<?php namespace Zotlabs\Module; use App; use Zotlabs\Lib\Libsync; class Starred extends \Zotlabs\Web\Controller { function init() { $starred = 0; if(! local_channel()) killme(); if(argc() > 1) $message_id = intval(argv(1)); if(! $message_id) killme(); $sys = get_sys_channel(); $r = q("SELECT * FROM item WHERE (uid = %d OR uid = %d) AND id = %d and item_type in (0,6,7) and item_deleted = 0 and item_unpublished = 0 and item_delayed = 0 and item_pending_remove = 0 and item_blocked = 0 LIMIT 1", intval(local_channel()), intval($sys['channel_id']), intval($message_id) ); if ($r) { if ($r[0]['uid'] === $sys['channel_id']) { $r = [ copy_of_pubitem(App::get_channel(), $r[0]['mid']) ]; } } if(!$r) killme(); // reset $message_id to the fetched copy of message if applicable $message_id = $r[0]['id']; $item_starred = (intval($r[0]['item_starred']) ? 0 : 1); $r = q("UPDATE item SET item_starred = %d WHERE uid = %d and id = %d", intval($item_starred), intval(local_channel()), intval($message_id) ); $r = q("select * from item where id = %d", intval($message_id) ); if($r) { xchan_query($r); $sync_item = fetch_post_tags($r); Libsync::build_sync_packet(local_channel(),[ 'item' => [ encode_item($sync_item[0],true) ] ]); } header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array('result' => $item_starred)); killme(); } }