0) self::$offset = argv(2); else $_SESSION['sse_loadtime'] = datetime_convert(); $network = false; $dm = false; $home = false; $pubs = false; $f = ''; switch (argv(1)) { case 'network': $network = true; $f = 'bs_network'; break; case 'dm': $dm = true; $f = 'bs_dm'; break; case 'home': $home = true; $f = 'bs_home'; break; case 'pubs': $pubs = true; $f = 'bs_pubs'; break; default: } if(self::$offset && $f) { $result = self::$f(true); json_return_and_die($result); } $result = array_merge( self::bs_network($network), self::bs_dm($dm), self::bs_home($home), self::bs_notify(), self::bs_intros(), self::bs_forums(), self::bs_pubs($pubs), self::bs_files(), self::bs_mail(), self::bs_all_events(), self::bs_register(), self::bs_info_notice() ); XConfig::Set(self::$ob_hash, 'sse', 'notifications', []); XConfig::Set(self::$ob_hash, 'sse', 'timestamp', datetime_convert()); XConfig::Set(self::$ob_hash, 'sse', 'language', App::$language); json_return_and_die($result); } function mark_read($arr) { if(! self::$uid) return; $mids = []; $str = ''; foreach($arr as $a) { $mids[] = '\'' . dbesc(@base64url_decode(substr($a,4))) . '\''; } $str = implode(',', $mids); $x = [ 'channel_id' => self::$uid, 'update' => 'unset' ]; call_hooks('update_unseen',$x); if($x['update'] === 'unset' || intval($x['update'])) { q("UPDATE item SET item_unseen = 0 WHERE uid = %d AND mid in (%s) AND item_unseen = 1", intval(self::$uid), $str // this is dbesc() in the above foreach loop ); } } function bs_network($notifications) { $result['network']['notifications'] = []; $result['network']['count'] = 0; if(! self::$uid) return $result; if(! (self::$vnotify & VNOTIFY_NETWORK)) return $result; $limit = intval(self::$limit); $offset = self::$offset; $sql_extra = ''; if(! (self::$vnotify & VNOTIFY_LIKE)) $sql_extra = " AND verb NOT IN ('" . dbesc(ACTIVITY_LIKE) . "', '" . dbesc(ACTIVITY_DISLIKE) . "') "; $sql_extra2 = ''; if(self::$xchans) $sql_extra2 = " AND CASE WHEN verb = '" . ACTIVITY_SHARE . "' THEN owner_xchan ELSE author_xchan END IN (" . self::$xchans . ") "; $item_normal = item_normal(); if ($notifications) { $items = q("SELECT * FROM item WHERE uid = %d AND created <= '%s' AND item_unseen = 1 AND item_wall = 0 AND item_private IN (0, 1) AND obj_type NOT IN ('Document', 'Video', 'Audio', 'Image') AND author_xchan != '%s' $item_normal $sql_extra $sql_extra2 ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset", intval(self::$uid), dbescdate($_SESSION['sse_loadtime']), dbesc(self::$ob_hash) ); if($items) { $result['network']['offset'] = ((count($items) == $limit) ? intval($offset + $limit) : -1); xchan_query($items); foreach($items as $item) { $parsed = Enotify::format($item); if($parsed) { $result['network']['notifications'][] = $parsed; } } } else { $result['network']['offset'] = -1; } } $r = q("SELECT count(id) as total FROM item WHERE uid = %d and item_unseen = 1 AND item_wall = 0 AND item_private IN (0, 1) AND obj_type NOT IN ('Document', 'Video', 'Audio', 'Image') AND author_xchan != '%s' $item_normal $sql_extra", intval(self::$uid), dbesc(self::$ob_hash) ); if($r) $result['network']['count'] = intval($r[0]['total']); return $result; } function bs_dm($notifications) { $result['dm']['notifications'] = []; $result['dm']['count'] = 0; if(! self::$uid) return $result; if(! (self::$vnotify & VNOTIFY_MAIL)) return $result; $limit = intval(self::$limit); $offset = self::$offset; $sql_extra = ''; if(! (self::$vnotify & VNOTIFY_LIKE)) $sql_extra = " AND verb NOT IN ('" . dbesc(ACTIVITY_LIKE) . "', '" . dbesc(ACTIVITY_DISLIKE) . "') "; $sql_extra2 = ''; if(self::$xchans) $sql_extra2 = " AND CASE WHEN verb = '" . ACTIVITY_SHARE . "' THEN owner_xchan ELSE author_xchan END IN (" . self::$xchans . ") "; $item_normal = item_normal(); if ($notifications) { $items = q("SELECT * FROM item WHERE uid = %d AND created <= '%s' AND item_unseen = 1 AND item_private = 2 AND obj_type NOT IN ('Document', 'Video', 'Audio', 'Image') AND author_xchan != '%s' $item_normal $sql_extra $sql_extra2 ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset", intval(self::$uid), dbescdate($_SESSION['sse_loadtime']), dbesc(self::$ob_hash) ); if($items) { $result['dm']['offset'] = ((count($items) == $limit) ? intval($offset + $limit) : -1); xchan_query($items); foreach($items as $item) { $parsed = Enotify::format($item); if($parsed) { $result['dm']['notifications'][] = $parsed; } } } else { $result['dm']['offset'] = -1; } } $r = q("SELECT count(id) as total FROM item WHERE uid = %d and item_unseen = 1 AND item_private = 2 $item_normal $sql_extra AND author_xchan != '%s'", intval(self::$uid), dbesc(self::$ob_hash) ); if($r) $result['dm']['count'] = intval($r[0]['total']); return $result; } function bs_home($notifications) { $result['home']['notifications'] = []; $result['home']['count'] = 0; if(! self::$uid) return $result; if(! (self::$vnotify & VNOTIFY_CHANNEL)) return $result; $limit = intval(self::$limit); $offset = self::$offset; $sql_extra = ''; if(! (self::$vnotify & VNOTIFY_LIKE)) $sql_extra = " AND verb NOT IN ('" . dbesc(ACTIVITY_LIKE) . "', '" . dbesc(ACTIVITY_DISLIKE) . "') "; $sql_extra2 = ''; if(self::$xchans) $sql_extra2 = " AND CASE WHEN verb = '" . ACTIVITY_SHARE . "' THEN owner_xchan ELSE author_xchan END IN (" . self::$xchans . ") "; $item_normal = item_normal(); if ($notifications) { $items = q("SELECT * FROM item WHERE uid = %d AND created <= '%s' AND item_unseen = 1 AND item_wall = 1 AND item_private IN (0, 1) AND obj_type NOT IN ('Document', 'Video', 'Audio', 'Image') AND author_xchan != '%s' $item_normal $sql_extra $sql_extra2 ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset", intval(self::$uid), dbescdate($_SESSION['sse_loadtime']), dbesc(self::$ob_hash) ); if($items) { $result['home']['offset'] = ((count($items) == $limit) ? intval($offset + $limit) : -1); xchan_query($items); foreach($items as $item) { $parsed = Enotify::format($item); if($parsed) { $result['home']['notifications'][] = $parsed; } } } else { $result['home']['offset'] = -1; } } $r = q("SELECT count(id) as total FROM item WHERE uid = %d and item_unseen = 1 AND item_wall = 1 AND item_private IN (0, 1) $item_normal $sql_extra AND author_xchan != '%s'", intval(self::$uid), dbesc(self::$ob_hash) ); if($r) $result['home']['count'] = intval($r[0]['total']); return $result; } function bs_pubs($notifications) { $result['pubs']['notifications'] = []; $result['pubs']['count'] = 0; if(! (self::$vnotify & VNOTIFY_PUBS)) return $result; if((observer_prohibited(true))) { return $result; } if(! intval(get_config('system','open_pubstream',1))) { if(! get_observer_hash()) { return $result; } } if(! isset($_SESSION['static_loadtime'])) $_SESSION['static_loadtime'] = datetime_convert(); $limit = intval(self::$limit); $offset = self::$offset; $sys = get_sys_channel(); $sql_extra = ''; if(! (self::$vnotify & VNOTIFY_LIKE)) $sql_extra = " AND verb NOT IN ('" . dbesc(ACTIVITY_LIKE) . "', '" . dbesc(ACTIVITY_DISLIKE) . "') "; $sql_extra2 = ''; if(self::$xchans) $sql_extra2 = " AND CASE WHEN verb = '" . ACTIVITY_SHARE . "' THEN owner_xchan ELSE author_xchan END IN (" . self::$xchans . ") "; $item_normal = item_normal(); if ($notifications) { $items = q("SELECT * FROM item WHERE uid = %d AND created <= '%s' AND item_unseen = 1 AND obj_type NOT IN ('Document', 'Video', 'Audio', 'Image') AND author_xchan != '%s' AND created > '%s' $item_normal $sql_extra $sql_extra2 ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset", intval($sys['channel_id']), dbescdate($_SESSION['sse_loadtime']), dbesc(self::$ob_hash), dbescdate($_SESSION['static_loadtime']) ); if($items) { $result['pubs']['offset'] = ((count($items) == $limit) ? intval($offset + $limit) : -1); xchan_query($items); foreach($items as $item) { $parsed = Enotify::format($item); if($parsed) { $result['pubs']['notifications'][] = $parsed; } } } else { $result['pubs']['offset'] = -1; } } $r = q("SELECT count(id) as total FROM item WHERE uid = %d AND item_unseen = 1 AND created > '%s' $item_normal $sql_extra AND author_xchan != '%s'", intval($sys['channel_id']), dbescdate($_SESSION['static_loadtime']), dbesc(self::$ob_hash) ); if($r) $result['pubs']['count'] = intval($r[0]['total']); return $result; } function bs_notify() { $result['notify']['notifications'] = []; $result['notify']['count'] = 0; $result['notify']['offset'] = -1; if(! self::$uid) return $result; if(! (self::$vnotify & VNOTIFY_SYSTEM)) return $result; $r = q("SELECT * FROM notify WHERE uid = %d AND seen = 0 ORDER BY created DESC", intval(self::$uid) ); if($r) { foreach($r as $rr) { $result['notify']['notifications'][] = Enotify::format_notify($rr); } $result['notify']['count'] = count($r); } return $result; } function bs_intros() { $result['intros']['notifications'] = []; $result['intros']['count'] = 0; $result['intros']['offset'] = -1; if(! self::$uid) return $result; if(! (self::$vnotify & VNOTIFY_INTRO)) return $result; $r = q("SELECT * FROM abook left join xchan on abook.abook_xchan = xchan.xchan_hash where abook_channel = %d and abook_pending = 1 and abook_self = 0 and abook_ignored = 0 and xchan_deleted = 0 and xchan_orphan = 0 ORDER BY abook_created DESC LIMIT 50", intval(self::$uid) ); if($r) { foreach($r as $rr) { $result['intros']['notifications'][] = Enotify::format_intros($rr); } $result['intros']['count'] = count($r); } return $result; } function bs_forums() { $result['forums']['notifications'] = []; $result['forums']['count'] = 0; $result['forums']['offset'] = -1; if(! self::$uid) return $result; if(! (self::$vnotify & VNOTIFY_FORUMS)) return $result; $forums = get_forum_channels(self::$uid); if($forums) { $item_normal = item_normal(); $sql_extra = ''; if(! (self::$vnotify & VNOTIFY_LIKE)) $sql_extra = " AND verb NOT IN ('" . dbesc(ACTIVITY_LIKE) . "', '" . dbesc(ACTIVITY_DISLIKE) . "') "; $fcount = count($forums); $i = 0; for($x = 0; $x < $fcount; $x ++) { $p = q("SELECT oid AS parent FROM term WHERE uid = %d AND ttype = %d AND term = '%s'", intval(self::$uid), intval(TERM_FORUM), dbesc($forums[$x]['xchan_name']) ); $p_str = ids_to_querystr($p, 'parent'); $p_sql = (($p_str) ? "OR parent IN ( $p_str )" : ''); $r = q("select mid from item where uid = %d and ( owner_xchan = '%s' OR author_xchan = '%s' $p_sql ) and item_unseen = 1 $sql_extra $item_normal", intval(self::$uid), dbesc($forums[$x]['xchan_hash']), dbesc($forums[$x]['xchan_hash']) ); if($r) { $mids = flatten_array_recursive($r); $b64mids = []; foreach($mids as $mid) $b64mids[] = 'b64.' . base64url_encode($mid); $forums[$x]['notify_link'] = z_root() . '/network/?f=&pf=1&unseen=1&cid=' . $forums[$x]['abook_id']; $forums[$x]['name'] = $forums[$x]['xchan_name']; $forums[$x]['addr'] = $forums[$x]['xchan_addr']; $forums[$x]['url'] = $forums[$x]['xchan_url']; $forums[$x]['photo'] = $forums[$x]['xchan_photo_s']; $forums[$x]['unseen'] = count($b64mids); $forums[$x]['private_forum'] = (($forums[$x]['private_forum']) ? 'lock' : ''); $forums[$x]['message'] = (($forums[$x]['private_forum']) ? t('Private forum') : t('Public forum')); $forums[$x]['mids'] = json_encode($b64mids); unset($forums[$x]['abook_id']); unset($forums[$x]['xchan_hash']); unset($forums[$x]['xchan_name']); unset($forums[$x]['xchan_url']); unset($forums[$x]['xchan_photo_s']); $i = $i + count($mids); } else { unset($forums[$x]); } } $result['forums']['count'] = $i; $result['forums']['notifications'] = array_values($forums); } return $result; } function bs_files() { $result['files']['notifications'] = []; $result['files']['count'] = 0; $result['files']['offset'] = -1; if(! self::$uid) return $result; if(! (self::$vnotify & VNOTIFY_FILES)) return $result; $item_normal = item_normal(); $r = q("SELECT * FROM item WHERE verb = '%s' AND obj_type IN ('Document', 'Video', 'Audio', 'Image') AND uid = %d AND author_xchan != '%s' AND item_unseen = 1 $item_normal ORDER BY created DESC", dbesc(ACTIVITY_POST), intval(self::$uid), dbesc(self::$ob_hash) ); if($r) { xchan_query($r); foreach($r as $rr) { $parsed = Enotify::format($rr); if($parsed) { $result['files']['notifications'][] = $parsed; } } $result['files']['count'] = count($r); } return $result; } function bs_mail() { $result['mail']['notifications'] = []; $result['mail']['count'] = 0; $result['mail']['offset'] = -1; if(! self::$uid) return $result; if(! (self::$vnotify & VNOTIFY_MAIL)) return $result; $r = q("select mail.*, xchan.* from mail left join xchan on xchan_hash = from_xchan where channel_id = %d and mail_seen = 0 and mail_deleted = 0 and from_xchan != '%s' order by created desc", intval(self::$uid), dbesc(self::$ob_hash) ); if($r) { foreach($r as $rr) { $result['mail']['notifications'][] = Enotify::format_mail($rr); } $result['mail']['count'] = count($r); } return $result; } function bs_all_events() { $result['all_events']['notifications'] = []; $result['all_events']['count'] = 0; $result['all_events']['offset'] = -1; if(! self::$uid) return $result; if(! (self::$vnotify & VNOTIFY_EVENT)) return $result; $r = q("SELECT * FROM event left join xchan on event_xchan = xchan_hash WHERE event.uid = %d AND dtstart < '%s' AND dtstart > '%s' and dismissed = 0 and etype in ( 'event', 'birthday' ) ORDER BY dtstart DESC", intval(self::$uid), dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'now + ' . intval(self::$evdays) . ' days')), dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC', date_default_timezone_get(), 'now - 1 days')) ); if($r) { foreach($r as $rr) { $result['all_events']['notifications'][] = Enotify::format_all_events($rr); } $result['all_events']['count'] = count($r); } return $result; } function bs_register() { $result['register']['notifications'] = []; $result['register']['count'] = 0; $result['register']['offset'] = -1; if(! self::$uid && ! is_site_admin()) return $result; if(! (self::$vnotify & VNOTIFY_REGISTER)) return $result; $r = q("SELECT account_email, account_created from account where (account_flags & %d) > 0", intval(ACCOUNT_PENDING) ); if($r) { foreach($r as $rr) { $result['register']['notifications'][] = Enotify::format_register($rr); } $result['register']['count'] = count($r); } return $result; } function bs_info_notice() { $result['notice']['notifications'] = []; $result['info']['notifications'] = []; $r = XConfig::Get(self::$ob_hash, 'sse', 'notifications', []); if(isset($r['notice'])) $result['notice']['notifications'] = $r['notice']['notifications']; if(isset($r['info'])) $result['info']['notifications'] = $r['info']['notifications']; return $result; } }