<?php namespace Zotlabs\Module; require_once('include/dir_fns.php'); class Ratings extends \Zotlabs\Web\Controller { function init() { if((get_config('system','block_public')) && (! local_channel()) && (! remote_channel())) { return; } if(local_channel()) load_contact_links(local_channel()); $dirmode = intval(get_config('system','directory_mode')); $x = find_upstream_directory($dirmode); if($x) $url = $x['url']; $poco_rating = get_config('system','poco_rating_enable'); // if unset default to enabled if($poco_rating === false) $poco_rating = true; if(! $poco_rating) return; if(argc() > 1) $hash = argv(1); if(! $hash) { notice('Must supply a channel identififier.'); return; } $results = false; $x = z_fetch_url($url . '/ratingsearch/' . urlencode($hash)); if($x['success']) $results = json_decode($x['body'],true); if((! $results) || (! $results['success'])) { notice('No results.'); return; } if(array_key_exists('xchan_hash',$results['target'])) \App::$poi = $results['target']; $friends = array(); $others = array(); if($results['ratings']) { foreach($results['ratings'] as $n) { if(is_array(\App::$contacts) && array_key_exists($n['xchan_hash'],\App::$contacts)) $friends[] = $n; else $others[] = $n; } } \App::$data = array('target' => $results['target'], 'results' => array_merge($friends,$others)); if(! \App::$data['results']) { notice( t('No ratings') . EOL); } return; } function get() { if((get_config('system','block_public')) && (! local_channel()) && (! remote_channel())) { notice( t('Public access denied.') . EOL); return; } $poco_rating = get_config('system','poco_rating_enable'); // if unset default to enabled if($poco_rating === false) $poco_rating = true; if(! $poco_rating) return; $site_target = ((array_key_exists('target',\App::$data) && array_key_exists('site_url',\App::$data['target'])) ? '<a href="' . \App::$data['target']['site_url'] . '" >' . \App::$data['target']['site_url'] . '</a>' : ''); $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('prep.tpl'),array( '$header' => t('Ratings'), '$rating_lbl' => t('Rating: ' ), '$website' => t('Website: '), '$site' => $site_target, '$rating_text_lbl' => t('Description: '), '$raters' => \App::$data['results'] )); return $o; } }