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$_REQUEST['mindate']) : ''); if(! $mindate) $mindate = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC', 'now - 14 days'); if(observer_prohibited()) { $result['message'] = 'Public access denied'; json_return_and_die($result); } $observer = App::get_observer(); logger('observer: ' . get_observer_hash(), LOGGER_DEBUG); $channel_address = ((argc() > 1) ? argv(1) : ''); if($channel_address) { $r = q("select channel_id, channel_name from channel where channel_address = '%s' and channel_removed = 0 limit 1", dbesc(argv(1)) ); } else { $x = get_sys_channel(); if($x) $r = array($x); $mindate = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC', 'now - 14 days'); } if(! $r) { $result['message'] = 'Channel not found.'; json_return_and_die($result); } logger('zotfeed request: ' . $r[0]['channel_name'], LOGGER_DEBUG); $result['project'] = 'Hubzilla'; $result['messages'] = zot_feed($r[0]['channel_id'],$observer['xchan_hash'],array('mindate' => $mindate)); $result['success'] = true; json_return_and_die($result); */ } }