$v) { PermissionLimits::Set(local_channel(), $k, $v); } } set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'group_actor', 0); if (isset($role_permissions['channel_type']) && $role_permissions['channel_type'] === 'group') { set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'group_actor', 1); } } set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'permissions_role', $role); set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'use_browser_location', $allow_location); set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'post_newfriend', $post_newfriend); set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'post_joingroup', $post_joingroup); set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'post_profilechange', $post_profilechange); set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'vnotify', $vnotify); set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'always_show_in_notices', $always_show_in_notices); set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'update_notices_per_parent', $update_notices_per_parent); set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'evdays', $evdays); set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'photo_path', $photo_path); set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'attach_path', $attach_path); set_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'email_notify_host', $mailhost); $r = q("update channel set channel_pageflags = %d, channel_timezone = '%s', channel_location = '%s', channel_notifyflags = %d, channel_expire_days = %d where channel_id = %d", intval($pageflags), dbesc($timezone), dbesc($defloc), intval($notify), intval($expire), intval(local_channel()) ); if ($r) info(t('Settings updated.') . EOL); Master::Summon(['Directory', local_channel()]); Libsync::build_sync_packet(); if ($email_changed && App::$config['system']['register_policy'] == REGISTER_VERIFY) { // FIXME - set to un-verified, blocked and redirect to logout // Q: Why? Are we verifying people or email addresses? // A: the policy is to verify email addresses } goaway(z_root() . '/settings'); return; // NOTREACHED } function get() { load_pconfig(local_channel()); $channel = App::get_channel(); $nickname = $channel['channel_address']; $timezone = $channel['channel_timezone']; $notify = $channel['channel_notifyflags']; $defloc = $channel['channel_location']; $adult_flag = intval($channel['channel_pageflags'] & PAGE_ADULT); $post_newfriend = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'post_newfriend'); $post_newfriend = (($post_newfriend === false) ? '0' : $post_newfriend); // default if not set: 0 $post_joingroup = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'post_joingroup'); $post_joingroup = (($post_joingroup === false) ? '0' : $post_joingroup); // default if not set: 0 $post_profilechange = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'post_profilechange'); $post_profilechange = (($post_profilechange === false) ? '0' : $post_profilechange); // default if not set: 0 $subdir = ((strlen(App::get_path())) ? '
' . t('or') . ' ' . z_root() . '/channel/' . $nickname : ''); $webbie = $nickname . '@' . App::get_hostname(); $intl_nickname = unpunify($nickname) . '@' . unpunify(App::get_hostname()); $disable_discover_tab = intval(get_config('system', 'disable_discover_tab', 1)) == 1; $site_firehose = intval(get_config('system', 'site_firehose', 0)) == 1; $expire = $channel['channel_expire_days']; $sys_expire = get_config('system', 'default_expire_days'); $tpl_addr = get_markup_template("settings_nick_set.tpl"); $prof_addr = replace_macros($tpl_addr, [ '$desc' => t('Your channel address is'), '$nickname' => (($intl_nickname === $webbie) ? $webbie : $intl_nickname . ' (' . $webbie . ')'), '$subdir' => $subdir, '$davdesc' => t('Your files/photos are accessible via WebDAV at'), '$davpath' => z_root() . '/dav/' . $nickname, '$basepath' => App::get_hostname() ]); $evdays = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'evdays'); if (!$evdays) $evdays = 3; $always_show_in_notices = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'always_show_in_notices'); $update_notices_per_parent = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'update_notices_per_parent', 1); $vnotify = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'vnotify'); if ($vnotify === false) $vnotify = (-1); $perm_roles = PermissionRoles::channel_roles(); $permissions_role = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'permissions_role'); if (!in_array($permissions_role, ['public', 'personal', 'group', 'custom'])) { notice(t('Please select a channel role') . EOL); array_unshift($perm_roles , ''); } $plugin = ['basic' => '', 'notify' => '']; call_hooks('channel_settings', $plugin); $yes_no = [t('No'), t('Yes')]; $stpl = get_markup_template('settings.tpl'); $o = replace_macros($stpl, [ '$ptitle' => t('Channel Settings'), '$submit' => t('Submit'), '$baseurl' => z_root(), '$uid' => local_channel(), '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("settings"), '$role' => ['permissions_role', t('Channel role'), $permissions_role, '', $perm_roles], '$nickname_block' => $prof_addr, '$h_basic' => t('Basic Settings'), '$timezone' => ['timezone_select', t('Channel timezone:'), $timezone, '', get_timezones()], '$defloc' => ['defloc', t('Default post location:'), $defloc, t('Geographical location to display on your posts')], '$allowloc' => ['allow_location', t('Use browser location'), ((get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'use_browser_location')) ? 1 : ''), '', $yes_no], '$adult' => ['adult', t('Adult Content'), $adult_flag, t('This channel frequently or regularly publishes adult content'), $yes_no], '$maxreq' => ['maxreq', t('Maximum Friend Requests/Day:'), intval($channel['channel_max_friend_req']), t('May reduce spam activity')], '$h_not' => t('Notification Settings'), '$activity_options' => t('By default post a status message when:'), '$post_newfriend' => ['post_newfriend', t('accepting a friend request'), $post_newfriend, '', $yes_no], '$post_joingroup' => ['post_joingroup', t('joining a forum/community'), $post_joingroup, '', $yes_no], '$post_profilechange' => ['post_profilechange', t('making an interesting profile change'), $post_profilechange, '', $yes_no], '$lbl_not' => t('Send a notification email when:'), '$notify1' => ['notify1', t('You receive a connection request'), ($notify & NOTIFY_INTRO), NOTIFY_INTRO, '', $yes_no], '$notify2' => ['notify2', t('Your connections are confirmed'), ($notify & NOTIFY_CONFIRM), NOTIFY_CONFIRM, '', $yes_no], '$notify3' => ['notify3', t('Someone writes on your profile wall'), ($notify & NOTIFY_WALL), NOTIFY_WALL, '', $yes_no], '$notify4' => ['notify4', t('Someone writes a followup comment'), ($notify & NOTIFY_COMMENT), NOTIFY_COMMENT, '', $yes_no], '$notify5' => ['notify5', t('You receive a private message'), ($notify & NOTIFY_MAIL), NOTIFY_MAIL, '', $yes_no], '$notify6' => ['notify6', t('You receive a friend suggestion'), ($notify & NOTIFY_SUGGEST), NOTIFY_SUGGEST, '', $yes_no], '$notify7' => ['notify7', t('You are tagged in a post'), ($notify & NOTIFY_TAGSELF), NOTIFY_TAGSELF, '', $yes_no], '$notify8' => ['notify8', t('You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post'), ($notify & NOTIFY_POKE), NOTIFY_POKE, '', $yes_no], '$notify9' => ['notify9', t('Someone likes your post/comment'), ($notify & NOTIFY_LIKE), NOTIFY_LIKE, '', $yes_no], '$lbl_vnot' => t('Show visual notifications including:'), '$vnotify1' => ['vnotify1', t('Unseen stream activity'), ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_NETWORK), VNOTIFY_NETWORK, '', $yes_no], '$vnotify2' => ['vnotify2', t('Unseen channel activity'), ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_CHANNEL), VNOTIFY_CHANNEL, '', $yes_no], '$vnotify3' => ['vnotify3', t('Unseen private messages'), ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_MAIL), VNOTIFY_MAIL, t('Recommended'), $yes_no], '$vnotify4' => ['vnotify4', t('Upcoming events'), ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_EVENT), VNOTIFY_EVENT, '', $yes_no], '$vnotify5' => ['vnotify5', t('Events today'), ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_EVENTTODAY), VNOTIFY_EVENTTODAY, '', $yes_no], '$vnotify6' => ['vnotify6', t('Upcoming birthdays'), ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_BIRTHDAY), VNOTIFY_BIRTHDAY, t('Not available in all themes'), $yes_no], '$vnotify7' => ['vnotify7', t('System (personal) notifications'), ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_SYSTEM), VNOTIFY_SYSTEM, '', $yes_no], '$vnotify8' => ['vnotify8', t('System info messages'), ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_INFO), VNOTIFY_INFO, t('Recommended'), $yes_no], '$vnotify9' => ['vnotify9', t('System critical alerts'), ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_ALERT), VNOTIFY_ALERT, t('Recommended'), $yes_no], '$vnotify10' => ['vnotify10', t('New connections'), ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_INTRO), VNOTIFY_INTRO, t('Recommended'), $yes_no], '$vnotify11' => ((is_site_admin()) ? ['vnotify11', t('System Registrations'), ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_REGISTER), VNOTIFY_REGISTER, '', $yes_no] : []), '$vnotify12' => ['vnotify12', t('Unseen shared files'), ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_FILES), VNOTIFY_FILES, '', $yes_no], '$vnotify13' => ((($disable_discover_tab && !$site_firehose) || !Apps::system_app_installed(local_channel(), 'Public Stream')) ? [] : ['vnotify13', t('Unseen public stream activity'), ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_PUBS), VNOTIFY_PUBS, '', $yes_no]), '$vnotify14' => ['vnotify14', t('Unseen likes and dislikes'), ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_LIKE), VNOTIFY_LIKE, '', $yes_no], '$vnotify15' => ['vnotify15', t('Unseen forum posts'), ($vnotify & VNOTIFY_FORUMS), VNOTIFY_FORUMS, '', $yes_no], '$mailhost' => ['mailhost', t('Email notification hub (hostname)'), get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'email_notify_host', App::get_hostname()), sprintf(t('If your channel is mirrored to multiple hubs, set this to your preferred location. This will prevent duplicate email notifications. Example: %s'), App::get_hostname())], '$always_show_in_notices' => ['always_show_in_notices', t('Show new wall posts, private messages and connections under Notices'), $always_show_in_notices, 1, '', $yes_no], '$update_notices_per_parent' => ['update_notices_per_parent', t('Mark all notices of the thread read if a notice is clicked'), $update_notices_per_parent, 1, t('If no, only the clicked notice will be marked read'), $yes_no], '$desktop_notifications_info' => t('Desktop notifications are unavailable because the required browser permission has not been granted'), '$desktop_notifications_request' => t('Grant permission'), '$evdays' => ['evdays', t('Notify me of events this many days in advance'), $evdays, t('Must be greater than 0')], '$basic_addon' => $plugin['basic'], '$notify_addon' => $plugin['notify'], '$photo_path' => ['photo_path', t('Default photo upload folder'), get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'photo_path'), t('%Y - current year, %m - current month')], '$attach_path' => ['attach_path', t('Default file upload folder'), get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'attach_path'), t('%Y - current year, %m - current month')], '$removeme' => t('Remove Channel'), '$removechannel' => t('Remove this channel.'), '$expire' => ['expire', t('Expire other channel content after this many days'), $expire, t('0 or blank to use the website limit.') . ' ' . ((intval($sys_expire)) ? sprintf(t('This website expires after %d days.'), intval($sys_expire)) : t('This website does not expire imported content.')) . ' ' . t('The website limit takes precedence if lower than your limit.')], ]); call_hooks('settings_form', $o); return $o; } }